11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Improved Components of AMIS Project for Speech Recognition, Machine Translation and Video/Audio/Text Summarization

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    International audienceTo evaluate a system that automatically summarizes video files (image and audio) and text, how the system works, and the quality of the results should be considered. With this objective, the authors have performed two types of evaluation: objective and subjective. The actual assessment is performed mainly automatically, while the individual assessment is based directly on the opinion of people, who evaluate the system by answering a set of questions, which are then processed to obtain the targeted conclusions. One of the purposes of the described research is to try to narrow the space of possible summarization scenarios. Meanwhile, in the light of individual results obtained, the researchers cannot unambiguously indicate one single scenario, recommended as the only one for further development. However, the researchers can state with certainty that the new development of scene 1, which has received many negative evaluations among professionals, should be discontinued. Considering the results of the set of questions about the quality of the complete system, the end-users have evaluated the scenario 3, and they think that the quality is excellent, obtaining results over 70% on a scale of 0 to 100

    A Proposed Methodology for Subjective Evaluation of Video and Text Summarization

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    International audienceTo evaluate a system that automatically summarizes video files (image and audio), it should be taken into account how the system works and which are the part of the process that should be evaluated, as two main topics to be evaluated can be differentiated: the video summary and the text summary. So, in the present article it is presented a complete way in order to evaluate this type of systems efficiently. With this objective, the authors have performed two types of evaluation: objective and subjective (the main focus of this paper). The objective evaluation is mainly done automatically, using established and proven metrics or frameworks, but it may need in some way the participation of humans, while the subjective evaluation is based directly on the opinion of people, who evaluate the system by answering a set of questions, which are then processed in order to obtain the targeted conclusions. The obtained general results from both evaluation systems will provide valuable information about the completeness and coherence, as well as the correctness of the generated summarizations from different points of view, as the lexical, semantical, etc. perspective. Apart from providing information about the state of the art, it will be presented an experimental proposal too, including the parameters of the experiment and the evaluation methods to be applied

    Las palomas

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    CertamenTécnica: ÓleoMateria-soporte: LienzoFecha de ejecución: 1983Dos niños juegan con palomas blancas en primer término.Firmado en ángulo inferior izquierdo

    Disseny i desenvolupament d'una llibreria d'elements gràfics per a interfície d'usuari en sistemes encastats per a control de generadors elèctrics

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    [ES] El presente proyecto se enmarca dentro de la práctica realizada en la empresa Dismuntel, la cual se dedica al desarrollo de sistemas electrónicos a medida, incluyendo los encargados de controlar grupos electrógenos. En este contexto, el enfoque del proyecto se centra en el desarrollo del HMI (Human Machine Interface), que es una interfaz de usuario o panel de control que conecta a las personas con una máquina, sistema o dispositivo. Aunque técnicamente el término puede aplicarse a cualquier sistema de E/S que permita la interacción del usuario con un computador, en este caso nos referiremos específicamente al contexto de los procesos industriales que controlan y monitorean máquinas de producción. En particular, este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se enfocará en la interfaz gráfica, la cual desempeña un papel fundamental en cualquier sistema informático, incluidos los sistemas empotrados de control, ya que de ella depende la capacidad del usuario para operar. Además, un diseño y desarrollo adecuados de estas interfaces permiten su uso como librería en diferentes proyectos de software, lo que facilita la reutilización de componentes visuales. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se utilizarán los siguientes componentes de hardware: el microcontrolador RX671 de Renesas, un controlador LCD, la target board Rx671, un adaptador a LCD, y el propio LCD. En cuanto al firmware, se utilizarán las siguientes herramientas: el entorno de desarrollo e2Studio, un entorno integrado proporcionado por Renesas basado en Eclipse; el compilador CCRx, para traducir código fuente en lenguaje C a lenguaje de máquina ejecutable por los microcontroladores de la familia Rx; y se utilizará la librería gráfica RAMTEX. Finalmente, entre las herramientas utilizadas se encuentra ICON Edit, una herramienta de edición de iconos que se emplea para diseñar y crear iconos gráficos, utilizados en interfaces de usuario.[EN] This project is part of the student's internship at the company Dismuntel. This company develops customised electronic systems, including those for controlling generators. Within this framework, work has been done on the development of the HMI (Human Machine Interface). An HMI system is a user interface or control panel that connects people to a machine, system or device. Although the term can technically be applied to any screen that allows the user to interact with a device, HMI is most commonly used in the context of industrial processes that control and monitor production machines. Specifically, in this TFG we are going to work on the graphical user interface, which is a fundamental element in any computer system (including embedded control systems) that requires human interaction, since the user's ability to operate depends on it. At the same time, the correct design and development of the same, allows its use as a library between different software projects, reusing the visual components. The work will be carried out using: HARDWARE: - RX671 microcontroller: it is a device from the Renesas RX family of microcontrollers that offers high performance and a wide range of embedded applications. Some common features of the RX microcontrollers include a 32-bit processor architecture, a floating-point unit, integrated flash memory, communication and I/O peripherals, and timing and control capabilities. - LCD Controller: An integrated circuit designed to control liquid crystal displays (LCDs). It provides the interface necessary to control and manage the content displayed on an LCD. - Rx671 target board: The RTK5RX6710C00000BJ is a development board or target board designed specifically for the Renesas Rx671 microcontroller. It provides a suitable environment for programming and developing applications based on this microcontroller. - LCD adapter: is a device used to convert a data signal from a source into a signal compatible with an LCD display. This specific adapter uses a 36-pin FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) connector for the connection. - LCD: The Displaytech 128240 is a type of LCD display with a resolution of 128x240 pixels. It is used to produce images and text on electronic devices. FIRMWARE - E2Studio development environment: It is an integrated development environment (IDE) provided by Renesas, based on the Eclipse platform. It is designed to facilitate programming and firmware development for Renesas microcontrollers. -CCRx Compiler: A proprietary compiler developed by Renesas, specifically designed to translate source code written in C programming language into machine language that can be executed by the Rx family microcontroller. - RAMTEX Graphics Library: A graphics library developed by RAMTEX International for embedded systems. This library is used to create graphical interfaces and manage the representation of graphics in applications without operating systems (baremetal). Tools: - ICON Edit: is an icon editing tool used to design and create graphical icons used in user interfaces, mobile applications and other contexts where compact visual representations are required.Badiola Scarcella, DA. (2023). Diseño y desarrollo de librería de elementos gráficos para interfaz de usuario en sistemas empotrados para el control de grupos electrógenos. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19547

    Substructure Development and Damage Initiation in a Carbide-Free Bainitic Steel upon Tensile Test

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    Carbide-free bainitic (CFB) steels belong to the family of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) that are struggling to become part of the third-generation steels to be marketed for the automotive industry. The combined effects of the bainitic matrix and the retained austenite confers a significant strength with a remarkable ductility to these steels. However, CFB steels usually show much more complex microstructures that also contain MA (Martensite–Austenite) phase and auto-tempered martensite (ATM). These phases may compromise the ductility of CFB steels. The present work analyzes the substructure evolution during tensile tests in the necking zone, and deepens into the void and crack formation mechanisms and their relationship with the local microstructure. The combination of FEG-SEM imaging, EBSD, and X-ray diffraction has been necessary to characterize the substructure development and damage initiation. The bainite matrix has shown great ductility through the generation of high angle grain boundaries and/or large orientation gradients around voids, which are usually found close to the bainite and MA/auto-tempered martensite interfaces or fragmenting the MA phase. Special attention has been paid to the stability of the retained austenite (RA) during the test, which may eventually be transformed into martensite (Transformation Induced Plasticity, or TRIP effect)

    Substructure development and damage initiation in a carbide-free bainitic steel upon tensile test

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    Carbide-free bainitic (CFB) steels belong to the family of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) that are struggling to become part of the third-generation steels to be marketed for the automotive industry. The combined effects of the bainitic matrix and the retained austenite confers a significant strength with a remarkable ductility to these steels. However, CFB steels usually show much more complex microstructures that also contain MA (Martensite–Austenite) phase and auto-tempered martensite (ATM). These phases may compromise the ductility of CFB steels. The present work analyzes the substructure evolution during tensile tests in the necking zone, and deepens into the void and crack formation mechanisms and their relationship with the local microstructure. The combination of FEG-SEM imaging, EBSD, and X-ray diffraction has been necessary to characterize the substructure development and damage initiation. The bainite matrix has shown great ductility through the generation of high angle grain boundaries and/or large orientation gradients around voids, which are usually found close to the bainite and MA/auto-tempered martensite interfaces or fragmenting the MA phase. Special attention has been paid to the stability of the retained austenite (RA) during the test, which may eventually be transformed into martensite (Transformation Induced Plasticity, or TRIP effect)

    Substructure development and damage initiation in a carbide-free bainitic steel upon tensile test

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    Carbide-free bainitic (CFB) steels belong to the family of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) that are struggling to become part of the third-generation steels to be marketed for the automotive industry. The combined effects of the bainitic matrix and the retained austenite confers a significant strength with a remarkable ductility to these steels. However, CFB steels usually show much more complex microstructures that also contain MA (Martensite–Austenite) phase and auto-tempered martensite (ATM). These phases may compromise the ductility of CFB steels. The present work analyzes the substructure evolution during tensile tests in the necking zone, and deepens into the void and crack formation mechanisms and their relationship with the local microstructure. The combination of FEG-SEM imaging, EBSD, and X-ray diffraction has been necessary to characterize the substructure development and damage initiation. The bainite matrix has shown great ductility through the generation of high angle grain boundaries and/or large orientation gradients around voids, which are usually found close to the bainite and MA/auto-tempered martensite interfaces or fragmenting the MA phase. Special attention has been paid to the stability of the retained austenite (RA) during the test, which may eventually be transformed into martensite (Transformation Induced Plasticity, or TRIP effect)