26 research outputs found

    Tractatus de herbis, Botanical Guide to the Universe: A Case Study for Morgan MS M.873

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    This thesis investigates the development of the late medieval pharmacopoeial treatise Tractatus de herbis illustrated in M.873, a fourteenth-century manuscript from the collection of the Morgan Library in New York. Particularly, the thesis considers the use and reception of this encyclopedic work by elite contemporary audiences of the Venetian Republic through material and medical history

    Comprehensive Processing of Vanadium-Containing Black Shale Tailings

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    This article examines results of the thermodynamic modeling of interaction of the briquetted tailings obtained at hydrometallurgical leaching of the vanadium-containing quartzites (black shales) with carbon and iron, determination of Si, V, Fe, C equilibrium distribution and optimal conditions for the formation of various grades of ferrosilicon, as well as the electric melting to produce silicon alloys. The research techniques were the method of thermodynamic modeling using the HSC-6.0 software package (Outokumpu), the second-order rotatable designs (Box-Hunter plans) and electrofusion in an arc furnace. It was established that an increase in the amount of iron from 11 to 39% makes it possible to increase the extraction degree of silicon into an alloy up to 72–73% in the temperature of 1800–2000 °C, in the process the silicon concentration in the alloy decreases from 57–65.7 to 40.5–40.9%; FS45-grade ferrosilicon at the extraction degree of silicon in the alloy of 70–72.6% can be formed in the temperature of 1750–2000 °C in the presence of 29–39% Fe, FS50 ferrosilicon is formed at 25.5–35.0% Fe and 1870–2000 °C, and FS65 ferrosilicon – in the temperature of 1895–2000 °C in the presence of 11–12.7% Fe. The FS45-grade ferrosilicon was formed during electric smelting of a charge containing 57% of the briquettes, 21% of coke, 22% of steel chips, and the FS50-grade ferrosilicon – using a charge consisting of 61% of the briquettes, 22% of coke and 17% of steel chips; the silicon extraction degree into the alloys is 73–79%

    Electrothermal co-production of ferrosilicon, calcium carbide and gaseous phosphorus from the chilisay phosphorite

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    The article presents the results of studies on the use of the high-silicon phosphorites (51,8 % of Ca3(PO4)2, 25,6 % of SiO2) for the co-production of ferrosilicon, calcium carbide and gaseous phosphorus. The studies included the electric smelting a charge in an arc furnace and using the second-order rotatable designs. The conditions of producing FeSi45 ferrosilicon (51,2-54,2 % of coke, 12,5-18,4 % of steel shavings) and FeSi25 ferrosilicon (53-58 % of coke, 39,7- 40 % of steel shavings) with extraction of 65-67,8 % of silicon into the alloy were determined. The second product of the process is technical calcium carbide with a capacity of 129-167 l/kg, in which from 44,8 to 64,1 % of calcium is extracted. At least 99,3 % of phosphorus during the electric smelting is sublimated

    Interaction of tricalcium phosphate with products of carbothermic reduction of silicon oxide

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    The article presents the research results on the interaction of tricalcium phosphate with the products of carbothermic reduction of silicon oxide (SiOg, SiC, iron silicides). The research was carried out by computer thermodynamic modeling using the HSC-6.0 software package. It was established that SiOg, Si, and SiC are highly reactive towards tricalcium phosphate at relatively low temperatures. It was found that, according to the formation degree of gaseous phosphorus from Ca3 (PO4)2, silicon-containing reducing agents form a decreasing series: (SiOg, Si)>SiC>FeSi2>FeSi


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    Goal of the study: to investigate the effect of hydroxyzine hydrochloride on the premedication efficacy in those suffering from thyroid disorders. Materials and methods. Premedication with hydroxyzine hydrochloride was performed in 102 patients suffering from thyroid disorders. Psychoemotional state of the patients before and after premedication was assessed by Spielberg-Khanin anxiety test, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score, Personality Inventory of Bekhterev Institute (PIBI). Patients’ hormonal status was evaluated by the levels of thyreotrophin, thyroxin, triiodothyronine, cortisol in blood serum. Parameters of system hemodynamics, bispectral index were recorded. Results. High efficiency of pre-operative conditioning of the patients manifested through favorable changes in psychovegetative and hormonal rates was observed in case of the initial anxious and sensitive types of the attitude towards the disease. Conclusions. Prior to premedication, the type of the attitude towards the disease is to be defined as per PIBI in those suffering from thyroid disorders. In case of initial anxious and sensitive types of the attitude towards the disease the premedication with hydroxyzine hydrochloride is highly effective and results in favorable emotional and vegetative changes. Цель исследования: определить влияние гидроксизина гидрохлорида на эффективность премедикации больных с заболеваниями щитовидной железы. Материалы и методы. Премедикация гидроксизина гидрохлоридом проведена у 102 больных с заболеваниями щитовидной железы. Психоэмоциональное состояние больных до и после премедикации оценивали по методике Спилбергера – Ханина, госпитальной шкале тревоги и депрессии, личностному опроснику Бехтеревского института (ЛОБИ). Гормональный статус пациента контролировали по уровню тиреотропного гормона, тироксина, трийодтиронина, кортизола в сыворотке крови. Регистрировали параметры системной гемодинамики, биспектральный индекс. Результаты. Высокая эффективность предоперационной подготовки пациентов с благоприятными сдвигами психовегетативных и гормональных показателей наблюдалась при наличии исходно тревожного и сенситивного типов отношения к болезни. Выводы. У больных с заболеваниями щитовидной железы до премедикации необходимо определять тип отношения к болезни по ЛОБИ. При исходно тревожном и сенситивном типах отношения к болезни премедикация гидроксизина гидрохлоридом сопровождается высокой эффективностью и благоприятными эмоциональными и вегетативными сдвигами.

    Thermodynamics of a Karatau and Aktobe phosphorites mixture interaction when producing phosphorus, calcium carbide and ferrosilicon

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    Relevance. Associated with the need to increase the level of comprehensive use of phosphorites during their electrothermal processing and to reduce the amount of slag waste generated during the production of phosphorus and polluting the environment. Aim. To conduct computer thermodynamic modeling of the effect of temperature and amount of iron on technological parameters of interaction of a Karatau and Aktobe phosphorites mixture with carbon and iron to produce phosphorus, calcium carbide and ferrosilicon. Objects. Phosphorites of the Karatau and Aktobe phosphorite-bearing basins. Methods. Thermodynamic computer modeling using the HSC Chemistry 6.0 software; rotatable second-order experiment planning technique; geometric optimization of technological parameters. Results. It has been established that depending on temperature in a mixture of Karatau and Aktobe phosphorites with carbon and iron, they participate in interaction:  CaSiO3, SiO2, Si, SiC, SiO(g), MgSiO3, Al2SiO5, Na2SiO3 , Ca(g), CaO, CaC2, CaF2, CaS, Fe, FeSi, FeSiO3, FeP, Fe2P, Fe3P, FeP2, FeO, Fe3Si; Ca3(PO4)2, P2(g), P4(g). An increase in iron amount leads to an increase in the degree of silicon extraction into the alloy, and at 2000 °C reduces the extraction degree of calcium in CaC2 and the silicon concentration in the alloy. Branded calcium carbide with a volume of more than 230 dm3/kg and ferrosilicon FeSi25 are formed from a mixture of phosphorites, carbon and iron at 2077...2088 °C in the presence of 20...21.4 % iron and 43 % carbon (in this case, phosphorus is completely distilled off into the gas phase). Using our proposed method of electric smelting of phosphorites with phosphorus distillation and associated production of ferroalloy, in comparison with the traditional method, the indicator of integrated use of raw materials increases from 43.9 to 62.7...73.6 %, that is 1.43...1 ,67 times. The proposed processing technology helps to increase active reserves of phosphorites and bring low-grade phosphorites of the Aktobe basin into production

    Breather Solution of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation in the Redistribution of Small Amplitude

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    An approximate breather solution of the equation describing the propagation of solitary electromagnetic waves in a graphene superlattice is obtained