4 research outputs found

    Parastomal hernia prevention with permanent mesh in end colostomy: failure with late follow-up of cohorts in three randomized trials

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    Hernia; Mesh; ParastomalHèrnia; Malla; ParastomalHernia; Malla; ParaestomalPurpose Short-term results have been reported regarding parastomal hernia (PH) prevention with a permanent mesh. Long-term results are scarce. The objective was to assess the long-term PH occurrence after a prophylactic synthetic non-absorbable mesh. Methods Long-term data of three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were collected. The primary outcome was the detection of PH based exclusively on a radiological diagnosis by computed tomography (CT) performed during the long-term follow-up. The Kaplan–Meier method was used for the comparison of time to diagnosis of PH according to the presence of mesh vs. no-mesh and the technique of mesh insertion: open retromuscular, laparoscopic keyhole, and laparoscopic modified Sugarbaker. Results We studied 121 patients (87 men, median age 70 years), 82 (67.8%) of which developed a PH. The median overall length of follow-up was 48.5 months [interquartile range (IQR) 14.4–104.9], with a median time until PH diagnosis of 17.7 months (IQR 9.3–49.0). The survival analysis did not show significant differences in the time to development of a PH according to the presence or absence of a prophylactic mesh neither in the overall study population (log-rank, P = 0.094) nor in the groups of each technique of mesh insertion, although according to the surgical technique, a higher reduction in the appearance of PH for the open retromuscular technique was found (log-rank, P = 0.001). Conclusion In the long-term follow-up placement of a non-absorbable synthetic prophylactic mesh in the context of an elective end colostomy does not seem effective for preventing PH

    Estudio multicéntrico, prospectivo, aleatorizado y controlado, de no-inferioridad del cáncer de recto T2-T3s (superficial), N0, M0 sometidos a tratamiento neoadyuvante y escisión local (TEM) vs escisión total del mesorecto (ETM). Resultados a corto plazo

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    # Introducció El càncer de recte en estadi T2, T3s (superficial), N0, M0 té com a tractament d'elecció la excisió total del mesorrecte (ETM) ja que l'excisió local (TEM) té un elevat percentatge de recidiva, probablement per la persistència d'afectació ganglionar no tractada amb la cirurgia local. Alguns estudis apunten a què la realització de quimiorradioteràpia (QRT) neoadjuvant seguida d'excisió local suposa una reducció de la recurrència local. L'estudi TAU-TEM pretén demostrar la no-inferioritat dels resultats oncològics i la millora en la morbilitat aconseguida amb la QRT-TEM comparat amb la ETM. En aquest estudi es presenten els resultats a curt termini de mobilitat i resultats patològics. # Material i Mètodes Estudi multicèntric, prospectiu, aleatoritzat i controlat de no-inferioritat incloent pacients amb adenocarcinoma rectal a menys de 10 cm del marge anal de fins a 4 cm de mida, amb estadi T2-T3s,N0,M0. Els pacients van ser aleatoritzats en dos braços: QRT-TEM o ETM. La morbilitat postoperatòria i la mortalitat van ser recollides de forma prospectiva i ambdós braços van completar qüestionaris de qualitat de vida. Es va realitzar seguiment dels pacients per avaluar la presència de recidiva local o a distància. Trial registration: NCT01308190. # Resultats Des de Juliol/2010 fins a Octubre/2021, es van incloure 173 pacients de 17 hospitals espanyols, que van ser aleatoritzats al grup a estudi (QRT-TEM) o al grup control (ETM) (QRT-TEM: 86, ETM: 87). Onze pacients van ser exclosos immediatament després de l'aleatorització (QRT-TEM: 5, ETM: 6), que es van excloure de l'anàlisi, pel que finalment s'han analitzat 81 pacients a cada grup. En el grup QRT-TEM, 1 pacient no va completar el tractament neoadjuvant per complicacions, pel que 80/81 (98,8%) va completar la QRT sense incidències destacables. Un 29,6% dels pacients van presentar algun efecte advers, tot i que en més de la meitat d'aquests (16% del total) el de major grau va ser de grau 1, un 9,9% de grau 2 i un 3,7% de grau 3, sense registrar-se cap de grau 4 o 5. La RM rectal postQRT va mostrar progressió en 2 pacients (2,4%), que van ser tractats amb ETM. La RM postQRT per la detecció d'ypT0 (resposta completa), va presentar una sensibilitat del 60%, una especificitat del 78,1%, un VPP del 70% i un VPN 69,6%. La morbilitat postoperatòria va mostrar que 17/81 (20,7%) pacients del grup QRT-TEM i 41/81 (50,6%) del grup ETM (p<0,001) va presentar algun tipus de complicació. El CCI (Comprehensive Complication Index) també va mostrar diferències estadísticament significatives en ambdós grups (mediana de 0 vs 8,7, p<0,001). La duració dels ingressos també va ser significativament menor en el grup QRT-TEM vs el grup ETM (3,7 vs 10,6 dies, p<0,001). No hi va haver diferències en la mortalitat entre els grups (1 pacient, 1,2%, a cada grup). L'anàlisi anatomopatològic va mostrar una resposta patològica completa en el grup QRT-TEM en 35/79 pacients (44,3%). En el grup ETM es van identificar 17/81 pacients (21%) amb adenopaties afectades (N+). # Conclusió El tractament amb QRT-TEM obté alts percentatges de resposta patològica completa (44,3%), amb una alta taxa de compliment del tractament amb QRT (98,8%) i una baixa proporció d'efectes adversos (29,6%), sent la majoria d'ells lleus. La RM rectal postQRT té una sensibilitat i especificitat baixes, pel que està lluny de ser una prova òptima per l'avaluació de la resposta a la QRT. Les complicacions quirúrgiques i els dies d'ingrés van ser significativament menors en el grup QRT-TEM. Aquestes troballes són el resultat de l'anàlisi a curt termini, que permeten ser optimistes de cara als resultats de qualitat de vida i oncològics a llarg termini.# Introducción El cáncer de recto en estadio T2, T3s (superficial), N0, M0 tiene como tratamiento de elección la escisión total del mesorrecto (ETM) ya que la escisión local (TEM) tiene un elevado porcentaje de recidiva, probablemente por la persistencia de afectación ganglionar no tratada con la cirugía local. Algunos estudios apuntan a que la realización de quimiorradioterapia (QRT) neoadyuvante seguida de escisión local supone una reducción de la recurrencia local. El estudio TAU-TEM pretende demostrar la no-inferioridad de los resultados oncológicos y la mejora en la morbilidad conseguida con la QRT-TEM comparado con la ETM. En este estudio se presentan los resultados a corto plazo de morbilidad y resultado patológicos. # Material y Métodos Estudio multicéntrico, prospectivo, aleatorizado y controlado de no-inferioridad incluyendo pacientes con adenocarcinoma rectal a menos de 10 cm del margen anal de hasta 4 cm de tamaño, con estadio T2-T3s,N0,M0. Los pacientes fueron aleatorizados en dos brazos: QRTTEM o ETM. La morbilidad postoperatoria y la mortalidad fueron recogidas de forma prospectiva y ambos brazos completaron cuestionarios de calidad de vida. Se realizó seguimiento de los pacientes para evaluar la presencia de recidiva local o a distancia. Trial registration: NCT01308190. # Resultados Desde Julio/2010 hasta Octubre/2021, se incluyeron 173 pacientes en 17 hospitales españoles, que fueron aleatorizados al grupo a estudio (QRT-TEM) o al grupo control (ETM) (QRT-TEM: 86, ETM: 87). Once pacientes fueron excluidos inmediatamente después de la aleatorización (QRT-TEM: 5, ETM: 6), que se excluyeron del análisis, por lo que finalmente se analizaron 81 pacientes en cada grupo. En el grupo QRT-TEM, 1 paciente no completó el tratamiento neoadyuvante por complicaciones, por lo que 80/81 (98,8%) completaron la QRT sin incidencias destacables. Un 29,6% de los pacientes presentaron algún efecto adverso, aunque en más de la mitad de estos (16% del total) el mayor fue de grado 1, un 9,9% de grado 2 y 3,7% de grado 3, sin registrarse ninguno de grado 4 o 5. La RM rectal postQRT mostró progresión en 2 pacientes (2,4%), que fueron tratados mediante ETM. La morbilidad postoperatoria mostró que 17/81 (20,7%) pacientes del grupo QRT-TEM y 41/81 (50,6%) del grupo ETM (p<0,001) presentaron algún tipo de complicación. El CCI (Comprehensive Complication Index) también mostró diferencias significativas en ambos grupos (mediana de 0 vs 8.7, p<0,001). La duración de los ingresos también fue significativamente menor en el grupo QRT-TEM vs el grupo ETM (3.7 vs 10.6 días, p<0,001). No hubo diferencias en la mortalidad entre los grupos (1 paciente, 1,2%, en cada grupo). El análisis anatomopatológico mostró una respuesta patológica completa en el grupo QRT-TEM en 35/79 pacientes (44,3%). En el grupo ETM se identificaron 17/81 pacientes (21%) con adenopatías afectadas, N+. # Conclusión El tratamiento con QRT-TEM obtiene altas tasas de respuesta patológica completa (44,3%), con una alta tasa de cumplimiento del tratamiento con QRT (98,8%) y una baja proporción de efectos adversos (29,6%), siendo la mayoría de ellos leves. La RM rectal postQRT tiene una sensibilidad y especificidad bajas, por lo que está lejos de ser una prueba óptima para la evaluación de la respuesta a la QRT. Las complicaciones quirúrgicas y los días de ingreso fueron significativamente menores en el grupo QRT-TEM. Estos hallazgos son el resultado del análisis a corto plazo, que permiten ser optimistas de cara a los resultados de calidad de vida y oncológicos a largo plazo.# Introduction The standard treatment of T2, T3 superficial (s),N0,M0 rectal cancers is total mesorectal excision (TME) due to the high recurrence rates with local excision via transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM). Initial reports of the combination of preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and TEM have shown reductions in local recurrence. The TAU-TEM study aims to demonstrate the non-inferiority of cancer outcomes and the improvement in morbidity achieved with CRT-TEM compared with TME. Here we describe the treatment, morbidity rates and pathological outcomes. # Methods Prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial including patients with rectal adenocarcinoma less than 10 cm from the anal verge, of 4 cm or less, and staged as T2T3sN0M0. Patients were randomised to the CRT-TEM or the TME group. Postoperative morbidity and mortality were recorded and patients in both arms completed quality of life questionnaires. Patients attended follow-up controls for local and systemic relapse. Trial registration: NCT01308190. # Results From July 2010 to October 2021, 173 patients from 17 Spanish hospitals were included (CRT-TEM: 86, TME: 87). Eleven were excluded after randomization (CRTTEM: 5, TME: 6). Modified intention to treat analysis thus included 81 patients in each group. In the CRT-TEM group, one patient abandoned neoadjuvant therapy; thus, 80/81 (98.8%) completed CRT. The CRT-related morbidity rate was 29.6% (24/81), although more than half of these patients (16% of the total) were classified as grade 1, 9.9% as grade 2, 3.7% as grade 3 and none were recorded as grade 4 or 5. Post-CRT rectal-MRI showed progression in 2 patients (2.4%), treated with TME. To predict ypT0 (complete response), post-CRT rectalMRI had a sensitivity of 60%, specificity of 78,1%, PPV of 70% and NPV of 69,6%. Postoperative morbidity was 17/81 (20.7%) in the CRT-TEM group and 41/81 (50.6%) in the TME group (p<0.001). CCI (Comprehensive Complication Index) showed statistically significant differences between both groups (median: 0 vs 8.7, p<0,001). Length of stay was lower in the CRT-TEM vs TME groups (3.7 vs 10.6 days, p<0.001). One patient died in each group (1.2%). Pathological complete response in the CRT-TEM group was 44.3% (35/79). In the TME group pN1 were found in 17/81 (21%). # Conclusion CRT-TEM treatment obtains high pathological complete response rates (44.3%), and a high CRT compliance rate (98.8%) with a low rate of adverse events (29.6%), with most of them being of low grade. Post-CRT rectal-MRI showed low sensitivity and specificity, making it not the optimal test to evaluate CRT response. Postoperative complications and hospitalization rates were significantly lower than in the TME group. We await the results of the follow-up and quality of life

    Parastomal hernia prevention with permanent mesh in end colostomy : failure with late follow-up of cohorts in three randomized trials

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    Purpose: Short-term results have been reported regarding parastomal hernia (PH) prevention with a permanent mesh. Long-term results are scarce. The objective was to assess the long-term PH occurrence after a prophylactic synthetic non-absorbable mesh. Methods: Long-term data of three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were collected. The primary outcome was the detection of PH based exclusively on a radiological diagnosis by computed tomography (CT) performed during the long-term follow-up. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for the comparison of time to diagnosis of PH according to the presence of mesh vs. no-mesh and the technique of mesh insertion: open retromuscular, laparoscopic keyhole, and laparoscopic modified Sugarbaker. Results: We studied 121 patients (87 men, median age 70 years), 82 (67.8%) of which developed a PH. The median overall length of follow-up was 48.5 months [interquartile range (IQR) 14.4-104.9], with a median time until PH diagnosis of 17.7 months (IQR 9.3-49.0). The survival analysis did not show significant differences in the time to development of a PH according to the presence or absence of a prophylactic mesh neither in the overall study population (log-rank, P = 0.094) nor in the groups of each technique of mesh insertion, although according to the surgical technique, a higher reduction in the appearance of PH for the open retromuscular technique was found (log-rank, P = 0.001). Conclusion: In the long-term follow-up placement of a non-absorbable synthetic prophylactic mesh in the context of an elective end colostomy does not seem effective for preventing PH

    Parastomal hernia prevention with permanent mesh in end colostomy : failure with late follow-up of cohorts in three randomized trials

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABShort-term results have been reported regarding parastomal hernia (PH) prevention with a permanent mesh. Long-term results are scarce. The objective was to assess the long-term PH occurrence after a prophylactic synthetic non-absorbable mesh. Long-term data of three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were collected. The primary outcome was the detection of PH based exclusively on a radiological diagnosis by computed tomography (CT) performed during the long-term follow-up. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for the comparison of time to diagnosis of PH according to the presence of mesh vs. no-mesh and the technique of mesh insertion: open retromuscular, laparoscopic keyhole, and laparoscopic modified Sugarbaker. We studied 121 patients (87 men, median age 70 years), 82 (67.8%) of which developed a PH. The median overall length of follow-up was 48.5 months [interquartile range (IQR) 14.4-104.9], with a median time until PH diagnosis of 17.7 months (IQR 9.3-49.0). The survival analysis did not show significant differences in the time to development of a PH according to the presence or absence of a prophylactic mesh neither in the overall study population (log-rank, P = 0.094) nor in the groups of each technique of mesh insertion, although according to the surgical technique, a higher reduction in the appearance of PH for the open retromuscular technique was found (log-rank, P = 0.001). In the long-term follow-up placement of a non-absorbable synthetic prophylactic mesh in the context of an elective end colostomy does not seem effective for preventing PH