119 research outputs found

    Problems of the social non-acceptance of mining projects with particular emphasis on the European Union : a literature review

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    Problems of the social non-acceptance of the mining industry (particularly development projects) is relatively new, so more widely discussed for a relatively short time. In this paper, an extensive review of worldwide literature on this topic has been presented with special regard to the specificity of the European Union countries, where the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) phenomenon is one of the key reasons for local community opposition. The problem is recognized mainly from the perspective of the mineral industry, but also from the point of view of government, NGOs or local communities. There are case studies, publications in the range of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, geo-ethics, proposals for new analytical methods (for example multi-criteria and others) or effective solutions. The improvement in social acceptance for the mineral industry may be achieved by further development of technological, organizational and scientific methods which minimizes mining influences on the environment and society developing. Modern approach to social issues associated with mineral activity includes also strategies of bilateral communication, mediation/negotiation, cooperation between stakeholders to a larger extent then in the past. However, it is the continuous need of extensive, in-depth social debate on mineral development projects in the European Union, both in energetic and non-energetic branch

    Konflikty społeczne na tle środowiskowym związane z udostępnianiem złóż kopalin w Polsce

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    Despite of a requirement of public consultations at a planning stage of environmentally hazardous in-vestments, social conflicts related to mining projects are not exceptional cases at present. Based on different sources of information, the author has identified several dozens of such conflicts observed on a different scale in many areas of Poland in the period 2004–2009. They concern mining of various minerals, diversified in respect of exploitation methods or quantity of output. Local communities, non-governmental (mainly ecological) organizations and other groups of interest can be act as intervenients. Local governments, as decision bodies, become a specific side of conflict. Intervenients usually undertake common actions aiming at, in their view, environmental protection. However, the term is understood in different ways, as the “natural environment” (environmentalists) on the one hand, and as widely interpreted “human environment” (local communities) on the other. Moreover, various companies or public institutions are guided by their own standpoints on directions of spatial development of an area under consideration. In the paper, human environment was defined as the natural and anthropogenic surroundings in which people exist aiming at fulfilling all their needs. The human environment is composed of both material and non-material components, their features and relations. Moreover, the term also includes a man himself and different aspects of his life (among others health, social and economic issues). According to the author, essential reasons that the mining-related conflicts are provoked by are as follows:(1) lack of knowledge and false opinions on the subject of the mining, economy and enironment, (2) NIMBY syndrome, (3) difficulties in the process of undertaking the objective and well-balanced decision by local authorities. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the public image of mining industry by means of appropriate information-educational policy of the state and individual mining firms. It also seems essential to work out methods of complex evaluation of mining projects in the spirit of sustainable (economically, socially and environmentally) development, e.g. like those based on multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Moreover, the author suggests to enrich the environmental impact assessment reports (EIAR) concerning mining projects by (1) introducting the touristic-recreational valorisation of an area under consideration and (2) analysing of hazards related to the transport of mineral products beyond mining plants

    Effects of lignite surface mining on local communities: controversies and areas of negotiation

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    Selecting locations for lignite mining and power generation complexes has been the subject of intense controversy. As a result, there have been many conflicts in society due to environmental and economic concerns. This paper poses the question of how lignite surface mining affects local communities. These effects may be both negative and positive and some of them are intangible. It is very difficult to balance the pros and cons objectively as it depends on the assumed objectives and criteria of the analysis. Different social and economic structures in different communities, and various additional factors, are just some of the reasons why this balance may significantly differ around a country. The authors hold opposing views on the role of lignite in the energy mix and the balance of negative and positive effects that surface mining exerts on local communities. They agree, however, that the most important elements of the societal debate on lignite mining have not yet been adequately studied or presented in public discourse. The authors propose to introduce the procedure of Social Impact Assessment to the Polish legal system. This could be effective as a means to prevent many conflicts in the energy sector and be the best way to reach a compromise

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketepatwaktuan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan

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    The purposes of this study are to obtain emperical evidence about the influence the structure of good corporate governance financial performance on the timeliness reporting in manufacturing industry and analyze the difference of market reaction between companies that provide financial statements on time and companies that provide financial statements not on time.The type of data that used is secondary data from annual reports during 2012-2015. Sampling technique used purposive sampling. Total population are 147 companies, based on the predetermined criteria, total samples are 58 companies. The data processed by using logistic regresion and independent sample t-test. The analysis showed that the audit committee, managerial ownership, and profitability have positif significant on the timeliness reporting while the independent commissioner, institutional ownership and leverage have insignificant. Further result of the study showed that no difference in market reaction on the companies that provide financial statement on time and companies that provide financial statement not on time

    Pengaruh Pengungkapan Enterprise Risk Management Dan Pengungkapan Intellectual Capital Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    This research aims to find out empirical evidences on the effect of ERM disclosure and IC disclosure on firm value. The sample of the research is 73 non-financial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period of 2010-2014. Regression analysis of panel data was applied to analyze the data. The results show that ERM disclosure has positive and significant effect on the firm value. This study also finds that IC disclosure has positive and significant effect on the firm value. Firm size, profitability, and leverage, as control variables, are also contributing positive and significant effects on the firm value. The results of this research can be used as a consideration for the company\u27s management to increase ERM and IC disclosures in the annual report as ERM and IC disclosures can be a positive signal to encourage the increase in corporate value. In addition, since ERM and IC information are very significant for investors, it can also be beneficial for the regulator to set up and establish instruments of mandatory disclosure related to ERM and IC to minimize the asymmetry of information which can disadvantage company\u27s related parties.---Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh pengungkapan Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) dan pengungkapan Intellectual Capital (IC) pada nilai Perusahaan. Sampel penelitian adalah 73 Perusahaan nonkeuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode tahun 2010-2014. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pengungkapan ERM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada nilai Perusahaan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan IC berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada nilai Perusahaan. Ukuran Perusahaan, profitabilitas, dan leverage, sebagai variabel kontrol, juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada nilai Perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi pihak manajemen Perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pengungkapan ERM dan IC di dalam laporan tahunan karena pengungkapan ERM dan IC dapat dijadikan sebagai sinyal positif untuk mendorong peningkatan nilai Perusahaan. Selain itu, karena informasi ERM dan IC sangat penting bagi investor, maka penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi regulator untuk menetapkan instrumen pengungkapan wajib terkait dengan ERM dan IC untuk memperkecil asimetri informasi yang dapat merugikan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap Perusahaan

    Amplified Arctic warming by phytoplankton under greenhouse warming

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    Phytoplankton have attracted increasing attention in climate science due to their impacts on climate systems. A new generation of climate models can now provide estimates of future climate change, considering the biological feedbacks through the development of the coupled physical-ecosystem model. Here we present the geophysical impact of phytoplankton, which is often overlooked in future climate projections. A suite of future warming experiments using a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere model that interacts with a marine ecosystem model reveals that the future phytoplankton change influenced by greenhouse warming can amplify Arctic surface warming considerably. The warming-induced sea ice melting and the corresponding increase in shortwave radiation penetrating into the ocean both result in a longer phytoplankton growing season in the Arctic. In turn, the increase in Arctic phytoplankton warms the ocean surface layer through direct biological heating, triggering additional positive feedbacks in the Arctic, and consequently intensifying the Arctic warming further. Our results establish the presence of marine phytoplankton as an important potential driver of the future Arctic climate changes.open111414Ysciescopu

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah pada Daya Saing dengan Keserasian Belanja Daerah, Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

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    COMPETITIVENESS WITH HARMONY EXPENDITURE, THE REGIONAL FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AS A MODERATING This study aims to determine the Effects of regional Economic Growth to the Competitiveness with Harmony Expenditure, The Regional Financial Independence As a moderating. The research location is in the main Statistics Office of NTT and the General Directorate of Balance Fiscal Web site in Regional Office. The object which is used in this study is the scope of the Regional Competitiveness government district/city in the province of East Nusa Tenggara, in the range of year 2007 until 2012, using the secondary data. The method of data collection is using the non-participation observation, with sampling technique using purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) which is a special application of multiple linear regression in regression equation contains elements of interaction (multiplication of two or more independent variables). The results showed that (1) The regional economic growth, Harmony Expenditure and Financial Independence area simultaneously effect on positive and significant Competitiveness. (2) The economic growth gives a negative effect significantly on the competitiveness. (3) The compatibility shopping area turns to negative effect and it is not significant on the competitiveness. (4) The independence of financial area turns to negative effect and it does not show a significant result on competitiveness. (5) The increasing of shopping area compatibility will strongly influence the regional economic growth and result a positive effect on the competitiveness of the region. (6) The Higher Regional Financial Independence improve the moderating of economic growth influence which positively impact but it does not show a significant effect on the Regional Competitiveness, and (7) the high level in regional financial independence increases the negative influence on it, but it is not significant to economic growth competitiv

    The problem of developing prospective hard coal deposits from the point of view of social and environmental conflicts with the use of AHP method

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    W ostatnich latach odnotowano w Polsce i innych krajach europejskich liczne konflikty związane z zagos-podarowaniem nowych złóż surowców mineralnych lub wznowieniem wydobycia ze złóż zaniechanych. Artykuł prezentuje mozliwości przewidywania, które ze złóż są relatywnie mało konfliktowe pod względem lokalnych uwarunkowań społecznych. Jak wykazują przeprowadzone badania, w tym celu z powodzeniem mo¿e byæ stosowana wielokryterialna analiza decyzyjna metod¹ AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Pozwala ona na stworzenie wstępnego rankingu wytypowanych zlóż pod wzgledem ryzyka sprzeciwu lokalnych interesariuszy górnictwa. Jak pokazuje przykład złoża Oświęcim-Polanka, tego typu analiza pozwala także na porównanie wytypowanych czêœci jednego obszaru, co pozwala na wybór optymalnego (w sensie przestrzennym) wariantu jego zagospodarowania. Sugeruje się dalsze prace nad dostosowaniem metody AHP do specyfiki górnictwa tak, aby stała się ona użytecznym narzędziem w procesie decyzyjnym dla instytucji publicznych (optymalizacja decyzji) oraz spółek górniczych (minimalizacja ryzyka inwestycyjnego)

    Good Corporate Governance sebagai Prediktor Kinerja Keuangan dan Implikasinya pada Kebijakan Dividen

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    Good corporate governance is a system that regulates and controls the company in order to enhance the image and value of the company. Implementation of good corporate governance that will consistently deliver improved financial performance of the company increased its implications on corporate profits. The higher level of profits from the company, then the decision of dividend distribution to shareholders will be higher. This study aims to determine the effect of the relationship empirically good corporate governance in financial performance and its implications on dividend policy. The study population is a company that makes Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) conducted by the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) in the year 2007-2011. Sampling technique using purposive sampling with a total sample of 48 companies. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that good corporate governance has a positive effect on financial performance. Financial performance has a positive effect on dividend policy while Good corporate governance has no effect on dividend policy. Financial performance mediates the effect of corporate governance on dividend policy.Keywords: corporate governance, financial performance and dividend polic