7 research outputs found

    Climate Change Dynamics and Imperatives for Food Security in Nigeria

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    Decadal variability in African rainfall is projected from General Circulation Models (GCMs) to continue under elevated greenhouse gas scenarios. Effects on rain intensity, spatio-temporal variability of growing seasons, flooding, drought, and land-use change impose feedbacks at regional-local scales. Yet, empirical knowledge of associated impacts on crop yield is limited; thus, we examined the imperatives for food security in Nigeria. Bivariate correlation and multiple regression suggests impending drought in the northern region where livestock farming is predominant. Relative contributions of climate independent variables in determining crop yield by backward selection procedures with stepwise approach indexed the impacts of annual climate variability by a parameter computed as annual yield minus mean annual yield divided by the standard deviation. Results show Z-distribution approximately 5 to + 5, when 3 indicate impacts significant at 95% confidence levels. In conclusion, we established the interwoven relationship between climatic change and food security

    The Growth Effect Of External Sector In Nigeria: Nexus Of The Non-Oil Exports

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    This study investigates the growth effects of external sector in Nigeria taking into consideration the role played by non-oil export commodities within the periods, 1980-2016. The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was employed to analyse the dynamic long-run and short-run estimates. The stationarity level of the variables at first difference and cointegration are confirmed prior VECM estimation. The results show that the parameter of non-oil export was positive and significant at 10% in the long-run indicating that the contribution of non-oil export commodity on output growth is weak. However, the parameter was positive and significant in the short-run at the conventional level. This implies that government policy should be directed towards increasing non-oil export commodities of agriculture, manufacturing and service industries with the aim of boosting output growth in Nigeria. The environment should be made favourable for local producers and investors to ease production and the distribution channels of goods and services to final consumers. The findings also showed that output growth was directly influenced by investment, labour force and government expenditure while negatively affected by exchange rate

    Lupeol acetate from Macaranga barteri Müll-Arg leaf lowers blood glucose level in alloxan induced diabetic rats

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    Background: Macaranga barteri Müll - Arg (Euphorbiaceae) is one of the thirty-seven species of the genus Macaranga found in Africa and Madagascar. It is used in the treatment of several diseases which has been verified and reported in several studies.Objective: The phytochemical analysis and antidiabetic activities of the ethanol extract, Petroleum spirit and Chloroform fractions of the leaf of M. barteri were investigated.Methods: Standard procedures and glucose-oxidase methods in Alloxan induced Diabetic rats and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry analysis of the isolated compound responsible for the antidiabetic activity were carried out.Result: The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids in the extract and fractions of M. barteri leaf. The Chloroform fraction and ethanol extract however tested positive for sterols. The antidiabetic activities of the ethanol extract, Petroleum spirit and Chloroform fractions over a period of 6 hr and 24 hr were observed. The activity of the Chloroform fraction was significant (P<0.05) while the mass spectra of the isolated compound responsible for the antidiabetic activity was similar to that of Lupeol acetate (m/z 467).Conclusion: This study has been able to report the antidiabetic activity of the extract and fractions of M. barteri. In addition, this study reports for the first time the isolation of lupeol acetate and its antidiabetic potentials in the leaves of M. barteri.Keywords: Macaranga barteri, antidiabetic, Lupeol acetate, Alloxa

    Evaluation of Railway Level Crossing Attributes on Accident Causation in Lagos, Nigeria.

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    Abstract The study examines the contribution of Railway Level Crossing (RLC)physical attributes to accident occurrence using the12 major level crossings within the Lagos metropolis. The 48km single track mainline section under consideration which barely make up 1.1% of the entire narrow gauge track network of the country within a 5 year period contributed about 45% of the total National crossing accidents recorded in Nigeria. The method of investigation involved recording the individual attributes of each RLC such asgates, pedestrian traffic, car traffic light, proximity of signage to crossing, vehicular traffic as dummy variables.The regression analysis  was used to measure their effect on accidents.The result indicates gates, pedestrians and the location of signage had significant impact on accidents occurrence at level crossings within Lagos metropolis. Based on the findings, enhancement of active warning systems among other recommendations was suggested as potent counter measures for RLC accident reduction.Abstrak Penelitian menguji tingkat kontribusi atribut fisik dari perlintasan jalan kereta api terhadap kejadian kecelakaan menggunakan 12 perlintasan utama dalam kota metropolis Lagos. 48 km jalan utama tunggal menjadi pertimbangan yang hampir meningkat 1.1% dari seluruh trek sempit jaringan negara dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun menyumbang sekitar 45% dari total kecelakaan perlintasan secara Nasional di Nigeria. Metode penelitian melibatkan catatan dari masing-masing atribut RLC seperti pintu gerbang, pejalan kaki, lampu lalu lintas mobil, kedekatan tanda penyebarangan, lalu lintas kendaraan sebagai variabel dumi. Analisis regresi digunakan untuk mengukur pengaruh dari atribut terhadap kecelakaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan pintu gerbang, pejalan kaki, dan lokasi tanda perlintasan mempunyai dampak signifikan pada kecelakaan dalam kota metropolis Lagos.Berdasarkan penemuan tersebut, perbaikan dari sistem peringatan aktif disarankan sebagai upaya mengurangi kecelakaan RLC. 

    Socio-ecologies of solid waste in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the socio-ecologies of solid waste in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted in which questionnaire and personal observation was used to elicit information from the respondents. A total of 115 respondents were selected and examined on the subject matter. Data gathered from the respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics. The finding showed that the characteristics of solid wastes in Ijebu-Ode include plastics, paper/glass, cartoon, sacks and food remnant as well as electronic waste which are generated from households, market places, religious centers and relaxation as well as event centers. The finding also revealed that there is indecent solid waste disposal in terms of waste separation, collection and recycling among the residents of Ijebu-Ode. Based on the finding of this study, it is recommended that government and non-governmental organizations should embark on public sensitization and distribution of garbage containers to residents of Ijebu-Ode in order to encourage sustainable waste disposal and waste management