317 research outputs found

    Beating of Friedel oscillations induced by spin-orbit interaction

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    By exploiting our recently derived exact formula for the Lindhard polarization function in the presence of Bychkov-Rashba (BR) and Dresselhaus (D) spin-orbit interaction (SOI), we show that the interplay of different SOI mechanisms induces highly anisotropic modifications of the static dielectric function. We find that under certain circumstances the polarization function exhibits doubly-singular behavior, which leads to an intriguing novel phenomenon, beating of Friedel oscillations. This effect is a general feature of systems with BR+D SOI and should be observed in structures with a sufficiently strong SOI.Comment: 3 figure

    Spin current generation from Coulomb-Rashba interaction in semiconductor bilayers

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    Electrons in double-layer semiconductor heterostructures experience a special type of spin-orbit interaction which arises in each layer from the perpendicular component of the Coulomb electric field created by electron density fluctuations in the other layer. We show that this interaction, acting in combination with the usual spin-orbit interaction, can generate a spin current in one layer when a charge current is driven in the other. This effect is symmetry-wise distinct from the spin Hall drag. The spin current is not, in general, perpendicular to the drive current.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spin-orbit interaction induced singularity of the charge density relaxation propagator

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    The charge density relaxation propagator of a two dimensional electron system, which is the slope of the imaginary part of the polarization function, exhibits singularities for bosonic momenta having the order of the spin-orbit momentum and depending on the momentum orientation. We have provided an intuitive understanding for this non-analytic behavior in terms of the inter chirality subband electronic transitions, induced by the combined action of Bychkov-Rashba (BR) and Dresselhaus (D) spin-orbit coupling. It is shown that the regular behavior of the relaxation propagator is recovered in the presence of only one BR or D spin-orbit field or for spin-orbit interaction with equal BR and D coupling strengths. This creates a new possibility to influence carrier relaxation properties by means of an applied electric field.Comment: 4 figure

    EPR studies of manganese centers in SrTiO3: Non-Kramers Mn3+ ions and spin-spin coupled Mn4+ dimers

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    X- and Q-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study is reported on the SrTiO3 single crystals doped with 0.5-at.% MnO. EPR spectra originating from the S = 2 ground state of Mn3+ ions are shown to belong to the three distinct types of Jahn-Teller centres. The ordering of the oxygen vacancies due to the reduction treatment of the samples and consequent formation of oxygen vacancy associated Mn3+ centres are explained in terms of the localized charge compensation. The EPR spectra of SrTiO3: Mn crystals show the presence of next nearest neighbor exchange coupled Mn4+ pairs in the directions.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Sub-threshold resonances in few-neutron systems

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    Three- and four-neutron systems are studied within the framework of the hyperspherical approach with a local S-wave nn-potential. Possible bound and resonant states of these systems are sought as zeros of three- and four-body Jost functions in the complex momentum plane. It is found that zeros closest to the origin correspond to sub-threshold (nnn) (1/2-) and (nnnn) (0+) resonant states. The positions of these zeros turned out to be sensitive to the choice of the nnnn--potential. For the Malfliet- Tjon potential they are E(nnn)=-4.9-i6.9 (MeV) and E(nnnn)=-2.6-i9.0 (MeV). Movement of the zeros with an artificial increase of the potential strength also shows an extreme sensitivity to the choice of potential. Thus, to generate ^3n and ^4n bound states, the Yukawa potential needs to be multiplied by 2.67 and 2.32 respectively, while for the Malfliet-Tjon potential the required multiplicative factors are 4.04 and 3.59.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, no PS-figures, submitted to J.Phys.

    Spin Hall Drag

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    We predict a new effect in electronic bilayers: the {\it Spin Hall Drag}. The effect consists in the generation of spin accumulation across one layer by an electric current along the other layer. It arises from the combined action of spin-orbit and Coulomb interactions. Our theoretical analysis, based on the Boltzmann equation formalism, identifies two main contributions to the spin Hall drag resistivity: the side-jump contribution, which dominates at low temperature, going as T2T^2, and the skew-scattering contribution, which is proportional to T3T^3. The induced spin accumulation is large enough to be detected in optical rotation experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Hyperon-Nucleon Final State Interaction in Kaon Photoproduction of the Deuteron

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    Final state hyperon-nucleon interaction in strangeness photoproduction of the deuteron is investigated making use of the covariant reaction formalism and the P-matrix approach to the YN system. Remarkably simple analytical expression for the amplitude is obtained. Pronounced effects due to final state interaction are predicted including the manifestation of the 2.13 GeV resonance.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page
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