233 research outputs found

    Dielectron widths of the S-, D-vector bottomonium states

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    The dielectron widths of Υ(nS)(n=1,...,7)\Upsilon(nS) (n=1,...,7) and vector decay constants are calculated using the Relativistic String Hamiltonian with a universal interaction. For Υ(nS)(n=1,2,3)\Upsilon(nS) (n=1,2,3) the dielectron widths and their ratios are obtained in full agreement with the latest CLEO data. For Υ(10580)\Upsilon(10580) and Υ(11020)\Upsilon(11020) a good agreement with experiment is reached only if the 4S--3D mixing (with a mixing angle θ=27∘±4∘\theta=27^\circ\pm 4^\circ) and 6S--5D mixing (with θ=40∘±5∘\theta=40^\circ\pm 5^\circ) are taken into account. The possibility to observe higher "mixed DD-wave" resonances, Υ~(n3D1)\tilde\Upsilon(n {}^3D_1) with n=3,4,5n=3,4,5 is discussed. In particular, Υ~(≈11120)\tilde\Upsilon(\approx 11120), originating from the pure 53D15 {}^3D_1 state, can acquire a rather large dielectron width, ∼130\sim 130 eV, so that this resonance may become manifest in the e+e−e^+e^- experiments. On the contrary, the widths of pure DD-wave states are very small, Γee(n3D1)≤2\Gamma_{ee}(n{}^3 D_1) \leq 2 eV.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    The Hyperfine Splittings in Heavy-Light Mesons and Quarkonia

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    Hyperfine splittings (HFS) are calculated within the Field Correlator Method, taking into account relativistic corrections. The HFS in bottomonium and the BqB_q (q=n,s) mesons are shown to be in full agreement with experiment if a universal coupling αHF=0.310\alpha_{HF}=0.310 is taken in perturbative spin-spin potential. It gives M(B∗)−M(B)=45.7(3)M(B^*)-M(B)=45.7(3) MeV, M(Bs∗)−M(Bs)=46.7(3)M(B_s^*)-M(B_s)=46.7(3) MeV (nf=4n_f=4), while in bottomonium ΔHF(bbˉ)=M(Υ(9460))−M(ηb(1S))=63.4\Delta_{HF}(b\bar b)=M(\Upsilon(9460))-M(\eta_b(1S))=63.4 MeV for nf=4n_f=4 and 71.1 MeV for nf=5n_f=5 are obtained; just latter agrees with recent BaBar data. For unobserved excited states we predict M(Υ(2S))−M(ηb(2S))=36(2)M(\Upsilon(2S))-M(\eta_b(2S))=36(2) MeV, M(Υ(3S))−M(η(3S))=28(2)M(\Upsilon(3S))-M(\eta(3S))=28(2) MeV, and also M(Bc∗)=6334(4)M(B_c^*)=6334(4) MeV, M(Bc(2S))=6868(4)M(B_c(2S))=6868(4) MeV, M(Bc∗(2S))=6905(4)M(B_c^*(2S))=6905(4) MeV. The mass splittings between D(23S1)−D(21S0)D(2^3S_1)-D(2^1S_0), Ds(23S1)−Ds(21S0)D_s(2^3S_1)-D_s(2^1S_0) are predicted to be ∼70\sim 70 MeV, which are significantly smaller than in several other studies.Comment: 13 page

    Strong coupling constant from bottomonium fine structure

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    From a fit to the experimental data on the bbˉb\bar{b} fine structure, the two-loop coupling constant is extracted. For the 1P state the fitted value is αs(μ1)=0.33±0.01(exp)±0.02(th)\alpha_s(\mu_1) = 0.33 \pm 0.01(exp)\pm 0.02 (th) at the scale μ1=1.8±0.1\mu_1 = 1.8 \pm 0.1 GeV, which corresponds to the QCD constant Λ(4)(2−loop)=338±30\Lambda^{(4)}(2-loop) = 338 \pm 30 MeV (n_f = 4) and αs(MZ)=0.119±0.002.Forthe2Pstatethevalue\alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.119 \pm 0.002. For the 2P state the value \alpha_s(\mu_2) = 0.40 \pm 0.02(exp)\pm 0.02(th)atthescale at the scale \mu_2 = 1.02 \pm 0.2GeVisextracted,whichissignificantlylargerthaninthepreviousanalysisofFulcher(1991)andHalzen(1993),butabout30smallerthanthevaluegivenbystandardperturbationtheory.Thisvalue GeV is extracted, which is significantly larger than in the previous analysis of Fulcher (1991) and Halzen (1993), but about 30% smaller than the value given by standard perturbation theory. This value \alpha_s(1.0) \approx 0.40canbeobtainedintheframeworkofthebackgroundperturbationtheory,thusdemonstratingthefreezingof can be obtained in the framework of the background perturbation theory, thus demonstrating the freezing of \alpha_s.Therelativisticcorrectionsto. The relativistic corrections to \alpha_s$ are found to be about 15%.Comment: 18 pages LaTe

    The gluonic condensate from the hyperfine splitting Mcog(χcJ)−M(hc)M_{\rm cog}(\chi_{cJ})-M(h_c) in charmonium

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    The precision measurement of the hyperfine splitting ΔHF(1P,ccˉ)=Mcog(χcJ)−M(hc)=−0.5±0.4\Delta_{\rm HF} (1P, c\bar c)=M_{\rm cog} (\chi_{cJ}) - M(h_c) = -0.5 \pm 0.4 MeV in the Fermilab--E835 experiment allows to determine the gluonic condensate G2G_2 with high accuracy if the gluonic correlation length TgT_g is fixed. In our calculations the negative value of ΔHF=−0.3±0.4\Delta_{\rm HF} = -0.3 \pm 0.4 MeV is obtained only if the relatively small Tg=0.16T_g = 0.16 fm and G2=0.065(3)G_2 = 0.065 (3) GeV4{}^4 are taken. These values correspond to the ``physical'' string tension (σ≈0.18(\sigma \approx 0.18 GeV2^2). For Tg≥0.2T_g \ge 0.2 fm the hyperfine splitting is positive and grows for increasing TgT_g. In particular for Tg=0.2T_g = 0.2 fm and G2=0.041(2)G_2 = 0.041 (2) GeV4{}^4 the splitting ΔHF=1.4(2)\Delta_{\rm HF} = 1.4 (2) MeV is obtained, which is in accord with the recent CLEO result.Comment: 9 pages revtex 4, no figure

    Higher excitations of the DD and DsD_s mesons

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    The masses of higher D(nL)D(nL) and Ds(nL)D_s(nL) excitations are shown to decrease due to the string contribution, originating from the rotation of the QCD string itself: it lowers the masses by 45 MeV for L=2(n=1)L=2 (n=1) and by 65 MeV for L=3(n=1)L=3 (n=1). An additional decrease ∼100\sim 100 MeV takes place if the current mass of the light (strange) quark is used in a relativistic model. For Ds(1 3D3)D_s(1\,{}^3D_3) and Ds(2P1H)D_s(2P_1^H) the calculated masses agree with the experimental values for Ds(2860)D_s(2860) and Ds(3040)D_s(3040), and the masses of D(2 1S0)D(2\,{}^1S_0), D(2 3S1)D(2\,{}^3S_1), D(1 3D3)D(1\,{}^3D_3), and D(1D2)D(1D_2) are in agreement with the new BaBar data. For the yet undiscovered resonances we predict the masses M(D(2 3P2))=2965M(D(2\,{}^3P_2))=2965 MeV, M(D(2 3P0))=2880M(D(2\,{}^3P_0))=2880 MeV, M(D(1 3F4))=3030M(D(1\,{}^3F_4))=3030 MeV, and M(Ds(1 3F2))=3090M(D_s(1\,{}^3F_2))=3090 MeV. We show that for L=2,3L=2,3 the states with jq=l+1/2j_q=l+1/2 and jq=l−1/2j_q=l-1/2 (J=lJ=l) are almost completely unmixed (ϕ≃−1∘\phi\simeq -1^\circ), which implies that the mixing angles θ\theta between the states with S=1 and S=0 (J=LJ=L) are θ≈40∘\theta\approx 40^\circ for L=2 and ≈42∘\approx 42^\circ for L=3.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, 4 tables Two references and corresponding discussion adde

    The leptonic widths of high ψ\psi-resonances in unitary coupled-channel model

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    The leptonic widths of high ψ\psi-resonances are calculated in a coupled-channel model with unitary inelasticity, where analytical expressions for mixing angles between (n+1)\,^3S_1 and n\,^3D_1 states and probabilities ZiZ_i of the ccˉc\bar c component are derived. Since these factors depend on energy (mass), different values of mixing angles θ(ψ(4040))=27.7∘\theta(\psi(4040))=27.7^\circ and θ(ψ(4160))=29.5∘\theta(\psi(4160))=29.5^\circ, Z1 (ψ(4040))=0.76Z_1\,(\psi(4040))=0.76, and Z2 (ψ(4160))=0.62Z_2\,(\psi(4160))=0.62 are obtained. It gives the leptonic widths Γee(ψ(4040))=Z1 1.17=0.89\Gamma_{ee}(\psi(4040))=Z_1\, 1.17=0.89~keV, Γee(ψ(4160))=Z2 0.76=0.47\Gamma_{ee}(\psi(4160))=Z_2\, 0.76=0.47~keV in good agreement with experiment. For ψ(4415)\psi(4415) the leptonic width Γee(ψ(4415))= 0.55\Gamma_{ee}(\psi(4415))=~0.55~keV is calculated, while for the missing resonance ψ(4510)\psi(4510) we predict M(ψ(4500))=(4515±5)M(\psi(4500))=(4515\pm 5)~MeV and Γee(ψ(4510))≅0.50\Gamma_{ee}(\psi(4510)) \cong 0.50~keV.Comment: 10 pages, 6 references corrected, some new material adde
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