74 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Akademik Micro Teaching Terhadap Kemampuan Real Teaching Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Angkatan 2014

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    Micro learning activities (micro teaching) in the Economic Education Study Program is a process of transforming science to shape the character of prospective teacher students who have specific teaching skills before implementing a real teaching program. Pragmatically, mastery of the material is less comprehensive, mastery of classes is less than optimal, awkwardness and awkwardness become modes of learning in micro teaching. It is also influenced by the limitation of the frequency of teaching micro. The acquisition of good / excellent grades in micro teaching activities cannot be used as a contribution to say that a 2014 Class of Economics Education Study Program student will be able to carry out real teaching programs well

    Profiling the Cybercriminal: A Systematic Review of Research

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    As cybercrime becomes one of the most significant threats facing society today, it is of utmost importance to better understand the perpetrators behind such attacks. In this article, we seek to advance research and practitioner understanding of the cybercriminal (cyber-offender) profiling domain by conducting a rigorous systematic review. This work investigates the aforementioned domain to answer the question: what is the state-of-the-art in the academic field of understanding, characterising and profiling cybercriminals. Through the application of the PRISMA systematic literature review technique, we identify 39 works from the last 14 years (2006-2020). Our findings demonstrate that overall, there is lack of a common definition of profiling for cyber-offenders. The review found that one of the primary types of cybercriminals that studies have focused on is hackers and the majority of papers used the deductive approach as a preferred one. This article produces an up-to-date characterisation of the field and also defines open issues deserving of further attention such as the role of security professionals and law enforcement in supporting such research, as well as factors including personality traits which must be further researched whilst exploring online criminal behaviour. By understanding online offenders and their pathways towards malevolent behaviours, we can better identify steps that need to be taken to prevent such criminal activities

    The Group Element of Cybercrime: Types, Dynamics, and Criminal Operations

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    While cybercrime can often be an individual activity pursued by lone hackers, it has increasingly grown into a group activity, with networks across the world. This chapter critically examines the group element of cybercrime from several perspectives. It identifies the platforms that online groups - cybercriminal and otherwise - use to interact, and considers groups as both perpetrators and victims of cybercrime. A key novelty is the discovery of new types of online groups whose collective actions border on criminality. The chapter also analyzes how online cybercrime groups form, organize, and operate. It explores issues such as trust, motives, and means, and draws on several poignant examples, from Anonymous to LulzSec, to illustrate the arguments

    Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour?

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    The present paper focuses on Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns, and aims to identify key factors regarding security which may lead them to failing to appropriately change people’s behaviour. Past and current efforts to improve information-security practices and promote a sustainable society have not had the desired impact. It is important therefore to critically reflect on the challenges involved in improving information security behaviours for citizens, consumers and employees. In particular, our work considers these challenges from a Psychology perspective, as we believe that understanding how people perceive risks is critical to creating effective awareness campaigns. Changing behaviour requires more than providing information about risks and reactive behaviours – firstly, people must be able to understand and apply the advice, and secondly, they must be motivated and willing to do so – and the latter requires changes to attitudes and intentions. These antecedents of behaviour change are identified in several psychological models of behaviour. We review the suitability of persuasion techniques, including the widely used ‘fear appeals’. From this range of literature, we extract essential components for an awareness campaign as well as factors which can lead to a campaign’s success or failure. Finally, we present examples of existing awareness campaigns in different cultures (the UK and Africa) and reflect on these
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