18 research outputs found

    Strong fuzzy subsethood measures and strong equalities via implication functions

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    In this work we present the definition of strong fuzzy subsethood measure as a unifiying concept for the different notions of fuzzy subsethood that can be found in the literature. We analyze the relations of our new concept with the definitions by Kitainik ( [20]), Young ( [26]) and Sinha and Dougherty ( [23]) and we prove that the most relevant properties of the latter are preserved. We show also several construction methods. © 2014 Old City Publishing, Inc

    The concept of a stationary, interactive rehabilitation bicycle for children

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    W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję stacjonarnego, interaktywnego rowerka rehabilitacyjnego dla dzieci poniżej trzeciego roku życia. Rehabilitacja małych dzieci musi być dostosowana do ich potrzeb oraz możliwości, a także powinna w sposób wszechstronny uwzględniać ich odrębność strukturalną i czynnościową wynikającą z wieku. Leczenie dysfunkcji kończyn dolnych przy minimalnej świadomości dziecka podczas zabawy podnosi atrakcyjność rehabilitacji, zwiększając zainteresowanie małego pacjenta oraz umożliwia dłuższe wykonywanie różnych czynności nie powodując znudzenia. Koncepcję rowerku wykonano w programie Autodesk Inventor.This paper presents the concept of a stationary, interactive rehabilitation bicycle for children below the age of three. The rehabilitation of small children has to be adjusted to their needs and possibilities and it should comprehensively take into account children’s structural and functional diversity related to their age. The treatment of dysfunction of lower limbs while the child is barely aware of it during play, increases the attractiveness of rehabilitation and thus child’s engagement and allows for longer exercises that do not cause boredom. The concept of the bicycle has been prepared with the use of Inventor software

    Study of PDMS Microchannels for Liquid Crystalline Optofluidic Devices in Waveguiding Photonic Systems

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    Microchannels in LC:PDMS structures must be of good quality and suitable geometry to achieve the desired orientation of the liquid crystalline molecules inside. When applying a casting technique, with the molds obtained even by the most accurate method, i.e., photolithography, it is still crucial to inspect the cross-section of the structure and the surface roughness of the PDMS material. This paper presents a study of PDMS microchannels using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to make such a characterization as accurate as possible. By comparing images of the samples taken using standard polarized light microscopy and SEM, it is likely to understand the mechanism of the liquid crystal molecular orientation occurring in the samples. The results obtained in this work may be used for numerical simulations and further development of LC:PDMS structures

    A Novel Approach for the Creation of Electrically Controlled LC:PDMS Microstructures

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    This work presents research on unique optofluidic systems in the form of air channels fabricated in PDMS and infiltrated with liquid crystalline material. The proposed LC:PDMS structures represent an innovative solution due to the use of microchannel electrodes filled with a liquid metal alloy. The latter allows for the easy and dynamic reconfiguration of the system and eliminates technological issues experienced by other research groups. The paper discusses the design, fabrication, and testing methods for tunable LC:PDMS structures. Particular emphasis was placed on determining their properties after applying an external electric field, depending on the geometrical parameters of the system. The conclusions of the performed investigations may contribute to the definition of guidelines for both LC:PDMS devices and a new class of potential sensing elements utilizing polymers and liquid crystals in their structures

    Orientation of Liquid Crystalline Molecules on PDMS Surfaces and within PDMS Microfluidic Systems

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    The unique components of PDMS-based microfluidic systems are those combined with liquid crystalline materials. Their functionality, especially when it comes to optical applications, highly depends on the LC molecular arrangement. This work summarizes experimental investigations on the orientation of molecules within LC:PDMS structures according to the manufacturing technologies. The availability of high-quality molds to pattern PDMS is a significant barrier to the creation of advanced microfluidic systems. The possibility of using inexpensive molds in the rapid and reproducible fabrication process has been particularly examined as an alternative to photolithography. Different geometries, including an innovative approach for the electrical control of the molecular arrangement within PDMS microchannels, are presented. These studies are critical for novel optofluidic systems, introducing further research on LC:PDMS waveguiding structures