21 research outputs found
A magyarországi szakképzés 2010 és 2020 között (háttér és körülmény)
A magyarországi szakkĂ©pzĂ©s 2010 Ă©s 2020 között idĹ‘szakát kĂ©t aspektusbĂłl kĂvánom megközelĂteni egyrĂ©szt áttekinteni mindazokat a fĹ‘bb jogszabályi változásokat, amelyek a szakkĂ©pzĂ©s rendszerĂ©t, struktĂşráját Ă©s mozgásterĂ©t megadták, valamint kĂ©pet adni arrĂłl, hogy a szakkĂ©pzĂ©s e hatásai mit eredmĂ©nyeztek a szakkĂ©pzĂ©s intĂ©zmĂ©nyeiben a tanulĂłi Ă©s oktatĂłi lĂ©tszámok alakulására, kĂ©pzĂ©si lehetĹ‘sĂ©gekre I will approach vocational training in Hungary between 2010 and 2020 from two aspects, on the one hand, to review all the main legislative changes that gave the system, structure and scope of vocational training, and to give an idea of what these effects of vocational training require in vocational training institutions for students and teachers on the development of staff numbers and training opportunities
Higher Education in Hungary in the Time of the Pandemic
In the spring of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic presented the world with new challenges. In the first half of March, parallel to the spread of COVID-19, teaching and lecture halls, colleges and other facilities in universities and university campuses were emptied almost simultaneously. Almost overnight, all higher educational institutions switched from face-to-face teaching to online teaching, namely absentee or distance learning. In our study, we surveyed students (both Hungarian and English-speaking students) and higher education faculty at the end of the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year to explore their experiences with online education during the pandemic. In our analysis, we explore some aspects of distance learning during the pandemic that we consider important, and we seek to compare the student and teacher views. The results show that the introduction of fully online teaching during the pandemic was relatively smooth, but this period was not without challenges and difficulties that manifested themselves in the learning and teaching process, in the availability of learning materials, in the digital skills of students, and in the work overload of teachers. In summary, however, the response of higher education to digitalisation today, besides its inevitability, is to prioritise the incorporation of past experiences in determining the focus of further development
„SzĂnezd Ăşjra!„ – SzakoktatĂł szak Ăşjra a DunaĂşjvárosi Egyetemen
A szakoktatĂł kĂ©pzĂ©s a Bologna-folyamat egyik vesztese volt, hiszen a műszaki kĂ©pzĂ©si terĂĽlethez csatlakozott a pedagĂłgus kĂ©pzĂ©si terĂĽlet helyett. Ez az elkötelezĹ‘dĂ©s a szak szakmai tartalmának kialakĂtásában is megmutatkozott, a szak arányaiban fĹ‘kĂ©nt a műszaki BSc terĂĽletekhez sorolĂłdott elsĹ‘sorban Ă©s csak másodsorban szolgálta a műszaki pedagĂłguskĂ©pzĂ©s igĂ©nyeit. Mindez azt eredmĂ©nyezte, hogy 2007–2021 között valamennyi kĂ©pzĹ‘helyen alig jelentkeztek erre a kĂ©pzĂ©si formára, leginkább azĂ©rt, mert az alapozĂł tárgyak komoly akadályt jelentettek a jelölteknek Ă©s igen nagy fokĂş volt a lemorzsolĂłdás. A műszaki szakoktatĂł kĂ©pzĂ©s zsákutcáját Ă©s beiskolázási sikertelensĂ©gĂ©t látva, több javaslat szĂĽletett a kĂ©pzĂ©s tĂpusának, szakterĂĽleti besorolásának megváltoztatására, ennek egyik remĂ©nyteli lehetĹ‘sĂ©ge a SzakoktatĂł BA kĂ©pzĂ©s, amely 2020-ban, a szakmaipedagĂłgus-kĂ©pzĹ‘k lobbijának hatására körvonalazĂłdott Ă©s öltött testet a szakmai tanárkĂ©pzĹ‘ intĂ©zetek összefogásának nyomán. A szakoktatĂł alapkĂ©pzĂ©si szak a pedagĂłguskĂ©pzĂ©si terĂĽletre kerĂĽlt, ezáltal Ăşj lehetĹ‘sĂ©gek nyĂltak a szak Ă©s a szakot indĂtĂł intĂ©zmĂ©nyek számára. Az Ărás ennek mentĂ©n kĂvánja feltárni a szakoktatĂł szakban rejlĹ‘ perspektĂvákat
„A tudás kortalan!” – Mindenki egyeteme Dunaújvárosban = “Knowledge is Ageless!" – Open University in Dunaújváros
Boigey Maurice. L’éducation physique et l’École. In: La revue pédagogique, tome 76, Janvier-Juin 1920. pp. 100-124
“From technical educators to vocational teachers” II Training after the Bologna system
The theoretical work presented in the present study strives to limit itself to the historical and curricular aspects of the training of technical instructors. Technical teacher training, which serves the preparation of practical instructors in vocational secondary schools is specific in many respects. A review of the training of practical instructors can be organised along 6 main central points within the technical teacher training. The most important aspect of the analysis was the examination of training content, training structure and professional-pedagogical ratios based on curriculum frameworks. In addition, it is essential to determine that this training was created in order to meet which vocational training needs and which were the problematic points that served the further development. The training of technical instructors is being done in very few institutions currently, besides the training places, the number of students is also small. One of the main objectives of the theoretical analysis is to outline possible solutions and paths for the future and possible directions of the training, in addition to exploring the problems
"Go or stay?"Examination of Career Leaving among Vocational Teachers
The bringing back of the quality of education to the work of teachers has prompted a whole range of teacher research at international level. The OECD's international teacher researches sought to explore the possibilities of attracting and retaining teachers as well as the conditions for ensuring their professional development by interpreting the teaching profession as a complex vocation. (OECD, 2009) Some developed
countries have to face significant teacher shortages. International reports identify teacher shortages as a serious
problem with the expansion of education and the loss of career prestige (Mihály, 2002). Despite the fact that,
unlike in many European countries, there is no shortage of teachers in the absolute sense in Hungary, the first
signs of this are also visible also in our country (Ság-Ercsei, 2012a and 2012b). However, the problem of teacher shortages and career abandonment is mostly not a quantitative issue, but a structural one. It is therefore important to understand the characteristics of the career leavers and the reasons for leaving the field. In this study, we formulate the theoretical basics of our study done among vocational teachers