553 research outputs found

    Functional immunomics: Microarray analysis of IgG autoantibody repertoires predicts the future response of NOD mice to an inducer of accelerated diabetes

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    One's present repertoire of antibodies encodes the history of one's past immunological experience. Can the present autoantibody repertoire be consulted to predict resistance or susceptibility to the future development of an autoimmune disease? Here we developed an antigen microarray chip and used bioinformatic analysis to study a model of type 1 diabetes developing in non-obese diabetic (NOD) male mice in which the disease was accelerated and synchronized by exposing the mice to cyclophosphamide at 4 weeks of age. We obtained sera from 19 individual mice, treated the mice to induce cyclophosphamide-accelerated diabetes (CAD), and found, as expected, that 9 mice became severely diabetic while 10 mice permanently resisted diabetes. We again obtained serum from each mouse afterCAD induction. We then analyzed the patterns of antibodies in the individualmice to 266 different antigens spotted on the antigen chip. We identified a select panel of 27 different antigens (10% of the array) that revealed a pattern of IgG antibody reactivity in the pre-CAD serathat discriminated between the mice resistant or susceptible to CAD with 100% sensitivity and 82% specificity (p=0.017). Surprisingly, the set of IgG antibodies that was informative before CAD induction did not separate the resistant and susceptible groups after the onset of CAD; new antigens became criticalfor post-CAD repertoire discrimination. Thus, at least for a model disease, present antibody repertoires can predict future disease; predictive and diagnostic repertoires can differ; and decisive information about immune system behavior can be mined by bioinformatic technology. Repertoires matter.Comment: See Advanced Publication on the PNAS website for final versio

    Improved care of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in two academic emergency departments

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    Background: Although several chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) practice guidelines have been published, there is sparse data on the actual emergency department (ED) management of acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD). Aims: Our objectives were to examine concordance of ED care of AECOPD in older patients with guideline recommendations and to evaluate whether concordance has improved over time in two academic EDs. Methods: Data were obtained from two cohort studies on AECOPD performed in two academic EDs during two different time periods, 2000 and 2005–2006. Both studies included ED patients, aged 55 and older, who presented with AECOPD, and cases were confirmed by emergency physicians. Data on ED management and disposition were obtained from chart review for both cohorts. Results: The analysis included 272 patients: 72 in the 2000 database and 200 in the 2005–2006 database. The mean age of the patients was 72 years; 50% were women and 80% white. In 2005–2006, overall concordance with guideline recommendations was high (for chest radiography, pulse oximetry, bronchodilators, all ≥ 90%), except for arterial blood gas testing (7% among the admitted) and discharge medication with systemic corticosteroids (42%). Compared to the 2000 data, the use of systemic corticosteroids in the ED improved from 53 to 77% [absolute improvement: 24%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 11–37%], and the use of antibiotics among the patients with respiratory infection symptoms improved from 56 to 78% (absolute improvement: 22%, 95% CI: 6–38%). Conclusions: Overall concordance with guideline-recommended care for AECOPD was high in two academic EDs, and some emergency treatments have improved over time

    Symptomatic snapping knee from biceps femoris tendon subluxation: an unusual case of lateral pain in a marathon runner

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    Snapping biceps femoris syndrome is an uncommon cause of lateral knee pain and may be difficult to diagnose, resulting in unsuccessful surgical intervention. In this report, we present an unusual case of a 37-year-old male marathon runner with unilateral snapping knee secondary to dislocation of the long head of the biceps femoris over the fibular head during knee flexion. The pain was great enough to interfere with his ability to practice sport. Possible causes of symptomatic snapping knee include multiple intra-articular or extra-articular pathology. Biceps femoris snapping over the fibular head is a rare condition. Reported causes include an anomalous insertion of the tendon into the tibia, trauma, and fibular-head abnormality. However, none of those conditions accounted for his symptoms. Failing conservative treatment, the patient underwent surgery for partial resection of the fibular head, with subsequent sudden resolution of symptoms and return to sport. Accurate knowledge and management of this rare condition is mandatory to avoid inappropriate therapy and unnecessary surgical procedures

    Arthroscopic evaluation of the ACL double bundle structure

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    In order to describe the arthroscopic presence of the double bundle structure and to evaluate the value of different portals in knee arthroscopy, we assessed the AM and PL bundle anatomy. We prospectively examined the knees of 60 patients undergoing arthroscopic surgery for pathology unrelated to the ACL. Arthroscopy was performed in a two portal technique using an anterolateral (ALP) and an anteromedial (AMP) portal. With the arthroscope in the ALP, we could distinguish an AM and PL bundle in 28%. Switching the arthroscope to the AMP, differentiation of the bundles was possible in 67%. In all remaining cases visualization of the PL bundle was possible after retraction of the AM bundle. Use of AMP increased visualization of the PL bundle. It seems reasonable to perform arthroscopy for ACL reconstruction with the arthroscope in the AMP and to establish an additional medial working portal to increase the visualization of the femoral ACL insertion sites for optimal femoral tunnel placement

    Lutein supplementation in retinitis pigmentosa: PC-based vision assessment in a randomized double-masked placebo-controlled clinical trial [NCT00029289]

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    BACKGROUND: There is no generally accepted medical or surgical treatment to stop the progressive course of retinitis pigmentosa. Previous studies have suggested lutein as a potential treatment with positive effects on macular pigment density. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lutein supplementation on preservation of visual function in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) METHODS: In a double-masked randomized placebo-controlled phase I/II clinical trial with a cross-over design, 34 adult patients with RP were randomized to two groups. One group, consisted of 16 participants, received lutein supplementation (10 mg/d for 12 wks followed by 30 mg/d) for the first 24 weeks and then placebo for the following 24 weeks, while the other group included 18 participants for whom placebo (24 weeks) was administered prior to lutein. Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and central visual field were measured at different illumination levels at baseline and every week using a PC-based test at home. RESULTS: For visual acuity (VA) at normal illumination level, treatment with lutein reduced logMAR, i.e. improved VA, but this effect was not statistically significant. The changes in normal (100%), low (4%), and very low (0.1%) illumination log CS were not statistically significant (p-values: 0.34, 0.23, and 0.32, respectively). Lutein had a statistically significant effect on visual field (p-value: 0.038) and this effect increased in the model assuming a 6-week delay in effect of lutein. Comparing the development of vision measures against the natural loss expected to occur over the course of 48 weeks, most measures showed reduced decline, and these reductions were significant for normal illumination VA and CS. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that lutein supplementation improves visual field and also might improve visual acuity slightly, although these results should be interpreted cautiously. As a combined phase I and II clinical trial, this study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of lutein supplementation

    New fluoroscopic imaging technique for investigation of 6DOF knee kinematics during treadmill gait

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This report presents a new imaging technique for non-invasive study of six degrees of freedom (DOF) knee kinematics during treadmill gait.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>A treadmill was integrated into a dual fluoroscopic imaging system (DFIS) to formulate a gait analysis system. To demonstrate the application of the system, a healthy subject walked on the treadmill at four different speeds (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 MPH) while the DFIS captured the knee motion during three strides under each speed. Characters of knee joint motion were analyzed in 6DOF during the treadmill walking.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The speed of the knee motion was lower than that of the treadmill. Flexion amplitudes increased with increasing walking speed. Motion patterns in other DOF were not affected by increase in walking speed. The motion character was repeatable under each treadmill speed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presented technique can be used to accurately measure the 6DOF knee kinematics at normal walking speeds.</p

    Clinical practice: Protein-losing enteropathy in children

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    Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) is a rare complication of a variety of intestinal disorders characterized by an excessive loss of proteins into the gastrointestinal tract due to impaired integrity of the mucosa. The clinical presentation of patients with PLE is highly variable, depending upon the underlying cause, but mainly consists of edema due to hypoproteinemia. While considering PLE, other causes of hypoproteinemia such as malnutrition, impaired synthesis, or protein loss through other organs like the kidney, liver, or skin, have to be excluded. The disorders causing PLE can be divided into those due to protein loss from intestinal lymphatics, like primary intestinal lymphangiectasia or congenital heart disease and those with protein loss due to an inflamed or abnormal mucosal surface. The diagnosis is confirmed by increased fecal concentrations of alpha-1-antitrypsin. After PLE is diagnosed, the underlying cause should be identified by stool cultures, serologic evaluation, cardiac screening, or radiographic imaging. Treatment of PLE consists of nutrition state maintenance by using a high protein diet with supplement of fat-soluble vitamins. In patients with lymphangiectasia, a low fat with medium chain triglycerides (MCT) diet should be prescribed. Besides dietary adjustments, appropriate treatment for the underlying etiology is necessary and supportive care to avoid complications of edema. PLE is a rare complication of various diseases, mostly gastrointestinal or cardiac conditions that result into loss of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract. Prognosis depends upon the severity and treatment options of the underlying disease

    The Time Course of Segmentation and Cue-Selectivity in the Human Visual Cortex

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    Texture discontinuities are a fundamental cue by which the visual system segments objects from their background. The neural mechanisms supporting texture-based segmentation are therefore critical to visual perception and cognition. In the present experiment we employ an EEG source-imaging approach in order to study the time course of texture-based segmentation in the human brain. Visual Evoked Potentials were recorded to four types of stimuli in which periodic temporal modulation of a central 3° figure region could either support figure-ground segmentation, or have identical local texture modulations but not produce changes in global image segmentation. The image discontinuities were defined either by orientation or phase differences across image regions. Evoked responses to these four stimuli were analyzed both at the scalp and on the cortical surface in retinotopic and functional regions-of-interest (ROIs) defined separately using fMRI on a subject-by-subject basis. Texture segmentation (tsVEP: segmenting versus non-segmenting) and cue-specific (csVEP: orientation versus phase) responses exhibited distinctive patterns of activity. Alternations between uniform and segmented images produced highly asymmetric responses that were larger after transitions from the uniform to the segmented state. Texture modulations that signaled the appearance of a figure evoked a pattern of increased activity starting at ∼143 ms that was larger in V1 and LOC ROIs, relative to identical modulations that didn't signal figure-ground segmentation. This segmentation-related activity occurred after an initial response phase that did not depend on the global segmentation structure of the image. The two cue types evoked similar tsVEPs up to 230 ms when they differed in the V4 and LOC ROIs. The evolution of the response proceeded largely in the feed-forward direction, with only weak evidence for feedback-related activity

    Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: when are antibiotics indicated? A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: For decades, there is an unresolved debate about adequate prescription of antibiotics for patients suffering from exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this systematic review was to analyse randomised controlled trials investigating the clinical benefit of antibiotics for COPD exacerbations. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of randomised, placebo-controlled trials assessing the effects of antibiotics on clinically relevant outcomes in patients with an exacerbation. We searched bibliographic databases, scrutinized reference lists and conference proceedings and asked the pharmaceutical industry for unpublished data. We used fixed-effects models to pool results. The primary outcome was treatment failure of COPD exacerbation treatment. RESULTS: We included 13 trials (1557 patients) of moderate to good quality. For the effects of antibiotics on treatment failure there was much heterogeneity across all trials (I(2 )= 82%). Meta-regression revealed severity of exacerbation as significant explanation for this heterogeneity (p = 0.016): Antibiotics did not reduce treatment failures in outpatients with mild to moderate exacerbations (pooled odds ratio 1.09, 95% CI 0.75–1.59, I(2 )= 18%). Inpatients with severe exacerbations had a substantial benefit on treatment failure rates (pooled odds ratio of 0.25, 95% CI 0.16–0.39, I(2 )= 0%; number-needed to treat of 4, 95% CI 3–5) and on mortality (pooled odds ratio of 0.20, 95% CI 0.06–0.62, I(2 )= 0%; number-needed to treat of 14, 95% CI 12–30). CONCLUSION: Antibiotics effectively reduce treatment failure and mortality rates in COPD patients with severe exacerbations. For patients with mild to moderate exacerbations, antibiotics may not be generally indicated and further research is needed to guide antibiotic prescription in these patients