14 research outputs found

    The Role of Globalization on CO2 Emission in Vietnam Incorporating Industrialization, Urbanization, GDP per Capita and Energy Use

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    This study examines the impacts of crucial factors associated with Vietnam's socio-economic development including globalization, industrialization, urbanization, energy consumption and GDP per capita on carbon dioxide emission. The 31-year data (from 1985 to 2015) is analyzed by Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method, and bound test result denotes the long-run relationship between the carbon dioxide emission and its determinants. The long-run and short-run effects can be assessed by the cointegration among the variables and Error Correction Model (ECM) respectively. We find that energy consumption, industrialization and GDP per capita increase carbon dioxide emission in the long-run while, in contrast, globalization negatively influences it, which implies pragmatic suggestions for policymakers in promoting pertinent strategies for sustainable economic development in Vietnam. Keywords: Energy consumption, Carbon dioxide emission, Globalization JEL Classifications: C32, Q43, Q56 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.706


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    Pomelo is a Vietnam’s plant species with high nutritional and economic value. Besides, pomelo essential oil contains numerous compounds with high biological activity. The essential oil is extracted by using steam distillation, and its chemical composition is determined by means of GC-MS. The major components are limonene (91.19%), b-myrcene (2.92%), a-phellandrene (1.98%), and a-pinene (1.19%). The antimicrobial activity of essential oils is tested against pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli), and Aspergillus flavus at different concentrations with the agar well diffusion method. This essential oil is active against B. cereus, S. aureus, and E. coli with inhibition diameter zones at 8.3–11.3, 10.3–18.7, and 9.0–11.7 mm, respectively, and inhibits A. flavus mold with 18.9–65.0% efficiency.Bưởi là loài cây không chỉ có giá trị cao về mặt dinh dưỡng mà còn có giá trị cao về mặt kinh tế và được trồng phổ biến ở Việt Nam. Ngoài ra, tinh dầu bưởi chứa nhiều hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học cao. Tinh dầu bưởi được chiết xuất bằng phương pháp chưng cất lôi cuốn hơi nước và thành phần hóa học được phân tích bằng phương pháp GC-MS. Thành phần chính của tinh dầu gồm limonene (91,19%), b-myrcene (2,92%), a-phellandrene (1,98%) và a-pinene (1,19%). Hoạt tính kháng vi sinh vật của tinh dầu được khảo sát với vi khuẩn Gram dương (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram âm (Escherichia coli) và nấm mốc Aspergillus flavus ở nồng độ 5, 10, 25 và 50% bằng phương pháp khuếch tán giếng thạch. Tinh dầu có khả năng kháng B. cereus, S. aureus và E. coli với đường kính vòng kháng khuẩn lần lượt là 8,3–11,3, 10,3–18,7 và 9,0–11,7 mm và ức chế sự phát triển của A. flavus (18,9–65,0%)

    Wearable devices for remote monitoring of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Vietnam

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    Patients with severe COVID-19 disease require monitoring with pulse oximetry as a minimal requirement. In many low- and middle- income countries, this has been challenging due to lack of staff and equipment. Wearable pulse oximeters potentially offer an attractive means to address this need, due to their low cost, battery operability and capacity for remote monitoring. Between July and October 2021, Ho Chi Minh City experienced its first major wave of SARS-CoV-2 infection, leading to an unprecedented demand for monitoring in hospitalized patients. We assess the feasibility of a continuous remote monitoring system for patients with COVID-19 under these circumstances as we implemented 2 different systems using wearable pulse oximeter devices in a stepwise manner across 4 departments

    Développement d’une stratégie éléments finis pour la modélisation des matériaux nano-renforcés

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    The modelization of nano-reinforced material requires to take into account the size effect caused by the local phenomena at the interface between the nano-inclusion and the matrix. This size effect is interpreted through an increase in the ratio interface/volume and can be taken into account by introducing a surface elasticity at the interface. Whereas a lot of works have been developed from the analytical point of view, few contributions are related to numerical description and implementation of such surface elasticity in Finite Element Method (FEM). Our studies aim to develop efficient numerical tools based on FEM for the modeling of nanocomposites. Firstly, we evaluate the two existent numerical strategies namely the XFEM approach and the Interface element approach in reproducing the size effect in the homogenization process. Secondly, based on a performance test on the three types of formulations of E-FEM for the case of weak discontinuity, we propose an enhanced SKON formulation allowing to incorporate the effect of a coherent interface. Finally, the numerical modeling on the nonlinear behavior of nanocomposites is investigated. In the first step, a von Mises type elastoplastic law with linear isotropic hardening is considered for the bulk while the interface is considered as linear elasticLa modélisation des matériaux nano-renforcés nécessite de prendre en compte l’effet de taille induit par les phénomènes locaux à l’interface entre la nanoinclusion et la matrice. Cet effet de taille est interprété par une augmentation du rapport interface/volume et peut être pris en compte en introduisant une élasticité surfacique à l’interface. Alors que de nombreux travaux ont été développés du point de vue analytique, peu de contributions ont trait à la description numérique et à la mise en œuvre de cette élasticité surfacique dans la méthode des éléments finis (FEM). Nos études visent à développer des outils numériques efficaces basés sur la FEM pour la modélisation de nanocomposites. Dans un premier temps, nous évaluons les deux stratégies numériques existantes, à savoir l’approche XFEM et l’approche des éléments d’interface, dans la reproduction de l’effet de taille dans le processus d’homogénéisation. Deuxièmement, sur la base d’un test de performance des trois types de formulations d’E-FEM dans le cas de discontinuités faibles, nous proposons une formulation améliorée de SKON permettant d’intégrer l’effet d’une interface cohérente. Enfin, la modélisation numérique du comportement non linéaire des nanocomposites est étudiée. Lors de la première étape, une loi élastoplastique de type von Mises avec durcissement linéaire isotrope est considérée pour le volume, tandis que l’interface est considérée comme élastique linéaire

    Modélisation de l'effet de taille dans les nanocomposites par la méthode EFEM (Embedded Finite Element Method)

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    International audienceAvec l'utilisation croissante des nanocomposites, la nécessité de développer des procédures de modélisation efficaces apparaît. Les modélisations issues de la mécanique des milieux continus introduisent cet effet de taille par la prise en compte d'une élasticité de surface à l'interface entre les nano-inclusions et la matrice. Afin de contourner les limites en termes de géométrie des inclusions associées aux modélisations analytiques, nous proposons ici une stratégie numérique basée sur la méthode Embedded FEM pour prédire le comportement mécanique des matériaux nano-renforcés, y compris en prenant en compte des comportements non linéaires pour les différentes phases. Mots clés : Nanocomposite, FEM, Élasticité surfacique, Effet de taille

    An embedded-FEM approach accounting for the size effect in nanocomposites

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    Anthropometric Cut-Off Values for Detecting the Presence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Multiple Components among Adults in Vietnam: The Role of Novel Indices

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    Recent studies have shown that using international guidelines to diagnose metabolic syndrome (MetS) may underestimate its prevalence in different Asian populations. This study aims to determine the validity of anthropometric indicators and appropriate cut-off values to predict MetS for Vietnamese adults. We analyzed data on 4701 adults across four regions of Vietnam. Four conventional and five novel anthropometric indexes were calculated. The area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) and Youden’s J statistic were applied to evaluate the diagnostic ability and optimal cut-off values. Regardless of diagnostic criteria and gender, Abdominal volume index (AVI), Body roundness index (BRI), and Waist-height ratio (WHtR) had the highest AUC values, followed by Body mass index (BMI) and Waist-hip ratio (WHR). However, it was seen that differences among the AUC values of most indices were minor. In men, using International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria, the threshold of indices was 3.86 for BRI, 16.20 for AVI, 0.53 for WHtR, 22.40 for BMI, and 0.90 for WHR. In women, the threshold for these figures were 3.60, 12.80, 0.51, 23.58, and 0.85, respectively. It is recommended that health personnel in Vietnam should apply appropriate thresholds of anthropometry, which are lower than current international guidelines, for MetS screening to avoid under-diagnosis

    Coverage of health information by different sources in communities: implication for COVID-19 epidemic response

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    Health personnel and community workers are at the front line of the COVID-19 emergency response and need to be equipped with adequate knowledge related to epidemics for an effective response. This study aimed to identify the coverage of COVID-19 health information via different sources accessed by health workers and community workers in Vietnam. A cross-sectional study using a web-based survey was carried out from January to February 2020 in Vietnam. Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) was used for recruiting participants. We utilized the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to examine the construct validity of the questionnaire. A higher percentage of participants knew about “Clinical and pathogen characteristics of COVID-19”, compared to “Regulations and policies related to COVID-19”. The percentage of participants accessing the information on “Guidelines and policies on prevention and control of COVID-19” was the lowest, especially among medical students. “Mass media and peer-educators” channels had a higher score of accessing COVID-19 information, compared to “Organizations/ agencies/ associations” sources. Participants consumed most of their COVID-19 information via “Internet, online newspapers, social networks”. Our findings indicate an urgency to re-design training programs and communication activities for a more effective dissemination of information related to the COVID-19 epidemic or epidemics in general