38 research outputs found

    S'estan transformant els contes de fades?

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    From The Editors

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    From The Editors

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    Overview of the special issue, Transcultural and Intermedial Fairy Tales and Televisio

    From the Editors

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    From The Editors

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    Introduction to the issue, and announcement of Thinking with stories in times of conflict, a conference in fairy-tale studies

    Editors\u27 Preface: Thinking with Stories

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    Book Reviews

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    Book Reviews: I Myself Have Seen It: the Myth of Hawai'i by Susanna Moore ; Water And the Law In Hawai'i by Lawrence H. Miike; Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance To American Colonialism by Noenoe K. Silva ; Completing the Union: Alaska, Hawai'i And the Battle For Statehood by John S. Whitehead; Ku'e: Thirty Years of Land Struggles In Hawai'i by Ed Greevy. Text And Captions by Haunani-Kay Trask; Hawai'is Pineapple Century: A History of the Crowned Fruit In the Hawaiian Islands by Jan K. Ten Bruggencat

    Introduction to EJES special journal issue on ‘Feminist Interventions in Intermedial Studies'

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    Abstract The feminist project has radicalised text/image relationships in myriad ways, disrupting the contours of discipline and medium. The multifaceted recyclings of a transdisciplinary methodology remind us that although in the past decades text/image studies has become an established academic research field in the first decades of the twenty-first century, its subversive potential to challenge cultural hegemonies has not diminished. On the contrary, intermedial fusions remain loaded with political and ethical issues that are in search of sites of resistance for marginalised, othered social subjects and meanings. The introduction explains how this special journal issue emerges from and is addressed to the politically significant network of feminist researchers -- artists, theoreticians, activists -- we believe we share ties with on account of putting the study of intermediality in the service of 'constructing a radically new understanding of our world in all its horror and hope' (Pollock, 1988: 22)