81 research outputs found

    Aerobic bacterial profile and their antimicrobial sensitivity pattern in patients of otitis media with ear discharge

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    Background: The average prevalence of Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) in India is 5.2%. It is more prevalent due to various predisposing factors such as malnutrition, overcrowding, poor hygiene, inadequate health care, and recurrent upper respiratory tract infection. In recent years, there is increased preponderance of multi drug resistant organisms due to the irrational use of antibiotics, making treatment of CSOM more difficult.Methods: Samples from 100 subjects of uncomplicated CSOM who presented to the Oto-Rhino-Laryngology outpatient department of our hospital were collected. Aerobic bacterial profile and its Antimicrobial susceptibility were studied by conventional methods. Results were compiled and evaluated by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (50.7%) and Staphylococcus aureus (19.04%) were the predominant isolates in our study. Aminoglycosides and Fluoroquinolones were found to be effective first line drugs, followed by Carbapenems.Conclusions: These antibiotics can be used to prevent the life-long complications of CSOM. Timely culture and sensitivity helps in the management of these cases.

    Light GUT Triplets and Yukawa Splitting

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    Triplet-mediated proton decay in Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) is usually suppressed by arranging a large triplet mass. Here we explore instead a mechanism for suppressing the couplings of the triplets to the first and second generations compared to the Yukawa couplings, so that the triplets' mass can be below the GUT scale. This mechanism is based on a ``triplet symmetry'' in the context of product-group GUTs. We study two possibilities. One, which requires the top Yukawa to arise from a non-renormalizable operator at the GUT scale, is that all triplet couplings to matter are negligible, so that the triplets can be at the weak scale. The second is that some triplet couplings, and in particular TtbT t b and TtˉlˉT \bar{t} \bar{l}, are equal to the corresponding Yukawa couplings. This would give a distinct signature of grand unification if the triplets were sufficiently light. However, we derive a model-independent bound on the triplet mass in this case, which is at least 106^6GeV. Finally, we construct a GUT model based on Yukawa splitting, with the triplets at 1014^{14}GeV, as required for coupling unification to work.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex4, 1 EPS figure. To appear in PRD: Minor changes. Appendix droppe

    Large Electric Dipole Moments of Heavy Neutrinos

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    In many models of CP violation, the electric dipole moment (EDM) of a heavy charged or neutral lepton could be very large. We present an explicit model in which a heavy neutrino EDM can be as large as 101610^{-16} e-cm, or even a factor of ten larger if fine-tuning is allowed, and use an effective field theory argument to show that this result is fairly robust. We then look at the production cross section for these neutrinos, and by rederiving the Bethe-Block formula, show that they could leave an ionization track. It is then noted that the first signature of heavy neutrinos with a large EDM would come from e+eNˉNγe^+e^-\to \bar{N}N\gamma, leading to a very large rate for single photon plus missing energy events, and the rate and angular distribution are found. Finally, we look at some astrophysical consequences, including whether these neutrinos could constitute the UHE cosmic rays and whether their decays in the early universe could generate a net lepton asymmetry.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Minimal Supersymmetric Pati-Salam Theory: Determination of Physical Scales

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    We systematically study the minimal supersymmetric Pati-Salam theory, paying special attention to the unification constraints. We find that the SU(4)_c scale M_c and the Left-Right scale M_R lie in the range 10^{10} GeV < M_c < 10^{14} GeV, 10^{3} GeV < M_R <10^{10} GeV (with single-step breaking at 10^{10} GeV), giving a potentially accessible scale of parity breaking. The theory includes the possibility of having doubly-charged supermultiplets at the supersymmetry breaking scale; color octet states with mass of order M_R^2/M_c; magnetic monopoles of intermediate mass that do not conflict with cosmology, and a 'clean' (type I) form for the see-saw mechanism of neutrino mass.Comment: 5 page

    Model Building with Gauge-Yukawa Unification

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    In supersymmetric theories with extra dimensions, the Higgs and matter fields can be part of the gauge multiplet, so that the Yukawa interactions can arise from the gauge interactions. This leads to the possibility of gauge-Yukawa coupling unification, g_i=y_f, in the effective four dimensional theory after the initial gauge symmetry and the supersymmetry are broken upon orbifold compactification. We consider gauge-Yukawa unified models based on a variety of four dimensional symmetries, including SO(10), SU(5), Pati-Salam symmetry, trinification, and the Standard Model. Only in the case of Pati-Salam and the Standard Model symmetry, we do obtain gauge-Yukawa unification. Partial gauge-Yukawa unification is also briefly discussed.Comment: 23 page

    The Formation of Cosmic Structures in a Light Gravitino Dominated Universe

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    We analyse the formation of cosmic structures in models where the dark matter is dominated by light gravitinos with mass of 100 100 eV -- 1 keV, as predicted by gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking models. After evaluating the number of degrees of freedom at the gravitinos decoupling (gg_*), we compute the transfer function for matter fluctuations and show that gravitinos behave like warm dark matter (WDM) with free-streaming scale comparable to the galaxy mass scale. We consider different low-density variants of the WDM model, both with and without cosmological constant, and compare the predictions on the abundances of neutral hydrogen within high-redshift damped Ly--α\alpha systems and on the number density of local galaxy clusters with the corresponding observational constraints. We find that none of the models satisfies both constraints at the same time, unless a rather small Ω0\Omega_0 value (\mincir 0.4) and a rather large Hubble parameter (\magcir 0.9) is assumed. Furthermore, in a model with warm + hot dark matter, with hot component provided by massive neutrinos, the strong suppression of fluctuation on scales of \sim 1\hm precludes the formation of high-redshift objects, when the low--zz cluster abundance is required. We conclude that all different variants of a light gravitino DM dominated model show strong difficulties for what concerns cosmic structure formation. This gives a severe cosmological constraint on the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking scheme.Comment: 28 pages,Latex, submitted for publication to Phys.Rev.

    Primordial Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Z' Properties

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    In models involving new TeV-scale Z' gauge bosons, the new U(1)' symmetry often prevents the generation of Majorana masses needed for a conventional neutrino seesaw, leading to three superweakly interacting ``right-handed'' neutrinos nu_R, the Dirac partners of the ordinary neutrinos. These can be produced prior to big bang nucleosynthesis by the Z' interactions, leading to a faster expansion rate and too much ^4He. We quantify the constraints on the Z' properties from nucleosynthesis for Z' couplings motivated by a class of E_6 models parametrized by an angle theta_E6. The rate for the annihilation of three approximately massless right-handed neutrinos into other particle pairs through the Z' channel is calculated. The decoupling temperature, which is higher than that of ordinary left-handed neutrinos due to the large Z' mass, is evaluated, and the equivalent number of new doublet neutrinos Delta N_nu is obtained numerically as a function of the Z' mass and couplings for a variety of assumptions concerning the Z-Z' mixing angle and the quark-hadron transition temperature T_c. Except near the values of theta_E6 for which the Z' decouples from the right-handed neutrinos, the Z' mass and mixing constraints from nucleosynthesis are much more stringent than the existing laboratory limits from searches for direct production or from precision electroweak data, and are comparable to the ranges that may ultimately be probed at proposed colliders. For the case T_c = 150 MeV with the theoretically favored range of Z-Z' mixings, Delta N_nu 4.3 TeV for any value of theta_E6. Larger mixing or larger T_c often lead to unacceptably large Delta N_nu except near the nu_R decoupling limit.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; two additional references adde

    Dark matter and Colliders searches in the MSSM

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    We study the complementarity between dark matter experiments (direct detection and indirect detections) and accelerator facilities (the CERN LHC and a s=1\sqrt{s}= 1 TeV e+ee^+e^- Linear Collider) in the framework of the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show how non--universality in the scalar and gaugino sectors can affect the experimental prospects to discover the supersymmetric particles. The future experiments will cover a large part of the parameter space of the MSSM favored by WMAP constraint on the relic density, but there still exist some regions beyond reach for some extreme (fine tuned) values of the supersymmetric parameters. Whereas the Focus Point region characterized by heavy scalars will be easily probed by experiments searching for dark matter, the regions with heavy gauginos and light sfermions will be accessible more easily by collider experiments. More informations on both supersymmetry and astrophysics parameters can be thus obtained by correlating the different signals.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, corrected typos and reference adde

    Search for neutrinoless decays tau -> 3l

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    We have searched for neutrinoless tau lepton decays into three charged leptons using an 87.1 fb^{-1} data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB e^+e^- collider. Since the number of signal candidate events is compatible with that expected from the background, we set 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions in the range (1.9-3.5) x 10^{-7} for various decay modes tau -> l l l where l represents e or mu.Comment: 12 pages, 4figure