12 research outputs found

    Shape evolution in the rapidly rotating 140^{140}Gd nucleus

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    Ground state band of 140^{140}Gd has been investigated following their population in the 112^{112}Sn(35^{35}Cl,~α\alphap2n)140^{140}Gd reaction at 195 MeV of beam energy using a large array of Compton suppressed HPGe clovers as the detection setup. Apart from other spectroscopic measurements, level lifetimes of the states have been extracted using the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method. Extracted quadrupole moment along with the pairing independent cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model calculations for the quadrupole band reveal that the nucleus preferably attains triaxiality with γ\gamma = -30^\circ. The calculation though shows a slight possibility of rotation around the longest possible principal axis at high spin \sim 30\hbar which is beyond the scope of the present experiment

    Independent and combined effects of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene, and improved complementary feeding, on child stunting and anaemia in rural Zimbabwe: a cluster-randomised trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Child stunting reduces survival and impairs neurodevelopment. We tested the independent and combined effects of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and improved infant and young child feeding (IYCF) on stunting and anaemia in in Zimbabwe. METHODS: We did a cluster-randomised, community-based, 2 × 2 factorial trial in two rural districts in Zimbabwe. Clusters were defined as the catchment area of between one and four village health workers employed by the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care. Women were eligible for inclusion if they permanently lived in clusters and were confirmed pregnant. Clusters were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1) to standard of care (52 clusters), IYCF (20 g of a small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplement per day from age 6 to 18 months plus complementary feeding counselling; 53 clusters), WASH (construction of a ventilated improved pit latrine, provision of two handwashing stations, liquid soap, chlorine, and play space plus hygiene counselling; 53 clusters), or IYCF plus WASH (53 clusters). A constrained randomisation technique was used to achieve balance across the groups for 14 variables related to geography, demography, water access, and community-level sanitation coverage. Masking of participants and fieldworkers was not possible. The primary outcomes were infant length-for-age Z score and haemoglobin concentrations at 18 months of age among children born to mothers who were HIV negative during pregnancy. These outcomes were analysed in the intention-to-treat population. We estimated the effects of the interventions by comparing the two IYCF groups with the two non-IYCF groups and the two WASH groups with the two non-WASH groups, except for outcomes that had an important statistical interaction between the interventions. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01824940. FINDINGS: Between Nov 22, 2012, and March 27, 2015, 5280 pregnant women were enrolled from 211 clusters. 3686 children born to HIV-negative mothers were assessed at age 18 months (884 in the standard of care group from 52 clusters, 893 in the IYCF group from 53 clusters, 918 in the WASH group from 53 clusters, and 991 in the IYCF plus WASH group from 51 clusters). In the IYCF intervention groups, the mean length-for-age Z score was 0·16 (95% CI 0·08-0·23) higher and the mean haemoglobin concentration was 2·03 g/L (1·28-2·79) higher than those in the non-IYCF intervention groups. The IYCF intervention reduced the number of stunted children from 620 (35%) of 1792 to 514 (27%) of 1879, and the number of children with anaemia from 245 (13·9%) of 1759 to 193 (10·5%) of 1845. The WASH intervention had no effect on either primary outcome. Neither intervention reduced the prevalence of diarrhoea at 12 or 18 months. No trial-related serious adverse events, and only three trial-related adverse events, were reported. INTERPRETATION: Household-level elementary WASH interventions implemented in rural areas in low-income countries are unlikely to reduce stunting or anaemia and might not reduce diarrhoea. Implementation of these WASH interventions in combination with IYCF interventions is unlikely to reduce stunting or anaemia more than implementation of IYCF alone. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UK Department for International Development, Wellcome Trust, Swiss Development Cooperation, UNICEF, and US National Institutes of Health.The SHINE trial is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1021542 and OPP113707); UK Department for International Development; Wellcome Trust, UK (093768/Z/10/Z, 108065/Z/15/Z and 203905/Z/16/Z); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; US National Institutes of Health (2R01HD060338-06); and UNICEF (PCA-2017-0002)

    Development of a position-sensitive fast scintillator (LaBr

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    We have characterized a Cerium doped Lanthanum Bromide (LaBr3(Ce) ) crystal coupled with the position-sensitive photo-multiplier system for the gamma-ray imaging application. One can use this detector set-up for the scanning of high purity germanium detectors for pulse shape analysis in gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments and the image formation of an object by Compton back-scattering . The sensor has been tested for energy, timing and position information of the gamma-rays interacting within the detector crystal. The GEANT4 simulation results are consistent with the experimental results. We have reconstructed the image of irradiation spots in different positions throughout the detector crystal. Position resolution is found to be around 3.5 mm with the 2 mm collimated gamma-rays. The 2-d image of hexagonal Bismuth Germanate (BGO) crystal and a cylindrical LaBr3(Ce) crystal have been reconstructed in coincidence technique. The performance of the detector for imaging application has been investigated by coincidence technique in GEANT4 simulation and compared with the experimental data. We have reconstructed the 2-d images of objects with various geometrical shapes by Compton back-scattered events of the gamma-rays. This position-sensitive detector can be used as an absorber of a Compton camera for the image reconstruction of an extended radioactive source. One can also use this kind of set-up as in radiation imaging and many other applications where the energy and source position of the gamma-ray is the main interest

    Observation of rotation about the longest principal axis in Zr 89

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    High-spin states in Zr89 were populated in the Se80(C13,4n) reaction, and γ-ray coincidences were measured using the Indian National Gamma Array. The level scheme of Zr89 has been extended up to spin I=49/2 with the observation of a new dipole band. Directional correlation and polarization asymmetries of the γ rays have been measured to determine spin and parity of the levels. Line shapes of several transitions have been analyzed to determine lifetimes of the levels. Possible configurations of the band have been discussed using the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model. The calculations suggest a triaxial shape of the nucleus at high spins, and the band may represent rotation of the nucleus about the longest axis

    Mammary Gland Pathology Subsequent to Acute Infection with Strong versus Weak Biofilm Forming Staphylococcus aureus Bovine Mastitis Isolates: A Pilot Study Using Non-Invasive Mouse Mastitis Model

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    BACKGROUND: Biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus is an important virulence attribute because of its potential to induce persistent antibiotic resistance, retard phagocytosis and either attenuate or promote inflammation, depending upon the disease syndrome, in vivo. This study was undertaken to evaluate the potential significance of strength of biofilm formation by clinical bovine mastitis-associated S. aureus in mammary tissue damage by using a mouse mastitis model. METHODS: Two S. aureus strains of the same capsular phenotype with different biofilm forming strengths were used to non-invasively infect mammary glands of lactating mice. Biofilm forming potential of these strains were determined by tissue culture plate method, ica typing and virulence gene profile per detection by PCR. Delivery of the infectious dose of S. aureus was directly through the teat lactiferous duct without invasive scraping of the teat surface. Both bacteriological and histological methods were used for analysis of mammary gland pathology of mice post-infection. RESULTS: Histopathological analysis of the infected mammary glands revealed that mice inoculated with the strong biofilm forming S. aureus strain produced marked acute mastitic lesions, showing profuse infiltration predominantly with neutrophils, with evidence of necrosis in the affected mammary glands. In contrast, the damage was significantly less severe in mammary glands of mice infected with the weak biofilm-forming S. aureus strain. Although both IL-1ß and TNF-a inflammatory biomarkers were produced in infected mice, level of TNF-a produced was significantly higher (p<0.05) in mice inoculated with strong biofilm forming S. aureus than the weak biofilm forming strain. CONCLUSION: This finding suggests an important role of TNF-a in mammary gland pathology post-infection with strong biofilm-forming S. aureus in the acute mouse mastitis model, and offers an opportunity for the development of novel strategies for reduction of mammary tissue damage, with or without use of antimicrobials and/or anti-inflammatory compounds for the treatment of bovine mastitis

    The persistence of biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical bovine mastitis cases in Australia

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the persistence of biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance developed by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), of different capsular types, during biofilm formation. Because of superiority of the tissue culture plate (TCP) over the Congo Red Agar (CRA) method for measuring biofilm formation, it was used to determine the persistence of the antibiotic resistance developed by the isolates in biofilms. The antibiotic resistance was found to persist for 3-4 wk post-propagation as planktonic subcultures. Interestingly, some strains even developed resistance to vancomycin and/or teicoplanin. However, no association of either biofilm formation or persistent antibiotic resistance with the major capsular phenotype was observed. These observations highlight the potential significance of (a) determining the antibiograms of S. aureus subcultured from biofilms developed in vitro using the TCP method as well as from planktonic cultures for formulation of an optimal therapeutic strategy, and (b) continuing to identify predominant non-capsular antigens contributing to biofilm formation, regardless of the capsular phenotype for the development of an effective potentially broad-spectrum vaccine for prevention of bovine mastitis caused by S. aureus