8 research outputs found

    The clinical significance of soluble E-cadherin in nonsmall cell lung cancer

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    Aim: Aberrant expression of the epithelial transmembrane adhesion molecule E-cadherin (E-cad) has been associated with many human malignancies. In the present study the clinical significance of serum levels of soluble E-cadherin (sE-cad) in newly diagnosed patients with non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was investigated. Material and Methods: An enzyme linked immunospecific assay (ELISA) to determine the circulating levels of sE-cad in 20 newly diagnosed patients with NSCLC as well as in 29 healthy volunteers (control group) was used. Results: NSCLC patients exerted increased circulating levels of sE-cad compared with individuals of the control group (p < 0.001). An association was also detected between serum sE-cad levels and the development of distant metastases. On the contrary, no statistically significant correlation could be established with histological type, gender and smoking habits. Patients with increased sE-cad levels at diagnosis had worser outcome, although multivariate analysis failed to demonstrate that sE-cad levels represent an independent prognostic factor of survival. Conclusion: Our data suggest that E-cad plays a role in the pathogenesis of NSCLC. sE-cad levels may be further studied as a potential prognostic biomarker.Цель: нарушения экспрессии трансмембранной молекулы адгезии эпителия Е-кадерина (Е-cad) ассоциированы со злокачеcтвенными новообразованиями у человека. Цель исследования — оценить клиническое значение содержания секретируемого Е-кадерина (sE-cad) в сыворотке крови больных с диагнозом немелкоклеточного рака легкого (НМКРЛ). Материалы и методы: для определения уровня циркулирующего sE-cad в сыворотке крови 20 больных с НМКРЛ и 29 здоровых доноров применили метод ELISA. Результаты: у больных с НМКРЛ выявлено значительное повышение содержания циркулирующего sE-cad в сыворотке крови по сравнению с таковым в контрольной группе (p < 0,001). Установлена связь между уровнем sE-cad в сыворотке крови и появлением периферических метастазов. Не выявлено статистически достоверной корреляции между гистологическим типом опухоли, полом больного и курением. У пациентов с повышенным содержанием sE-cad наблюдалась тенеденция к худшему исходу заболевания, хотя результаты статистического анализа не подтвердили прогностического значения sE-cad. Выводы: полученные данные позволили предположить, что E-cad участвует в патогенезе НМКРЛ. Оценка содержания sE-cad в качестве прогностического биомаркера нуждается в дальнейшем исследовании

    Temporal evolution of thoracocentesis-induced changes in spirometry and respiratory muscle pressures

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    Background Several studies investigated the effects of thoracocentesis on aspects of respiratory function without generally ensuring absence of coexistent lung pathology or homogeneity in initial size of the effusion. Methods We studied 90 patients aged 61.6 ±15.9 years (mean±SD) separated into a group A with small-sized or medium-sized effusion (A=56 patients) and a group B with large and massive one (B=34 patients). There was no significant lung lesion or cardiovascular pathology. The basic spirometric parameters and maximal respiratory pressures were recorded on three instances: just before thoracocentesis (T1), 30 min after completion of the procedure (T2) and after 48 hours (T3). Results At T2 vs T1, groups A and B respectively presented significant change (mean±SD) (increase) in forced vital capacity (FVC) of 0.071±0.232 and 0.139 ±0.224 L, in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) of 0.127±0.231 and 0.201±0.192 L, in FEV1/FVC of 2.8% and 4.9%, in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of 0.342 ±0.482 and 0.383±0.425 L/s, in maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) of 0.049±0.037 and 0.049±0.039 kPa and in maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) of 0.040 ±0.041 kPa only in group A while decrease in MIP with significant change of 0.055±0.051 kPa in group B. At T3 vs T2 in groups A and B, there was significant change (decrease) in FEV1/FVC of 2.7% and 4.6% as well as significant change (increase) in MIP of 0.036 ±0.046 and 0.115±0.060 and in MEP of 0.049±0.043 and 0.070±0.048 kPa. Conclusions Thoracocentesis is associated with progressive-small relative to the volume of fluid removed-increases in lung volumes. In larger effusions at T2, a transient decrease in MIP is observed presumably due to temporary geometric distortion of the diaphragm immediately after fluid removal. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved

    Cardiovascular Disease in the Systemic Vasculitides

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