73 research outputs found


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    Functioning of higher education institutions in modern conditions demands revision of the existing approaches for managing them in the direction of finding the mechanisms providing along with the improvement of educational process quality, their integration into world educational space. The typology of higher education institutions on the basis of university presentation in the form of the educational corporation, integrating different directions, possessing the multilevel structure uniting interests of various groups is offered. Referring the higher education institution to this or that type, taking into account inherent features, will allow to offer to a concrete higher education institution that vector of development, which will provide the transition to qualitatively new level and will allow to correlate the advanced educational technologies to fundamental knowledge and institutional conditions, to create the trajectory focused on break in a wide range of fundamental and applied sciences


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    Functioning of higher education institutions in modern conditions demands revision of the existing approaches for managing them in the direction of finding the mechanisms providing along with the improvement of educational process quality, their integration into world educational space. The typology of higher education institutions on the basis of university presentation in the form of the educational corporation, integrating different directions, possessing the multilevel structure uniting interests of various groups is offered. Referring the higher education institution to this or that type, taking into account inherent features, will allow to offer to a concrete higher education institution that vector of development, which will provide the transition to qualitatively new level and will allow to correlate the advanced educational technologies to fundamental knowledge and institutional conditions, to create the trajectory focused on break in a wide range of fundamental and applied sciences


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    Physical training and sport encourage the growth and development processes in optimal way The main aim of sport in this period of mass character is children's health promotion. The 3-year prospective investigations of preventive examinations results were conducted in 1210 athletes, engaged in schools of physical culture in Yekaterinburg city. Athletes engaged in mass kinds of sports (football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, gymnastics, ski races, track and field athletics, diving, figure skating, aerobics) were included in the study according to the sickness rate, physical development and morbidity. 58,9 % of childrens have an average height, 71,9 % - body weight corresponding to the height, 76,4 % - lung capacity of average or above the average value, 88,7 % - arm strength of average or above the average value. With the years the rate of athletes with body weight and arm strength of average or below the average value and with average value of lung capacity (р < 0,05) increases. For 3years the sickness rate was increased from 63,0 ± 1,4 to 73,9 ± 1,7 cases for 100 persons. In this structure the leading places are occupied by diseases of musculoskeletal system mainly because of the flat feet and scoliosis (25,8 ± 1,8), diseases of the eye and its appendages and diseases of circulatory system (5,8 ± 0,5) - because of the heart rate. Highest incidence was observed in soccer players and gymnasts. With the increase in the level of morbidity is observed the decrease of the index of health, or the percentage of children who do not have pathological deviations and chronic diseases: from 36,2 ± 2,1 % to 25,3 ± 2,8 % in the third examination. Among involved in gymnastics and football frequency of blood circulation system diseases is higher in comparison with the sportsmen of other kinds of sport. Lower incidence in other skaters and combative sports. Athletes have more self-esteem health than students of secondary schools, as well as a higher level of injury. The results indicate that exercise stimulates the processes of growth and development and promote the formation of their harmonious morphological status, and high self-rated health. However, the pressing tasks are monitoring the nature and mode of sports loadings, conditions of the training process of the trainers and medical staff, attention, medical rehabilitation and correction of the training process to the athletes with disabilities in health. Topical in separate kinds of sport is a high incidence of and complaints of poor health as a consequence of sports overloads

    Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the terms of training in the college of arts

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    The sanitary and hygienic conditions in the “Piano”, “Choral Conducting”, and “Choreographic Creativity” sections of the College of Arts are presented. On the basis of the College of Arts, educational programs of additional education of various kinds (choreographic, instrumental, theatrical, vocal departments) are also being implemented. These departments have features related to architectural and planning solutions and training regime. The following irregularities were found in the surveyed college premises: the incompatibility of furniture to children's growth, reduced air humidity in classrooms, excess of the pulsation coefficient and high density of classes in the “Piano” department. In addition, during production control, the noise level was not measured. The revealed violations require more attention for the sanitary and hygienic conditions of training on the part of the medical staff of the college.Представлены санитарно-гигиенические условия в отделениях «Фортепиано», «Хоровое дирижирование», «Хореографическое творчество» колледжа искусств. На базе колледжа искусств также реализуются образовательные программы дополнительного образования различной направленности (отделения хореографические, инструментальное, театральное, вокальное). Данные отделения имеют особенности, связанные с архитектурно-планировочными решениями и режимом обучения. В обследованных помещениях колледжа выявлены следующие нарушения: несоответствие мебели росту детей, сниженная влажность воздуха в учебных помещениях, превышение коэффициента пульсации и высокая плотность занятий в отделении «Фортепиано». Кроме того, в ходе производственного контроля не измерялся уровень шума. Выявленные нарушения требуют более пристального внимания за санитарно-гигиеническими условиями обучения со стороны медицинского работника колледжа

    Features of physical development of children of primary school age

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    To assess the physical development studied physiometric and somatometric indicators, as well as the state of the musculoskeletal system of children 1 and 3 classes, 93 people. More than half of schoolchildren have average values for all indicators. In assessing the foot and posture deviations were more common in boys of 3 classes. Posture almost all children had deviations.Для оценки физического развития изучены физиометрические и соматометрические показатели, а также состояние опорно-двигательного аппарата детей 1 и 3 классов, 93 человека. Больше половины школьников имеют средние значения по всем показателям. При оценке стопы и осанки отклонения чаще выявлялись у мальчиков 3-х классов. Осанка же практически у всех детей имела отклонения

    Hygienic assessment of training conditions and the state of the musculoskeletal system in karate children

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    The article deals out a hygienic assessment of the conditions of training, as well as a study of the state of the musculoskeletal system in children involved in karate of the municipal budget educational institution of additional education children and youth sports school "Dynamo". According to the results of visual and instrumental screening test, the prevalence of posture disorders was 68.2 per 100 examined. The prevalence of "flattened foot" was 27.3 cases per 100 people, and flat feet 9 cases per 100 people.В статье проведена гигиеническая оценка условий обучения, а так же исследование состояния опорно-двигательного аппарата у детей, занимающихся каратэ МБОУ ДО ДЮСШ «Динамо». По результатам визуально-инструментального скрининг теста распространенность нарушения осанки составила 68,2 на 100 осмотренных. Распространенность нарушения «уплощенная стопа» составила 27,3 случаев на 100 человек, а плоскостопие 9 случаев на 100 человек

    Features of physical development of children of primary school age

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    To assess the physical development studied physiometric and somatometric indicators, as well as the state of the musculoskeletal system of children 1 and 3 classes, 93 people. More than half of schoolchildren have average values for all indicators. In assessing the foot and posture deviations were more common in boys of 3 classes. Posture almost all children had deviations.Для оценки физического развития изучены физиометрические и соматометрические показатели, а также состояние опорно-двигательного аппарата детей 1 и 3 классов, 93 человека. Больше половины школьников имеют средние значения по всем показателям. При оценке стопы и осанки отклонения чаще выявлялись у мальчиков 3-х классов. Осанка же практически у всех детей имела отклонения

    Assessment of the school cafeteria food service for elementary school students

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    The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the quality of nutrition for elementary school students.Цель исследования – разработка рекомендаций по улучшению качества питания у обучающихся начальных классов

    Assessment of the training process of cross-crossing persons during the preparation period by the method of medical and pedagogical observation

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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the training effectiveness of cross-country skiers at the preparatory stage of the training cycle.Цель исследования – оценить тренировочную эффективность у занимающихся лыжными гонками на подготовительном этапе тренировочного цикла