18 research outputs found


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    Modern education based on the practical use of knowledge, a component of which is the formation among school students specific competence. The study of geoinformation systems in high school based on the formation of geoinformation competence. Geoinformation competence is a component of information competence. The definition of this concept is multifaceted as contains set of competencies that a student should formed.The article considers the practical development geoinformation competence of students' "GIS inGeography" of Kyiv Small Academy of Sciences.Современное образование основывается на практическом использовании знаний, одним из компонентов которого является формирование в учащихся определенной компетентности. Изучение основ геоинформационных систем в старших классах основывается на формировании в учащихся геоинформационной компетенции. Геоинформационная компетенция является составной информационной компетенции ученика. Определение этого понятия многогранное поскольку содержит комплекс компетенций, которые должны формироваться в ученика.В статье рассматривается практическое формирование у учеников секции «ГИС в географии» Киевской Малой академии наук геоинформационной компетенции.Сучасна освіта ґрунтується на практичному використанні знань, одним з компонентів якого є формування в учнів певної компетентності. Вивчення основгеогінформаційних систем у старших класах ґрунтується на формуванні в учнів геоінформаційної компетенції. Геоінформаційна компетенція є складовою інформаційної компетенції учня. Означення цього поняття багатогранне оскільки містить комплекс компетенцій, які повинні формуватися в учня. У статті розглядається практичне формування в учнів секції «ГІС у географії» Київської Малої академії наук геоінформаційної компетенції

    Disturbance of the transmembrane phosphatidylserine asymmetry in hepatocytes as an apoptosis marker under the action of xenobiotics on rats

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    It has been reported that unfavorable chemical environmental factors affect the functional state of liver, activate free radical processes against the background of the reduced antioxidant activity, change physico-chemical properties and membrane phospholipid composition of hepatocytes. The aim of our research was to estimate phosphatidylserine distribution in the phospholipid bilayer of hepatocyte membranes and apoptosis stages in hepatocytes of rats under the influence of surfactants: ethyleneglycol (EG), polyethyleneglycol 400, (PEG-400) and polypropyleneglycol (PPG) at a dose of 1/10 DL50. It was found in the subacute toxicological experiment on rats that the investigated xenobiotics EG, PEG-400 and PPG at a dose of 1/10 DL50 caused phosphatidylserine translocation to the outer membrane in the phospholipid bilayer of hepatocytes. This is a specific signal for macrophages aiming at recognition and elimination of apoptotic cells. Analysis of cell death modes under the influence of the investigated xenobiotics at a dose of 1/10 DL50 revealed that the intake of xenobiotics was associated with an increase in the amount of apoptotic/necrotic hepatocytes


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    Cytotoxicity of magnetite nanoparticles deposited in sodium chloride matrix and their functionalized analogues in erythrocytes

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    The synthesis of covered nanoparticles provides new properties to the materials for biomedical applications. This fully applies to iron oxide nanoparticles. The research aim was to study features of the magnetite nanoparticles synthesized by electron beam technology as well as to investigate their functionalization and cytotoxicity. Nanoparticle characteristics were determined by standard methods. Cytotoxiciy of nanoparticles was studied using erythrocyte model. It was shown that the original magnetite nanoparticles in the sodium chloride matrix can be functionalized with polyvinylpyrrolidone and ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, an antioxidant. All investigated nanoparticles were non-toxic for erythrocytes at concentrations up to 100 μg Fe/ml. At 100-200 μg Fe/ml, they increased the amount of cells expressing phosphatidylserine on the outer membrane, the count of pathological forms of erythrocytes and hemolysis. These phenomena were less pronounced if the nanosystem included the antioxidant. Therefore, magnetite nanoparticles can be obtained by electron beam technology and functionalized to form non-toxic nanosystems