17 research outputs found

    Assement of impact of benign prostate enlargement surgical treatment on lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life

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    Benigno uvećanje prostate ili benigna hiperplazija prostate (BPH) je patološki proces uvećanja prostate, koji je jedan je od glavnih uzroka simptoma donjeg urinarnog trakta (LUTS). BPH i LUTS su veoma česta stanja u starijoj životnoj dobi, koja negativno utiču na sve domene kvaliteta života. Hirurško lečenje ima za cilj redukciju LUTS-a i sledstveno poboljšanje kvaliteta života. Ciljevi: Postavljeni ciljevi istraživanja se odnose na: 1. Kulturalnu adaptaciju i validaciju upitika ICS-male SF za srpsku populaciju 2. Procenu uticaja operativnog lečenja BPH na LUTS, 3. Procenu kvaliteta života pacijenata pre i posle operativnog lečenja BPH. Materijal i metode: U prvom delu studije je učinjena kulturološka adaptacija i validacija upitnika ICS male SF. Ovaj deo studije je sproveden intervjuisanjem ukupno 115 pacijenata. Validacija ICS-male SF upitnika je uključila evaluaciju interne konzistencije, test-retest reproducibilnosti i konvergnetne validacije. Drugi deo studije je sprovedena 74 pacijenta sa dokazanom subvezikalnom opstrukcijom, koji su preoperativno popunjavali validirani ICS male SF upitnik, a zatim i SF 36 upitnik za procenu kvaliteta života. U dijagnostici su učinjeni UZ pregledi sa merenjem prostate i zapremine rezidualnog urina kao i uroflowmetrije. U zavisnosti od veličine prostate operisani su na dva načina: transuretralnom i transvezikalnom prostatektomijom. U okviru kontrolne obrade ponovljeni su klinički pregledi i popunjavanje navedenih upitnika 6 meseci nakon operacije radi procene kliničkih i subjektivnih efekata operativnog lečenja. Rezultati: Validacijom ICS male SF upitnika je ustanovljena visoka interna konzistentnost u obe dimenzije, mokrenja (Cronbach’s alfa = 0.916) i inkontinencije (Cronbach’s alfa = 0.763). Poređenje prosečnih rezultata između pacijenata i kontrolne grupe je pokazalo značajne razlike u obe dimenzije: mokrenje (med = 8 vs med = 0; <0,001) i inkontinencija (med = 3 vs med = 0; <0.001)...Benign prostatic enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the abnormal prostatic enlargement process, which is one of the major causes of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). BPH and LUTS, are a very common condition in the elderly, which negatively affects all domains of quality of life. Surgical treatment aims at reducing LUTS and consequently improve the quality of life. Objectives: The set objectives of the research concern the following: 1. Cultural adaptation and the validation of the questionnaire ICS-male SF for the Serbian population 2. Evaluation of the impact of the operative treatment of BPH on LUTS, 3.Assessment of the quality of life of patients before and after an operative BPH treatment. Materials and Methods: In the first part of the study a cultural adaptation was performed and validation of the questionnaire ICS male SF. This part of the study was conducted by interviewing a total of 115 patients. The validation of ICS-male SF questionnaire included evaluation of internal consistency, test-retest reproducibility and convergent validations. The second part of the study was conducted on 74 patients with a proven subvesical obstruction, who filled in a validated pre-operative male ICS SF questionnaire, and then the SF 36 questionnaire to assess the quality of life. In the diagnosis ultrasound examinations with the measurement of prostate volume have been conducted and the residual urine volume as well as uroflowmetry. Depending on the size of the prostate, surgery has been performed in two ways: transurethral and transvesical prostatectomy. During the control treatment 6 months after surgery, clinical and questionnaires’ examinations were repeated to assess the clinical and subjective effects of operative treatment..

    Korelativni odnosi za definisanje deformabilnosti stene

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    In the framework of geotechnical investigations of the rock mass at the partition site MHE Bočac 2 (BiH), Jelašnica dams on the same river in southern Serbia and nine partition sites of hydroelectric power plants on the river Ibar, detailed geotechnical investigations of the rock mass were carried out. They included exploration drilling with the definition of quasihomogenic zones within the drilled core, determination of RQD for each separated quasi-chemical zone, dilatometric tests in each well, seismic ventilation between exploratory wells or seismic carotid, core testing by the Point Load method and laboratory tests of the single-axial strength of the samples. By connecting the results of the one-axial strength, the velocity of the elastic waves and the quality of the rockl mass (RMR), i.e. these indirect data for defining the deformability of the rock masses with the obtained results of in situation deformability testing, with the results of dilatometric tests, the analysis of correlation bonds is carried out which is applied in engineering geological or geotechnical practice. As is known, in engineering practice, the following correlations are used to define the deformation module: D = f(RMR); D= f(RMR,σci); D= f(Vp) i D = f(Vp, σci). After the analysis, a correlation was applied which included all three indirect data and it gave the closest data for defining the deformability of the rock mass.U okviru geotehničkih istraživanja stenske mase na pregradnom mestu MHE 'Bočac 2‟ (BiH), brane 'Jelašnica' na istoimenoj reci u južnoj Srbiji i na devet pregradnih mesta hidroelektrana na Ibru (Srbija) izvršena su detaljna geotehnička ispitivanja stenske mase. Ona su obuhvatila: istražno bušenje sa definisanjem kvazihomogenih zona u okviru izbušenog jezgra, određivanje RQD-a za svaku izdvojenu kvazihomogenu zonu, dilatometarska ispitivanja u svakoj bušotini, seizmičko prozračivanje između istražnih bušotina ili seizmički karotaž, ispitivanje jezgra metodom PointLoad i laboratorijska ispi-tivanja jednoaksijalne čvrstoće uzoraka. Na navedenim istražnim lokacijama teren grade različite ste-nske mase. Teren pregradnog mesta MHE 'Bočac 2' je izgrađen od krednih krečnjaka, teren brane 'Jelašnica' od paleozojskih gnajseva, a teren hidroelektrana na Ibru od mezozojskih peridotita i serpentinita. Povezivanjem rezultata jednoaksijalne čvrstoće, brzine elastičnih talasa i kvaliteta stenske mase (RMR), odnosno ovih posrednih podataka za definisanje deformabilnosti stenskih masa sa do-bijenim rezultatima ispitivanja deformabilsnosti in situ, tj. Sa rezultatima dilatometarskih ispitivanja, urađena je analiza korelacionih veza koja se primenjuje u inženjeresko-geološkoj odnosno geotehničkoj praksi. Kao što je poznato, u inženjerskoj praksi primenjuju se sledeće korelacije za definisanje modula deformacije: D=f(RMR); D=f(RMR,); D=f(Vp) i D=f(Vp, ). Nakon analize, primenjena je korelacija, koja je obuhvatila sva tri posredna podatka i ona je dala najbliže podatke za definisanje deformabilnosti stenske mase. Sva navedena ispitivanja deformabilnosti metodom dilatometra, geofizička ispitivanja i inženjersko-geološko kartiranje jezgra i okolne stenske mase izvršena su od strane Instituta za vodoprivredu 'Jaroslav Černi' iz Beograda

    Electrochemical oxidation of methanol on Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 nanocatalyst

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    The Ru-doped SnO2 powder, (RuxSn1-x)O2, with the Sn:Ru atomic ratio of 9:1 was synthesized and used as a support for Pt nanoparticles (30 mass% loading). The (RuxSn1-x)O2 support and Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 catalyst were characterized by X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). (RuxSn1-x)O2 was found to be two-phase material consisting of probably solid solution of RuO2 in SnO2 and pure RuO2. The average Pt particle size determined by TEM was 5.3 nm. Cyclic voltammetry of Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 indicated good conductivity of the sup-port and displayed usual features of Pt. The results of the electrochemical oxidation of COads and methanol on Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 were compared with those on commercial Pt/C and PtRu/C catalysts. Oxidation of COads on Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 starts at less positive potentials than on PtRu/C and Pt/C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves and chronoamperometric curves of methanol oxidation indicated higher initial activity of Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 catalyst compared to PtRu/C, but also a greater loss in the current density over time. Potentiodynamic stability test of the catalysts revealed that deactivation of the Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 and Pt/C was primarily caused by the poisoning of Pt surface by the methanol oxidation residues, which mostly occurred during the first potential cycle. In the case of PtRu/C the poisoning of the surface was minor and deactivation was caused by the PtRu surface area loss. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON-172054

    Mechanochemically improved surface properties of activated carbon cloth for the removal of As(V) from aqueous solutions

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    Modified activated carbon cloth is prepared by mechanochemical modification of viscose rayon carbon cloth. The effects of different milling atmospheres, in the air and inert conditions, were investigated. Changes in kind and number of acidic and basic surface groups on the surface of activated carbon cloth, upon modification, as well as before and after the sorption of arsenic were determined. Higher number of basic groups responsible for the removal of arsenic ions was achieved by modification under inert conditions. Breakage and collapse of cylindrical fibers, decrease of particle sizes, change in the shape and consistency of the particles, as well as increase of microstructural disorder i.e. the loss of turbostratic structure occurred upon milling. pHPZC values increased from 4.46 to 5.04 and 5.77 after the air and inert milling, respectively. Adsorption followed pseudo second order kinetics with chemisorption as rate-controlling step. Langmuir isotherm best fit the equilibrium data and maximum adsorption capacity is 5.5 mg g−1 at a pH value close to 7.0, typical for groundwater. The mechanism of arsenic adsorption onto activated carbon cloth milled in inert atmosphere involved electrostatic and dispersive interactions between arsenic ions and carbon particles in wide pH range (from 2 to 10)

    Kašnjenje zbog bolesnika, zdravstvenog sustava i ukupno kašnjenje u dijagnosticiranju i liječenju tuberkuloze u populaciji Srbije

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    Currently, topical are studies that examine diff erent reasons for delay of tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis and its impact on disease prognosis. The aim was to examine three time periods associated with treatment delay: patient related, health system related and total delay. This retrospective-prospective study included 100 consecutive patients hospitalized at Department of Pulmonology, Clinical Center of Serbia, in the period from March to December 2015. Study results showed median patient delay to be 92.5 days. Total delay was aff ected by patient related delay. Median healthcare delay was 18.5 days. Patients that reported excessive alcohol consumption were more likely to have prolonged time to seek medical help. Years of alcohol consumption yielded moderate positive correlation with patient related delay (r=0.362, p0.05). Clinical characteristics such as patient TB category and chest radiograph abnormalities were not associated with prolonged patient related delay (p>0.05). Study results point to the importance of health education and/or health intervention in the population group at a high risk of TB.Trenutno su veoma aktualne studije koje istražuju razloge za kašnjenje dijagnosticiranja tuberkuloze (TB) te njihov utjecaj na prognozu bolesti. Cilj je bio ispitati tri razdoblja povezana s kašnjenjem dijagnoze: bolesnikovo, zdravstvenog sustava i ukupno kašnjenje. Ovo retrospektivno-prospektivno istraživanje uključilo je 100 uzastopnih bolesnika s dijagnozom TB i hospitaliziranih u Klinici za pulmologiju Kliničkog centra Srbije između ožujka i prosinca 2015. Studija je pokazala medijan vremena kašnjenja bolesnika od 92,5 dana, što je utjecalo i na ukupno vrijeme kašnjenja. Medijan vremena kašnjenja zdravstvenog sustava bio 18,5 dana. Kod bolesnika koji su prekomjerno konzumirali alkohol bilo je vjerojatnije da će imati produženo vrijeme do traženja liječničke pomoći. Godine konzumiranja alkohola bile su u pozitivnoj i umjerenoj korelaciji s vremenom kašnjenja bolesnika (r=0,362, p0,05). Kategorija bolesnika s TB i nenormalnosti radiograma nisu bile povezane s vremenom kašnjenja bolesnika (p>0,05). Sve ovo ukazuje na važnost zdravstvenog odgoja i/ili zdravstvene intervencije kod stanovništva s visokim rizikom od TB

    Assement of impact of benign prostate enlargement surgical treatment on lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life

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    Benigno uvećanje prostate ili benigna hiperplazija prostate (BPH) je patološki proces uvećanja prostate, koji je jedan je od glavnih uzroka simptoma donjeg urinarnog trakta (LUTS). BPH i LUTS su veoma česta stanja u starijoj životnoj dobi, koja negativno utiču na sve domene kvaliteta života. Hirurško lečenje ima za cilj redukciju LUTS-a i sledstveno poboljšanje kvaliteta života. Ciljevi: Postavljeni ciljevi istraživanja se odnose na: 1. Kulturalnu adaptaciju i validaciju upitika ICS-male SF za srpsku populaciju 2. Procenu uticaja operativnog lečenja BPH na LUTS, 3. Procenu kvaliteta života pacijenata pre i posle operativnog lečenja BPH. Materijal i metode: U prvom delu studije je učinjena kulturološka adaptacija i validacija upitnika ICS male SF. Ovaj deo studije je sproveden intervjuisanjem ukupno 115 pacijenata. Validacija ICS-male SF upitnika je uključila evaluaciju interne konzistencije, test-retest reproducibilnosti i konvergnetne validacije. Drugi deo studije je sprovedena 74 pacijenta sa dokazanom subvezikalnom opstrukcijom, koji su preoperativno popunjavali validirani ICS male SF upitnik, a zatim i SF 36 upitnik za procenu kvaliteta života. U dijagnostici su učinjeni UZ pregledi sa merenjem prostate i zapremine rezidualnog urina kao i uroflowmetrije. U zavisnosti od veličine prostate operisani su na dva načina: transuretralnom i transvezikalnom prostatektomijom. U okviru kontrolne obrade ponovljeni su klinički pregledi i popunjavanje navedenih upitnika 6 meseci nakon operacije radi procene kliničkih i subjektivnih efekata operativnog lečenja. Rezultati: Validacijom ICS male SF upitnika je ustanovljena visoka interna konzistentnost u obe dimenzije, mokrenja (Cronbach’s alfa = 0.916) i inkontinencije (Cronbach’s alfa = 0.763). Poređenje prosečnih rezultata između pacijenata i kontrolne grupe je pokazalo značajne razlike u obe dimenzije: mokrenje (med = 8 vs med = 0; <0,001) i inkontinencija (med = 3 vs med = 0; <0.001)...Benign prostatic enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the abnormal prostatic enlargement process, which is one of the major causes of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). BPH and LUTS, are a very common condition in the elderly, which negatively affects all domains of quality of life. Surgical treatment aims at reducing LUTS and consequently improve the quality of life. Objectives: The set objectives of the research concern the following: 1. Cultural adaptation and the validation of the questionnaire ICS-male SF for the Serbian population 2. Evaluation of the impact of the operative treatment of BPH on LUTS, 3.Assessment of the quality of life of patients before and after an operative BPH treatment. Materials and Methods: In the first part of the study a cultural adaptation was performed and validation of the questionnaire ICS male SF. This part of the study was conducted by interviewing a total of 115 patients. The validation of ICS-male SF questionnaire included evaluation of internal consistency, test-retest reproducibility and convergent validations. The second part of the study was conducted on 74 patients with a proven subvesical obstruction, who filled in a validated pre-operative male ICS SF questionnaire, and then the SF 36 questionnaire to assess the quality of life. In the diagnosis ultrasound examinations with the measurement of prostate volume have been conducted and the residual urine volume as well as uroflowmetry. Depending on the size of the prostate, surgery has been performed in two ways: transurethral and transvesical prostatectomy. During the control treatment 6 months after surgery, clinical and questionnaires’ examinations were repeated to assess the clinical and subjective effects of operative treatment..

    The theological and political challenges of the contemporary desecularization in Balkan: Jihdist regrutations

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    The latest Tesat report and statistical data analysis show that the individual exteremist actions are predominant in EU, mostly incentivized by social networks, especially Telegram groups after 2016. Consequently, French and German prime ministers took the inciative on 23rd August 2016 and induced legal regulations for Telegram group, especially concerning jihadist secret messages. Balkan as multiconfessional transitory area distinguishes itself by two-directional regrutations: towards Islamis State and toward EU, consenquently representing constant safety threat to EU countries. The latest regrutation statistical data analysis shows that the highest regrutation rate is in Kosovo and Metohija - 316 identified cases, Bosna and Hercegovina (240) and Albania (140). The highset returnee rate is also noticed in Kosovo and Metohija (37%), right behind Macedonia (60%). It is reasonable to assume regrutation and returnee numbers are higher in 2023, pointing out the necessity for the European legislative modelsconcering terroristic contents regulation introduction in Serbian legislative system. The Byzantine sources of the eight to the tenth century analysis gives better understaning of the contemporary situation theological background along with fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity outline. References from the patristic writings of Saint John Damascus, Nicetas of Byzanium and Theodore Abu Qurrah. Two main distinctive contemporary qualities between Islam and Christianity, namely, Islamic Monotheism vs. Christian Triadologic concept and Islamic jihad are recognized during early stages of the Byzantine-Islamic dialog. The necessity for theological education enabling concrete discerning between extremist and moderate Islamic belief is also emphasized along with the EU knowledge of Islamic desecularization process stenghtening in Balkan

    Correlative relations for defining the rock deformability

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    In the framework of geotechnical investigations of the rock mass at the partition site MHE Bočac 2 (BiH), Jelašnica dams on the same river in southern Serbia and nine partition sites of hydroelectric power plants on the river Ibar, detailed geotechnical investigations of the rock mass were carried out. They included exploration drilling with the definition of quasihomogenic zones within the drilled core, determination of RQD for each separated quasi-chemical zone, dilatometric tests in each well, seismic ventilation between exploratory wells or seismic carotid, core testing by the Point Load method and laboratory tests of the single-axial strength of the samples. By connecting the results of the one-axial strength, the velocity of the elastic waves and the quality of the rockl mass (RMR), i.e. these indirect data for defining the deformability of the rock masses with the obtained results of in situation deformability testing, with the results of dilatometric tests, the analysis of correlation bonds is carried out which is applied in engineering geological or geotechnical practice. As is known, in engineering practice, the following correlations are used to define the deformation module: D = f(RMR); D= f(RMR,σci); D= f(Vp) i D = f(Vp, σci). After the analysis, a correlation was applied which included all three indirect data and it gave the closest data for defining the deformability of the rock mass

    Massive retroperitoneal hematoma as a complication of anticoagulation therapy in a patient treated in a pulmonary intensive care unit

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    Introduction. Retroperitoneal hematoma may occur as a result of trauma, but also from rupture of arterial aneurysms (aortic or iliac), surgical complications, tumors or anticoagulation therapy. Case report. We presented a patient on permanent anticoagulation therapy. On the day of admission to our institution, the patient had the value of his INR 5.57 which required immediate suspension of the therapy. The main symptom in this patient was pain in the right inguinal canal with propagation along the right leg, which was indicated in clinical picture of spontaneous retroperitoneal haematoma. After three days the fall of hemoglobin occurred, so the additonal diagnostics was done. A computed tomography of the abdomen was performed showing well limited, large retroperitoneal hematoma (213 x 79 x 91 mm). Transfusion of concentrated red blood cells was performed twice with satisfactory correction of hemoglobin level, and four units of fresh frozen plasma. The patient was hemodynamically stabilized and discharged after a two-month long intensive care unit treatment, with the advice to use low-molecular weight heparin 2 x 0.4 mg subcutaneusly, due to persistent arrhythmia. Conclusion. In patients on anti-coagulation therapy regular monitoring of the anticoagulant status is extremely important, because of the possibility of fatal complications development, such as retroperitoneal hematoma

    Elektrohemijska oksidacija metanola na katalizatoru Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2

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    Ru-doped SnO2 powder, (RuxSn1-x)O2, with a Sn:Ru atomic ratio of 9:1 was synthesized and used as a support for Pt nanoparticles (30 mass % loading). The (RuxSn1-x)O2 support and the Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 catalyst were characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The (RuxSn1-x)O2 was found to be a two-phase material consisting of probably a solid solution of RuO2 in SnO2 and pure RuO2. The average Pt particle size determined by TEM was 5.3 nm. Cyclic voltammetry of Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 indicated good conductivity of the support and displayed the usual features of Pt. The results of the electrochemical oxidation of COads and methanol on Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 were compared with those on commercial Pt/C and PtRu/C catalysts. Oxidation of COads on Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 starts at lower positive potentials than on PtRu/C and Pt/C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves and chronoamperometric curves of methanol oxidation indicated higher initial activity of the Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 catalyst compared to PtRu/C, but also a greater loss in current density over time. A potentiodynamic stability test of the catalysts revealed that deactivation of Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 and Pt/C was primarily caused by poisoning of the Pt surface by residues of methanol oxidation, which mostly occurred during the first potential cycle. In the case of PtRu/C, the poisoning of the surface was minor and deactivation was caused by surface area loss of the PtRu.Sintetizovan je prah SnO2 dopovan rutenijumom, (RuxSn1-x)O2, sa atomskim odnosom Sn:Ru od 9:1, i korišćen kao nosač nanočestica platine. Udeo Pt u dobijenom katalizatoru, Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2, bio je 30 mas. %. Nosač i katalizator su karakterisani difrakcijom X-zraka, energetski disperzivnom spektroskopijom X-zraka i transmisionom elektronskom mikroskopijom (TEM). Pokazano je da je (RuxSn1-x)O2 dvofazni materijal koji verovatno sadrži čvrst rastvor RuO2 u SnO2 i čist RuO2. Prosečna veličina zrna Pt, određena TEM analizom, iznosi 5,3 nm. Ciklična voltametrija Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 ukazala je na dobru provodnost nosača katalizatora i na uobičajene karakteristike Pt. Upoređeni su rezultati elektrohemijske oksidacije COads na Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2, Pt/C i PtRu/C. Oksidacija COads na Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 počinje na negativnijim potencijalima u odnosu na PtRu/C i Pt/C. Potenciodinamičke polarizacione krive i hronoamperometrijske krive za oksidaciju metanola ukazuju na veću početnu aktivnost katalizatora Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 u odnosu na PtRu/C, ali i na veće smanjenje gustine struje tokom vremena. Test potenciodinamičke stabilnosti katalizatora je ukazao da je smanjenje aktivnosti Pt/(RuxSn1-x)O2 i Pt/C prvenstveno prouzrokovano trovanjem površine Pt proizvodima nepotpune oksidacije metanola, koje se uglavnom odigrava tokom prvog ciklusa. Kod PtRu/C trovanje površine je minimalno, a smanjenje aktivnosti je prouzrokovano smanjenjem elektrohemijski aktivne površine PtRu