114 research outputs found


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    Nakon uvodnih napomena o disciplinskoj odgovornosti liječnika, autorica daje pregled relevantnih pravnih izvora te prikaz disciplinskih tijela Hrvatske liječničke komore. Potom razmatra pojedine disciplinske povrede koje povlače disciplinsku odgovornost liječnika te posebno ističe razliku između lakših i težih povreda. Rad nadalje sadržava pregled tijeka disciplinskog postupka pred tijelima Hrvatske liječničke komore te vrsta odluka Časnog suda Komore. Autorica se posebno osvrće na odredbe koje se odnose na troškove postupka te naposljetku razmatra disciplinske mjere i novčanu kaznu koja se može izreći u disciplinskom postupku. U zaključku ističe važnost disciplinske odgovornosti liječnika kojom se, uz kaznenu i prekršajnu odgovornost, nastoji osigurati kvalitetan liječnički rad te zaštita prava pacijenata i drugih korisnika liječničkih usluga

    Creative processes and possible outputs of architectural practices;Case study: Novi Sad 1980-2010

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    Tema ovog rada je istraživanje savremenih arhitektonskih praksi formiranih u Novom Sadu u periodu od 1980. do 2010. godine. Na osnovu teorijskog polazišta, proučavanja savremenih međunarodnih kretanja - Venecijanskog bijenala arhitekture kao referentnog događaja, kao i istraživanja lokalnog konteksta – Novog Sada, metodom ankete izvršena je detaljna analiza praksi 145 novosadskih arhitekata. Sintezom dobijenih rezultata sagledan je proces tranformacije osnovnih oblika delovanja, kao i formiranja savremenih arhitektonskih praksi.The topic of this PhD thesis are contemporary architectural practices, founded in Novi Sad in the period between 1980 and 2010. Based on theoretical stance, the study of contemporary international trends- Architecture Biennale in Venice as a reference event, and the research of the local context- Novi Sad, by applying survey as a method, a detailed analysis of practices of 145 architects from Novi Sad has been conducted.Through a synthesis of the results, it was possible to assess the transformation process of the elementary forms of activities, as well as formation of contemporary architectural practices

    Creative processes and possible outputs of architectural practices;Case study: Novi Sad 1980-2010

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    Tema ovog rada je istraživanje savremenih arhitektonskih praksi formiranih u Novom Sadu u periodu od 1980. do 2010. godine. Na osnovu teorijskog polazišta, proučavanja savremenih međunarodnih kretanja - Venecijanskog bijenala arhitekture kao referentnog događaja, kao i istraživanja lokalnog konteksta – Novog Sada, metodom ankete izvršena je detaljna analiza praksi 145 novosadskih arhitekata. Sintezom dobijenih rezultata sagledan je proces tranformacije osnovnih oblika delovanja, kao i formiranja savremenih arhitektonskih praksi.The topic of this PhD thesis are contemporary architectural practices, founded in Novi Sad in the period between 1980 and 2010. Based on theoretical stance, the study of contemporary international trends- Architecture Biennale in Venice as a reference event, and the research of the local context- Novi Sad, by applying survey as a method, a detailed analysis of practices of 145 architects from Novi Sad has been conducted.Through a synthesis of the results, it was possible to assess the transformation process of the elementary forms of activities, as well as formation of contemporary architectural practices


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    There are 18 species belonging to the genus of Campylobacter (rRNK group I), of which thermophilic ones are the following: Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter lari and Campylobacter upsaliensis. The aim of our research was to determine the sensitivity of Campylobacter species, isolated from human feces, to antibiotics being used in practice. The study involved 50 human strains of C. jejuni/coli isolated from feces in the Center for Microbiology in the Public Health Institute Nis. Sensitivity was tested by applying the disk diffusion method on seven antibiotics (erythromycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, hloramphenicol, cephalexin and nalidixic acid). Our results showed low resistance to erythromycin, gentamicin and tetracycline (2%), which corresponds to the studies conducted in the world. Moreover, these findings indicate that erythromycin may be considered the drug of choice in the treatment of Campylobacter diarrhea in this region. Resistance to fluoroquinolone and nalidixic acid was 44%, and C. coli showed higher resistance compared to C. jejuni, though statistical significance was not proved

    Analysis of completely connected pavement structures

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    Analizirane su deformacije i naprezanja od prometnog opterećenja u potpuno vezanim kolničkim konstrukcijama. Analiza je rađena uz tri promjenjiva parametra (geometrija konstrukcije, svojstva materijala, nosivost tla). Deformacije i naprezanja uspoređeni su s onima koja se javljaju kod uobičajenih kolničkih konstrukcija. U analizama je upotrijebljen računalni program BISAR. Potpuno vezane kolničke konstrukcije pokazale su se povoljnijima u pogledu deformacija od uobičajenih.The stress and strain values generated by traffic operated on completely connected pavements structures are analyzed. The analysis is made with three variable parameters (geometry of structure, properties of materials, and load bearing capacity of soil). Stress and strain values are compared with those occurring in usual pavement structures. The computer program BISAR is used in the analyses. Completely connected pavement structures have proven to be more resistant to strain that usual pavement structures

    Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of thermophilic campylobacters isolated from patients in the town of Niš

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    Background/Aim. In some clinical forms of human Campylobacter infections, such as prolonged diarrhea or associated with postinfections sequels, antibacterial treatment is necessary. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of thermophilic Campylobacter strains isolated from patients with diarrhea, as well as from patients with diarrhea followed by postinfections sequels, to drugs used in the therapy of enterocolitis, and to nalidixic acid used in laboratory identification and differentiation of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. Methods. We studied the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of 131 Campylobacter strains isolated from patients with diarrhea (122 strains), diarrhea associated with rheumatic disorders (8 strains), and one strain isolated from a patient with Guillain-Barré Syndrome following Campylobacter enterocolitis. Susceptibility testing to erythromycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid was performed by the agar dilution method. Results. In the strains we investigated, resistance to gentamicin and chloramphenicol was not recorded, whereas a low rate of strains resistant to erythromycin (2.4%), a higher prevalence of strains resistant to tetracycline (9.9%), and a high level of resistance to ciprofloxacin (29.8%) and nalidixic acid (33.3%) were registered. All strains resistant to nalidixic acid were also resistant to ciprofloxacin. In addition, there was no difference in the occurrence of resistance between strains isolated from patients with diarrhea as compared to those isolated from patients with diarrhea followed by postinfection disorders. Conclusion. The fact that the most of Campylobacter strains were sensitive to erythromycin and all to gentamicin, makes erythromycin an antibiotic of choice in the treatment of Campylobacter diarrhea and gentamicin when parenteral therapy should be administered. Resistance to tetracycline and, especially, ciprofloxacin, necessitates antibiotic susceptibility testing

    Primjena visina zubnih kruna u određivanju životne dobi jelenske divljači eneolitika.

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    Abrasion of dental crown and the shape of denture occlusal surface are significant indicators in age determination of domestic mammals. The factors that significantly influence age determination of Eneolithic deer game in conditions of an open wildlife habitat are climatic changes that influenced their survival, as well as specific features of teeth morphological structure. In this paper the age of Eneolithic red deer is determined on the basis of dental crown abrasion of the third and fourth permanent premolars, and the first and third permanent molars. The obtained values for dental crown height of Eneolithic deer were compared with the values for dental crown height of the same tooth material of recent red deer whose age was clearly determined (5-7 years). Dental crown abrasion of Eneolithic deer (“Vučedol deer”) is greater than the dental crown abrasion of European deer (Cervus elaphus L.), that is to say, the age of “Vučedol deer” is within a range of 7-10 years.Istrošenost zubne krune i oblik grizne površine značajni su pokazatelji za utvrđivanje životne dobi domaćih sisavaca. Ti pokazatelji znatno utječu na utvrđivanje životne dobi jelenske divljači koja je živjela u razdoblju eneolitika u uvjetima otvorenog staništa divljine i bila podložna klimatskim promjenama koje su određivale uvjete preživljavanja i specifičnost morfološke građe zubiju. U radu je utvrđena životna dob eneolitičkog jelena običnog na osnovi istrošenosti zubnih kruna trećeg i četvrtog stalnog pretkutnjaka, te stalnog prvog i trećeg kutnjaka. Dobivene vrijednosti visina zubnih kruna eneolitičkog jelena običnog uspoređene su s vrijednostima visina zubnih kruna istog zubnog materijala recentnog jelena običnog točno utvrđene životne dobi (5 do 7 godina). Istrošenost zubnih kruna u eneolitičkog jelena (»vučedolskog jelena«) veća je od istrošenosti zubnih kruna u europskog jelena običnog, odnosno životna dob »vučedolskog jelena« kreće se u rasponu od 7 do 10 godina

    Primjena visina zubnih kruna u određivanju životne dobi jelenske divljači eneolitika.

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    Abrasion of dental crown and the shape of denture occlusal surface are significant indicators in age determination of domestic mammals. The factors that significantly influence age determination of Eneolithic deer game in conditions of an open wildlife habitat are climatic changes that influenced their survival, as well as specific features of teeth morphological structure. In this paper the age of Eneolithic red deer is determined on the basis of dental crown abrasion of the third and fourth permanent premolars, and the first and third permanent molars. The obtained values for dental crown height of Eneolithic deer were compared with the values for dental crown height of the same tooth material of recent red deer whose age was clearly determined (5-7 years). Dental crown abrasion of Eneolithic deer (“Vučedol deer”) is greater than the dental crown abrasion of European deer (Cervus elaphus L.), that is to say, the age of “Vučedol deer” is within a range of 7-10 years.Istrošenost zubne krune i oblik grizne površine značajni su pokazatelji za utvrđivanje životne dobi domaćih sisavaca. Ti pokazatelji znatno utječu na utvrđivanje životne dobi jelenske divljači koja je živjela u razdoblju eneolitika u uvjetima otvorenog staništa divljine i bila podložna klimatskim promjenama koje su određivale uvjete preživljavanja i specifičnost morfološke građe zubiju. U radu je utvrđena životna dob eneolitičkog jelena običnog na osnovi istrošenosti zubnih kruna trećeg i četvrtog stalnog pretkutnjaka, te stalnog prvog i trećeg kutnjaka. Dobivene vrijednosti visina zubnih kruna eneolitičkog jelena običnog uspoređene su s vrijednostima visina zubnih kruna istog zubnog materijala recentnog jelena običnog točno utvrđene životne dobi (5 do 7 godina). Istrošenost zubnih kruna u eneolitičkog jelena (»vučedolskog jelena«) veća je od istrošenosti zubnih kruna u europskog jelena običnog, odnosno životna dob »vučedolskog jelena« kreće se u rasponu od 7 do 10 godina