13 research outputs found

    Attitudes of Nursing Students and Non- Medical Students Toward Vaccination

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    Introduction. despite the scientifically proven positive effect on the population, vaccination remains a major public health problem. The biggest problem at the moment is that attitudes are based on other people’s opinions or various scientifically unfounded information obtained via the internet. Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes and level of knowledge about vaccination of nursing students and non-medical students in Croatia and establish whether there is a difference between them. Methods. The study involved 961 nursing and non-medical students from Croatia, aged between 18 and 53 years. The research was conducted using an online questionnaire program ‘google forms’ which consisted of 33 questions and was completely anonymous. Results. The study shows that nursing students have better knowledge of vaccinations and vaccines. They also have a statistically more positive attitude towards vaccination in comparison to non-medical students. When it comes to obtaining information about vaccines, as in existing studies from around the world, the participants in this study stated that they first turn to doctors and nurses for information related to vaccination and its side effects. Conclusion. The results of this study show that nursing students have better knowledge. Also, there was a statistically significant difference between the attitudes of nursing students and students of non-health studies, but the numerical difference is very small, which actually shows a very small difference in attitudes. educational and health institutions play an important role in forming attitudes, as well as the importance of presenting accurate, clear, and proven information

    Razlika u tjelesnoj temperaturi mjerenoj na membrani timpani, aksilarno i infracrvenim toplomjerom u pulmoloških intenzivnih bolesnika

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    Introduction. Measurement of body temperature in an intensive care unit is a standard procedure that provides quick insight into the patient’s condition and possible changes in that condition. The measurement is carried out at different parts of the body and with the help of different thermometers. Patients in intensive care units are hemodynamically unstable, subjected to various invasive methods, and temperature indicates possible changes in their condition. Aim. The aim of this research was to determine if there are differences between the body temperature values measured in the axilla, on the tympanic membrane and using the infrared sensor thermometer on the patient’s forehead with regard to the age, gender and the diagnosis of the patient. Methods. The research was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinic for lung diseases Jordanovac, in the period from January 2nd to July 2nd 2017. Author of the research did the measurements by herself during her work shifts. Research included 100 patients. Methods that were used were descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, arithmetic mean, median and mod) and measures of variability (standard deviation, minimum and maximum). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also conducted. Results. A statistically significant difference was determined in the measured temperature values using the infrared sensor thermometer on the patients’ forehead which were higher than the axillary and tympanic temperatures in male patients, patients younger than 70 years and in patients with COPD. Conclusion. It is important to choose the adequate method of body temperature measurement, taking into account the peculiarities and the clinical condition of the patient, and the advantages and disadvantages of each measurement procedure. It is necessary to combine or repeat measurements in order to be completely sure of the obtained values. In patients in pulmonary intensive care units taking axillary temperature is recommended.Uvod. Mjerenje tjelesne temperature u bolesnika u jedinici intenzivne skrbi standardni je postupak koji daje brzi uvid u stanje bolesnika i u eventualne promjene stanja. Mjerenje se provodi na različitim mjestima i uz pomoć različitih toplomjera. Bolesnici u jedinicama intenzivne skrbi hemodinamički su nestabilni, podvrgnuti raznim invazivnim metodama te tjelesna temperatura pokazuje moguće promjene u stanju bolesnika. Cilj. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike u izmjerenim vrijednostima tjelesne temperature ovisno o načinu mjerenja, i to u vrijednostima izmjerenima aksilarno, na membrani timpani i infracrvenim toplomjerom na čelu bolesnika ovisno o dobi, spolu i dijagnozi bolesnika. Ispitanici i metode. Istraživanje je provedeno na odjelu intenzivne skrbi Klinike za plućne bolesti Jordanovac u razdoblju od 2. siječnja do 2. srpnja 2017. Autorica istraživanja samostalno je mjerila tjelesnu temperaturu svim ispitanicima u svojoj smjeni. U istraživanje je uključeno sto bolesnika. Primijenjena je deskriptivna statistika (mjere centralne tendencije (aritmetička sredina, medijan, mod) i mjere varijabiliteta (standardna devijacija, minimum i maksimum), a rađena je i jednosmjerna analiza varijance (ANOVA) na ponovljenim mjerenjima (One-way Repeated Measures ANOVA). Rezultati. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u izmjerenim vrijednostima tjelesne temperature između vrijednosti dobivenih infracrvenim toplomjerom na čelu bolesnika, koje su bile više u odnosu na izmjerene aksilarno i na membrani timpani kod bolesnika muškog spola, bolesnika mlađih od 71 godinu i kod bolesnika oboljelih od KOPB-a. Zaključak. Važno je odabrati odgovarajući način mjerenja tjelesne temperature uzimajući u obzir osobitosti i kliničko stanje pacijenta te prednosti i nedostatke pojedinog postupka mjerenja. Često je potrebno kombinirati ili ponavljati postupke mjerenja kao bismo bili u potpunosti sigurni u dobivenu vrijednost. Kod bolesnika u pulmološkim jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja preporučili bismo aksilarno mjerenje tjelesne temperature

    Spolne razlike u motivima za vježbanje, varijablama teorije planiranog ponašanja i tjelesnoj aktivnosti u slobodno vrijeme studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

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    Sažetak Cilj je ovog rada ispitati postoje li spolne razlike studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u motivima za vježbanje, stavovima, subjektivnim normama i percipiranoj kontroli tjelesne aktivnosti, namjeri bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću te u razini tjelesne aktivnosti u slobodno vrijeme. Ispitano je 1304 studenata (857 ženskog spola, 447 muškog) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Baterija upitnika se sastojao od hrvatske verzije upitnika International Physical Activity Questionnaire, hrvatske verzije upitnika EMI-2 te Upitnika o bavljenju tjelesnom aktivnošću, koji se temelji na teoriji planiranog ponašanja, kreiranog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Pokazalo se kako se studenti više od studentica bave tjelesnom aktivnošću u slobodno vrijeme, da su za vježbanje motiviraniji uživanjem, društvenim motivima, kao i snagom i izdržljivošću, dok su studentice motiviranije revitalizacijom te skupinom pretežno zdravstvenih motiva. Što se tiče varijabli teorije planiranog ponašanja, studenti su iskazali statistički značajno višu razinu percipirane kontrole povezanu s vježbanjem, dok studentice imaju statistički značajno pozitivnije stavove prema tjelesnoj aktivnosti u slobodno vrijeme. Rezultati koji ukazuju na spolne razlika studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u motivacijskim čimbenicima za bavljenje tjelesnom aktivnošću, te na razlike u varijablama koje upućuju na motivacijsku strukturu, doprinijeti će kreiranju učinkovitijih intervencijskih programa u cilju aktiviranja studentske populacije


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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost strategija suočavanja sa stresom i razine emocionalne kompetencije kod profesionalnih i kod amaterskih sportaša. Istraživanje je provedeno na 135 sportaša profesionalaca i amatera, dobi od 18 do 22 godine. Primijenjeni su mjerni instrumenti UEK-45 (Upitnik emocionalne kompetencije), koji sadržava podljestvice Uočavanje i razumijevanje emocija, Imenovanje i izražavanje emocija te Upravljanje emocijama, te CISS (Upitnik strategija suočavanja sa stresom), koji sadržava podljestvice Suočavanje usmjereno na emocije, Suočavanje usmjereno na problem i Izbjegavanje. Dobivena je prosječna razina emocionalne kompetencije na cijelom uzorku, pri čemu su ispitanici najviši rezultat iskazali na dimenziji Imenovanje i izražavanje emocija. Kad je riječ o strategijama suočavanja sa stresom, ispitanici su iskazali najviši rezultat na dimenziji Suočavanje usmjereno na problem. Ukupan rezultat emocionalne kompetencije statistički je značajno pozitivno povezan s primjenom strategija usmjerenih na problem, dok nema povezanosti između ukupne razine emocionalne kompetencije i ostalih strategija (usmjerenost na emocije i izbjegavanje). Također, svaki pojedini oblik emocionalne kompetencije također je statistički značajno povezan samo sa strategijama usmjerenima na problem, ali ne i s ostalim strategijama. Sportaši koji su emocionalno kompetentniji češće primjenjuju strategije suočavanja sa stresom usmjerene na problem, ali ne i na emocije. Iako bi taj odnos trebalo dodatno istražiti, može se pretpostaviti da osobe su koje u stresnim situacijama, u ovom slučaju u sportskom okruženju, bolje i efikasnije razumiju i kontroliraju vlastite emocije spremnije izravno se suočiti s problemom jer ih vlastito emocionalno stanje toliko ne opterećuje.The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between stress coping strategies and levels of emotional competence among professional and amateur athletes. The research was conducted on 135 athletes, both professionals and amateurs, aged 18-22 years. The measurement instruments used were the UEK-45 (“Emotional Competence Questionnaire”), which includes subscales for perceiving and understanding emotions, naming and expressing emotions, and managing emotions, and the CISS (“Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations”), which includes subscales for emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and avoidance coping. The average level of emotional competence was obtained for the entire sample, with respondents showing the highest scores in the dimension of Naming and Expressing Emotions. Regarding coping strategies with stress, respondents showed the highest scores in the dimension of Problem-focused coping. The overall score of emotional competence is significantly positively associated with the use of problem-focused coping strategies, while there is no association between the overall level of emotional competence and other strategies (emotion-focused and avoidance). Additionally, each specific form of emotional competence is also statistically significantly associated only with problem-focused strategies, but not with other strategies. Athletes who are more emotionally competent tend to use problem-focused coping strategies more often, but not emotion-focused ones. Although this relationship should be further investigated, it can be assumed that individuals who better understand and control their own emotions in stressful situations, in this case in a sports environment, are more prepared to directly confront the problem because their own emotional state does not burden them as much

    Razlozi upisa studenata na studij sestrinstva

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    The aim of the research was to determine the reasons for students enrolling in nursing studies, priorities in the choice of studies and differences in the reasons and priorities for choosing enrollment with regard to previously completed high school. The research was conducted on full-time nursing students of the University of Applied Health Sciences who enrolled in the first year of study in the academic year 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. For the purpose of the research, an anonymous questionnaire was used. The questionnaire includes questions related to demographic data and questions about the reasons related to enrollment in nursing studies, whether any of their family members or friends work in the health care system and whether any of the members of their family is a health worker. Students were required to rank their choice of the study of nursing on a scale of 1 to 10 at the time of enrollment. Students who have previously completed high school for nurses most often stated the expansion of existing knowledge, the acquisition of new knowledge, and the continuation of previous education as the reasons for enrolling in nursing studies. Students who have completed other types of high schools stated interest in medicine, nursing, health, helping others, good employment opportunities, and nursing being interesting as reasons for enrollment. Participants in this research significantly more often stated that their family members do not work in the health care system. When enrolling in the study, the majority of the students’ first choice was the study of nursing at the higher education institution where the research was conducted – in the 2017 74.7% of participants, and in 2018 67.3% of participants. There is no statistically significant difference in the average ranking of the choice of the nursing study with respect to the year of enrollment (p=0.692). Information on the reasons for enrollment can help in planning the promotion of studies and nursing profession in public to encourage students to enroll.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razloge upisa studenata na studij sestrinstva, prioritete u izboru studija te razlike u razlozima i prioritetima izbora upisa na studij s obzirom na prethodno završenu srednju školu. Istraživanje je provedeno na studentima redovnog studija sestrinstva Zdravstvenog veleučilišta koji su upisali prvu godinu studija u akademskim godinama 2017./2018. i 2018./2019. U svrhu istraživanja primijenjen je anonimni upitnik koji obuhvaća pitanja koja se odnose na demografske podatke i pitanja koja se odnose na razloge povezane s upisom na studij sestrinstva, radi li netko od članova njihove obitelji ili prijatelja u sustavu zdravstva te je li netko od članova njihove obitelji zdravstveni radnik. Studenti su morali navesti na kojem se mjestu odabira na skali od 1 do 10 nalazio studij sestrinstva prilikom upisa na visoka učilišta. Studenti koji su prethodno završili srednju školu za medicinske sestre kao razloge za upis na studij sestrinstva najčešće navode proširivanje postojećih znanja, stjecanje novih znanja i nastavak prethodnog obrazovanja. Studenti koji su završili druge srednje škole kao razloge za upis navode interes za medicinu, sestrinstvo, zdravstvo, pomaganje drugima, dobre mogućnosti zapošljavanja i to da im je sestrinstvo zanimljivo. Ispitanici u ovom istraživanju znatno češće navode da članovi obitelji ne rade u zdravstvu. Prilikom upisa na studij većina studenata na prvom je mjestu navela studij sestrinstva pri visokoškolskoj ustanovi na kojoj je provedeno istraživanje, u uzorku 2017. 74,7% ispitanika, a 2018. 67,3 % ispitanika. Nema statistički značajne razlike u prosječnom rangu odabira studija sestrinstva s obzirom na godinu upisa studija (p = 0,692). Podaci o razlozima upisa na studij mogu pomoći pri planiranju promocije studija i sestrinske profesije u javnosti kako bi potaknuli studente na upis

    Znanje studenata studija sestrinstva o prevenciji i poimanju ubodnog incidenta

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    Introduction. Needle stick injury (NSI) is an occupational health and safety issue. Nursing students are prone to NSI due to lack of experience with handling needles and sharps. Aim. To determine the level of knowledge about the prevention of NSI and examine the level of knowledge about the post-exposure procedure and the students’ understanding of NSI. Methods. The study was conducted in 2017 at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb. The participants were nursing students from all regions of Croatia. The data was collected using a questionnaire containing 17 questions specifically designed for this study. One question had three subquestions and one had five subquestions regarding the knowledge of how to react if a needle stick injury occurs. The participants also responded to a questionnaire on their socio-demographic data. Results. The study included 149 students. The results show that 16 students have experienced NSI. A statistically significant difference was observed among students who have finished a secondary medical school in the answers about post-NSI interventions and in answers to the question of whether the needle should be recapped. The respondents from medical schools answered correctly. A statistically significant difference was observed among students from non-medical secondary schools in the answers about education on post-exposition procedures and in the answers about necessary action following a needle stick injury. The respondents from non-medical secondary schools had higher scores. Conclusion. The results of this study can be used to establish appropriate education strategies, increase the awareness of needle stick injuries and minimize the occurrence of these injuries among nursing students in Croatia.Uvod. Ubodni incident predstavlja problem povezan s profesionalnim zdravljem i sigurnošću. Studenti sestrinstva skloni su nastanku ubodnog incidenta zbog nedostatka iskustva pri rukovanju iglama i oštrim predmetima. Cilj. Odrediti razinu znanja o prevenciji i postekspozicijskoj proceduri te poimanju ubodnog incidenta. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2017. godine na Zdravstvenom veleučilištu u Zagrebu. Sudionici su bili studenti studija sestrinstva u dobi od 18 godina i više. Podaci su prikupljeni s pomoću upitnika koji sadrži 17 pitanja, posebno dizajniranog za ovo istraživanje. Prvo pitanje imalo je imalo tri potpitanja, drugo pet potpitanja povezanih sa znanjem kako reagirati ako se dogodi ubodni incident, a treće trinaest potpitanja povezanih s percepcijom opasnosti ubodnog incidenta s obzirom na karakteristike pacijenata. Sudionici su također odgovorili na pitanja o sociodemografskim podacima. Rezultati. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 149 studenata. Rezultati istraživanja utvrdili su kako je 16 studenata doživjelo ubodni incident. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika kod studenata koji su završili srednju medicinsku školu u odgovorima povezanima s intervencijama u slučaju ubodnog incidenta i u odgovorima na pitanje o tome treba li vratiti poklopac na iglu nakon upotrebe. Studenti koji su završili srednju medicinsku školu odgovorili su točno. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je kod studenata koji nisu završili srednju medicinsku školu u odgovorima povezanima s postekspozicijskim mjerama i intervencijama nakon pojave ubodnog incidenta. Studenti koji nisu završili srednju medicinsku školu imali su bolji rezultat. Zaključak. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu se upotrijebiti za izradu odgovarajućih obrazovnih strategija za povećanje svijesti o ubodnom incidentu te prevenciju njegove pojave među studentima sestrinstva u Hrvatskoj

    Knowledge of Physical Laws in the Creation of the Physiotherapy Process

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    Fizika je jedna od ključnih prirodnih znanosti u fizioterapijskoj praksi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati poznavanje i primjenu fizikalnih zakonitosti u fizioterapijskom procesu kod studenata preddiplomskog studija fizioterapije. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 92 studenta druge i treće godine, koji su položili ispit iz predmeta Fizika na prvoj godini studija. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja konstruiran je test čiji su zadaci tematski povezani s primjenom fizikalnih zakonitosti u kreiranju fizioterapijskog procesa. Prema rezultatima, najviše studenata ima vrlo dobar (39,1 %) ili izvrstan (43,5 %) uspjeh postignut na predmetu Fizika. Percipiranu razinu znanja o utjecaju fizikalnih zakonitosti u svrhu objektivizacije i poboljšanja kvalitete fizioterapijskog procesa studenti ocjenjuju ocjenom dobar. Na ukupnom uzorku dvije trećine studenata smatra da je poznavanje fizikalnih zakonitosti važno ili vrlo važno u kreiranju fizioterapijskog procesa. Ukupno 60 % studenata točno je odgovorilo na dva ili tri od mogućih pet pitanja na testu. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da u broju točnih odgovora postoji statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na godinu studija, pri čemu su studenti druge godine studija fizioterapije dali više točnih odgovora u odnosu na studente treće godine. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost točnih odgovara studenata s njihovom završnom ocjenom, samoprocjenom znanja iz područja fizike te dostupnošću stručne i znanstvene literature. Rezultati ovog istraživanja omogućuju izradu smjernica povezanih s oblikovanjem strategija za unaprjeđenje kvalitete nastavnog plana i programa predmeta Fizika na studiju fizioterapije u cilju primjene fizikalnih zakonitosti u fizioterapijskom procesu.Physics is one of the key natural sciences in physiotherapy practice. The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge and application of physical laws in the physiotherapy process of undergraduate physiotherapy students. The research included 92 second-year and third-year students, who passed the course Physics in their first year of study. For the purpose of this research, a test was developed with tasks thematically related to the application of physical laws in the creation of the physiotherapy process. According to the results, most students achieved very good (39.1%) or excellent success (43.5%) in the course Physics. The perceived level of knowledge about the impact of physical laws for the purpose of objectification and improvement of the quality of the physiotherapy process was assessed by students as good. In the total sample, two thirds of students considered that knowledge of physical laws is important or very important in creating the physiotherapy process. A total of 60% of students correctly answered 2 or 3 out of the possible 5 questions in the test. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference in the number of correct answers; the students of the 2nd year of physiotherapy gave more accurate answers than the students of the 3rd year. Research results indicate that there is no statistically significant correlation between the students’ correct answers and their final assessment, self-assessment of knowledge in physics and the availability of professional and scientific literature. The results of this research serve as a basis for the development of guidelines for designing strategies for improving the quality of the curriculum content of the course Physics at the Study of Physiotherapy in order to apply physical laws to the physiotherapy process

    Stavovi medicinskih sestara/tehničara o pripravničkom stažu u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    The internship in health care is regulated by the Rules and Regulations on Internship of Health Care Providers. One of the measures of the Croatian Institute for promoting employment of interns in health care is “Professional Training for Work Without Establishing an Employment Relationship”. The aim of this research is to determine the attitudes towards internship and to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the attitudes of currently employed nurses and those currently doing an internship. The research was conducted through the Internet, using an anonymous questionnaire containing 10 questions, out of which 8 were closed-ended and 2 open-ended questions. A total of 306 respondents were interviewed, of whom 232 were nurses and 49 nursing interns. When asked whether internship is necessary in health care, 98.4% of the respondents answered positively, with the majority of interns (75.3%) considering that there is a need for changes in internship. The results of the chi-square test suggest that there are statistically significant differences in the attitudes of employed respondents and interns in the answers to 5 questions. The interns rated their knowledge of internship worse than healthcare workers and workers in other systems. Interns associate internship with exploitation, while employed nurses mention that it reminds them of training for independent work. Most healthcare professionals would like someone close to them to have the right/obligation to do internship. By analyzing the results of the attitudes towards internship, a statistically significant difference between currently employed nurses and nursing interns was established. It is felt that youth training should be the responsibility of the employers who should provide adequate education and continuous monitoring of new workers.Pripravnički staž u zdravstvu je reguliran Pravilnikom o pripravničkom stažu zdravstvenih radnika. Jedna je od mjera Hrvatskog zavoda za poticanje zapošljavanja pripravnika u zdravstvu „stručno osposobljavanje za rad bez zasnivanja radnog odnosa”. Cilj je ovog istraživanja istražiti stavove o pripravničkom stažu te utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika u stavovima trenutačno zaposlenih medicinskih sestara/tehničara te onih koji trenutačno obavljaju pripravnički staž. Istraživanje se provodilo putem interneta, anonimnim anketama s 10 pitanja, od toga osam pitanja s ponuđenim odgovorima te dva pitanja otvorenog tipa. Ukupno se odazvalo 306 ispitanika, od toga su 232 medicinske sestre / medicinska tehničara te 49 medicinskih sestara/tehničara pripravnika. Na pitanje smatraju li pripravnički staž potrebnim u zdravstvu 98,4 % ispitanika odgovorilo je pozitivno, pri čemu većina pripravnika (75,3 %) smatra da su potrebne izmjene pripravničkog staža. Rezultati hi-kvadrat testa govore u prilog tome da u odgovorima na pet pitanja postoje statistički značajne razlike u stavovima zaposlenih i pripravnika. Pripravnici su znanje o pripravničkom stažu ocijenili lošijim u odnosu na zaposlenike u zdravstvu i u drugim sustavima. Pripravnike pripravnički staž asocira na iskorištavanje, dok zaposlene osobe navode da ih asocira na osposobljavanje za samostalan rad. Većina zaposlenih u zdravstvu željela bi da njima bliska osoba ima pravo/obvezu odraditi pripravnički staž. Analizom rezultata stavova prema pripravničkom stažu utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika među zaposlenicima i pripravnicima. Smatra se da velika odgovornost u osposobljavanju mladih prelazi na poslodavce koji bi trebali osigurati adekvatne edukacije i stalna praćenja novih radnika

    Psychological factors in physical activity of University of Zagreb students

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    Uvod. Važnost tjelesne aktivnosti u očuvanju psihofizičkog zdravlja dobro je utvrđena, a povećanje razine tjelesne aktivnosti nedovoljno aktivne studentske populacije bi trebao biti cilj javnozdravstvenih akcija. Kako bi one bile što učinkovitije, potrebno je prepoznati sve čimbenike, pa tako i psihološke, koji su pozitivno povezani s razinom tjelesne aktivnosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti i psiholoških varijabli kreiranjem prediktivnog strukturalnog modela tjelesne aktivnosti studenata. Metode. Sudionici istraživanja su bili studenti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, njih ukupno 1304 s deset fakulteta koji pokrivaju 5 znanstvenih područja djelovanja. Od ukupnog uzorka, 857 je bilo studentica (65,7%), a 447 (34,3%) studenata. U provedenom istraživanju korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: hrvatska verzija upitnika International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, dugačka forma), Upitnik Teorije planiranog ponašanja o bavljenju tjelesnom aktivnošću, hrvatska verzija Upitnika ciljne orijentacije u sportu, hrvatska verzija upitnika EMI-2, Skala lokusa uzročnosti za vježbanje, hrvatska verzija HEXACO – PI - R upitnika ličnosti. Rezultati. Tjelesna aktivnost u slobodno vrijeme se direktno može predvidjeti namjerom za bavljenje tjelesnom aktivnošću, lokusom uzročnosti za vježbanje, te društvenim motivima za vježbanje. Uspješnost predviđanja tjelesne aktivnosti na temelju prediktorskih varijabli sastavljenih od osobina ličnosti i motivacijskih varijabli ovisi o razini tjelesne aktivnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da, s obzirom na razinu tjelesne aktivnosti, postoji statistički značajna razlika u stavovima, subjektivnim normama, percipiranoj kontroli, namjeri, orijentaciji na zadatak i učenje, lokusu uzročnosti za vježbanje, ugodnosti, ekstraverziji, emocionalnosti te psihološkim i društvenim motivima za vježbanje. Što se tiče uspješnosti predviđanja tjelesne aktivnosti ovisno o spolu, pokazalo se da nema razlike u uspješnosti. S obzirom na spol, postoji statistički značajna razlika u stavovima, percipiranoj kontroli, orijentaciji na ishod i rezultat, orijentaciji na zadatak i učenje, lokusu uzročnosti za vježbanje, otvorenosti ka iskustvu, savjesnosti, ugodnosti, emocionalnosti, poštenju/poniznosti, zdravstvenim i društvenim motivima za vježbanje, te u razini tjelesne aktivnosti u slobodno vrijeme i ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti. Zaključak. Varijable proizašle iz teorije planiranog ponašanja pokazale su se najkonzistentnijim prediktorima tjelesne aktivnosti. Preostale varijable koje su se pokazale uspješnim prediktorima su lokus uzročnosti za vježbanje, skupine društvenih i psihološkihIntroduction. Importance of physical activity in psychophysical health preservation is well established, and increasing physical activity level of insufficiently active student population should be goal of public health actions. For them to be efficient, it is necessary to determine all factors, including psychological, that are related with physical activity level. Combination of psychological factors which, in prior research, proved to be succesful in predicting different kind of behavior, including physical activity, and which are based on theories of planned behavior, self-determination, motivation of achievement and HEXACO personality theory, should result in optimal predictive solution. The aim of this study was to determine relationship between leisure-time physical activity level and psychological factors (motivation variables and personality traits) by creating predictive structural model of student physical activity. Methods. Participants were 1304 students from ten University of Zagreb colleges that covers five different scientific areas. There were 857 female students (65,7%) and 447 male students (34,3%). Measure instruments used in condacted research were as follows: Croatian version of International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, long form), Theory of planned behavior questionnaire regarding physical activity, Croatian version of Task and Ego orientation in sport questionnaire, Croatian version of EMI-2 questionnaire, the Locus of Causality for Exercise Scale, and Croatian version of HEXACO-PI-(R) personality measure. Results. Leisure- time physical activity can directly be predicted by intention to be physically active, by locus of causality for exercise and by group of social motives for exercise, with higher intentions, inner locus of causality and greater motivation by social motives leading to higher level of student leisure-time physical activity. Furthermore, student leisure-time physical activity level prediction by personality traits and motivation variables depends on student physical activity level. Final model solution created from sample of students who fullfil minimum leisure-time activity level recommendation explained 13,3% of student leisure-time physical activity variance, while final model solution created from sample of students who don't fullfil minimum leisure-time activity level recommendation explained 3,9% of student leisure-time physical activity variance. Results showed that, considering physical activity level, there is statistically significant difference in attitudes toward physical activity, subjective norms of physical activity participation, perceived control of physical activity, intention to be physically active, task goal orientation, locus of causality for exercise, agreeableness, exstraversion, emotionality, psychological motives for exercise and social motives for exercise. Considering gender, results showed that there is no difference in successfulness of predictive models, with final model solution created from male students sample explaining 16,5% of student leisure-time physical activity variance, while final model solution created from female students sample explaining 16,3% of student leisure-time physical activity variance. But, considering gender, there is statistically significant difference in attitudes toward physical activity, perceived control of physical activity, task goal orientation, ego goal orientation, locus of causality for exercise, openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotionality, honesty-humility, health motives for exercise, social motives for exercise and, in the end, in leisure-time physical activity level and total physical ctivity level. Conclusion. Theory of planned behavior variables proved to be most consistent leisure-time physical activity predictor, with exception of perceived control, which, contrary to theory assumptions, predicted only intention of physical activity, not behavior itself. Other variables that proved successful in predicting students leisure-time physical activity, regardless of analysed sample, were locus of causlity for exercise, social motives for exercise, psychological motives for exercise, ego goal orientation and agreeableness personality trait. Relatively small percentage of explained student leisure-time physical activity variance by psychological factors indicates a need to include factors from other fields (sociodemographic, sociological) in predictive model with wich we would be able to detect those most efficient, so most successful interventions for increasing physical activity level could be created