24 research outputs found

    Vizuelna ocena fenotipa po UPOV deskriptoru i srodnost linija kukuruza

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    The information on inter-relations of breeding material and genetic distinctness of available germplasm is important for deciding on the usage mode in breeding programmes. For the given research, phenotype description according to principles of UPOV descriptors was taken from 28 maize lines that are parental components of 20 ZP maize hybrids of known pedigree, from one year and two repetitions. Cluster analysis was conducted in order to establish whether the phenotype characterization of genotypes can be used for defining homogenous groups by relatedness, and to what extent the results are in accordance with the known information on the examined material's pedigree. The cluster analysis, Ward method, based on Squared Euclidian Distance, provided the best concordance with the information on the pedigree of the examined maize lines, so those results are presented in this paper and used for correspondence analysis.Informacije o međusobnim odnosima oplemenjivačkog materijala i genetičke udaljenosti raspoložive germplazme su značajne za odluku o načinu koriŔćenja u oplemenjivačkim programima. Za dato istraživanje je po principima UPOV deskriptora uzet fenotipski opis 28 linija koje su roditeljske komponente 20 ZP hibrida kukuruza, poznatog pedigrea, iz jedne godine i dva ponavljanja. Urađena je klaster analiza sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li se može iskoristiti fenotipska karakterizacija genotipova po principima UPOV deskriptora za definisanje homogenih grupa po srodnosti i koliko su rezultati u saglasnosti sa poznatim informacijama o pedigreu ispitivanog materijala. Klaster analiza (Ward method) je dala najbolje slaganje sa informacijama o pedigreu ispitivanih linija kukuruza, pa su ti rezultati koriŔćeni za korespondencionu analizu

    NS hibridi kukuruza u 2017.

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    Stvaranje hibrida u Odeljenju za kukuruz, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada je dugotrajan, zahtevan i kontinuiran proces. U cilju registracije, u sortnoj komisiji Republike Srbije svake godine se ispituje veći broj hibrida. Nakon registracije, novostvoreni hibridi prolaze dodatna testiranja u različitim kategorijama ogleda kako bi se za komercijalnu ponudu izdvojili oni sa najboljim karakteristikama. Imajući u vidu semiaridnu klimu, sve toplija i suÅ”nija leta, kao i sve značajnije Å”tete od insekata, za proizvodnju su odabrani hibridi sa naglaÅ”enom tolerantnoŔću prema abiotičkom / biotičkom stresu. Novi hibridi, NS 3023, NS 4024 i NS 5072, kao i NS 7020, pokazali su dobru stabilnost prinosa u svim regionima gajenja

    Rezultati ogleda i preporuka NS hibrida kukuruza za 2019. godinu

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    Prema podacima sajta www.worldtopexporters.com Srbija spada u grupu najbrze rastućih izvoznika zrna kukuruza u svetu od 2013. godine do danas. Prema istom izvoru, naÅ”a zemlja je svrstana u grupu od 15 država koje su ostvarile najveći prihod od izvoza ovog proizvoda u 2017. godini. Da je kukuruz naÅ”a najznačajnija ratarska kultura govore i povrÅ”ine na kojima se gaji u Srbiji (od 900.000 do 1.000.000 ha svake godine) kao i prosečna proizvodnja od oko 6 miliona tona zrna godiÅ”nje. Na ukupnu količinu proizvedenog zrna, pored povrÅ”ine koja je uglavnom konstantna, najveći uticaj imaju klimatski činioci, pre svega količina i raspored padavina i temperatura vazduha

    Sol-gel as a Method to Tailor the Magnetic Properties of Co1+yAl2-yO4

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    The magnetic properties of mesoscopic materials are modified by size and surface effects. We present a sol-gel method used to tailor these effects, and illustrate it on Co1+yAl2-yO4 spinel. Nanocomposites made of spinel oxide Co1+yAl2-yO4 particles dispersed in an amorphous SiO2 matrix were synthesized. Samples with various mass fractions -x of Co1+yAl2-yO4 in composite, ranging from predominantly SiO2 (x = 10 wt%) to predominantly spinel (x = 95 wt%), and with various Co concentrations in spinel y were studied. The spinel grain sizes were below 100 nm with a large size distribution, for samples with predominant spinel phase. Those samples showed Curie-Weiss paramagnetic behavior with antiferromagnetically interacting Co ions (theta approximate to -100 K). The grain sizes of spinel stays confined in 100 nm range even in the spinel samples diluted with as low as 5 wt% concentration of amorphous SiO2. For the samples with predominant SiO2 the crystalline nanoparticles are well separated and of size of around 100 nm, but with presence of much smaller spinel nanoparticles of about 10 nm. The magnetic properties of the samples with predominant silica phase showed complex behavior, spin-glass magnetic freezing at the lowest temperatures and lower absolute value of theta and consequently lower exchange constant

    2020 consensus guideline for optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The HERe2Cure project, which involved a group of breast cancer experts, members of multidisciplinary tumor boards from healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was initiated with the aim of defining an optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. After individual multidisciplinary consensus meetings were held in all oncology centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a final consensus meeting was held in order to reconcile the final conclusions discussed in individual meetings. Guidelines were adopted by consensus, based on the presentations and suggestions of experts, which were first discussed in a panel discussion and then agreed electronically between all the authors mentioned. The conclusions of the panel discussion represent the consensus of experts in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives of the guidelines include the standardization, harmonization and optimization of the procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all of which should lead to an improvement in the quality of health care of mentioned patients. The initial treatment plan for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must be made by a multidisciplinary tumor board comprised of at least: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a surgeon, and a radiation oncologist/radiotherapist

    2020 consensus guideline for optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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    The HERe2cure project, which involved a group of breast cancer experts, members of multidisciplinary tumor boards from healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was initiated with the aim of defining an optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. After individual multidisciplinary consensus meetings were held in all oncology centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a final consensus meeting was held in order to reconcile the final conclusions discussed in individual meetings. Guidelines were adopted by consensus, based on the presentations and suggestions of experts, which were first discussed in a panel discussion and then agreed electronically between all the authors mentioned. The conclusions of the panel discussion represent the consensus of experts in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives of the guidelines include the standardization, harmonization and optimization of the procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all of which should lead to an improvement in the quality of health care of mentioned patients. The initial treatment plan for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must be made by a multidisciplinary tumor board comprised of at least: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a surgeon, and a radiation oncologist/radiotherapist


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    U danaÅ”nje se vrijeme stres definira kao tjelesna ili mentalna napetost koja može itekako utjecati na zdravlje pojedinca. Proizlazi iz stalne interakcije osobe i okoline, raznih zahtjeva, pritisaka i situacija. Okosnica je ovog diplomskog rada utjecaj stresa na rad zaposlenika, konkretno Gradskog ureda Grada Zagreba gdje je provedena rotacija zaposlenika s jedne lokacije na drugu lokaciju. Kroz rad su opisani značenje stresa kroz povijest, utjecaj stresa na rad zaposlenika u poslovnom okruženju, analiza rezultata provedene ankete te preporuka metoda za smanjenje stresa konkretnog Sektora. U konkretnom primjeru procijenjeno je da bi optimalno bilo da se pomoć pruži na individualnoj razini, a budući da je analiza istraživanja pokazala da su zaposlenici prilično nezadovoljni radnim uvjetima poput klimatizacije, prevelikog broja ljudi u uredskim prostorijama, manjka privatnosti i drugih, potrebno je provesti i pomoć na organizacijskoj razini s aktivnostima poput redizajniranja fizičke radne okoline i sl.Nowadays, stress is defined as a physical or mental tension that can greatly affect an individual's health. It is a result of constant interaction with the environment, pressure that comes with it and challenging situations and demands. The main segment of this thesis is the impact that stress at work has on the employees, specifically of those working at the City Office of the City of Zagreb, where the rotation of employees from one location to another was implemented. The thesis describes the meaning of stress throughout the history, the impact of stress on the employees in the business environment, the analysis of the results of the conducted survey, and the recommendation of methods for reducing the stress of the specific Sector. In the specific example, it was estimated that it would be optimal to provide help on an individual level. The research analysis showed that employees are quite dissatisfied with the working conditions such as lack of air conditioning, the offices being too crowded, lack of privacy and others. Therefore, it is necessary to help at the organizational level through activities like redesigning the physical working environment and other similar ones

    Diferencijalna dijagnostika oralnih uluksa

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