45 research outputs found

    El territorio del saneamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires: técnica, política y capital en la conformación espacial de la ciudad (1871-1941)

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    Desde el origen del urbanismo moderno, las redes de saneamiento han sido un factor relevante en el funcionamiento de la ciudad y más recientemente su pervivencia, motivo de infraestructuras cada vez más complejas, las cuales han propiciado transformaciones territoriales y alterado la escala de la ciudad. En este proceso, saneamiento y ciudad vieron conformar el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires como una de las grandes metrópolis mundiales con más de 10 millones de habitantes, permitiendo a su vez urbanizar el territorio más allá de los límites de la ciudad. Este trabajo interpelará la evolución del sistema de saneamiento junto al crecimiento de la ciudad, a través de los planes de saneamiento contextualizados con los planes de urbanismo, las relaciones entre actores, las lógicas y problemáticas presentes en la construcción del territorio; buscando caracterizar el rol que han jugado las redes de este servicio en la configuración espacial de la ciudad.Ever since the origin of modern urbanism sanitary sewers have been a key factor in the city’s management, and more recently, its survival the motive of more complex infrastructures, which have generated territorial transformations allowing the city’s change of scale. All throughout this process, Sewerage and City saw the constitution of Buenos Aires’s Metropolitan Area as a large metropolis with more than 10 million inhabitants, making at the same time possible the urbanization of the territory beyond the city’s limits. This work will question the sewage system’s evolution along with the city’s development through sanitation schemes compared in context with urbanism plans, the relationships between actors, logics and problem areas present in the construction of the territory; seeking to characterize the role played by the netting of this service in the city’s spatial forming process

    Popular neighborhoods in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Informal city and public policies in drinking water and sanitation services.

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    The 21st century brings before us the great challenge of the universality of water and sanitation services in an increasingly urban world. The gap between the level of coverage of these services and the urbanized area is difficult to address given the disarticulation existing between the dynamics of infrastructure networks and accelerated urban settlement patterns. In Latin America, the so-called villas, shantytowns, slums or favelas shape archipelagos of informality in access to drinking water and sanitation services, within a formal city that makes their exclusion invisible and tries out alternative mechanisms or intermediate solution policies in territories of inequity and urban inequality. In this paper we will analyze the prevailing public policies in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, and the impact they have had on access to water and sanitation services in its poor neighborhoods.   Key words: poor neighborhoods, access to water and sanitation, Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, public policies.El siglo XXI nos plantea el gran desafío de la universalidad de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en un mundo cada vez más urbano. La brecha entre el nivel de cobertura de estos servicios y área urbanizada, resulta difícil de abordar ante la desarticulación entre dinámicas propias de las redes de infraestructura y acelerados patrones de asentamiento urbano. En Latinoamérica, las denominadas villas, asentamientos, barriadas o favelas; conforman archipiélagos de informalidad en el acceso a los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento, dentro de una ciudad formal que invisibiliza su exclusión, ensaya mecanismos alternativos o políticas de solución intermedias en territorios de inequidad y desigualdad urbana. En este trabajo analizaremos las políticas públicas imperantes en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, y el impacto que han tenido sobre el acceso a los servicios de agua y saneamiento en sus barrios populares.   Palabras clave: barrios populares, acceso al agua y saneamiento, Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, políticas públicasPeer Reviewe

    Mature and Immature Teratoma: A Report From the Second Italian Pediatric Study

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    Background. Teratomas demonstrate a benign clinical behavior, however they may recur with malignant components or as teratoma, and in a small group of patients prognosis could be fatal. After the ®rst Italian study, we collected cases of teratoma, alongside the protocol for malignant germ cell tumors. Procedure. Patients with teratoma were collected from 2004 to 2014. Teratomas were classi®ed according to the WHO classi®cations, as mature and immature. Patients with pathological aFP and/or bHCG, and those with a malignant germ cell component were not included. Results. The study enrolled 219 patients (150 mature, 69 immature teratomas) with a median age at diagnosis of 42 months. The primary sites involved were: 118 gonadal and 101 extragonadal teratomas. Two females with ovarian teratoma had a positive family history. Complete and incomplete surgeries were performed in 85% and 9% of cases. Seventeen events occurred: six females had a second metachronous tumor (5 contralateral ovarian teratoma, 1 adrenal neuroblastoma) and 11 teratomas relapsed/progressed (3 mature, 8 immature teratomas). Two patients died, one of progressive immature teratoma and one of surgical complications. At a median follow up of 68 months, the event-free, relapse-free, and overall survival rates were 90.6%, 94.3%, 98.6%, respectively. Conclusions. Teratomas show a good prognosis, especially the mature ones: surgery and follow-up remain the standard approach. Incomplete surgery in immature teratoma is the group at greatest risk of relapse. Bilateral ovarian tumors are a possibility, and the rare family predisposition to ovarian mature teratoma warrants further analyses

    Mature and immature teratoma: A report from the second Italian pediatric study

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    none16noBACKGROUND: Teratomas demonstrate a benign clinical behavior, however they may recur with malignant components or as teratoma, and in a small group of patients prognosis could be fatal. After the first Italian study, we collected cases of teratoma, alongside the protocol for malignant germ cell tumors. PROCEDURE: Patients with teratoma were collected from 2004 to 2014. Teratomas were classified according to the WHO classifications, as mature and immature. Patients with pathological aFP and/or bHCG, and those with a malignant germ cell component were not included. RESULTS: The study enrolled 219 patients (150 mature, 69 immature teratomas) with a median age at diagnosis of 42 months. The primary sites involved were: 118 gonadal and 101 extragonadal teratomas. Two females with ovarian teratoma had a positive family history. Complete and incomplete surgeries were performed in 85% and 9% of cases. Seventeen events occurred: six females had a second metachronous tumor (5 contralateral ovarian teratoma, 1 adrenal neuroblastoma) and 11 teratomas relapsed/progressed (3 mature, 8 immature teratomas). Two patients died, one of progressive immature teratoma and one of surgical complications. At a median follow up of 68 months, the event-free, relapse-free, and overall survival rates were 90.6%, 94.3%, 98.6%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Teratomas show a good prognosis, especially the mature ones: surgery and follow-up remain the standard approach. Incomplete surgery in immature teratoma is the group at greatest risk of relapse. Bilateral ovarian tumors are a possibility, and the rare family predisposition to ovarian mature teratoma warrants further analyses. Pediatr Blood Cancer © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.noneTerenziani M;D'Angelo P;Inserra A;Boldrini R;Bisogno G;Babbo GL;Conte M;Dall' Igna P;De Pasquale MD;Indolfi P;Piva L;Riccipetitoni G;Siracusa F;Spreafico F;Tamaro P;Cecchetto GTerenziani, M; D'Angelo, P; Inserra, A; Bisogno, Gianni; Bisogno, G; Babbo, Gl; Conte, M; Dall' Igna, P; De Pasquale, Md; Indolfi, P; Piva, L; Riccipetitoni, G; Siracusa, F; Spreafico, F; Tamaro, P; Cecchetto, Giovann

    Ethical and Legal Standards for Research in Prisons

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    Biobehavioral research, especially that which is conducted with prisoners, has become much more closely regulated in the last 30 years. State and federal law, as well as professional standards, regulate the conduct of many types of research; in the case of prisoners, this regulation is even more stringent. However, currently no mandatory, uniform, national regulatory or oversight process exists, and many privately funded research endeavors are operating in a regulatory void. In response to this, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission has argued for the creation of a single, national, independent regulatory body to oversee all human participant research, regardless of funding source. As ethicolegal research standards evolve alongside advances in science and technology, an appreciation of the history of prisoner research and an awareness of current standards is critical to conducting ethical prison research

    Caratterizzazione e valutazione della compatibilità di polimeri termoplastici nelle mescole bituminose

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    Valutazione del comportamento di polimeri termoplastici all'interno di varie mescole bitume-polimero

    Ciudad formal e informal en el acceso al agua y saneamiento : Políticas públicas y relaciones hidrosociales en barrios populares Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires

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    El siglo XXI nos plantea la universalidad de los servicios de agua y saneamiento como uno de sus grandes desafíos. La brecha entre área urbanizada y cobertura del servicio resulta difícil de articular entre acelerados patrones de asentamiento urbano y lógicas sectoriales de redes de infraestructura que mantienen su propia dinámica. En el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, villas y asentamientos conforman archipiélagos de informalidad en el acceso a los servicios de agua y saneamiento, dentro de una ciudad formal que invisibiliza su exclusión y ensaya mecanismos alternativos en barrios populares que deben autoabastecerse. Barrios donde se ponen en tensión políticas públicas y las relaciones hidrosociales de sus habitantes, por las reglas de la ciudad formal que no se aplican en la ciudad informal, a pesar de la desigualdad territorial imperante en estos territorios. Territorios donde la idea de redes de infraestructura como igualadoras urbanas emerge como componente sustancial de derecho a la ciudad. Esto permite analizar la forma en que estas relaciones hidrosociales evidenciaron los exiguos niveles de cobertura de servicio y propiciaron un incipiente cambio en las agencias urbanas en favor de la integración socio-urbana, luego de la implementación del Registro Nacional de Barrios Populares como política.Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociale

    El territorio del saneamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires: técnica, política y capital en la conformación espacial de la ciudad (1871-1941)

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    Desde el origen del urbanismo moderno, las redes de saneamiento han sido un factor relevante en el funcionamiento de la ciudad y más recientemente su pervivencia, motivo de infraestructuras cada vez más complejas, las cuales han propiciado transformaciones territoriales y alterado la escala de la ciudad. En este proceso, saneamiento y ciudad vieron conformar el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires como una de las grandes metrópolis mundiales con más de 10 millones de habitantes, permitiendo a su vez urbanizar el territorio más allá de los límites de la ciudad. Este trabajo interpelará la evolución del sistema de saneamiento junto al crecimiento de la ciudad, a través de los planes de saneamiento contextualizados con los planes de urbanismo, las relaciones entre actores, las lógicas y problemáticas presentes en la construcción del territorio; buscando caracterizar el rol que han jugado las redes de este servicio en la configuración espacial de la ciudad.Ever since the origin of modern urbanism sanitary sewers have been a key factor in the city’s management, and more recently, its survival the motive of more complex infrastructures, which have generated territorial transformations allowing the city’s change of scale. All throughout this process, Sewerage and City saw the constitution of Buenos Aires’s Metropolitan Area as a large metropolis with more than 10 million inhabitants, making at the same time possible the urbanization of the territory beyond the city’s limits. This work will question the sewage system’s evolution along with the city’s development through sanitation schemes compared in context with urbanism plans, the relationships between actors, logics and problem areas present in the construction of the territory; seeking to characterize the role played by the netting of this service in the city’s spatial forming process