48 research outputs found


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    The introduction of Universal Design in the field of architecture has brought about a change in design approach, from planning for normal situations that do not usually cater for all user groups, to designing to accommodate the needs of everyone from the planning stage. This study investigated architectural features constituting hindrances to achieving Universal Design in selected shopping malls in Lagos State, Nigeria, with a view to making contributions on how to enhance accessibility and usability in such buildings for all user groups, regardless of their ability or inability, towards promoting social inclusion in the development of public environments. The study adopted a qualitative research approach that gathered data with an observation guide designed for the study in four selected shopping malls in the study area. The data was content analysed, and the result presented using a descriptive approach with the aid of photographic images for easy understanding. Several architectural features were discovered to constitute hindrances to achieve Universal Design in the malls. The said features were mostly accessibility features useful for people with disabilities to gain access to use the buildings on equal terms with able-bodied individuals. In addition to recommending retrofitting of the malls with appropriate accessible features where they are lacking or inappropriately provided, the study recommended that the building industry design professionals should pay more attention to such areas in the planning of future schemes, towards achieving social inclusion in the development of public environments. The study is useful for better understanding of issues pertaining to developing inclusive public environments

    Evaluation of the use of Therapeutic Landscape in Selected Medical Facilities In Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The growth in population of cities has brought about pressure on urban land, increase in population and some illnesses as a result of the stress people undergo to satisfy their basic human needs. To help enhance patients’ recovery when ill, medical experts are exploring the use of various natural means, one of which is the use of therapeutic landscape. This involves the use of distinctive landscape features in an environment to help achieve physical, mental and spiritual healing for patients. Due to its healing benefit, therapeutic landscape has become a popularly used concept in the design of medical facilities in different parts of the globe. It is on this note that this study evaluated to what extent was therapeutic landscape implemented to enhance patients’ recovery in selected medical facilities in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, with a view to discover likely areas for further improvements. The study adopted qualitative research methodology using direct observation and document review of previous studies related to the subject to gather data, which were content analysed. The result indicated that none of the medical facilities investigated use therapeutic landscape to complement the orthodox medical treatment offered in them. Though the medical facilities had softcape components such as lawns, shrubs, flowers and trees within their site, they were not provided for therapeutic purpose, but rather for aesthetical and shading purposes. There is therefore a need to sensitise stakeholders on the importance of integrating therapeutic landscape in medical environments in order for patients to reap its benefits in the study area. The study recommends that educative and enlightenment platforms be provided by medical experts from time to time, for built environment design professionals such as, Architects and Town Planners, to gain insight on the concept, components and benefits of therapeutic landscape. This will enable such professionals to be able to consciously develop appropriate ways of implementing its features in the development of future medical facilities

    Evaluation of Users' Satisfaction with Lighting Strategies in Selected Art Museum and Galleries in Nigeria

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    To achieve effective communication between displayed works and users in art museums and galleries, some environmental factors must be satisfied. Paramount among such factors is lighting. The provision of adequate lighting is a vital component for achieving effective and sustainable display areas in art museums and galleries. To assess the adequacy of lighting in the display areas, users’ opinion is central. This study evaluated users' satisfaction with lighting strategies in display areas of selected art museum and galleries in Nigeria, to identify areas for further improvements. The study adopted qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative data was collected with the aid of an observation guide from one museum and two galleries, and content analysed. Whereas quantitative data was gathered with a closed-end structured questionnaire from 175 respondents across the three selected establishments and analysed with Statistical Product and Service Solutions software. The results were presented descriptively with the aid of tables, figures, and plates for better comprehension. The results showed that users were to a considerable extent satisfied with the lighting strategies employed which were predominantly artificial lighting which includes, fluorescent and incandescent lighting. The strategies employed are: down, up, front, side, and back-lighting, However, to enhance users’ satisfaction, the majority of the respondents suggested the use of daylighting strategies in the display areas where the exhibited works are not susceptible to light damage. The study recommended that while seeking to adopt lighting strategies that protect and preserve the value of artworks in display areas, architects should take into consideration the utmost importance of users’ visual comfort and well-being. Safe artificial and daylighting strategies should also be integrated right from the site planning to the lighting design and implementation stages

    Appraisal of Lighting Strategies for Achieving Environmental Sustainability in Selected Art Museums and Galleries in Nigeria

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    Lighting in the display areas of art museums and galleries is a key facilitator of an effective design. However, this brings to the fore the issue of environmental sustainability. This study investigated the use of lighting strategies in three selected art museums and galleries in Nigeria to ascertain how effective they are in achieving energy conservation, towards attaining environmental sustainability in developing the built environment. The study adopted a qualitative research method that obtained primary data with the aid of an observation guide developed for the research. Results were content analysed and presented descriptively with plates and tables. The results indicated that both daylighting and artificial lighting strategies of several types were utilized. However, the daylighting strategies were used in the display areas as supportive measures and the use of artificial lighting techniques was found to be prominent. Using both strategies helped to effectively light the display areas and encouraged energy conservation, thereby encouraging environmental sustainability. The study underscored the importance of appreciably integrating daylighting strategies with artificial lighting techniques in the development of display areas of museums and galleries right from the design stage. It suggested the use of the combined lighting system so that the daylighting strategies are optimised to the level that can cause a significant reduction in the use of artificial lighting techniques to meaningfully conserve energy. This will in turn stimulate environmental sustainability, especially where artworks not affected by direct rays from the sun are exhibited

    Implementation of Green Design Strategies by Architects in Southwest Nigeria

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    In proposing new structures and renovating existing ones around the globe, environmental impact is becoming a major consideration. Among architecture professionals and other stakeholders in the building industry in Nigeria and globally, it is also becoming a major discussion topic. This has therefore brought about a need for a compromise between quality buildings and environmental responsibility. One important way of achieving this compromise is the use of green design strategies which seek to reduce the negative impacts buildings have on the natural environment and the health of the building occupants, while also being economically responsible. This study aims to investigate the level of implementation of green design strategies by practising professional architects in southwest Nigeria, identifying areas for further improvement. The methodology employed centres around the pragmatic research philosophy that uses a mixed method research approach to gather and analyze data. Data collection was carried out by textual analysis of relevant literature and the use of structured questionnaires to collect data from 60 respondents made up of practising professional architects in southwest Nigeria. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis, while the quantitative data was put through inferential statistical analysis. The result is presented using a descriptive approach. The study identified various green design strategies for achieving environmental sustainability in the study area. The study also found that a high level of awareness of environmental sustainability concepts exists among practising architects in the study area and provided appropriate recommendations for encouraging the implementation of green design strategies in Nigeria

    Impact of Employee Turnover in Small and Medium Construction Firms: A Literature Review

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    The issue of employee turnover has raised quite a number of concerns in the construction industries as a result of its effect on productivity. It is a known fact that employees are important stakeholders in the firm, but unfortunately after limited resources have been used in recruiting, training and developing the employees, they leave for other organizations. Employee’s turnover has drained limited resources of small and medium sized construction firms as the services of the lost employees are no longer available to be utilized by the firm. Hence, this research is aimed at assessing the impact of employee’s turnover rate in small and medium construction firms in Nigeria. The study adopts a literature review approach to review existing journals in related field so as to arrive at recent findings. However, many of the researches done in this area emphasized on big firms with complex operating structures and strong research and development background. Not much research has examined this concept in the perspective of small and medium sized construction firms. The findings from this study will add to existing body of knowledge in the domain of managing employees in small and medium sized construction firms, thereby increasing job performance and productivity in the sector


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    Background and Aim Fire escape and emergency evacuation procedures are essential considerations in the design and maintenance of buildings. However, for individuals living with disabilities, particularly mobility impairment, it is important that extra fire safety considerations are made to enable them easily exit buildings in the event of a fire outbreak. The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order [1] places the responsibility of providing comprehensive fire risk assessments, including safe escape plans for all users, on the person in charge of commercial buildings. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, aims to create inclusive, safe, and sustainable human settlements. The United Nations (UN) Disability and Development Report [2] highlights the need for accessible housing (SDG target 11.1) and equal housing access for individuals with disabilities (Article 9). However, the SDG 11 lacks explicit mention of fire safety and escape protocols. Martin [3] advocates for integrating fire perspectives in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex fire-related issues. This study is crucial towards achieving SDG 11, promoting equality, and improvement of housing conditions for differently-abled individuals [3]. The aim of this study was to examine fire escape procedures dispatched in buildings to ascertain their suitability for the physically challenged in the event of a fire outbreak, with a view to identify areas for enhancement

    The Role of Artificial Lighting in Architectural Design: A Literature Review

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    Artificial lighting design is an integral part of the building design process. However, little or no emphasis is usually placed on its importance in the initial design process, as lighting is often understood as merely the idea of illuminating spaces. This paper investigated the evolved variety of roles artificial lighting plays in architectural designs in the context of psychology and communication. Data was compiled from existing knowledge on artificial lighting techniques, tools and practices to develop a literature for better understanding of the greater capabilities of artificial lighting within the urban context. The study focused mainly on the use of artificial lighting in the 21st century, in a bid to capture the diverse roles artificial lighting plays in the built environment in recent times. The study is a qualitative research that relied strictly on data from secondary sources. A total of twenty-eight relevant publications were sourced using Google search engine via the internet. The data were content analysed, grouped in themes and presented using descriptive approach. The study revealed that artificial lighting plays important roles in delineating spaces, beautifying environments, improving workers’ productivity level, as well as serving as a tool for navigation and communication in the urban environment. The paper concluded that over the years, artificial lighting has evolved beyond spatial illumination, but now functions as a tool for passive nonverbal communication. Therefore, planning for artificial lighting should be introduced early in the design process to avoid incurring unnecessary cost and time wasting usually associated with late decision making in the building industry


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    Sandcrete blocks comprise of natural sand, water and binder. Cement, as a binder, is the most expensive input in to the production of sandcrete blocks. This has necessitated producers of sandcrete blocks to produce blocks with low OPC content that will be affordable to people and with much gain. The poverty level amongst West African Countries and particularly Nigerian has made these blocks widely acceptable among the populace so as to minimize the cost of construction works. Despite the cost benefit of sandcrete cost, the improper use of these blocks leads to microcracks on the walls after construction and this result to incessant collapse of buildings which has turned out to be a worrisome problem facing the construction industry in Nigeria. The main aim of this research is to evaluate how sandcrete blocks and bricks are produced for use in Nigeria, the laws and regulations guiding their production and the prospects and challenges facing the block production industry in Nigeria. A case study survey of about 15 block production factories was conducted to find out how block manufacturers produce sandcrete blocks and bricks for use in Nigeria. Three types of investigations, namely field survey (participant observation), literature review and interviews were carried out. This study found several factors are responsible for the collapse of buildings one of which is the use of poor quality of building materials such as blocks and bricks. It is therefore important to ensure that the production of this major masonry unit is not only standardized but regulated and adequately monitored to ensure qualit

    Financing Early Staged Technology Based Firms in Malaysia

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    The establishment of various agencies to support and finance researches in universities and research institutes capable to grow Technology Based Firms was due to the Malaysian government’s recognition of Technology Entrepreneurship as an avenue to develop the economy industrially. Technology Based Firms (TBFs) have been widely accepted as a key influence in the economic development, wealth generation, employment and creation of new innovations. Although, despite huge investment in Research and Development and other public support from government to these group of firms, they still encounter difficulty in accessing the right and adequate amount of investment capital required to grow their firms to successful and global companies. The objective of this particular research is to find out the financing sources for early staged firms in Malaysia. The researchers interviewed 28 Technology Based Firms and 19 Venture Capital Firms in Malaysia through a qualitative approach to data collection. The data collected was transcribed, analyzed and coded with the aim of identifying the emergent themes relevant for the theme development for the study. This study finds that certain agencies of government are dedicated to supporting the growth requirements of young firms until they are capable to stand alone as independent companies