35 research outputs found

    Comparative studies on dyeing rate migration and wash fastness properties of azo dyes derived from 2-aminothiazole derivatives on acetate fabrics

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    Migration and diffusion properties of synthesized azo dyes from 2-aminothiazole derivatives applied on commercial grade undyed cellulose acetate (CA) and cellulose triacetate (CTA) were investigated using dyeing conditions of 2% on weight of fabric (owf), 50:1 liquor ratio and subjected to ISO3 and ISO4 standard wash fastness tests. From the studies, the wash fastness in both fabrics was found to be inversely proportional to the dye diffusion coefficient and migration properties. Tests showed some dye admixture exhibit compatibility in properties while others showed skittering effect. These observations are attributable to structural effect, degree of fabric crystallinity and surface potential effect in dye- substrate interactions. Key words:-Migration, Diffusion, 2-Aminothiazole, Cellulose acetate, Cellulose triacetate, Skittering effect

    Elemental concentration of Harmattan dust sample in Iwo and Oyo Town, south west Nigeria

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    The period of Harmattan season in Nigeria occurs between the month November and March, this is characterized by dry and dusty north easterly trade wind which blows from the Sahara Desert over Nigeria. Samples of the dust were collected at Iwo (7Âş 63'N, 4Âş 19'E) and Oyo (8Âş 12'N, 3Âş 42'E). The samples were analysed using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) machine located at Bowen University Iwo. It was observed that the sample of dust particle collected by the means of distilled water in Iwo town contains Ca (22.278ppm), Mg (8.904ppm), and Fe (2.133ppm), and the sample of dust particle collected by the means of the first rain water of the year under consideration contains Ca (5.494ppm), Mg (6.417ppm), and Fe (0.741ppm). For Oyo location, it was observed that the sample of dust particle which was collected by the means of distilled water contains Ca (17.701ppm), Mg (11.751ppm), and Fe (3.729ppm). More so, the sample of dust particle collected by the means of rain water for Oyo contains Ca (4.138ppm), Mg (4.074ppm), and Fe (0.412ppm). The results showed that there was less effect of harmattan dust on human health due to zero or no lead (Pb) content present in the same collected during the period.Keywords: Harmattan, Distilled Water, Sahara Desert, Iwo and Oy

    A survey of medicinal plants in Borgu Local Government Area, Niger State, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to identify the medicinal plants used for the treatment of different ailments in Borgu Local Government Area of Niger  State. Structured interview guides and direct field observation were used to collect data on the medicinal plants from one hundred and twenty  respondents. The results obtained revealed a total of 52 medicinal plants belonging to 30 Families were identified as being used for treating different ailments in the study area in which Fabaceae is the most common Family whereby the bark and the leaves are mostly used. The medicinal plants identified had multiples uses while some were effective as mixtures. Seventy percent of the respondents had informal training on herbal  medicine for two years. Twenty percent had formal training through forestry courses offered during advanced studies while ten percent inherited the knowledge from their parents. It was recorded that medicinal plants are cheaper, locally available and easily accessible than western drugs.  Therefore, the conservation of these medicinal plants will be highly imperative if mobilizing individuals and communities to participate actively in afforestation programme; extension workers should convince local herb sellers and herbalists of the value and importance of nature and biodiversity; and research and documentation of medicinal plants are carried out. Keywords: Ailments, decoction, herbalists, medicinal plants, traditional, treatment

    Review of Correlation of Quantity Surveyors’ Education in Nigeria to Skill Requirements for Administration of Civil Engineering Projects

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    Whereas quantity surveyors are adequately engaged in engineering projects in Great Britain from where quantity surveying education in Nigeria derived its source and model, their involvement seems sub-optimum in Nigeria, attributably to perception of the correlation of quantity surveyors’ education to engineering projects’ requirements. This study examined the course curriculum and contents for quantity surveying at both the degree and higher diploma levels with the view to investigating the proportion of education and training of quantity surveyors in the Nigerian education system at undergraduate level that correlate to the skill requirements of the administration of civil engineering projects. The study identified the administration of civil engineering projects under 3 main headings viz: Design, Construction, and Cost appraisal. The study reveals a good correlation of the education and training of quantity surveyors to the skill requirement for providing services requiring measurement of civil engineering works as well as services requiring evaluation of civil engineering works and financial management. The study also revealed 51.2% and 52.2% proportion of the curriculum and course content of University and Polytechnic respectively as focusing directly on the requirement of cost appraisal and administration of the financial aspects of civil engineering and other engineering projects. Keywords: correlation, education, skill requirement, administration, and civil engineering, quantity surveyin

    Analysis of Groundwater Quality in a Nigerian Community

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    Groundwater is the most accessed freshwater source in Nigeria. However, the groundwater resource sector of Nigeria is confronted with pollution problems arising from both natural causes and human activities. The current study examines the case of a faith-based campus whose water needs are 100 % serviced via groundwater. The campus accommodates about 15,000 full residents and 400, 000 weekly visitors. The campus water supply is sourced from 15 functional boreholes which are pumped directly into elevated tanks. Four replicate water samples were obtained from four tap points which are supplied by four different elevated water tanks within the campus. The water samples were analyzed for physicochemical contaminants using standard methods. This was done to confirm the potability of the water which is being consumed by residents. Results of the analysis of the groundwater in the study area showed that all the water samples met the minimum requirements of the National Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) for pH, sulphate, nitrate, chloride and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). However, all the water samples exceeded the NSDWQ limit of 400 mg/L for hardness. Cadmium was also found to exceed the NSDWQ limit of 0.003 mg/L in all water samples while 50 % of the water samples slightly exceeded the 0.5 mg/L limit for Iron. The presence of cadmium in most of the water sample suggests that there is high risk in consuming water from these boreholes. Due to the life-threatening effect of cadmium on humans, it was concluded that water from the study area should not be consumed without treatment

    Evaluation of some heavy metals bio-accumulation in meat and haemolymph of african landsnail (Archachatina Marginata Swainson)

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    The impact of captive rearing of snails (Archachatina marginata) on the bio-accumulation of some heavy metals (HMs) (Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Co, Ni, Cd and Cr) in the meat and haemolymph was evaluated in a two treatment trial (snails from the wild, (SW) and captive reared snails, (SC), each comprised of sixty snails of three replicates. Alldata collected (using standard analytical procedures) were subjected to ANOVA and significant means separated by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The trial revealed that the meat of SC had outstanding (P>0.05) Fe (22.30mg/kg) and Mn(4.79mg/kg), with no significant variation for DM, while the haemolymph recorded non-significant (P< 0.05) concentration for (Mn, Pb, Co, Ni, Cd and Cr). Its levels of Fe (3.50mg/kg) and Cu (2.06mg/kg) were however significantly (P>0.05) impacted by captive rearing. Generally the level of Cr in the meat and haemolymph were higher than 0.05mg/kg recommendation by WHO, hence snail meat and haemolymph must be consumed with caution and guidance

    Effect of captive rearing on meat and haemolymph nutritional characteristics of snail (Archachatina marginata swainson)

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate and compare the impact of treatment, which is the source of snail (wild and captive reared) on the proximate and mineral composition (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe and Mn) of the meat and haemolymph of African land snails (Archachatina marginata). Ninety (90) adult snails (250.00 + 0.5g) were randomly distributed into two (2) treatments, each of three replicates, (15 snails per replicate), in a Complete Randomized Design. Samples of meat and haemolymph collected using standard procedures were subsequently analyzed for their nutritional qualities, using standard chemical analytical procedures. All data collected were statistically analyzed using ANOVA, while significant variation were separated with Duncan Multiple Range Test of the same package. The proximate composition of the meat revealed higher (P>0.05) DM (26.00%), Ether extract (2.17%) and NFE (3.57%) in SC, while there was a non-significant variation (P<0.05) in most proximate factors for haemolymph, except NFE (4.27%), which was higher (P>0.05) in SW. The mineral profiling of the meat revealed  elevated (PP>0.05) levels of Fee (22.30mg/kg) and Mn (4.79mg/kg) of SC, the haemolymph recorded improved levels (P>0.05) for all mineral elements in SC. In conclusion, the captive rearing of snail had improved impact on thenutritional qualities of SC


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    The crude malt obtained from the grains were hydrolyzed with cassava starch to obtain glucose syrup. 94.33% malt was produced from maize, rice had 84.46% malt, while sorghum had 84.97% malt. Glucose syrup yield was greatest using sorghum malt with percentage yield of 75.55%, 52.37% using rice malt, and while maize malt had 48.33 % syrup. Maize sample had highest malt yield but lowest glucose syrup yield showing that glucose syrup yield is in dependent on malt yield but on the quality of amylase produced during malting. Analysis on the glucose syrup obtained gave the following results: moisture content of 13.8%, 14.5%, 15.4%; ash content of 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.01%; carbohydrate 86.47%, 84.76%, 83.01%; total reducing sugar (invert sugar) 85.79%, 83.86%, 82.58%; total soluble (sugar brix) 100°Brix, 110°Brix, 105°Brix for rice, sorghum and maize samples respectively. Dextrose equivalent, viscosity, colour and taste of the end products were also analyzed. Microbial analysis was 2×101, 5×101, 3×101 cfu/mL for glucose syrup from rice, sorghum and maize samples respectively with no trace of yeast or mold growth making the glucose syrup fit for consumptio

    Appraisal of The Use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Construction Project Planning in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    Sustainability is a critical issue in global urbanisation which has a huge impact on the construction environment. The quest for sustainable processes is changing the way construction is been managed globally. The search for better effective tools in construction project management has brought about the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in construction project planning. The role of BIM is like that of the project manager, who coordinates the management of construction projects. This study investigated the level of the use of BIM as a construction project planning tool and the factors responsible for its use in Lagos State, Nigeria towards finding ways of enhancing effective and sustainable construction project planning techniques in Nigeria. The study also examined the processes of construction project management and how BIM fits into the process. The study adopted a pragmatic research technique that uses both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Qualitative (secondary) data were extracted from literature and analysed by content analysis. While quantitative (primary) data were gathered with a structured questionnaire. The primary data were collected from 132 construction professionals in the study area. The data collected was to evaluate their level of awareness and use of BIM as a planning tool during the construction stage of projects. The result was presented using descriptive approach with the aid of charts and tables. The study outcome shows that the use of BIM has mostly been applied in design, drafting and visualization. It is rarely used as a planning tool and almost never used for construction management. The study also identified three main factors that influence the use of BIM in the study area. The factors are: the high cost of BIM software; the lack of cooperative use of BIM by all professionals involved in a construction project; and the low existing level of technological know-how in the construction industry which does not enable professionals to get the full value of BIM. The study recommends that investment and training in the construction industry in the study should be focused more on the implementation of cutting-edge technology in construction processes to better harness the technical and the long-term cost benefits of BI

    Production of Adhesive from Cassava Starch

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    The research work investigated the production of adhesive from cassava starch. Cassava tubers were processed into starch-based adhesives, using two different gelatinization enhancers (that is HCl and NaOH) which were introduced separately. The adhesives were produced by considering two varied process parameters, namely percentage weight of borax in starch solution (8 – 20%) and reaction temperature (65 – 850C). Comparative analysis of the adhesive obtained (using HCl and NaOH as gelatinization enhancers) include the determination of its bond strength, viscosity, drying time, pH and density. As the borax weight percent increases up to 14 % and reaction temperature reduces (using NaOH) the drying time increases, while the drying time reduces as both the borax weight percent and temperature reduce (using HCl). The results of the adhesive physical properties fall within the standard range for each of the properties and this implied that the adhesive produced was of high qualit