11 research outputs found

    Osasun heziketa proiektu proposamena haur hemofilikoetan. Literatura berri baten garapena

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    Sarrera: Gaixotasuna, aldaketa biopsikosozialak dakartzan egoera zaila da pairatzen duen edozein pertsonarentzat, konplexuagoa oraindik, patologia jasaten duena haur bat izanez gero. Haurrak hemofilia ulertu eta bizitzen duen errealitatea barneratu dezan, irakurketa, tresna ezin hobea izan daiteke erizainek zuzendutako osasun heziketan. Helburuak: Haur hemofilikoen osasun – gaixotasun prozesua ulertzeko baliagarria suerta daitekeen osasun heziketa proiektu baten proposamena garatzea eta honen bereizgarri izango den ipuin bat idaztea. Metodologia: Haur hemofilikoei zuzendutako osasun heziketa proiektu bat sortu da. Horretarako, oinarrizkoak izan diren zenbait bilaketa bibliografiko egin dira. Bestalde, osasun heziketaren bereizgarri den eta ekoizpen propioa duen ipuineko testu zein ilustrazioak programa informatiko baten bidez moldatu dira. Garapena: Haurtzaroko lehen etapatik euren gaixotasuna ulertu, hemofilia oztopo gisa ikusi ez eta autozainketa landu dezaten osasun heziketa proiektu bat garatu da lau eta zazpi urte bitarteko haur hemofilikoentzat. Bost jardueren bidez lau gaitegi zabal lantzea proposatu da, bi hilabeteko epean aurrera eraman daitezen. Jarraipena eta ebaluazioa: Proiektu honen ebaluazioa hiru zatitan banatu da: hasierako ebaluazioa, ebaluazio jarraitua eta amaierako ebaluazioa. Heziketaren eraginkortasuna aztertzeko, ebaluazio ekonomikoa, asistentzia maila eta asebetetze maila neurtuko dira. Gogoetak eta norberaren ekarpenak: Proiektu hau martxan ipini ez bada ere, etorkizunean ate desberdinak irekitzearen arduraduna izan daitekeela ikusi da. Hemofilia duten pediatriako gaixoek zein biztanleria orokorreko haurrek gaixotasuna ulertu baitezakete beraren bitartez. Bestalde, ipuina bere aldetik ere erabilgarria izan daiteke hemofilia duten haurrek nahiz bere ingurukoek patologiaren ezaugarri nabarmenenak ezagutzeko

    Prenatal Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Anogenital Distance at 4 Years in the INMA-Asturias Cohort

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    Smoking by women is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, low birth weight, infertility, and prolonged time to pregnancy. Anogenital distance (AGD) is a sensitive biomarker of prenatal androgen and antiandrogen exposure. We investigated the effect of smoking and passive smoke exposure during pregnancy on anogenital distance in offspring at 4 years in the INMA-Asturias cohort (Spain). Women were interviewed during pregnancy to collect information on tobacco consumption, and anogenital distance was measured in 381 children: Anoscrotal distance in boys and anofourchetal distance in girls. We also measured maternal urinary cotinine levels at 32 weeks of pregnancy. We constructed linear regression models to analyze the association between prenatal smoke exposure and anogenital distance and adjusted the models by relevant covariates. Reported prenatal smoke exposure was associated with statistically significant increased anogenital index (AGI), both at week 12 of pregnancy (β = 0.31, 95% confidence interval: 0.00, 0.63) and at week 32 of pregnancy (β = 0.31, 95% confidence interval: 0.00, 0.63) in male children, suggesting altered androgenic signaling.Funding was provided by CIBERESP (PhD employment contract and fellowship for short stays abroad—2019), FIS-FEDER (grants PI04/2018, PI09/02311, PI13/02429, and PI18/00909), Obra Social Cajastur/Fundación Liberbank, and Universidad de Oviedo

    Do prepubertal hormones, 2D:4D index and psychosocial context jointly explain 11-year-old preadolescents' involvement in bullying?

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    [EN] Background: Bullying is a type of aggressive behavior that occurs repeatedly and intentionally in school environments and where there is a power imbalance. The main objective of this study was to analyze the association that hormones and the psychosocial context jointly have with bullying behavior. Method: Participants were 302 11-year-old preadolescents from the Gipuzkoan cohort of the INMA Project. Bullying was assessed using the Olweus Bully/victim Questionnaire. Prenatal sexual hormones were assessed by calculating 2D:4D ratio and in order to measure prepubertal testosterone and cortisol levels saliva samples were collected within a week of each other. Additionally, various psychosocial factors were evaluated: executive function, family context, school environment and social context. To analyze our complex hypothesis, six metamodels were tested using structural equation modeling. Results: In relation to victims, results showed that victimization was related to worse school environment' perception in boys, and higher stress and conflict in the family in girls. In the case of their involvement in bullying as a bully, lower salivary cortisol levels, worse school environment' perception and lower peers and social support was related to being more frequently involved as a bully in boys, while having more family stress and conflict was related with being a bully in girls. Conclusions: This approach makes it possible not only to explore the different biological and psychosocial factors affect bullying behavior, but also to explore associations between the predictor variables.This study was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, FIS-PI13/02187, FIS-PI18/01142, FIS-PI18/01237 incl FEDER funds) CIBERESP, Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065 and 2018111086), and the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/002, DFG08/001 and DFG15/221 and DFG 89/17) and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia y Azpeitia y Beasain). IB would like to thank the Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture of the Government of the Basque Country for a predoctoral research training grant

    Is Brief Exposure to Green Space in School the Best Option to Improve Attention in Children?

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    The positive effects of Green Spaces on health are thought to be achieved through the mechanisms of mitigation, instoration and restoration. One of the benefits of Green Spaces may be the restoration of attention and so the objective of this research is testing empirically whether exposure to a green environment improves attention in school children. For so doing, we first used a split-unit statistical design in each of four schools, then combined the primary results via meta-analysis. The Attention Network Test (ANT) was used to measure attention before and after exposure and a total of 167 seven-year-old students participated in the experiments. Overall, our experimental results do not support the hypothesis that students’ exposure to activities in green vs. grey spaces affected their performance in ANT. This was so despite the fact that neither age nor gender biases have been detected and despite that our experiments have been proved to be sufficiently statistically powerful. It would be advisable to consider air pollution and noise. We also recommend that participants attend the experiment with mental exhaustion to maximize the ability to detect significant changes.This research was funded by KUTXA FUNDAZIOA, grant number KUTXA18/001

    Osasun heziketa proiektu proposamena haur hemofilikoetan. Literatura berri baten garapena

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    Sarrera: Gaixotasuna, aldaketa biopsikosozialak dakartzan egoera zaila da pairatzen duen edozein pertsonarentzat, konplexuagoa oraindik, patologia jasaten duena haur bat izanez gero. Haurrak hemofilia ulertu eta bizitzen duen errealitatea barneratu dezan, irakurketa, tresna ezin hobea izan daiteke erizainek zuzendutako osasun heziketan. Helburuak: Haur hemofilikoen osasun – gaixotasun prozesua ulertzeko baliagarria suerta daitekeen osasun heziketa proiektu baten proposamena garatzea eta honen bereizgarri izango den ipuin bat idaztea. Metodologia: Haur hemofilikoei zuzendutako osasun heziketa proiektu bat sortu da. Horretarako, oinarrizkoak izan diren zenbait bilaketa bibliografiko egin dira. Bestalde, osasun heziketaren bereizgarri den eta ekoizpen propioa duen ipuineko testu zein ilustrazioak programa informatiko baten bidez moldatu dira. Garapena: Haurtzaroko lehen etapatik euren gaixotasuna ulertu, hemofilia oztopo gisa ikusi ez eta autozainketa landu dezaten osasun heziketa proiektu bat garatu da lau eta zazpi urte bitarteko haur hemofilikoentzat. Bost jardueren bidez lau gaitegi zabal lantzea proposatu da, bi hilabeteko epean aurrera eraman daitezen. Jarraipena eta ebaluazioa: Proiektu honen ebaluazioa hiru zatitan banatu da: hasierako ebaluazioa, ebaluazio jarraitua eta amaierako ebaluazioa. Heziketaren eraginkortasuna aztertzeko, ebaluazio ekonomikoa, asistentzia maila eta asebetetze maila neurtuko dira. Gogoetak eta norberaren ekarpenak: Proiektu hau martxan ipini ez bada ere, etorkizunean ate desberdinak irekitzearen arduraduna izan daitekeela ikusi da. Hemofilia duten pediatriako gaixoek zein biztanleria orokorreko haurrek gaixotasuna ulertu baitezakete beraren bitartez. Bestalde, ipuina bere aldetik ere erabilgarria izan daiteke hemofilia duten haurrek nahiz bere ingurukoek patologiaren ezaugarri nabarmenenak ezagutzeko

    Literature as a therapeutic instrument in the health-disease process in childhood

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    Introducción: Todas las personas, a lo largo de la vida deben adecuarse a innumerables situaciones en las que se ven involucradas; es por ello que resulta necesario comprender cada una de ellas para poder avanzar adecuadamente. Se ha observado que las terapias psicológicas, entre las que se encuentra la biblioterapia, son efectivas para comprender los cambios a los que se enfrentan las personas. Objetivo: Analizar y destacar los efectos más relevantes de la utilización de la literatura en el proceso salud-enfermedad del niño en diferentes momentos y contextos. Método: Se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura mediante la búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Dialnet, Cuiden Plus, LILACS, Medline, Proquest, Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus, TDR, Trip y Biblioteca Virtual de la Salud. Resultados: Tras la búsqueda bibliográfica se identificaron 2018 artículos de los cuales, tras la aplicación de filtros y criterios de inclusión, se obtuvieron 71 artículos. Finalmente se seleccionaron 26 artículos. Conclusiones: La biblioterapia resulta beneficiosa en diversos ámbitos relacionados con el proceso salud-enfermedad durante la infancia, mejorando entre otras cosas la autoestima y la aceptación de la realidad, promoviendo el bienestar psicológico y sirviendo de puente en la comunicación entre el individuo y el profesional de la salud.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Everybody, throughout their life, must adapt to countless situations in which they are involved; that is why it is necessary to understand each of them in order to advance properly. It has been observed that psychological therapies, among which bibliotherapy is, are effective to understand the changes that people face. Objective: To analyze and highlight the most relevant effects of the use of literature on the child's health-disease process at different times and contexts. Method: A review of the literature was performed through the bibliographic research in the databases Dialnet, Cuiden Plus, LILACS, Medline, Proquest, Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus, TDR, Trip and Virtual Health Library. Results: After the bibliographic research, 2018 articles were identified, out of which 71 articles were obtained after applying filters and inclusion criteria. Finally, 26 articles were selected. Conclusions: Bibliotherapy is beneficial in various areas related to the health-disease process during childhood, improving among other things self-esteem and acceptance of reality, promoting psychological well-being and serving as a bridge in communication between the individual and the health professional

    Prenatal Manganese Exposure and Long-Term Neuropsychological Development at 4 Years of Age in a Population-Based Birth Cohort

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    Background: Manganese (Mn) is an essential micronutrient for humans, the diet being the main source of exposure. Some epidemiological studies describe a negative association between prenatal Mn and later neuropsychological development, but results are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to explore the association between prenatal Mn exposure and neuropsychological development assessed at 4 years of age. Methods: Study subjects were 304 mother-child pairs from the Gipuzkoa cohort of the INMA (Environment and Childhood) Project. Mn was measured in newborns’ hair. Children’s neuropsychological development was assessed at 4 years of age using the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities. Multivariate linear regression models were built. Stratified analysis by sex was performed. Generalized additive models were used to assess the shape of the relation. Results: The median Mn concentration in newborns’ hair was 0.42 μg/g (95% CI = 0.38, 0.46). The association between Mn levels and the neuropsychological development was not statistically significant for the general cognitive scale (β [95% CI] = 0.36 [−5.23, 5.95]), motor scale (β [95% CI] = 1.9 [−3.74, 7.55]) or any of the other outcomes. No sex-specific pattern was found. The best shape describing the relationship was linear for all the scales. Conclusion: Our results suggest that prenatal Mn concentrations measured in newborns’ hair do not affect cognitive or motor development at 4 years of age in boys or in girls at the observed Mn levels.This study is part of the INMA (INfancia y MedioAmbiente) project. This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS-FEDER PI060867 and PI09/00090), the Council of Gipuzkoa (DFG15/009), Health Department of the Basque Government (2013111089), CIBERESP and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia y Azpeitia y Beasain)

    On pathways and agreement: Objective and perceived accounts of neighbourhood attributes and their associations with mental health during pregnancy

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    There is growing interest in understanding the links between neighbourhood environmental attributes (i.e. greenness, walkability and air pollution) and human health. Recent research has analysed the mediating role of a diverse set of potential factors and studied the agreement between objective and perceived modalities of those attributes. In this study, we explored the connections between objective neighbourhood attributes, their perceived accounts and mental health during pregnancy, using a measure of social cohesion as potential mediator with data from two samples of pregnant women recruited during the 12th week of pregnancy in two Spanish cities (Donostialdea, n = 440; Barcelona n = 364). Besides, we ran analyses on the agreement between objective and perceived measures. We fitted four separate Structural Equation Models and detected associations between objective neighbourhood attributes and mental health occurred only through their perceived counterparts and the strengthening of social cohesion. We also found poor to fair agreement between greenness measures in both cities, walkability measures only in Donostialdea, and were unable to detect any meaningful agreement between air pollution variables. Using rescaled versions of neighbourhood attribute variables and in some instances, we saw that the higher the objective value of a given attribute, the larger the differences between objective and perceived accounts of such attributes.This research was funded by Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (the Gipuzkoan Provincial Council), Grant No 105/19 within their call “Programa Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2019” (Network Gipuzkoan Program for Science, Technology and Innovation 2019)

    Hair cortisol determinants in 11-year-old children: Environmental, social and individual factors

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    Introduction Children's exposure to chronic stress is associated with several health problems. Measuring hair cortisol concentration is particularly useful for studying chronic stress but much is unknown about hair cortisol determinants in children and adolescents, and previous research has often not considered the simultaneous exposure of multiple variables. This research is focused on investigating the relationship between environmental, social and individual factors with hair cortisol concentration in children. Methods The data used in this study are from the INMA prospective epidemiological cohort study. The assessment of chronic stress was made on the basis of hair samples taken at the age of 11 years in the INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort (n = 346). A metamodel summarizing the hypothesized relationships among environmental, social and individual factors and hair cortisol concentration was constructed based on previous literature. Structural Equation Modelling was performed to examine the relationships among the variables. Results In the general model higher behavioural problems were associated with higher cortisol levels and an inverse relationship between environmental noise and cortisol levels was observed, explaining 5 % of the variance in HCC. Once stratified by sex these associations were only hold in boys, while no significant effect of any of the study variables was related with cortisol levels in girls. Importantly, maternal stress was positively related to behavioural difficulties in children. Finally, higher traffic-related air pollution and lower exposure to neighborhood greenness were related to higher environmental noise. Discussion This study highlights that simultaneous exposure to different environmental, social and individual characteristics may determine the concentration of hair cortisol. More research is needed and future studies should include this complex view to better understanding of hair cortisol determinants in children.This study was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, FIS-PI13/02187, FIS-PI18/01142, FIS-PI18/01237 incl FEDER funds) CIBERESP, Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065 and 2018111086), the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/002, DFG08/001, DFG15/221 and DFG 89/17) and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu,Legazpi, Azkoitia, Azpeitia and Beasain)