21 research outputs found

    The Role of General Causality Orientations on Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to assess the role of causality orientations in self-care behaviors in patients with type II diabetes. In this research, 60 Ss from Tabriz center of Sina hospital were selected through random sampling. Two questionnaires including General Causality orientations (GCOS), and Self-care behaviors (SDSCA) were used. Data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficients, regression analysis and t-test. According to results self-care behaviors showed a significant positive relation with autonomy orientation (and a significant negative relation with impersonal orientation.. Additionally, males and females didn’t differ in self care behaviors and causality orientations

    The Effect of Art Therapy Based on Painting Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in Elementary School Boys

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of art therapy based on painting therapy on 30 children recruited from elementarily School Boys with symptom of oppositional defiant disorder who were 7-12 years old. To find and select the main subjects, two steps were taken. At the first step, children obtaining scores higher than cut-off in CHILD SYMPTOM INVENTORY-4 (CSI-4) were selected, and at the second step, for final selection, children were attended in the Structured Diagnostic Interview-based on DSM-IV-TR criteria. The researcher adopted interview/observation and the document analysis for qualitative study and went through the painting therapy by 12 sessions twice per week, and each session lasted 40minutes based on discussion and reviewing from parents and the teacher. An experimental and a pretest-posttest control group design method were applied in this regard. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as ANCOVA. The finding showed that experimental group did have a significant decrease in the symptoms of odd while the control group showed no significant difference

    The impact of maternal emotional intelligence and parenting style on child anxiety and behavior in the dental setting

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    Objective. The present study investigated the correlations between maternal emotional intelligence (EQ), parenting style, child trait anxiety and child behavior in the dental setting. Study design. One-hundred seventeen children, aged 4-6 years old (mean 5.24 years), and their mothers participated in the study. The BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory and Bumrind's parenting style questionnaire were used to quantify maternal emotional intelligence and parenting style. Children's anxiety and behavior was evaluated using the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and Frankl behavior scale. Results. Significant correlation was found between maternal EQ and child behavior (r=0.330; p<0.01); but not between parenting style and child behavior. There was no significant correlation between mother's total EQ and child's total anxiety; however, some subscales of EQ and anxiety showed significant correlations. There were significant correlations between authoritarian parenting style and separation anxiety (r=0.186; p<0.05) as well as authoritative parenting style and mother's EQ (r=0.286; p<0.01). There was no significant correlation between child anxiety and behavior (r = -0.81). Regression analysis revealed maternal EQ is effective in predicting child behavior (B=0.340; p<0.01). Conclusion. This study provides preliminary evidence that the child's behavior in the dental setting is correlated to mother's emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent mothers were found to have predominantly authoritative parenting styl

    The Mediating Role of Mental Rumination in the Relationship between Alexithymia, Impulsivity, Distress Tolerance, and Self-criticism with Self-injury

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    The present study aimed to investigate the mediating role of mental rumination in the relationship between alexithymia, impulsivity, distress tolerance, and self-criticism with self-injury. The current research was part of applied research regard to procedure, In terms of method, it was a type of correlational study. The research population consisted of all the male and female students in the first year of secondary school in Ardabil city in the academic year of 2021-2022, out of which 626 people were selected as a sample by multi-stage cluster sampling method. Research questionnaires included: Klonsky and Glenn's self-injury report questionnaire, Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Nolen-Hoeksema and Morrow Rumination Response Scale, Simons & Gaher's Distress Tolerance Questionnaire, Barrett's Impulsivity Scale and the Thompson and Zuraf's scale of self-criticism levels. Path analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings showed that alexithymia, impulsivity, distress tolerance, and self-criticism directly and indirectly by mediating the role of mental rumination predict self-injury. It can be concluded that teaching emotional control skills and treatment of mental rumination can be useful in reducing self-injury in teenagers

    Effects of Emotional Images on Cardiovascular Responses in Males with Coronary Artery Disease and in Healthy Males: The Role of Sensation Seeking

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    Introduction: Individuals exposed to certain types of images, based on their personality features, experience different emotional states and physiological responses. The present study addressed the effects of stressful and pleasant stimuli on blood pressure and heart rate in male patients with coronary problems and healthy males based on sensation seeking levels.Methods: One hundred and seventy eight male patients with coronary artery diseases referred to Madani Heart Hospital, Tabriz, Iran; and 185 healthy male subjects completed the Sensation Seeking Scale-form V (SSS-V). After obtaining acceptable scores, 100 patients and 100 healthy males were classified in four groups: high sensation seeker patients, low sensation seeker patients, high sensation seeker healthy subjects, and low sensation seeker healthy subjects (each group with 50 samples aged 30-49). First, blood pressures and heart rates were recorded before stimulus induction. Then, the participants were exposed to stressor pictures. After 15 minutes of relaxation, and a cognitive task, the participants were exposed to pleasant pictures. The blood pressure and heart rate were recorded after presenting the two stimuli.Results: High sensation seeker patients achieved lower scores in diastolic blood pressure in comparison with low sensation seeker patients after presenting the stressful stimulus, and healthy high sensation seekers achieved lower scores in systolic blood pressure in comparison with healthy low sensation seekers presented with pleasant stimulus.Conclusions: Low sensation seeker patients experienced negative emotions more than high sensation seeker patients. Therefore, the role of induced mood states may be important in relation to physical health

    A Gender-Based Study of Sensation Seeking in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Compared with Healthy Subjects

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    Introduction: The relationship between psychological factors and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the topics that has occupied the minds of researchers in the field of health psychology. The present research aimed at studying the levels of sensation seeking in coronary patients and healthy subjects.Methods: Two hundred and twenty-three coronary patients and 255 healthy subjects completed the Sensation Seeking Scale-form V (SSS–V). Next, 100 coronary cases (50 males and 50 females) that had referred to Madani Heart Hospital, Tabriz, Iran, and 100 healthy subjects, were compared in terms of levels of sensation-seeking. All participants were selected by purposeful sampling (aged 25 to 64 years). Data were analyzed by Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) through the SPSS 18 software.Results: Coronary male patients scored higher than coronary female patients in thrill and adventure seeking and healthy males scored higher than healthy females in boredom susceptibility. Healthy females scored higher than coronary females in thrill and adventure seeking, and in boredom susceptibility subscale, healthy males scored higher than coronary males.Conclusions: The identification of individuals with sensation seeking features will allow the identification of susceptible coronary patients for preventive procedures

    The effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral therapy on the psycho-social adjustment to illness and symptoms of depression in individuals with type II diabetes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive - behavioral therapy on the psycho-social adjustment to illness and symptoms of depression in individuals with type II diabetes. This research was performed within the framework of experimental single case design. For this purpose, among members of Tabriz Diabetes Association, Three of them who were in the severe and very severe categories of the depression and anxiety subscales of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were selected for the research. Before starting intervention, for determining baseline, a pre-test was performed two times, and the status of individual was evaluated in terms of considered variables, then stages of intervention during 8 sessions were performed on participants. For measuring the variables, Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS), and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were applied. Data analysis suggested that cognitive - behavioral therapy lead to the enhancement of adjustment to illness and reduction of depression symptoms in individuals with type II diabetes

    Comparison of compassion-focused therapy and dialectical behavior therapy on state-trait anxiety and impulsivity of patients with coronary heart disease

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    Background: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy (CFT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) on state-trait anxiety symptoms and impulsiveness in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental research method, with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up with a control group. The study population in this study is cardiac patients of Tabriz Madani Hospital. The sample consisted of 60 patients with cardiovascular disease who were selected by voluntary and purposive sampling method and were randomly divided into three groups self-compassion (20 patients), DBT (20), and control group (20). Data were collected using the Bart impulsivity scale (Bart, 1994) and state-trait anxiety log (Spielberger et al., 1970) and analyzed by repeated measure analysis of variance using SPSS software (version 22). Results:&nbsp;&nbsp; The results showed that the mean of state-trait anxiety symptoms group (p&lt;0.01, F (df=2) =10.17, Eta= 0.26) and impulsivity (p&lt;0.01, F (df=2) =11.81, Eta= 0.28) in the DBT group at the end of post-test was lower than CFT and the control group. In other words, DBT had the highest effect on state-trait anxiety symptoms and impulsivity (p&lt;0.01). Conclusion:&nbsp; It can be concluded that DBT has a greater effect on state anxiety and impulsivity than CFT and both treatments can be used to improve psychological problems in patients with coronary heart disease

    Different Perceptions of Time Passage Among Older People: A Comparative Study in Terms of Age and Gender

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    Objectives: The perception of time is a fundamental and complicated cognitive skill, which allows us to&nbsp;perceive a series of events and activities and anticipate some events in the future. The passage of time&nbsp;is influenced by different contributions of the brain regions and basic cognitive processes, especially attention&nbsp;and memory. With regard to changes in the mentioned functions in different ages, this research&nbsp;aimed to determine the differences in time perception between young and older people. Methods & Materials: This causal-comparative study included young (20-30 years) and elderly (60-70&nbsp;years) women and men living in Tabriz and Marand cities, Iran. The study samples were recruited via convenient&nbsp;sampling method and comprised 64 individuals who were assigned to 2 groups: young (n=30; 15&nbsp;males and 15 females) and elderly subjects (n=27; 12 males and 15 females). The measurements included&nbsp;mini-mental state examination test, Beck depression inventory, and time reproduction task. At first, the&nbsp;time reproduction task was individually performed for each subject. To prevent fatigue and its impact&nbsp;on time perception, Beck depression inventory and mini-mental state examination test were performed&nbsp;after the time reproduction task. In time reproductiontask, a circle was randomly presented in standard&nbsp;durations of 400, 500, and 600 ms, as short time, andstandard durations of 1800, 2000, and 2200 ms, as&nbsp;long time, successively. In total, 80 trials (40 trials for short times and 40 attempts for long times) were&nbsp;randomly and successively presented. Subjects should hold downthe space key to reproduce similar duration&nbsp;to the stimulus that had been previously presented. The data of all the subjects were analyzed by&nbsp;multivariate analyses test. Results: Our findings showed significant differences between 2 age groups (young and old) with regard to&nbsp;perception variable (P<0.007) in such a way that the older people had shorter reproduction in both short&nbsp;and long time intervals. However, the young people had longer reproduction in short time intervals and&nbsp;shorter reproduction (the time interval of motive existence) in long time intervals. With regard to gender,&nbsp;no significant difference was found between the women and men (P<0.244). Conclusion: Research findings indicate that age affects time perception so that perceived time in the elderly&nbsp;people is shorter than the real physical time. Our findings also showed that if sources pay less attention&nbsp;to the passage of time or the memory capacity declines, the time estimation will be less. Based&nbsp;on cognitive changes in old age, the cognitive abilities of older people were found to decrease with&nbsp;increasing age. As the accurate processing of time intervals relates to memory capacity and attention,&nbsp;the changes in any cognitive process could affect the differences in the perception of time. Probably due&nbsp;to these factors, the reproduction of time in the older people shortens