141 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Framework for Determining Heterogeneous Strategies in Multi-Agent Marketplaces

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    We propose an evolutionary approach for studying the dynamics of interaction of strategic agents that interact in a marketplace. The goal is to learn which agent strategies are most suited by observing the distribution of the agents that survive in the market over extended periods of time. We present experimental results from a simulated market, where multiple service providers compete for customers using different deployment and pricing schemes. The results show that heterogeneous strategies evolve and co-exist in the same market.marketing;simulation;multi-agent systems;complexity economics;trading agents

    Tailored supply chain architecture : a case evaluation of DWV³ clustering method : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Supply Chain Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    The volatility of the global economy pushes transnational enterprises to look into new opportunities represented by areas in which they have not acted before. These international investments raise competition in all markets, regardless of their size, which requires companies to shift their focus towards customer needs. These days efficiency and effectiveness are not mutually exclusive supply chain concepts, but aspects whose synergy acts as a powerful tool that develops competitive advantages and assists in reaching an ultimate goal. Fast response to market needs and operational efficiency are vital attributes required to be incorporated in the design of a robust and competitive supply chain. The complexity of modern supply chains requires various strategies to be tailored to multiple pipelines (“one size does not fit all”). The objective of this research is to offer a framework aimed at the design of a market-focused supply chain that is able to embrace building blocks, design decisions and influencers on different levels. The proposed three-step approach allows researchers to study the effects of market-specific factors on the design of supply chain channels without higher level decisions being obstructed by lower level influencers. The proposed design approach provides supply chain decision-makers with a methodology that presents an analysis of strategic and operational level supply chain activities where strategic, linear network optimisation is followed by a detailed simulation of supply chain processes. The integration of the DWV3 analytical tool provides an opportunity to tailor multiple supply chain pipelines in accordance with specific market needs. The findings of the research can be employed by experts and supply chain professionals aimed at gaining competitive advantage through the building of market-oriented supply chain channels


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    Functional, bronchoscopic, microbblogbal and immunologbal peculiarities ofchronb dust bronchitis and chronic bronchitis of toxicochemica I etiology are described on the basis of studies, consisting of 144patients

    An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the concept of value

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    We have studied the essence of the concept of value from the viewpoints of various disciplines and clarified its conceptual content. The essence of this concept is explained based on the principle of interdisciplinarity. In particular, this concept is defined and described within the framework of anthropology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, linguistics, and is characterized according to the fields of these sciences, and its conceptual content is consequently determined. The conceptual content of this notion is studied as a basic category that is an integral part of a person and his life, regardless of the field or object of science. We can note that value is an object of investigation of a wide varieties of disciplines on account of its importance in the life of a person. We claim that its interdisciplinary character can be substantiated by the following facts that values can be the basis for the formation of theories within various spheres of social life and they regulate social relations in the society as well as evaluate objects, phenomena, activities of the people of the society accordingly. It is reflected in language as a means of representing axiological information on people, their actions, objects, phenomena and etc

    Deconvolution problems in x-ray absorption fine structure

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    A Bayesian method application to the deconvolution of EXAFS spectra is considered. It is shown that for purposes of EXAFS spectroscopy, from the infinitely large number of Bayesian solutions it is possible to determine an optimal range of solutions, any one from which is appropriate. Since this removes the requirement for the uniqueness of solution, it becomes possible to exclude the instrumental broadening and the lifetime broadening from EXAFS spectra. In addition, we propose several approaches to the determination of optimal Bayesian regularization parameter. The Bayesian deconvolution is compared with the deconvolution which uses the Fourier transform and optimal Wiener filtering. It is shown that XPS spectra could be in principle used for extraction of a one-electron absorptance. The amplitude correction factors obtained after deconvolution are considered and discussed.Comment: 6 two-column pages, 5 eps figures; submitted to J. Phys.: Appl. Phy


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    The article deals with the financial analysis of the companies in bankruptcy proceedings. Using the principle of invariance of factors in predicting the functions of financial analysis, it was possible to assess the parameters and structure of the optimal model of the probability of bankruptcy and to establish criteria for the financial situation of the company. All possible models and methods of probability of bankruptcy to anticipate the onset of bankruptcy with a certain degree of probability, but in predicting bankruptcy of domestic producers must be borne in mind that the weights used in the prior art methods require adjustments for regional and sectoral conditions of functioning of economic entities, and the existing trend does not reflect the full information on the dynamics and structure of equity and debt, working capital and liquidity. Thus, it is considered appropriate to use the theory of econometrics, which ensures the independence of the numerical results of the analysis and forecast of the series shift along the time axis. It needs to estimate parameters and structures of the optimal model of the probability of bankruptcy and to establish criteria for the financial position of the company on the principle of invariance in the bankruptcy proceedings. The study serves the basis for a proactive approach to the identification of the optimal model terms of probability of bankruptcy of enterprises and the financial situation of enterprises.В статье рассматривается финансовый анализ предприятий в процедурах банкротства. Используя принцип инвариантности в прогнозировании функций коэффициентов финансового анализа, удалось произвести оценку параметров и структур оптимальной модели вероятности банкротства предприятия и установить критерии финансового положения предприятия. Все возможные модели и методики вероятности банкротства позволяют предвидеть наступление банкротства с той или иной степенью вероятности, но при прогнозировании банкротства отечественных товаропроизводителей необходимо учитывать, что весовые коэффициенты, используемые в известных методиках, требуют корректировки применительно к региональным и отраслевым условиям функционирования хозяйствующих субъектов, а существующая тенденция не отражает информации о динамике и структуре собственного и заемного капитала, оборотных средств и ликвидности в полном объеме. Таким образом, считается целесообразным использовать теорию эконометрики, которая обеспечивает независимость численных результатов анализа и прогноза от сдвига рядов по оси времени. Поставлена задача произвести оценку параметров и структур оптимальной модели вероятности банкротства предприятия и установить критерии финансового положения предприятия относительно принципа инвариантности в процедурах банкротства. Исследование выступает базой для активного подхода к выявлению слагаемых оптимальной модели вероятности банкротства предприятий и финансового положения предприятий

    Double-spiral magnetic structure of the Fe/Cr multilayer revealed by nuclear resonance scattering

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    We have studied the magnetization depth profiles in a [57Fe(dFe)/Cr(dCr)]x30 multilayer with ultrathin Fe layers and nominal thickness of the chromium spacers dCr 2.0 nm using nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation. The presence of a broad pure-magnetic half-order (1/2) Bragg reflection has been detected at zero external field. The joint fit of the reflectivity curves and Mossbauer spectra of reflectivity measured near the critical angle and at the "magnetic" peak reveals that the magnetic structure of the multilayer is formed by two spirals, one in the odd and another one in the even iron layers, with the opposite signs of rotation. The double-spiral structure starts from the surface with the almost antiferromagnetic alignment of the adjacent Fe layers. The rotation of the two spirals leads to nearly ferromagnetic alignment of the two magnetic subsystems at some depth, where the sudden turn of the magnetic vectors by ~180 deg (spin-flop) appears, and both spirals start to rotate in opposite directions. The observation of this unusual double-spiral magnetic structure suggests that the unique properties of giant magneto-resistance devices can be further tailored using ultrathin magnetic layers.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure