60 research outputs found
This article reviews epidemiological studies aimed at establishing of association between mobile phone radiation and risk of brain tumors. Only the most relevant and fundamental studies of foreign authors were selected. Both positive and negative results were analyzed to give a straight answer, if mobile phone radiation increases the risk of brain tumors.на риск возникновения опухолей мозга. Для работы были отобраны наиболее значимые и крупные исследования зарубежных авторов. Проведено обобщение и анализ имеющихся противоречивых данных о воздействии мобильного телефона на риск возникновения опухолей мозга
Single nucleotide polymorphism C994g of the cytochrome P450 gene possess pleiotropic eff ects in Bos taurus, L.
The chronic consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated forage tends to the weight loss of young cattle, decreasing the reproductive success of adult animals, milk yield, and tolerance to high temperatures. The aim of this paper was to study the eff ects of the SNP C994G in the CYP3A28 gene on the productive and reproductive characteristics of dairy and beef breeds. Cows were measured by body weight dynamics, exterior, reproduction, milk production traits, bone mineral density, bulls were analyzed estimating their progeny traits. Dairy cows received dietary betaine supplement with the measurement of homocysteine levels. Molecular genetic was performed by PCR-RFLP method. The effects of SNP C994G were shown in relation to the udder size, the constitution and birth weight of Abredin-Angus cows, as well as the fat and protein content of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cows milk. The higher sensitivity of the GG genotype to less homocysteine level after the addition of betaine was shown. Given the identifi ed correspondence, pleiotropic eff ects of CYP3A28 gene can be concluded. A microscopic analysis of forage supported the findings in relation to greater efficiency of the CC genotype under conditions of low mycotoxins contamination, to which CYP3A28 is selective
This article gives a review of major experimental studies devoted to the effect of mobile phone electromagnetic emission on brain. The most relevant and fundamental studies were reviewed. Both positive and negative results were analyzed to give a straight answer, if mobile phone emission effects brain electrophysiology, cognitive function, subjective symptoms and blood-brain barrier permeability.Данная статья представляет обзор экспериментальных исследований, посвященных влиянию излучения мобильного телефона на головной мозг. Для статьи были отобраны наиболее значимые и фундаментальные исследования зарубежных авторов. Проведен анализ имеющихся противоречивых данных о воздействии излучения мобильного телефона на когнитивные функции, электрофизиологию головного мозга, проницаемость гемато-энцефалического барьера и возникновение субъективных жалоб
Аналіз супутніх захворювань у пацієнтів похилого та старечого віку з вертлюговими переломами стегнової кістки
The frequency of proximal femur fractures is 35 – 40 % in the structure of different skeletal fractures. Elderly people, usually having several somatic diseases, are the main contingent of patients with fractures of this localization. Comorbidities and general condition of patients should be considered for treatment strategy determination.Aim. To study comorbidities structure in geriatric patients with proximal femur fractures and to estimate comorbidities influence on the choice of the treatment strategy.Materrials and methods. 568 case histories of patients, hospitalized in the trauma department of Kharkiv clinical multy-field hospital № 17 with proximal femur fractures during 2008 – 2014, were analyzed.Results. Most of the patients had low energy trauma. 568 patients were included in the research; 205 (36.09 %) of them were males, and 363 (63.91 %) – females. The age of patients ranged from 62 to 97 (the average age 79.2±9.1). Comorbidities were found in 378 patients (66.5 %). The time from the moment of injury to hospitalization ranged from 30 minutes to 4 weeks (25 hours on the average). The average number of bed capacity was 17 days (from 1 to 84 days). In 72.7 % of cases coronary heart disease was found, in 47.6 % - hypertension, and diabetes mellitus – in 10.8 %. One comorbidity was found in 131 patients (34.65%), two comorbidities – in 153 patients (40.47 %), three or more was found in 84 patients (22.22 %). The surgical treatment was applied in 29.5 7% of cases, conservative – in 70.42 % of cases.Conclusion. The elderly patients in 66.5% of cases have comorbidities, and cardiovascular pathology is the most common. The patients with the giving fractures need more detailed examination to select the optimal treatment strategyНайчастіше переломи проксимального відділу стегнової кістки зустрічаються в осіб похилого віку, які вже мають супутні захворювання. Проаналізовано 568 історії хвороб пацієнтів з переломами ПВСК. Супутня патологія виявлена в 378 хворих (66,5 %), в 72,7 % діагностовано ішемічна хвороба серця. Оперативне лікування застосоване лише в 29,57 % хворих. Вибір тактики лікування залежить від супутньої патологі
Гигиеническая оценка использования мобильных теле фонов студентами ПСПбГМУ им. акад. И. П. Павлова
This article presents results of study in prevalence and usage intensity of mobile phones among students. Within the study questionnaire survey in several stages took place during a period of 12 years. More than 2000 people were questioned. All collected data were analyzed and the most important tendencies in risk factor prevalence were detected.Статья представляет результаты исследования распространенности и особенностей использования мобильных телефонов среди студентов. В рамках исследования проведено анкетирование в несколько этапов за период 12 лет, общее число анкет – более 2000. Проведен анализ полученных данных с выявлением важнейших тенденций пораспространению фактора риска
Until present no data was available inArmeniain respect of incidence of low energy fractures that are typical of osteoporotic locations which consequently did not allow to evaluate the scope of this problem across the country.Purpose of the study – to identify the incidence of low energy fractures in proximal femur, in distal forearm, in proximal humerus and in distal tibia across population ofArmenia aged 50 years and older.Materials and methods. An observing population study was performed in two regions of Armenia during 2011-2013 where the frequency of selected locations in cases of moderate trauma was identified. During 2011-2012 the information was collected based on traumatology service records adding in 2013 other sources including primary level of healthcare due to observed infrequent applications for medical help in cases of trauma. Results. In 2013 the incidence of proximal femur fractures in men was reported as 136 cases per 100 000 of population aged 50 years and older, in women – 201 cases per 100 000. At the same time only 57.7% of patients with proximal femur fractures were admitted to hospital. Distal forearm fractures incidence in men and women was observed correspondingly 56/100 000 and 176/100 000 cases, proximal humerus fractures – 39/100 000 and 86/100 000 cases and distal tibia fractures – 39/100 000 and 86/100 000 cases. The predicted annual number of proximal femur fracture in Armenia amounts to 2067 cases, distal forearm fractures – 1205, proximal humerus fractures – 640.Conclusion. Epidemiological data that was collected for the first time on low energy fractures incidence confirmed the acute osteoporosis issue inArmenia and revealed the problems in organization of medical care for the group of senior patients with injuries.До настоящего времени в Армении отсутствовали данные о частоте низкоэнергетических переломов, что не позволяло оценить масштабы проблемы остеопороза.Целью исследования было определение инцидентности низкоэнергетических (остеопорозных) переломов проксимального отдела бедренной кости (ППОБК), переломов дистального отдела предплечья, плечевой кости, а также дистальных отделов голени у лиц 50 лет и старше. Методы. В 2011–2013 гг. в двух регионах страны было проведено обсервационное популяционное исследование количества переломов, произошедших при небольшой травме. В 2011–2012 гг. сбор информации проводился на основе данных травматологической службы, а в2013 г. к ним добавили другие источники, включая первичное звено здравоохранения.Результаты. Инцидентность ППОБК среди лиц 50 лет и старше составила 136 и 201 на 100 тыс. у мужчин и женщин соответственно. При этом было госпитализировано только 57,7% пациентов. Инцидентность переломов дистального отдела предплечья у мужчин и женщин составила соответственно 56 и 176 на 100 тыс., переломов проксимального отдела плечевой кости – 39 и 86 на 100 тыс., костей дистального отдела голени – 39 и 86 на 100 тыс. Прогнозируемое ежегодное число ППОБК составляет 2067 случаев, переломов дистального отдела предплечья – 1205, переломов проксимального отдела плечевой кости – 640.Выводы. Проведенное исследование выявило низкий уровень оказания специализированной травматологической помощи пожилым пациентам с низкоэнергетическими переломами. Республика Армения остро нуждается в программах, направленных на профилактику, раннее выявление и лечение остеопороза
Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies CDKN1A as a Novel Locus Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition
departmental bulletin pape
Introduction. Mobile phones are worldwide spread nowadays. Smartphones penetration is growing year after year. Numerous studies indicate the negative effect of EMF exposure of these devices on humans. Therefore, it is important to study the peculiarities of their influence on the target organ-the brain. It is important for solving this problem to find out the real situation of the distribution of energy flux density (EFD) of EMF exposure near the front panel of the apparatus.The aim of the study is to determine and compare EMF exposure from smartphones and classic mobile phones on human head.Material and methods. The original method patented in the Russian Federation was used in this study. The used original measuring setup is also patented, developed and assembled by the authors of the study. The object of the study was classical mobile phones and smartphones widespread at the time of work.Results. We got the graphic of matrices of distribution of energy flux density (EFD) of EMF exposure in the plane against the front panel of 10 apparatus corresponding to the topography of a human head. The study revealed peculiarities of this distribution in smartphones and the classic mobile phones and got the values of energy flux density (EFD) of EMF exposure in the investigated devices acting primarily on the brain.Conclusions. The design of smartphones and mobile phones determines the overall picture of distribution of EFD of EMF exposure in the plane against the front panel for devices of a particular type. This picture must be taken into account when planning epidemiological and experimental studies to obtain comparable results. Progress in the development of mobile communication technologies has led to an increase in the electromagnetic load on users of modern devices.Введение. В настоящее время мобильные телефоны (МТ) повсеместно распространены, при этом все бóльшую популярность приобретают смартфоны. Многочисленные исследования указывают на отрицательное влияние электромагнитного излучения (ЭМИ) этих аппаратов на человека. Поэтому актуальным является всестороннее изучение особенностей их воздействия на орган-мишень – головной мозг. Для решения этой задачи важное значение имеет установление реальной картины распределения плотности потока энергии (ППЭ) ЭМИ вблизи передней панели аппаратов.Цель – оценка ППЭ и распределения электромагнитного излучения смартфонов и классических мобильных телефонов, направленного на головной мозг.Материал и методы. Исследование проводилось по оригинальной методике, подтвержденной патентом РФ. Используемый измерительный стенд, также запатентованный, разработан и собран авторами исследования. Объектом исследования стали классические мобильные телефоны и распространенные на момент проведения работы смартфоны.Результаты исследования. Получены графические отображения матриц распределения плотности потока энергии ЭМИ в плоскости перед передней панелью 10 аппаратов, соответствующей топографии головы человека. Выявлены особенности данного распределения у смартфонов и классических МТ, а также получены значения плотности потока энергии ЭМИ исследуемых аппаратов, воздействующие преимущественно на головной мозг.Выводы. Конструкция смартфонов и МТ определяет общую картину распределения ППЭ ЭМИ в плоскости перед передней панелью для аппаратов конкретного типа. Эту картину необходимо учитывать при планировании эпидемиологических и экспериментальных исследований для получения сопоставимых результатов. Прогресс в развитии технологий мобильной связи привел к увеличению электромагнитной нагрузки на пользователей аппаратов современной конструкции
Epidemiology of fractures in Armenia: development of a country-specific FRAX model and comparison to its surrogate
Epidemiology of fractures in Armenia: development of a country-specific FRAX model and comparison to its surrogate
Summary: Fracture probabilities derived from the surrogate FRAX model for Armenia were compared to those from the model based on regional estimates of the incidence of hip fracture. Disparities between the surrogate and authentic FRAX models indicate the importance of developing country-specific FRAX models. Despite large differences between models, differences in the rank order of fracture probabilities were minimal. Objective: Armenia has relied on a surrogate FRAX model based on the fracture epidemiology of Romania. This paper describes the epidemiology of fragility fractures in Armenia used to create an Armenia-specific FRAX model with an aim of comparing this new model with the surrogate model. Methods: We carried out a population-based study in two regions of Armenia (Ararat and Vayots Dzor representing approximately 11% of the country’s population). We aimed to identify all low-energy fractures: retrospectively from hospital registers in 2011–2012 and prospectively in 2013 with the inclusion of primary care sources. Results: The differences in incidence between the surveys with and without data from primary care suggested that 44% of patients sustaining a hip fracture did not receive specialized medical care. A similar proportion of forearm and humeral fractures did not come to hospital attention (48 and 49%, respectively). Only 57.7% of patients sustaining a hip fracture were hospitalized. In 2013, hip fracture incidence at the age of 50 years or more was 201/100,000 for women and 136/100,000 for men, and age- and sex-specific rates were incorporated into the new “authentic” FRAX model for Armenia. Compared to the surrogate model, the authentic model gave lower 10-year fracture probabilities in men and women aged less than 70 years but substantially higher above this age. Notwithstanding, there were very close correlations in fracture probabilities between the surrogate and authentic models ( > 0.99) so that the revisions had little impact on the rank order of risk. Conclusion: A substantial proportion of major osteoporotic fractures in Armenia do not come to hospital attention. The disparities between surrogate and authentic FRAX models indicate the importance of developing country-specific FRAX models. Despite large differences between models, differences in the rank order of fracture probabilities were minimal
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