246 research outputs found

    Problems and contradictions of the financial system of the agro-business industry of Russia in contemporary conditions and methodological aspects of their overcoming

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    The article deals with the problems related to financial provision of investing activities of agribusiness industry as the most important sector of the Russian economy, as well as the ways of overcoming these problems. The authors formulated main concerns hindering economic growth and development of Russian agribusiness industry, and substantiated the dependence of the economic development of the agribusiness industry on the level, content, and mechanism of financial support. The article refines the major contradictions in the financial security of agribusiness industry developments, which reduces the level of financing and contributes to the emergence of disproportions in terms of both the industry-specific aspect and the territorial (regional) aspect in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. It is proved that in spite of excessive government centralization of financial resources in the state budget, solutions to the critical national problems on the social arrangement of the agricultural regions and financial support of the needs of agribusiness industry are not achieved yet. The authors give critical assessment of financial and credit policy of the Bank of Russia, which led to the monopolization of the financial market and the emergence of speculative and often criminal banking operations to extract excessively high income. It is noted that wrong state policy has resulted in a significant differentiation in the development of Russian regions. The authors prove the necessity to align socio-economic development of agrarian regions in Russia and create their own food economy by ensuring the development of agricultural production with due considerations of climatic and other conditions characteristic of the various regions. The article reveals also causes and contradictions hindering financial well-being of enterprises of agro-industrial complex, substantiating and systemizing main objectives, methodological approaches, and organizational measures aimed at overcoming these contradictions in the development of financial support in Russia in the current context. Provision of financial resources in accordance with the proposed approaches and measures will allow comprehensively solving problems concerned both the development of infrastructure in rural areas, and peculiarly, the strengthening and growth of agricultural production.peer-reviewe

    Spatially resolved simulation of a radio frequency driven micro atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its effluent

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    Radio frequency driven plasma jets are frequently employed as efficient plasma sources for surface modification and other processes at atmospheric pressure. The radio-frequency driven micro atmospheric pressure plasma jet (μ\muAPPJ) is a particular variant of that concept whose geometry allows direct optical access. In this work, the characteristics of the μ\muAPPJ operated with a helium-oxygen mixture and its interaction with a helium environment are studied by numerical simulation. The density and temperature of the electrons, as well as the concentration of all reactive species are studied both in the jet itself and in its effluent. It is found that the effluent is essentially free of charge carriers but contains a substantial amount of activated oxygen (O, O3_3 and O2(1Δ)_2(^1\Delta)). The simulation results are verified by comparison with experimental data

    Circulating markers of vascular damage as predictors of cardiovascular events in atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders

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    The article presents the results of cluster analysis of the contribution of immune inflammation and endothelial dysfunction (ED) markers to the frequency and severity of cardiovascular events (CVE) in cohorts of patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis (AAS), coronary artery disease (CAD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS) during a 3-year prospective observation. Results Circulating markers of ED and immune inflammation, such as ET-1, IL-1β, TNF-α, antibodies to collagen type I and III, and antibodies to chondroitine sulfate (CS) contribute to cardiovascular (CV) manifestation in AAS. In CAD patients ET-1, eNOs, antibodies to collagen, as well as IL-6 and vWf  are the main contributors. In T2DM without clinical manifestation of CAD, the set of markers associated with the adverse events includes ET-1, eNOs, IL-6, anti-C, and anti-HA. In CAD combined with T2DM, the cluster of markers associated with the adverse events includes vWf, TNF-α, eNOs, IL-6, anti-C, anti-HA and CRP. In AAS without MS, the key contributors are ET-1 and vWf, and the presence of anti-C and anti-ChS; in AAS/MS patients, the key markers are IL-1β, TNF-α, anti-C, anti-ChS, anti-HA, and CRP. In CAD without MS, the cluster of markers associated with adverse events includes ET-1, eNOs and anti-HA; in CAD/MS it includes anti-C, ET-1, and IL-6. Conclusion. The obtained results confirm the role of systemic inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis-associated angiopathy in coronary pathology and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, and also suggest a set of circulating markers as predictors of adverse CVE

    A comparison of 3D particle, fluid and hybrid simulations for negative streamers

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    In the high field region at the head of a discharge streamer, the electron energy distribution develops a long tail. In negative streamers, these electrons can run away and contribute to energetic processes such as terrestrial gamma-ray and electron flashes. Moreover, electron density fluctuations can accelerate streamer branching. To track energies and locations of single electrons in relevant regions, we have developed a 3D hybrid model that couples a particle model in the region of high fields and low electron densities with a fluid model in the rest of the domain. Here we validate our 3D hybrid model on a 3D (super-)particle model for negative streamers in overvolted gaps, and we show that it almost reaches the computational efficiency of a 3D fluid model. We also show that the extended fluid model approximates the particle and the hybrid model well until stochastic fluctuations become important, while the classical fluid model underestimates velocities and ionization densities. We compare density fluctuations and the onset of branching between the models, and we compare the front velocities with an analytical approximation

    Electrical Network-Based Time-Dependent Model of Electrical Breakdown in Water

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    A time-dependent, two-dimensional, percolative approach to model dielectric breakdown based on a network of parallel resistor–capacitor elements having random values, has been developed. The breakdown criteria rely on a threshold electric field and on energy dissipation exceeding the heat of vaporization. By carrying out this time-dependent analysis, the development and propagation of streamers and prebreakdown dynamical evolution have been obtained directly. These model simulations also provide the streamer shape, characteristics such as streamer velocity, the prebreakdown delay time, time-dependent current, and relationship between breakdown times, and applied electric fields for a given geometry. The results agree well with experimental data and reports in literature. The time to breakdown (tbr) for a 100 μm water gap has been shown to be strong function of the applied bias, with a 15–185 ns range. It is also shown that the current is fashioned not only by dynamic changes in local resistance, but that capacitive modifications arising from vaporization and streamer development also affect the transient behavior


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    Owing to tough state environmental management requirements and ecological regulations, oil and gas multinational corporations (MNC) make more and more attempts to mitigate negative environmental impacts resulting from their industrial activities, their competitiveness beingstrengthened therewith. The use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is associated with less environmental impact in comparison with oil and coal, particularly so far as the hotbed effect is concerned. In the field of innovative technological development, Russian MNC drag so far well behind most advanced western corporations who provide for less negative impact of their production activities upon environment.В условиях ужесточения государственного экологического регулирования нефтегазовые ТНК все больше заинтересованы в проведении политики минимизации негативного влияния своей производственной деятельности на окружающую среду. Это повышает их конкурентоспособность. Использование сжиженного газа сопровождается меньшим отрицательным воздействием на окружающую среду, по сравнению с нефтью и углем, в частности, в отношении парникового эффекта. Российские ТНК пока существенно отстают в развитии инновационных технологий, способствующих снижению негативного влияния их деятельности на окружающую среду

    Frequency and structure of endocrine diseases in young elite athletes

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    There is no data on the prevalence of endocrine disorders in young elite athletes in Russia.Objective: to assess the prevalence of endocrine pathologies and their structure in children and adolescents involved in elite sport.Materials and methods: the study included data from outpatient records of members of national sports teams, who underwent special medical examination. The data of a random sample of 1081 outpatient cards of young athletes, for 26 sports, were analyzed.Results: we found a high prevalence of endocrine pathology (18.6 %) in children and adolescents involved in high-performance sports. Thyroid diseases are most the most frequent in young athletes (in 57.3 % of cases). On second place is obesity (12.3 %). The frequency of weight deficiency and short stature is 8.4 % each. Autoimmune thyroiditis occupies a leading place in the structure of thyroid pathology in young elite athletes. Subclinical hypothyroidism takes the second place, and nodular goiter — the third place.Conclusion: young elite athletes are characterized by a high frequency of endocrine pathology, the leading place in which is occupied by thyroid diseases. It is necessary to further studies aimed at assessing the mechanisms of hormonal adaptation in elite young athletes to assess their impact on the development of the child and the correct interpretation of the hormonal profile obtained during a special medical examination

    Analysis of Pregnancy, Labor and Perinatal Outcomes of Women Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection

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    Purpose: To estimate the influence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal status.Materials and Methods: In total, 54 pregnant women infected with HIV-infection (study group). Comparison group consisted of 124 apparently healthy women with physiological pregnancy. In the groups evaluated parity, clinical and laboratory parameters of blood (blood count, hematocrit, leukocyte index of intoxication), during pregnancy, birth, state of newborn babies and their incidence.Results: Pregnancy in HIV infection more severe with various complications: anemia, placental insufficiency and preeclampsia. The frequency postnatal of new complications in parturients infected with HIV, is significantly higher, significantly more children are born with perinatal diseases mainly due to slowing growth and fetal malnutrition and disorders related to shortening the duration of pregnancy and low birth weight.Summary: HIV infection is one of the factors influencing the course of pregnancy and the development of perinatal pathology in infants. Combination of HIV with other specific infectious diseases and / or chronic pyelonephritis does not increase the frequency of perinatal pathology in infants

    Thyroid hormones imbalance in patients with functional dyspepsia

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    © 2018, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved. The article presents the results of our research into the analysis of the thyroid dysfunction role in the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of functional dyspepsia (FD). It was revealed that 31% of patients with FD had a T3 and/or FT4 level drop at normal or moderately reduced levels of TSH in the blood, which corresponds to the notion of euthyroid pathology syndrome. These changes in the thyroid hormones level were more often found in the postprandial FD case than in the one with epigastric pain syndrome. Besides this, FD patients had a rise in the average level of antithyroid antibodies compared to the healthy controls. A direct relationship was discovered between the degree of FD clinical signs and thyroid system functional disorders. The results obtained allow us to make a conclusion concerning the significance of thyroid hormones imbalance in FD pathogenesis and clinical picture