221 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes the transformations in the cultural space that have occurred over the past decade. Attention is focused on the changes that have occurred in the basic axiological foundations of human life. It is noted that if earlier the life of a person combined the past, present and future, now we find ourselves in the world of the present, where all unpleasant, irritating, causing negative memories and experiences are displaced into the "zones of oblivion".Modernity began to "revolve around" a single person, his feelings, desires. In addition, our perception, memory, emotions, aesthetic taste were under the pressure of public preferences, replicated by medial technologies. We found ourselves in a situation of becoming an all-encompassing, endless carnival show.Of the many global changes, the author highlights, in his opinion, the most significant: changes in the language space. Traditionally, it was the language that stood out as a point of "tightening" the cultural field, endowing it with unique features. Words shaped human Existence. Rationality, logic of words-concepts formed a clear picture of the world and highlighted a certain place of a person in it. It is noted that the inclusion of the latest technologies in the cultural universe has changed the attitude to the word, text messages, the essence of the reader and the author. Examples of "abbreviation explosion", "padonkafsky" slang, which are presented in the modern Internet space, are given. Words have ceased to express events, "lightness of being", reckless handling of words - have become the norm of life. There was a filling of the language space with pictures that can be filled with a variety of meanings. Changes in the language space have had an impact on the process of understanding. Traditional forms of understanding formation through rational processing, awareness and emotional experience are being replaced by a short-term emotional reaction. The author sees an example of such "crowding out" in the active distribution of video clips - coubs, which are short, repeated excerpts from the original video sequence, on which a new sound sequence is superimposed.В статье проводится анализ трансформаций в пространстве культуры, произошедших за последнее десятилетие. Внимание акцентируется на изменениях, произошедших в базовых аксиологических основаниях жизни человека. Отмечается, что если раньше жизнь личности объединяла в себе прошлое, настоящее и будущее, то сейчас мы оказались в мире настоящего, где в "зоны забвения" вытесняются все неприятное, раздражающее, вызывающее негативные воспоминания и переживания.Современность стала «вращаться вокруг» отдельно взятого человека, его чувств, желаний. Кроме того, наше восприятие, память, эмоции, эстетический вкус оказались под прессом публичных пристрастий, растиражированных медиальными технологиями. Мы оказались в ситуации становления всеохватывающего, бесконечного карнавального шоу.Из множества глобальных изменений автор выделяет, на его взгляд, наиболее существенное: изменения в языковом пространстве. Традиционно именно язык выделялся как точка «стягивания» культурного поля, наделение его неповторимыми чертами. Слова оформляли человеческое Бытие. Рациональность, логичность слов-понятий оформляло четкую картину мира и выделяло определенное место человека в нем. Отмечается, что включение новейших технологий в культурный универсум изменили отношение к слову, текстовые сообщения, сущность читателя и автора. Приводятся примеры «аббривиатурного взрыва», «падонкафского» сленга, которые представлены в современном Интернет—пространстве. Слова перестали выражать события, «легковестность бытия», безрассудное обращение со словами – стали нормой жизни. Произошло наполнение языкового пространства картинками, которые могут быть наполнены разнообразным смыслом. Изменения в языковом пространстве оказали влияние на процесс понимания. Традиционные формы формирования понимания через рациональную переработку, осознание и эмоциональное переживание вытесняются кратковременной эмоциональной реакцией. Автор видит пример такого "вытеснения" в активном распространении видеороликов—коубов, которые представляют собой короткие, повторяемые отрывки из оригинального видеоряда, на который накладывается новый звукоряд


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    The article deals with the identification process in the modern world. Special attention is paid to the dichotomy of human existence in the digital space. There are "gaps" between generations, leveling traditional identification mechanisms. The analysis of socio-cultural processes of "digital reality" reveals ontological problems in the identification process that lead to the formation of the phenomenon of nomadism.В статье рассматриваются процесс идентификации в современном мире. Особое внимание уделяется дихотомичности существования человека в цифровом пространстве. Отмечаются «разрывы» между поколениями, нивелирующие традиционные механизмы идентификации. Анализ социокультурных процессов «цифровой реальности» выявляет онтологические проблемы в процессе идентификации, которые приводят к формированию феномена номадизма

    «Двуликий Янус» социокультурной кодификации

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    The article analyzes the transformations in the cultural space that have occurred over the past decade. Special attention is paid to the concept of "code". The author examines the process of including this concept in scientific discourse. Draws attention to the fact that, despite the "vagueness" of this concept, it has been actively used in the process of distinguishing cultures since the second half of the twentieth century. The socio-cultural code is presented in the form of a system of certain rules, with the help of which the semantic content of the sign systems of a particular cultural space is revealed. Special attention is paid to the "layering" of cultural codes. The process of differentiation between "Own" and "Others" is demonstrated using the "inner" meaning included in the socio-cultural code. The ability to "read" the "hidden" in the cultural code made it possible to form a deeper understanding of socio-cultural identity. The article provides a brief analysis of the changes that have occurred in the cultural space of modern Russian society. Perception patterns, languages, forms of reproduction and exchange have changed before the eyes of one generation. The development of digital technologies led to the "explosion" of mass communication, which absorbed and dissolved any singularity, replaced the word with a picture. The expansion and growth of information, its endless extension begins to simulate meanings. The icon, the icon ceases to carry a layering. The effect of the picture is aimed at experiencing, not thinking. The author emphasizes that the changes that have taken place have led to transformations in the "encoding-decoding" system. Modern sociocultural codes are gradually losing their "hidden" meaning, becoming one-dimensional. Increasingly, the codification process resembles the principle of computer code, when everything "superfluous" is excluded from the scale of assessments and actions. In such a situation, the world begins to be evaluated only with the help of binary code as "good and bad".В статье проводится анализ трансформаций в пространстве культуры, произошедших за последнее десятилетие. Особое внимание уделяется понятию «код». Автор рассматривает процесс включения данного понятия в научный дискурс. Обращает внимание на то, что, несмотря на «расплывчатость» данного понятия оно со второй половины ХХ века, активно используется в процессе изучения культур. Социокультурный код представлен в виде системы определенных правил, при помощи которых выявляется смысловое содержание знаковых систем конкретного культурного пространства. Особое внимание уделяется «многослойности» культурных кодов. Демонстрируется процесс разграничения между «Своими» и «Чужими» с помощью «внутреннего» смысла, включенного в социокультурный код. Умение «прочитывать» «скрытое» в культурном коде позволяло сформировать более глубокое понимание социокультурного своеобразия. В материале проводится краткий анализ изменений, произошедших в культурном пространстве современного российского общества. Схемы восприятия, языки, формы воспроизведения и обмена изменились на глазах одного поколения. Развитие цифровых технологий привело к «взрыву» массовой коммуникации, которая поглотила и растворила в себе любую сингулярность, заменила слово картинкой. Расширение и рост информации, ее бесконечное продление начинает симулировать смыслы. Значок, иконка перестает нести в себе многослойность. Эффект картинки направлен на переживание, а не к про-мысливанию. Автор подчеркивает, что произошедшие изменения, привели к трансформациям в системе «кодирование-декодирование». Современные социокультурные коды постепенно теряют «скрытый» смысл, становясь одномерными. Все чаще процесс кодификации напоминает принцип работы компьютерного кода, когда все «лишнее» исключается из шкалы оценок и действий. В такой ситуации мир начинает оцениваться только с помощью двоичного кода как «хорошее и плохое»

    Circulating markers of vascular damage as predictors of cardiovascular events in atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders

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    The article presents the results of cluster analysis of the contribution of immune inflammation and endothelial dysfunction (ED) markers to the frequency and severity of cardiovascular events (CVE) in cohorts of patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis (AAS), coronary artery disease (CAD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS) during a 3-year prospective observation. Results Circulating markers of ED and immune inflammation, such as ET-1, IL-1β, TNF-α, antibodies to collagen type I and III, and antibodies to chondroitine sulfate (CS) contribute to cardiovascular (CV) manifestation in AAS. In CAD patients ET-1, eNOs, antibodies to collagen, as well as IL-6 and vWf  are the main contributors. In T2DM without clinical manifestation of CAD, the set of markers associated with the adverse events includes ET-1, eNOs, IL-6, anti-C, and anti-HA. In CAD combined with T2DM, the cluster of markers associated with the adverse events includes vWf, TNF-α, eNOs, IL-6, anti-C, anti-HA and CRP. In AAS without MS, the key contributors are ET-1 and vWf, and the presence of anti-C and anti-ChS; in AAS/MS patients, the key markers are IL-1β, TNF-α, anti-C, anti-ChS, anti-HA, and CRP. In CAD without MS, the cluster of markers associated with adverse events includes ET-1, eNOs and anti-HA; in CAD/MS it includes anti-C, ET-1, and IL-6. Conclusion. The obtained results confirm the role of systemic inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis-associated angiopathy in coronary pathology and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, and also suggest a set of circulating markers as predictors of adverse CVE

    Analysis of Pregnancy, Labor and Perinatal Outcomes of Women Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection

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    Purpose: To estimate the influence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal status.Materials and Methods: In total, 54 pregnant women infected with HIV-infection (study group). Comparison group consisted of 124 apparently healthy women with physiological pregnancy. In the groups evaluated parity, clinical and laboratory parameters of blood (blood count, hematocrit, leukocyte index of intoxication), during pregnancy, birth, state of newborn babies and their incidence.Results: Pregnancy in HIV infection more severe with various complications: anemia, placental insufficiency and preeclampsia. The frequency postnatal of new complications in parturients infected with HIV, is significantly higher, significantly more children are born with perinatal diseases mainly due to slowing growth and fetal malnutrition and disorders related to shortening the duration of pregnancy and low birth weight.Summary: HIV infection is one of the factors influencing the course of pregnancy and the development of perinatal pathology in infants. Combination of HIV with other specific infectious diseases and / or chronic pyelonephritis does not increase the frequency of perinatal pathology in infants

    Frequency and structure of endocrine diseases in young elite athletes

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    There is no data on the prevalence of endocrine disorders in young elite athletes in Russia.Objective: to assess the prevalence of endocrine pathologies and their structure in children and adolescents involved in elite sport.Materials and methods: the study included data from outpatient records of members of national sports teams, who underwent special medical examination. The data of a random sample of 1081 outpatient cards of young athletes, for 26 sports, were analyzed.Results: we found a high prevalence of endocrine pathology (18.6 %) in children and adolescents involved in high-performance sports. Thyroid diseases are most the most frequent in young athletes (in 57.3 % of cases). On second place is obesity (12.3 %). The frequency of weight deficiency and short stature is 8.4 % each. Autoimmune thyroiditis occupies a leading place in the structure of thyroid pathology in young elite athletes. Subclinical hypothyroidism takes the second place, and nodular goiter — the third place.Conclusion: young elite athletes are characterized by a high frequency of endocrine pathology, the leading place in which is occupied by thyroid diseases. It is necessary to further studies aimed at assessing the mechanisms of hormonal adaptation in elite young athletes to assess their impact on the development of the child and the correct interpretation of the hormonal profile obtained during a special medical examination

    Effect of testosterone in young ice-hockey players on hematological, biochemical parameters and the level of physical performance

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    Ice-hockey combines intense physical activity at high speed with elements of power struggle. Testosterone is the main anabolic hormone, an increase in which during adolescence is associated with faster growth, increased muscle mass, physical strength, and increased overall and aerobic performance. Thus, it is interesting to study the effect of different testosterone levels on metabolic parameters and physical performance of young ice-hockey players.Objective: to compare hematological and biochemical parameters, as well as exercise performance in young ice-hockey players, depending on the testosterone level.Materials and methods: the study included 100 young ice-hockey players aged 15–17 years (average age 15.3 ± 1.1 years). The study group included 25 young ice-hockey players with an increased level of total blood testosterone (> 27.5 nmol/l). The control group included 75 young athletes with normal testosterone levels. All athletes included in the study underwent the PWC 170 test to assess physical performance. Assessment of hematological parameters included hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit, red blood cell, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean concentration hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). β-crosslaps, myoglobin and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity were measured to assess the functional state of muscle and bone tissue.Results: A comparative assessment of the CBC in young ice-hockey players did not reveal significant differences depending on the level of serum testosterone level. Tolerance to physical activity in the study groups also did not differ. Young ice-hockey players with increased testosterone levels showed lower β-crosslaps values compared to the control group. The values of other biomarkers of the functional activity of muscle tissue did not depend on the level of testosterone levels.Conclusion: Increased serum testosterone level in the range from 27.5 to 40 nmol/l, detected in young ice-hockey players aged 15–17 years, is not associated with a change in hematological and biochemical parameters. High total testosterone levels do not improve physical performance. It is necessary to continue studies to assess the dynamics of the serum testosterone in young ice-hockey players to clarify the long-term effects of androgens on the metabolic and functional indicators of young athletes. Increasing serum testosterone levels in athletes is subject to wide discussion in the community of sports physicians and endocrinologists


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    Scutellaria baicalensis is a valuable medicinal plant and a protected species of the East Asian flora. Therefore, work on its introduction is underway in many regions of Russian Federation. Studying of the influence of meteorological factors on the phenology of the S. baicalensis in regions of Russian Federation with contrasting climatic conditions is important in grounds of climate change. Materials and methods. The object of the study is the population of the S. baicalensis biocollections of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Meteorological indicators: sum of active temperatures, sum of precipitation. Statistical analysis: Tau-b-Kendall correlation coefficient. Results. The duration of the growing season in each region has little variability, independently of the weather conditions of the year. The interval between the onset of phenological phases in the Crimea was characterized by weaker variability than in the Non-Chernozem zone. A significantly smaller amount of active temperatures was required for the onset of phenological phases In the Non-Chernozem zone compared to the southern coast of Crimea. The difference in the average sum of active temperatures across the regions reached 1694.6°C by the end of the growing season. The amount of precipitation had sharp fluctuations in both regions and in all years of research. Conclusion. Secondary flowering, wide amplitudes of the duration of phenological phases and the growing season as a whole, the sum of active temperatures and precipitation indicate the ecological plasticity of the S. baicalensis and the availability of conditions for its cultivation in both regions

    Uterine fibroid and its association with metabolic syndrome in women of reproductive age (literature review)

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    Uterine fibroid is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women of reproductive age and many aspects of this disease remain the subject of investigation. In particular, the role of the metabolic syndrome is of interest as a potential predictor of uterine fibroid or a comorbid condition that has pathogenetic significance.   The aim of this literature review is to systematize current data on the prevalence and associations of the metabolic syndrome and uterine fibroid in women of reproductive age.   Literature search was carried out using the scientific literature databases eLIBRARY, PubMed, NCBI, CyberLeninka, and the official IDF website for the period from 2010 to 2022. In PubMed search, we used the following terms: uterine fibroid, metabolic syndrome, uterine fibroid and metabolic syndrome, uterine myoma and metabolic syndrome, uterine myoma and metabolic disorders, uterine myoma and MetS. A total of 439 sources were analized, 32 sources met the search criteria.   Results. An analysis of the largest epidemiological studies conducted in recent years, both in non-selective populations and in hospital samples, demonstrates a significant prevalence of both uterine fibroid and metabolic syndrome among women. The results presented in the publications which were included in the review indicate that there is a relationship between the presence of uterine fibroid and the manifestations of the metabolic syndrome.   Conclusions. Uterine fibroid and metabolic syndrome are mutually aggravating conditions. Women with uterine fibroid have a worse risk profile for cardiovascular disease, and the presence of metabolic syndrome increases the risk of uterine fibroid. One of the ways to reduce the risk of occurrence and growth of uterine fibroid is the timely correction of the metabolic syndrome and its components. On the other hand, the presence of uterine fibroid should be considered as a basis for active detection of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular risks


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    Owing to tough state environmental management requirements and ecological regulations, oil and gas multinational corporations (MNC) make more and more attempts to mitigate negative environmental impacts resulting from their industrial activities, their competitiveness beingstrengthened therewith. The use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is associated with less environmental impact in comparison with oil and coal, particularly so far as the hotbed effect is concerned. In the field of innovative technological development, Russian MNC drag so far well behind most advanced western corporations who provide for less negative impact of their production activities upon environment.В условиях ужесточения государственного экологического регулирования нефтегазовые ТНК все больше заинтересованы в проведении политики минимизации негативного влияния своей производственной деятельности на окружающую среду. Это повышает их конкурентоспособность. Использование сжиженного газа сопровождается меньшим отрицательным воздействием на окружающую среду, по сравнению с нефтью и углем, в частности, в отношении парникового эффекта. Российские ТНК пока существенно отстают в развитии инновационных технологий, способствующих снижению негативного влияния их деятельности на окружающую среду