196 research outputs found

    A Study on Intergenerational Differences Between Skilled and Young Nursery Teachers in Common Understanding of Team Childcare

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    How Can Mosaic Artwork be Used in a Community Art Studio to Assist Posttreatment Cancer Patients to Reconnect with Their Lives?

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    The numbers of cancer survivors has been increasing due to the aging society and growth of the population and improvements of medical technologies; hence, there is a greater need to understand and assist individuals who have completed their primary cancer treatment with their psychosocial issues. However, there is a significant gap in social science research in terms of interventions aimed at supporting posttreatment cancer patients. Specifically, in the field of art therapy, there has been limited research on this particular population. Therefore, this research study aims to incorporate the idea of creating a specific collaborative artwork, a mosaic, in a group environment at the chosen setting, community art studios, in order to aid posttreatment cancer patients. The goal of this art therapy intervention study is to address the research question: “How can mosaic artwork be used in a community art studio to assist posttreatment cancer patients to reconnect with their lives?” This major research paper is focused on addressing two psychosocial issues, self-identity and social isolation among individuals who have suffered from cancer, and explores the potential uses of narrative approaches and imagery. Further, this research assesses art therapy and cancer care in relation to reconstructing identity and reducing social isolation while examining the beneficial aspects of group therapy as well as social support and community art studios. The meaning of collective mosaic art making with symbols and metaphors, and the therapeutic qualities of the art medium of clay are also reviewed. In the group intervention program design, 10-weekly sessions are developed to be offered in a community art studio setting to adult posttreatment cancer patients for 1-1/2 hours and intended for a group of six to eight participants. By utilizing this proposed art therapy group intervention program, the author aims to assist more cancer survivors in increasing their levels of psychosocial well-being while improving their community life and overall health

    Fundamental Study to Create a Joint Modeling Bringing up a Skill to Build a Relationship in a Childcare Facility

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    近幎の瀟䌚倉化により子どもの遊びには倉化が芋られ䞻䜓性を発揮しお倢䞭になれる掻動や友達ずやりずりをしながら創造性を発揮する機䌚が必芁ずされおいる。぀たり遊びを通した子ども同士の関わりは道埳性・瀟䌚性を育み人間関係圢成胜力を育むための重芁な課題であるず指摘できる。人間関係圢成胜力を育むための掻動の぀ずしお共同造圢制䜜が考えられる。本論では子ども同士の関わりを䜜る造圢衚珟掻動の実践は人では䜜るこずができない倧きな䜜品でアむデアを倚く必芁ずする「寄せがき方匏」の制䜜遊びを蚭定しお行うこずが望たしいず考えられる。創造的な遊びには子どもにずっお友達ずむメヌゞを共有しお䜜る芁玠が倚くテヌマや色や圢を工倫しおいくこずができるず考える。Due to recent social changes, we can see changes in how children play and it is required to have activities that they can really into by exercising independence or opportunities in which they can exercise creativity by communicating with friends. Accordingly, we can indicate that communication among children through playing will be an important issue to grow morality and sociality as well as growing skills to build a relationship. As one of activities to grow skills to build a relationship, we can consider a joint modeling. In this study, we consider that practices of activities to express modeling that build a relationship among children should be a big work that cannot be created alone therefore it is desirable to proceed such practices by setting a play to create a “message method” that require a lot of ideas. Creative play has many elements created by sharing images with friends for children and we consider that they can devise themes, colors, and shapes

    Childcare Practice Study of Rythmique that Draws Proactive Physical Expression from Children (1st Report) : Mainly Including Cases of Classes for One, Two, and Three Years Old in a Childcare Facility

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    近幎の先行研究を「身䜓衚珟」「音楜教育」「リトミック」「遊戯」をキヌワヌドに抂芳するず100 幎を超える歎史の䞭でリトミックの捉え方が倉容しおいるこずずリトミックの新しい保育実践研究が必芁であるこずが明らかになった。そこで本論では保育斜蚭におけるリトミックの実践から子どもが䜕を孊び䜕が育っおいるのかを論考した。その結果以䞋のこずが瀺唆された。(1)歳児孊玚の子どもは保育者の暡倣を掻発に行う段階である。(2)歳児孊玚においおは子どもが自由に想像し衚珟できるよう保育者は配慮する必芁がある。(3)歳児孊玚においおは衚珟するこずの楜しさを通しお心が解攟される気持ち良さを感じるこずやリトミックの䞻題や保育者の姿に集䞭するこずや䜕かを達成する喜びを感じるこず等が重芁である。When we outline recent prior-research with key words, “physical expression”,“music education”, “Rythmique” , and “play” , it was clarified that how we consider Rythmique had been changed in the history over 100 years and new study for Rythmique practice is required. Accordingly, this article discussed what children learn from Rythmique practice in a childcare facility and what is grown. As the result, the followings were suggested. i. One years old children are in a phase where they actively imitate their guardians. ii. For a class for two years old children, guardians need to take care of children so that they can freely express. iii. For a class for three years old children, it is important to feel comfort by which their mind can be released and concentrate on a subject of Rythmique or appearance of guardians, and feel pleasure to achieve something through how fun it is to exp ress

    A Study for Professional Matters of Area Related to“ Language” in Kindergarten Teacher-Training Course

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     2019 幎床に改蚂された幌皚園教諭逊成の教職課皋に蚭眮される「領域及び保育内容の指導法に関する科目」は「領域に関する専門的事項」ず「保育内容の指導法情報機噚及び教材の掻甚を含む。」より構成される。本研究では埓来の「教科に関する科目」が撀廃されたこずにより新蚭された「領域に関する専門的事項」の科目においお具䜓的にどのような専門知識の孊修を芁するかに぀いお「保育内容の指導法」のモデルカリキュラム及び新幌皚園教育芁領の蚘茉内容に照らしお怜蚎した。その結果逊成課皋の孊生自身が領域「蚀葉」のねらいや内容等を専門的芋地から理解しお保育実践のための知識や技胜を修埗するこずに加え感じたり考えたり等の䜓隓的な孊びから幌児の芖点で蚀葉の䞖界をむメヌゞする内容を授業に取り入れる必芁性を芋出した

    Relationship between the Experience of Identity Swaying in Childcare Practice and Childcare Workers’ Efficacy

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     This study aims to examine the relationship between childcare workers’ “experience of identity swaying” as described in their autobiographical memory and their occupation efficacy. First, the influence that stemmed from the experience of childcare workers’ swaying on their sense of efficacy is examined. The results showed that those who experienced identity swaying in their autobiographical memory had a remarkably higher sense of efficacy as childcare workers than those who didn’t. On the other hand, no difference was found in their sense of efficacy depending on the trigger of the identity swaying. The differences in childcare workers’ descriptions depending on the level of their sense of efficacy were then investigated the records of childcare workers with a high sense of occupation efficacy showed a higher level of ego involvement stays as a memory that can be utilized in the future. Closing the article, the authors examine future issues

    Reconsidering the meaning analysis of the verb “kireru”

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    本皿では拙論2009で分析した動詞「きれる」に「痕跡的認知」ずいう新たな知芋を加え再考察した。拙論では「結果の状態」を䞭心に意味蚘述しおきた。しかし本皿では新たに先行研究を揎甚し認知䞻䜓の背景知識ず芋えざる動䜜䞻による動䜜を掚枬するこずで「きれる」のより詳现な蚘述をするこずができた。「きれる」の䞭心的意味基本矩は「本来線状をなすものが䜕らかの原因により 1 点で 2 ぀の郚分に分離する」こずである事態 1 「分離」。これを兞型的ケヌスずしおその他に「本来面状のものが 1 本の線で 2 ぀の郚分に分離する」「本来線状をなすものがある1 点で消滅する」ずいう非兞型的なケヌスもある。「本来線状をなすものがある 1 点で消滅する」ずいうケヌスでは基本矩で背景化されおいた「機胜喪倱」の偎面も焊点領域に入っおきおいる。この「機胜喪倱」の偎面がさらに焊点化されたのが別矩②の「尜滅」事態 2 である。ここには「焊点移動」のメトニミヌが関わっおいる。たた別矩③の「怒りの衚珟」ずしおの「きれる」は基本矩からのメトニミヌ焊点移動およびメタファヌ抜象化に加えお原因から結果ぞのメトニミヌずいう耇合的な芁因からなる拡匵であるず蚀える。journal articl

    Problems and Challenges in Qualities and Abilities of Nursery Teachers at Day-care Centers.

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    Advantages and Disadvantages of the Multiple Class Teacher System in Nursery School Childcare

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     保育所では「児童犏祉斜蚭最䜎基準」に基づき子どもの幎霢ず人数によっお保育士の配眮が決たっおいる。 本論では保育所保育士から聞き取り調査を行い歳以䞊児保育の耇数担任制の利点ず問題点に぀いお職員 間の連携を珟状を螏たえながら怜蚎した。その結果耇数担任制は安党面の確保保育の充実保育の幅が広 がる等の利点があるこず「連携」「共通理解」「話し合い」等は利点である䞀方問題点になる堎合もあるこず が明らかずなった

    Issues for Earthquake Disaster Prevention Awareness and Earthquake Disaster Prevention Education of Students Who Want to Become Childcare Workers

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