35 research outputs found

    Plagiarism detection ā€“ quality management tool for all scientific journals

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    Plagiarism detection software has considerably affected the quality of scientific publishing. No longer is plagiarism detection done by chance or is the sole responsibility of the reviewer and reader (1). The Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) appointed Research Integrity Editor in 2001, which paved the way for the introduction of computer detection of plagiaris

    Scientific activities of the Faculty

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    Inicijativom Odbora Ā za znanost Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci tijekom 2023. godine potaknut je niz znanstvenih aktivnosti u koji su uključeni nastavnici i studenti u zajednički znanstveno-istraživački rad. Katedre Fakulteta organizirale su znanstvenu tribinu koje su bile otvorene i za građanstvo. Osim tribina organizirali su se i dani Fakulteta, dvije međunarodne konferencija i dobilo se nekoliko važnih projekata


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    We aimed to estimate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in family-member caregivers of patients with dementia in Croatia and to assess relevant predictors. A cross-sectional study in family medicine practices in Zagreb (Health Care Center Zagreb-West) was performed in period 10/2017-9/2018 and included 131 dyads consisting of a patient with dementia and one dominant informal caregiver. Patient measures included Mini-mental-state-examination (MMSE), Barthel-index and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire (NPI-Q). Caregiver measures included 36-Item Short-Form-Health-Survey (SF-36), Zarit-Burden-Interview (ZBI) and structured questionnaire regarding general information on caregiver and patient. SF-36 is a reliable instrument to estimate HRQoL . Caregiver HRQoL was higher than reported in Croatian population in physical functioning (PF), role physical (RP), general health (GH), social functioning (SF) and role emotional (RE) domains. More pronounced neuropsychiatric symptoms in patient with dementia were associated with caregiver\u27s lower HRQoL in vitality (VT) and mental health (MH) domains. Caregivers with higher caregiver burden assessed by ZBI had lower HRQoL in RP, bodily pain (BP), GH, VT, SF, RE and MH domains. In multivariate analyses, higher caregiver\u27s burden was independent predictor of lower HRQoL in RP, VT, RE and MH domains. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and use of daycare service were recognized as independent predictors of lower HRQoL (in PF, BP and GH, SF, RE domains, respectively). Neuropsychiatric symptoms and caregiver burden are associated with HRQoL in caregivers of patients with dementia. Interventions including psychological support and learning of skills necessary to tackle individual problems may help in improvement of HRQoL


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    We aimed to estimate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in family-member caregivers of patients with dementia in Croatia and to assess relevant predictors. A cross-sectional study in family medicine practices in Zagreb (Health Care Center Zagreb-West) was performed in period 10/2017-9/2018 and included 131 dyads consisting of a patient with dementia and one dominant informal caregiver. Patient measures included Mini-mental-state-examination (MMSE), Barthel-index and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire (NPI-Q). Caregiver measures included 36-Item Short-Form-Health-Survey (SF-36), Zarit-Burden-Interview (ZBI) and structured questionnaire regarding general information on caregiver and patient. SF-36 is a reliable instrument to estimate HRQoL . Caregiver HRQoL was higher than reported in Croatian population in physical functioning (PF), role physical (RP), general health (GH), social functioning (SF) and role emotional (RE) domains. More pronounced neuropsychiatric symptoms in patient with dementia were associated with caregiver\u27s lower HRQoL in vitality (VT) and mental health (MH) domains. Caregivers with higher caregiver burden assessed by ZBI had lower HRQoL in RP, bodily pain (BP), GH, VT, SF, RE and MH domains. In multivariate analyses, higher caregiver\u27s burden was independent predictor of lower HRQoL in RP, VT, RE and MH domains. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and use of daycare service were recognized as independent predictors of lower HRQoL (in PF, BP and GH, SF, RE domains, respectively). Neuropsychiatric symptoms and caregiver burden are associated with HRQoL in caregivers of patients with dementia. Interventions including psychological support and learning of skills necessary to tackle individual problems may help in improvement of HRQoL

    What we need to know when calculating the coefficient of correlation?

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    Korelacija je statistički postupak za izračunavanje povezanosti dviju varijabli. Vrijednost korelacije brojčano se iskazuje koeficijentom korelacije, najčeŔće Pearsonovim ili Spearmanovim, dok se značajnost koeficijenta iskazuje vrijednoŔću P. Koeficijent korelacije pokazuje u kojoj su mjeri promjene vrijednosti jedne varijable povezane s promjenama vrijednosti druge varijable. Predznak koeficijenta korelacije (+ ili -) govori nam o smjeru povezanosti. Prilikom izračunavanja korelacije najčeŔće se pogrjeÅ”ke odnose na uvjete za izračunavanje korelacije, tumačenje koeficijenta i značajnost korelacije, visoke koeficijente korelacije, pretpostavljanje uzročno-posljedične veze, jačinu povezanosti (koeficijent determinacije), te usporedbu dva koeficijenta korelacije.Correlation is a statistical procedure applied to calculate association between two variables. The value of correlation is numerically shown by a coefficient of correlation, most often by Pearson\u27s or Spearman\u27s coefficient, while the significance of the coefficient is expressed by P value. The coefficient of correlation shows the extent to which changes in the value of one variable are correlated to changes in the value of the other. A sign preceding the coefficient of correlation (+ or -) indicates the direction of correlation. The most frequent errors in calculating correlation are related to conditions for calculation, interpretation of the coefficient and correlation significance, high correlation coefficients, assumption of causal relationship, the strength of correlation (coefficient of determination), and comparison of two correlation coefficients

    Risk Perception Towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV, Cyberochondria and Health Literacy at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati pregled dosadaÅ”njih znanstvenih spoznaja o percepciji rizika zaraze HIV-om i drugim spolno prenosivim bolestima, kiberohondrije i zdravstvene pismenosti s naglaskom na trenutnu situaciju pandemije COVID-19. Republika Hrvatska je joÅ” uvijek zemlja niskog rizika epidemije HIV-a, dijelom zahvaljujući osnivanju 10 Centara za dobrovoljno, anonimno i besplatno savjetovanje i testiranje na HIV (CST). Percepcija rizika zaraze spolno prenosivom boleŔću se opisuje kao vlastita procjena mogućnosti dobivanja iste. Zdravstvena ponaÅ”anja, pa tako i percepcija rizika, mogu se objasniti različitim modelima i teorijama, a jedan od prihvaćenih modela je socijalno-kognitivni model uvjerenja vezanih uz zdravlje (engl. Health Belief Model ā€“ HBM). Zdravstvena pismenost se definira kao osobne, kognitivne i socijalne vjeÅ”tine koje određuju sposobnost pojedinca da pristupi podacima o zdravlju, razumije ih i koristi. Kiberohodrija je anksiozni poremećaj karakteriziran ekscesivnim istraživanjem zdravstvenih sadržaja preko interneta. Pandemija COVID-19 je veliki događaj digitalne ere, uzimajući u obzir poremećaj izazvan u svim područjima života Å”irom svijeta. Zbog izazvanog straha predstavlja plodno tlo za kiberohondriju.The aim of this paper is to present an overview of current scientific knowledge on the perception of the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, cyberochondria and health literacy with an emphasis on the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Croatia is still a low-risk country for the HIV epidemic, thanks in part to the establishment of 10 Centers for Voluntary, Anonymous and Free HIV Counseling and Testing (VCT). Risk perception of contracting a sexually transmitted disease is described as one\u27s own assessment of the possibility of getting it. Health behaviors, and thus risk perception, can be explained by various models and theories, and one of the accepted models is the socio-cognitive model of health beliefs (Health Belief Model - HBM). Health literacy is defined as personal, cognitive, and social skills that determine an individualā€™s ability to access, understand, and use health data. Cyberchodria is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive research of health content over the Internet. The COVID-19 pandemic is a major event of the digital age, taking into account the disorder caused in all areas of life around the world. Due to the fear caused, it is a fertile ground for cyberochondria

    Plagiarism as a violation of scientific and academic integrity

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    Plagiranje je neovlaÅ”teno preuzimanje tuđih ideja, postupaka ili teksta bez odgovarajuće naznake s nakanom da se prikažu kao vlastita. Preuzimanje već objavljenih vlastitih ideja ili preuzimanje vlastitog već objavljenog teksta prikazujući ga novim i originalnim naziva se samoplagiranjem i smatra se jednako loÅ”im kao i plagiranje. Učestalost plagiranja je u porastu, razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije olakÅ”ava neovlaÅ”teno preuzimanje teksta, no istovremeno, zahvaljujući istoj tehnologiji, razvijaju se računalni programi i mrežne usluge za otkrivanje plagiranja. Za provjeru tekstova i činjenice jesu li oni plagirani postoje različita programska rjeÅ”enja. Većina se zasniva na konkordanciji, tj. usporedbi teksta pri čemu program iznalazi i označava podudarne dijelove teksta i izračunava njegov udio s obzirom na cijeli tekst. Neki od programa, osim Å”to uspoređuju tekstove, pretražuju internet radi iznalaženja tekstova s podudarnim sadržajem. Svi programi mogu uspoređivati tekstove napisane na istom jeziku; međujezično pretraživanje nije moguće uz pomoć programske potpore. Primjeri programa su računalni programi (WCopyfi nd) i mrežne usluge (eTBlast, CrossCheck). Prednost mrežne usluge je mogućnost pronalaženja mogućeg teksta izvornika. eTBlast je besplatna mrežna usluga za pronalaženje podudarnih i vrlo sličnih sažetaka znanstvenih radova (pretražuje i bazu podataka Medline) koja je poslužila kao temelj za izradbu baze podataka DĆ©jĆ  vu. Mrežna usluga CrossCheck dostupna je samo članovima (akademske ustanove i časopisi), a koriÅ”tenjem računalnog algoritma za pronalaženje sličnosti Then cate tvrtke iParadigms (Oakland, CA, SAD) provjerava podudarnost teksta ispitivanog članka s cijelovitim tekstovima sadržanim u bazi podataka CrossCheck ustrojenom suradnjom uredniÅ”tva i izdavača znanstvenih časopisa koji objavljene članke pridružuju bazi podataka, Å”to omogućuje nesmetano pretraživanje sadržaja zaÅ”tićenog pretplatom. Vrlo je važno prepoznati plagiranje i podučavati o njemu u akademskoj zajednici na svim nivoima obrazovanja. Urednici znanstvenih časopisa i znanstvenici trebaju se zajedno boriti protiv neetičnih istraživanja koja su suprotna znanstvenoj ideji i Å”tetna za znanstvenu i opću zajednicu, kritički čitati i provjeravati znanstvenu publicistiku, prijavljivati plagiranje i ostale sumnjive postupke u istraživanjima uredniÅ”tvima časopisa i nadležnim tijelima.Plagiarism is unauthorized appropriation of other peopleā€™s ideas, processes or text without giving correct credit and with intention to present it as own property. Appropriation of own published ideas or text and passing it as original is denominated self-plagiarism and considered as bad as plagiarism. The frequency of plagiarism is increasing and development of information and communication technologies facilitates it, but simultaneously, thanks to the same technology, plagiarism detection software is developing. There are diff erent software solutions for checking plagiarism. Most of them are based on concordance, i.e., comparison of text where program tools isolate and mark correspondent parts of the text and calculate its rate regarding the whole text. Several programs, besides comparing the texts, also search the Internet aiming for text with corresponding content. All programs can compare text written in the same language but translingual comparison with plagiarism detection software is not yet possible. The software is available through computer programs (WCopyfi nd) or Web Services (eTBlast, CrossCheck). Their advantage is in the possibility of fi nding the original source paper. eTBlast is the free of charge web based service for searching corresponding and highly similar scientific paper abstracts (it searches also Medline database), which served as the ground for constructing DĆ©jĆ  vu database. Web based service CrossCheck is accessible only for members (academic institutions and journals) and by using computer similarity algorithm iThen cate of company iParadigms (Oakland, CA, USA), it checks accordance of the given text with the complete texts in the CrossCheck database. It is organized by collaboration of journal editorial boards and publishers who pass the published papers to the base and enable searching of content usually protected by subscription. The importance of recognizing and teaching plagiarism in the academic community at all levels of education is enormous. Scientific journal editors and scientists should fight together against unethical researches which are opposite to the scientific idea and harmful for scientific community and society, critically read and examine scientific publications, report plagiarism and other suspicious research misconduct to journal editorial boards and institutional authorities

    Simple predictors of the re- occurrence of severe febrile neutropenia episode: a single-center retrospective cohort study in pediatric patients with malignant diseases

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    Aim To identify the risk factors of a repeated episode of severe febrile neutropenia (FN) and to build an accurate and easy-to-use predictive model. Methods This single-center retrospective cohort study conducted at the Clinical Hospital Center Childrenā€™s Hospital Rijeka from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2016 included pediatric patients with malignant diseases who experienced at least one FN episode. The association of the second severe FN episode appearance with relevant clinical and laboratory data was analyzed by logistic regression. Results Out of 45 patients with one FN episode, 25 (56%) had severe FN and 11 (24%) had repeated severe FNs. Significant predictors of a repeated severe FN episode were the first FN episode duration of 9 or more days and red blood cells ā‰¤3.0ā€‰Ć—ā€‰1012/L. The predictive model constructed by crossing these two indicators had the accuracy of 87% (95% confidence interval [CI] 73%-94%), sensitivity of 82% (95% CI 53%-97%), and specificity of 88% (95% CI 79%-93%). Conclusion The first FN episode duration and anemia are significantly associated with the risk for severe FN re-occurrence. These factors may be useful in the identification of children with cancer who are at high risk for adverse outcome at any future fever onset and may benefit from early intensive treatment