47 research outputs found

    Soil Erosion by Water in Perennial Plantations of the Ilok Region

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    Soil erosion by water is a natural process, in which soil particles get detached from soil mass, transported and deposited at a distance. Erosion depends on a number of natural factors, such as terrain slope, amount and intensity of precipitation, soil (structure, mechanical composition, permeability, infiltration, etc.), wind, crop rotation, and plant cover. Soil erosion by water is one of the most dangerous soil damaging processes. In the hilly part of the studied region, erosion causes great problems to fruit and wine production. The principal goal of this work is to find ways of reducing erosion by applying appropriate agricultural management practices, different methods of plant residue management, and radical conservation practices. Research results indicate that erosion cannot be prevented (especially in case of extreme weather conditions – very intensive precipitation), but it may be reduced to a tolerable level by selecting optimal agricultural practices


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    The impairments that are present in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may lead to deficits in the development of daily activities, such as personal care and personal hygiene skills that are essential for independence. We used shaping procedure to teach three children with ASD nose blowing skills and this is the first ever research addressing this procedure application in children with ASD. We divided the skill into five steps and we used modeling prompt. All three participants mastered the nose blowing skill in 17 or 21 sessions. The first participant had the most difficulty with steps three and five, because of the transition from exhaling through the mouth to forceful exhaling from the nose. Shaping procedure was proven to be a successful as a teaching tool with children with ASD. These results are significant because the participants will be able to use the acquired skill every day and it will prevent possible future health issues. We believe it is necessary that both special educators and parents or caregivers of children with ASD implement personal hygiene teaching procedures in school or home environments.As deficiências que estão presentes em crianças com distúrbios do espectro do autismo (ASD) podem levar a déficits no desenvolvimento de atividades diárias, como cuidados pessoais e habilidades de higiene pessoal que são essenciais para a independência. Usamos o procedimento de modelagem para ensinar três filhos com habilidades de sopro do Nariz ASD e esta é a primeira pesquisa que aborda esta aplicação de procedimento em crianças com ASD. Nós dividimos a habilidade em cinco etapas e usamos o prompt de modelagem. Todos os três participantes dominaram a habilidade de sopro nas 17 ou 21 sessões. O primeiro participante tinha a maior dificuldade com os passos de três e cinco, por causa da transição de exalar através da boca para expiração vigorosa do nariz. O procedimento de modelagem foi comprovado para ser um sucesso como uma ferramenta de ensino com crianças com ASD. Esses resultados são significativos porque os participantes poderão usar a habilidade adquirida todos os dias e evitarão possíveis problemas futuros de saúde. Acreditamos que é necessário que ambos os educadores especiais quanto os pais ou cuidadores de crianças com ASD implementem procedimentos de ensino de higiene pessoal em ambientes escolares ou domésticos

    Crop Yield and Plant Density under Different Tillage Systems

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    To determine the optimal ploughing depth and to make tillage simpler and less costly, but also taking account of edaphic and climatic conditions as well as biological and agrotechnical requirements of crops grown, long-term investigations (1994-2009) have been carried out on Stagnic Luvisol of sloping terrains in central Croatia near Daruvar. The paper presents the results relating to plant density and yields of maize (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L.), oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Investigation results point to the conclusion that high density crops (winter wheat, spring barley and oilseed rape) are suitable for growing under reduced tillage systems. Yields of low density spring crops (maize and soybean) obtained under the no-tillage system are not satisfactory, especially in climatically extreme years


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    Video modeling is a teaching strategy in the form of presentation of a video of a person performing a skill correctly, while the observer of the video performs that skill simultaneously or afterwards. The aim of this literature review is to examine the possibilities of video modeling use with people with disabilities, and to examine the effects of interventions implemented by the use of this technique on skill acquisition. Following online resources have been used for literature search: Google Scholar search engine, SCIndex, ProQuest, and Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition – KoBson. The articles have been searched in Serbian and English languages. The literature review includes ten studies that used video modeling technique in teaching the participants different skills, such as cooking, shopping, performing house chores, oral hygiene, writing, injury sanitation, maintaining eye contact, and motor skills. The overall sample consisted of 46 participants, and the average number of sessions was 30. All participants mastered the taught skills with 83.3% success on average, which implies that this technique can be successful. This literature review emphasizes the need for using technology in teaching people with disabilities, and discusses the implications for future researc

    Neke smjernice za brendiranje otoka Paga u funkciji razvoja turizma

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    Hrvatski otoci postaju važna turistička odredišta, a njihovim je turističkim razvojem potrebno sustavno upravljati. Brendiranjem destinacije u turizmu ostvaruju se višestruke koristi, dok je sam proces brendiranja dugotrajan te zahtijeva učinkovito provođenje. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja (metodom intervjuiranja eksperata) te relevantne literature u radu se iznose neke smjernice za brendiranje otoka Paga u funkciji razvoja turizma

    Creativity in teaching math to students with intellectual disabilities

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    Developing creativity and thinking outside the box is key in modern education. When students are able to combine ideas, techniques, approaches that enable them to solve problems in different ways we can assert that they were taught creativity in their mathematical instructions. Most tests for evaluation of mathematical creativity measure the flexibility, fluency, and originality of student responses. Creativity tends to be hindered in the case of studentswith mild intellectual disabilities. Studies on the application of creativity in the teaching of mathematics to students with intellectual disabilities are limited. The article analyzed the academic achievement in mathematics and development of students'creativity

    Increasing hairdressing compliance with a child with autism spectrum disorders

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    The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) itself can include problems with hyper responsiveness to different sensory stimuli. These difficulties can lead to different maladaptive behavioral manifestations and prevent children diagnosed with ASD from participating in certain activities. The aim of the present case study was to examine the effectiveness of shaping procedure application in order to increase compliance with haircutting with a six year old boy diagnosed with ASD. The procedure used for increasing compliance while getting a haircut was shaping and we divided the intervention into two phases. Phase one involved teaching the participant to tolerate the presence of the hair clipper on his head, while phase two consisted of increasing participant’s toleration of the sound emitted by the hair clipper. Generalization probe involved taking the participant into a hair salon, where he would receive hair grooming performed by a professional hair stylist. The child mastered phase one in 54 trials that were conducted during five sessions and mastered the goal time in phase two in 89 trials that were conducted during four sessions. In conclusion, shaping procedure appears to be an effective and efficient training procedure for teaching skills that are important for future everyday functioning in society of children with ASD, as well as basic hygiene skills, such as hair cutting. Study limitations and future research implications are discussed

    Sensory integrative approach: a systematic review of the Effectiveness of child-centered interventions

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    Uvod: Teorija senzorne integracije koju je predložila Džin Ers predstavlja kamen temeljac raznovrsnim i, u današnje vreme, sve mnogobrojnijim intervencijama usmerenim na decu sa teškoćama senzornog procesiranja. Počevši od sedamdesetih godina kada je teorija postavljena, senzorna integrativna disfunkcija sve se češće uočava kod dece tipične populacije i dece sa smetnjama u razvoju, pri čemu je najuočljivija i najčešće opisivana kod dece sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Ove teškoće značajno negativno utiču na neurološki, motorni i govorno-jezički razvoj dece, na mogućnost komunikacije, socijalizacije i usvajanja adaptivnih veština. To je uslovilo razvoj različitih intervencija koje se sprovode u cilju ublažavanja ili eliminisanja teškoća senzornog procesiranja. Međutim, nisu sve intervencije usklađene sa principima teorije Džin Ers i njihova efikasnost nije u adekvatnoj meri ispitana. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da se analiziraju i opišu rezultati istraživanja koja se bave evaluacijom efikasnosti različitih intervencija zasnovanih na senzornom pristupu. Metode: Pretraživanje literature u skladu sa odabranim ključnim rečima izvršeno je uz pomoć servisa Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku i pretraživača Google Scholar. Rezultati: Nastojali smo da u izbor uključimo istraživanja koja se bave novijim i nedovoljno istraženim senzornim intervencijama za decu tipičnog razvoja i decu sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Istraživanja koja su ušla u konačan izbor pružaju interesantne i relevantne informacije o efikasnosti senzornog pristupa u intervencijama usmerenim na probleme hranjenja i ishrane, spavanja, emocionalno-bihevioralnih i kognitivnih teškoća dece sa teškoćama senzornog procesiranja. Zaključak: Na osnovu pregleda dosadašnje literature možemo zaključiti da intervencije zasnovane na senzornom pristupu imaju pozitivne efekte na različite domene funkcionisanja dece TR i dece sa PSA. Takođe, da nisu sve intervencije podjednako efikasne, niti imaju pozitivne efekte na različite domene života.Introduction: The theory of Sensory Integration proposed by Jean Ayres represents the cornerstone of various and, nowadays, more and more numerous interventions aimed at children with sensory processing difficulties. Beginning in the 1970s, when the theory was established, sensory integrative dysfunction is increasingly observed in children of the typical population and children with developmental disabilities, and is more noticeable and most often described in children with autism spectrum disorders. These difficulties significantly negatively affect the neurological, motor and speech-language development of children, the ability to communicate, socialize and adopt adaptive skills. This has led to the development of various interventions that are carried out with the aim of mitigating or eliminating the difficulties of sensory processing. However, not all interventions are in line with the principles of Jean Ayres theory and their effectiveness has not been adequately evaluated. Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyze and describe the results of research that evaluates the effectiveness of various interventions based on the sensory approach. Methods: The literature search in accordance with the selected keywords was performed with the help of the service of the Serbian Library Consortium for Unified Procurement (KOBSON) and the Google Scholar search engine. Results: We tried to include research that deals with newer and insufficiently researched sensory interventions for children with typical development and children with autism spectrum disorder. The final research provides interesting and relevant information on the effectiveness of sensory access in interventions focused on the problems of feeding and nutrition, sleep, emotional-behavioral and cognitive difficulties of children with sensory processing difficulties. Conclusion: Based on the review of previous literature, we can conclude that interventions based on the sensory approach have positive effects on different domains of functioning of typically developed children and children with autism spectrum disorder. We can also conclude that not all interventions are equally effective or have positive effects on different domains of life


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    There is a large number of treatment types offered to parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but they are particularly vulnerable to the promoters of pseudoscience, which can lead to the use of ineffective types of treatment. This study represents an attempt to document the types of treatments used by parents of children with ASD in the Republic of Serbia. Secondary aim was to determine if certain parent or child characteristics influenced the types of treatments used. Modified version of survey constructed and conducted by Green, et al. (2006) was used. Nearly all (n=85) of the 86 treatments listed in our survey were being currently used or used in the past by at least one parent and the most commonly used treatment is speech and language therapy. The treatments were grouped into ten categories and the most commonly used is other treatments (80.6%), followed by standard therapies (79.2%) and vitamin supplements (65.3%).  It is also of great importance to educate the parents of children with ASD about evidence-based treatments and on how to distinguish them from treatments that do not have empirica

    Sensory integrative approach: a systematic review of the Effectiveness of child-centered interventions

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    Uvod: Teorija senzorne integracije koju je predložila Džin Ers predstavlja kamen temeljac raznovrsnim i, u današnje vreme, sve mnogobrojnijim intervencijama usmerenim na decu sa teškoćama senzornog procesiranja. Počevši od sedamdesetih godina kada je teorija postavljena, senzorna integrativna disfunkcija sve se češće uočava kod dece tipične populacije i dece sa smetnjama u razvoju, pri čemu je najuočljivija i najčešće opisivana kod dece sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Ove teškoće značajno negativno utiču na neurološki, motorni i govorno-jezički razvoj dece, na mogućnost komunikacije, socijalizacije i usvajanja adaptivnih veština. To je uslovilo razvoj različitih intervencija koje se sprovode u cilju ublažavanja ili eliminisanja teškoća senzornog procesiranja. Međutim, nisu sve intervencije usklađene sa principima teorije Džin Ers i njihova efikasnost nije u adekvatnoj meri ispitana. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da se analiziraju i opišu rezultati istraživanja koja se bave evaluacijom efikasnosti različitih intervencija zasnovanih na senzornom pristupu. Metode: Pretraživanje literature u skladu sa odabranim ključnim rečima izvršeno je uz pomoć servisa Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku i pretraživača Google Scholar. Rezultati: Nastojali smo da u izbor uključimo istraživanja koja se bave novijim i nedovoljno istraženim senzornim intervencijama za decu tipičnog razvoja i decu sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Istraživanja koja su ušla u konačan izbor pružaju interesantne i relevantne informacije o efikasnosti senzornog pristupa u intervencijama usmerenim na probleme hranjenja i ishrane, spavanja, emocionalno-bihevioralnih i kognitivnih teškoća dece sa teškoćama senzornog procesiranja. Zaključak: Na osnovu pregleda dosadašnje literature možemo zaključiti da intervencije zasnovane na senzornom pristupu imaju pozitivne efekte na različite domene funkcionisanja dece TR i dece sa PSA. Takođe, da nisu sve intervencije podjednako efikasne, niti imaju pozitivne efekte na različite domene života.Introduction: The theory of Sensory Integration proposed by Jean Ayres represents the cornerstone of various and, nowadays, more and more numerous interventions aimed at children with sensory processing difficulties. Beginning in the 1970s, when the theory was established, sensory integrative dysfunction is increasingly observed in children of the typical population and children with developmental disabilities, and is more noticeable and most often described in children with autism spectrum disorders. These difficulties significantly negatively affect the neurological, motor and speech-language development of children, the ability to communicate, socialize and adopt adaptive skills. This has led to the development of various interventions that are carried out with the aim of mitigating or eliminating the difficulties of sensory processing. However, not all interventions are in line with the principles of Jean Ayres theory and their effectiveness has not been adequately evaluated. Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyze and describe the results of research that evaluates the effectiveness of various interventions based on the sensory approach. Methods: The literature search in accordance with the selected keywords was performed with the help of the service of the Serbian Library Consortium for Unified Procurement (KOBSON) and the Google Scholar search engine. Results: We tried to include research that deals with newer and insufficiently researched sensory interventions for children with typical development and children with autism spectrum disorder. The final research provides interesting and relevant information on the effectiveness of sensory access in interventions focused on the problems of feeding and nutrition, sleep, emotional-behavioral and cognitive difficulties of children with sensory processing difficulties. Conclusion: Based on the review of previous literature, we can conclude that interventions based on the sensory approach have positive effects on different domains of functioning of typically developed children and children with autism spectrum disorder. We can also conclude that not all interventions are equally effective or have positive effects on different domains of life