105 research outputs found

    Das Internet als eine zusätzliche Alternative für die Textarbeit

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    Due to the cultural and technological improvement in daily life, technological terms such as New Media Instruments gain more popularity among the foreign language didactics. In the media society the medium of instruction book is pushed for a function change. Pupils or students are continuously confronted outside of class with a variety of different media. Today we can clearly speak of new teaching and learning tools. The reciprocal effect of language policy and educational factors that shape the relationship between language and text books, lead in the case of German in a non-defined language policy. This constellation is also reflected in the design of textbooks. When you consider that textbooks are intimately linked with the education targets of a country and the practical learner expectations, then this seems today perhaps in a premature stage. On the one hand, the knowledge about the operation of related equipment and their applications, or the ability to be able to bring into use, are necessary and on the other hand, the technical competence of German as a foreign language is highly required. The attempt would enter with little skill in a personal and comprehensive online project fail for many Germanists even from the technical point of view and with some certainty. This begs the question: Is in fact the digital environment inevitable

    Students’ Aptitude to Edutainment

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    AbstractToday, education institutions continue to invest to partly mythologized technologies. More recent shifts in technology supported course offerings undoubtedly pushes the need of teachers who are armed with pedagogical components necessary to provide a technology supported quality course. Such shifts are also telling prospective German as a foreign language teacher about the role of the future education in contemporary Turkey.Engagement and motivation has been a challenge when working with students learning a second or foreign language. There is no doubt about the benefits of using edutainment methods with foreign language learners. But how high is the qualification of the German as foreign language students in this regard? Observations, surveys and projects for exams of Students who visited the Computer-Assisted German Training I-II courses provided relevant data to determine the findings for this study.In providing a comprehensive overview of the educational use of technology by the students for vocabulary teaching, this paper contributes and highlights key tensions emerging from the current research that should be considered by practitioners and researchers alike


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    Vocabulary is a fundamental component of language usage, and study into its interactions with other aspects of language competence is an essential topic of language teaching. There are strong relationships between vocabulary and language competency measurements. Learners with larger vocabularies are better at a variety of language abilities than those with lower vocabularies. As a result, it may be stated that vocabulary knowledge is inextricably tied to total language proficiency. This suggests that the quantity of words we know has an impact on how much text we can comprehend. The more often a word is used, the more polysemy and irregular morphology it is likely to have. One of a word's quantifiable qualities is how extensively it is used. Based on this measurable attribute, the word's prevalence and frequency can be considered a guiding reference. Analyzing the frequency of recurrence of a specific word or phrase is the most basic sort of corpus analysis. Words frequently occur together, forming collocations, colligations, and other word combinations. Exploring such trends is another sort of corpus analysis that one may perform. This is also known as chunks, n-grams, or lexical bundles. In particular, when selecting which word should be prioritized for language learners. If this model is adopted, foreign language students will be taught essentially the most often used words. The development and application of measurement like an analysis tool can assist developers or researchers in the dilemma of preferences arising from the inevitable use of a word corpus. For teaching after the stage of creating a corpus and shaping the language textbook's content with the marked and dense frequency words from a corpus are discussed in this study, and a tool which is created by the author is presented to and for the scientific community.  Kelime bilgisi, dil kullanımının temel bir bileşenidir ve dil yeterliliğinin diğer yönleriyle etkileşimlerinin incelenmesi, dil öğretiminin temel bir konusudur. Kelime bilgisi ve dil yeterliliği ölçümleri arasında güçlü ilişkiler vardır. Daha geniş kelime dağarcığına sahip öğrenciler, çeşitli dil becerilerinde daha düşük kelime dağarcığına sahip olanlardan daha iyidir. Sonuç olarak, kelime bilgisinin ayrılmaz bir şekilde toplam dil yeterliliğine bağlı olduğu söylenebilir. Bu, bildiğimiz kelimelerin miktarının, ne kadar metni anlayabileceğimiz üzerinde bir etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bir kelime ne kadar sık ​​kullanılırsa, o kadar çok anlamlılık ve düzensiz morfolojiye sahip olması muhtemeldir. Bir kelimenin ölçülebilir niteliklerinden biri, ne kadar kapsamlı kullanıldığıdır. Bu ölçülebilir özelliğe dayanarak, kelimenin yaygınlığı ve sıklığı yol gösterici bir referans olarak kabul edilebilir. Belirli bir kelimenin veya ifadenin tekrarlanma sıklığını analiz etmek, en temel türde korpus analizidir. Kelimeler sıklıkla birlikte bulunur, eşdizimler, birliktelikler ve diğer kelime kombinasyonları oluşturur. Bu tür eğilimleri keşfetmek, kişinin yapabileceği başka bir tür korpus analizidir. Bu aynı zamanda parçalar, n-gramlar veya sözcük demetleri olarak da bilinir. Özellikle, dil öğrenenler için hangi kelimeye öncelik verilmesi gerektiğini seçerken. Bu model benimsenirse, yabancı dil öğrencilerine esasen en sık kullanılan kelimeler öğretilecektir. Ölçümün bir analiz aracı gibi geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması, bir kelime bütünlüğünün kaçınılmaz kullanımından kaynaklanan tercihler ikileminde geliştiricilere veya araştırmacılara yardımcı olabilir. Derlem oluşturma ve dil ders kitabının içeriğini bir bütünceden belirgin ve yoğun sıklıktaki kelimelerle şekillendirme aşamasından sonra öğretim için bu çalışmada ele alınmış ve yazarın oluşturduğu bir araç bilim camiasına ve bilim camiasına sunulmuştur

    Free Flap Reconstruction of the Head and Neck Region: A Series of 127 Flaps Performed by Otolaryngologists

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    Objective:To determine flap success rate and complications in patients who underwent microvascular free tissue reconstruction after major head and neck ablative surgery and to report the improvement in the results.Methods:Medical records of 124 patients who were operated on in 2012 to 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Indications for different free flap types, success rates and re-exploration rates, donor site morbidities, and reasons for flap loss were analyzed. Patients were divided into two groups to identify the effects of the anticoagulant and the antiaggregant treatments on postoperative results.Results:There were 127 flaps in 124 patients, including two different free flaps each in three patients that were harvested and used in the same surgical session. Of the total 127 flaps, 82 (64.6%) were radial forearm flaps, 39 (30.7%) were fibula flaps, and 6 (4.7) were rectus abdominis flaps. Four patients were re-explored for flap perfusion problems, and 18 patients were re-explored for hematoma drainage (n=22/124, %17.3). The rate of hematoma and re-exploration was higher in patients who received anticoagulant and antiaggregant treatments synchronously (p=0.02). Three flaps were lost, and the overall success rate was 97.6%. Two patients died from perioperative complications. No major complications were observed at the donor site; minor complications were observed in 30 patients.Conclusion:The success rate for the 127 flaps in 124 patients were found comparable to those reported in the literature. These results show that successful outcomes can be achieved with experience and a head and neck team dedicated to improving the results in microsurgical reconstruction, and flap failure rarely occurs if perioperative care of the patients is given meticulously

    Intraosseous Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Jaw: Report of Three Cases

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    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is the most common malignant tumor of the salivary glands and is seen most commonly in the parotid gland. Intraosseous MECs can be rarely seen and is mostly detected in the posterior part of the mandible. This condition can be acknowledged as an entity different from salivary gland MECs. In this case series, we delineated three patients of intraosseous MEC, two mandible tumors and one maxillary tumor and discussed the diagnostic characteristics and treatment methods of this rare entity

    Word frequency and vocabulary for the language demands of textbooks

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    The value of high-frequency terms in foreign language education has been examined and emphasized from several perspectives. This article deals with the qualitative and quantitative frequency data analysis from chronological selected 30 German foreign language (GFL) textbooks. The study examines and compares the core vocabulary included in the course books to the first 2,384 entries of the German Reference Wordlist (DeReWo) frequency list. In addition, the reference book "Profiles Deutsch" is used, which includes a corpus selection based on the different levels of the "CEFR" terms from A1 to B1.  The analysis results demonstrated the coverage of the core vocabulary in the examined textbooks with the 2,384 most frequently used lexemes and the frequency development over the three individual levels (CEFR levels Al-Bl). The qualitative outcome of the present study has underlined a discrepancy between vocabulary frequency and practical relevance. The quantitative analysis results demonstrated that the core vocabularies of the five textbooks were significantly different in comparison with the majority of the lexemes being listed in DeReWo with minor overlapping

    Her Yönüyle Larengoloji

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