52 research outputs found

    Antibacterial activity of bryophyte species against Paenibacillus larvae isolates

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    This study was performed to determine the antibacterial activity of methanol extracts of 23 bryophyte species against Paenibacillus larvae isolates that cause American foulbrood diseases in honeybee larvae. The honey and larva samples were collected from nine different locations of Rize in Turkey. A total of 22 gram-positive spore-forming bacteria were isolated from the larva and honey samples. According to the results of morphological, biochemical, and molecular (16S rRNA gene sequencing) tests, 10 isolates of the 22 gram-positive spore-forming bacteria were identified as P. larvae. A total of 10 bryophyte species (Polytrichum formasum,Polytrichum commune, Calliergonella cuspitada, Calliergonella lindbergi, Metzgeria conjugata, Isothecium alopecuroides, Syntrichia calcicola, Syntrichia intermedia, Tortella densa,and Grimmia alpestris) among 23 bryophytes showed good antimicrobial activity against P. larvae isolates according the results of agar-well diffusion method and minimal inhibition concentration experiments

    Characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility of spore-forming bacilli isolated from honeycomb

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    Çalışmada, Amerikan Yavru Çürüklüğü hastalığı şüpheli peteklerde, etken mikroorganizmaların (Paenibacillus larvae) izolasyonu, geleneksel ve moleküler yöntemlerle tanımlanması, antibiyotik direnci ve bitki ekstraktlarına olan duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi planlanmıştır. Mikroorganizmaların üretimi için Mueller–Hinton, maya ekstresi, potasyum fosfat, glukoz ve sodyum piruvat besiyerleri (MYPGP) kullanıldı. Alınan 9 örnekten toplam 21 adet Gram pozitif basil izole edildi. İzolatların tanısı için bir dizi fiziksel ve biyokimyasal testler yapıldı. Geleneksel yöntemde yapılan tanıyı doğrulamak için 16S rRNA ITS gen bölgesi sekans analizi metodu kullanılarak moleküler tanı yapıldı ve soy ağacı oluşturuldu. İzolatların 9'u Paenibacillus larvae, 7'si Paenibacillus sp. ve 3'ü Bacillus sp. olarak tanımlandı. Geleneksel tanımlamada iki suş (PB2a ve PB3.2b2) Bacillus sp. olarak tanımlanırken, moleküler yöntemle Paenibacillus sp. olarak doğrulandı. Üç suşta (PB1b, PB3.3a1 ve PB3.3b) ise cins düzeyinde tanımlama farklı bulundu. Bu şekilde, geleneksel yöntemle de büyük oranda tanımlanabileceği belirlendi. Dokuz örnekten 4'ünde AFB etkeni olan Paenibacillus larvae tespit edilmiştir. Suşların antibiyotik direncine bakıldığında iki suşun (PB5b ve PB3.2b2) test edilen tüm antibiyotiklere duyarlı olduğu, 3 suş hariç (PB5b, PB2a, PB3.2b2) tümünde çoklu antibiyotik direncin taşıdığı gözlendi. Paenibacillus larvae suşlarının (9 adet) 6'sında gentamisine, 5'i orta 2'si dirençli olmak üzere amikasine ve 1 suşta trimetoprim/ sulfametoksazol'a karşı orta dirençli olduğu tespit edildi. Toplam 31 farklı bitkiye (8'i çiçekli, 23'ü kara yosunu) ait sulu ve metanol ekstraktları suşlara karşı test edildi. Sulu ekstraktansa metanol ekstraktların daha etkili olduğu belirlendi. En etkili ekstraktın Thymus cilicicus, T. spicata ve Clinopodium umbrosum'a ait oldukları gözlendi. Aims of this study are isolation of effective microorganism, identification with conventional and molecular methods, antibiotic resistance, determination of sensitivity of the microorganism to the plant extracts in AFB disease suspected honeycomb. Muller Hinton, Yeast Exstract, potassium phosphate, glucose and sodium pyruvate medium (MYPG) was used for the production of microorganisms. Received from the 9 sample total of 21 gram-positive bacilli were isolated. For identification of isolates some physical and biochemical properties were tested. To confirm the diagnosis made in the traditional method, 16S rRNA ITS gene sequence analysis was performed using molecular diagnostic methods and family tree was created. The isolates 9 P.larvae, 7 Paenibacillus sp. and 3 Bacillus sp. were identified. Two strains (Pb2a, Pb3.2b2) were identified as Bacillus sp. with traditional identification, but they were identified as Paenibacillus sp. with molecular methods. Three strains (PB1b, PB3.3a1 and PB3.3b) were different in the genus level identification. Largely similarity between the molecular diagnosis and conventional diagnosis was observed. 4 of the 9 samples which AFB factors P.larvae have been identified. When we look at antibiotic resistance for two strains (PB5b and PB3.2b2) as sensitive to all antibiotics tested, it was observed that in all but three strains (PB5b, PB2a, PB3.2b2) carriying the multiple antibiotics resistance. Six of Paenibacillus larvae strains resistance to gentamicin, 5 strains modarate, 2 strains resistance to amikacin and one strain moderately resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole were found.31 different aqueous and methanol extracts of plants (8 phanerogam, 23 moss) were tested against strains. Methanol extracts was determined to be more effective than the aqueous extracts. Thymus cilicicus, T. spicata ve Clinopodium umbrosum extracts was determined to be the most effective

    2. Sınıf Türkçe Ders Kitabındaki Metinlerin Okunabilirlik Açısından İncelenmesi

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    Ülkemiz, uluslararası platformda okuma becerilerini, okuryazarlığı ve alan becerilerini ölçmeyi hedefleyen PISA, PIRLS (2001) ve TIMSS sınavlarında ortalamanın altında kalmaktadır. Bu durum okuma becerisine sahip olmayan bireyler yetiştirilmesi ile doğru orantılıdır. Okuma okunabilirlik, anlaşılabilirlik ve okunaklık kavramlarını içinde bulunduran bir süreçtir. Okumanın önemli bir ayağı olan okunabilirlikle ilgili çalışmaların geçmişinin çok eskiye dayanmadığı bilinmekle birlikte, eksikliği tartışılmaz bir gerçektir. Türkçenin yapısına uygun hâle getirilmeye çalışılan okunabilirlik formülleri ile çalışmalar yapılsa da istenilen sonuca tam olarak ulaşıldığını söylemek güçtür. Bu çalışma, 2. sınıf Türkçe ders kitabındaki metinlerin okunabilirlik düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılında okutulan Doku Yayınları’na ait 2. Sınıf Türkçe ders kitabındaki öyküleyici ve bilgilendirici metinlerin okunabilirlik düzeyleri ölçülmüş, şiirler kapsam dışında bırakılmıştır. Metinlerin analizinde Ateşman (1997)’ın Türkçeye uyarladığı okunabilirlik formülü kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre, öyküleyici metinlerin okunabilirlik puanlarının bilgilendirici metinlerin okunabilirlik puanlarına göre daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    An explanatory research to determine the success factors of the Halkbank-Pamukbank merger

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    It is not quite possible to claim that the factors behind the success or failure of mergers or takeovers have been subject to sufficient analysis in Turkey although such endeavors have been gaining an observable impetus. To rectify this absence in the literature, the marriage between Halkbank and Pamukbank has been investigated with an inquisitive approach and a theoretical frame is proposed to constitute a basis for ensuing studies. Semi-structured interviews arranged with 4 top-level executives and findings were analyzed in accordance with the grounded theory developed by Glasner and Strauss (1967). As a result of evaluation conducted within this framework, a set of factors, sometimes contradicting each other, such as staff focusing, top-executive leadership, quick decision making, project organization, function based structure, authority transfer, detailed planning, centralized control, and massive communication,, with each other are observed to be influential in the outcomes of mergers

    Investigation of the National Newborn Hearing Screening Program Based on Family and Health Workers’ Opinions: A Case Study

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    This qualitative study aims to investigate the process in the newborn hearing screening program of a referral hospital. The health workers and parents of children who were diagnosed with a hearing loss were interviewed to gather the data. The participants of the study were four audiometrist, an audiologist, an ear nose throat surgeon and seven families. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with participants, observations of reference hospital, documents, artifacts and the researcher’s journal. The data were analyzed and interpreted inductively. The results of the study indicated that the quantity of the reference and early intervention centers need to be increased by the state. The families were expressed their need for economic and psychological support. An efficient feedback system was suggested to decrease the loss to follow up by the health workers. The need for improved co-operation between the health workers and educators was also stressed

    Investigation of the National Newborn Hearing Screening Program Based on Family and Health Workers’ Opinions: A Case Study

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    This qualitative study aims to investigate the process in the newborn hearing screening program of a referral hospital. The health workers and parents of children who were diagnosed with a hearing loss were interviewed to gather the data. The participants of the study were four audiometrist, an audiologist, an ear nose throat surgeon and seven families. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with participants, observations of reference hospital, documents, artifacts and the researcher’s journal. The data were analyzed and interpreted inductively. The results of the study indicated that the quantity of the reference and early intervention centers need to be increased by the state. The families were expressed their need for economic and psychological support. An efficient feedback system was suggested to decrease the loss to follow up by the health workers. The need for improved co-operation between the health workers and educators was also stressed

    Polymorphous light eruption: Early starting and a rare clinical appearance

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    Polimorf ışık erüpsiyonu yaygın görülen idiyopatik fotoduyarlı bir dermatozdur. Ultraviyole radyasyon maruziyeti sonrası, ışığa maruz kalan deride, ataklar şeklinde gelişen skar yapmayan kaşıntılı papüller, veziküller ve plaklar ile tanımlanır. Bu çalışmada, atakları 3 yaşında başlayan ve eritema multiforme benzeri döküntüleri olan bir vaka paylaşılmıştır. Bu olgu, atakların çok erken yaşta başlaması ve nadir klinik prezentasyonu nedeniyle sunulmaya değer bulunmuştur.Polymorphous light eruption is a common, idiopathic photosensitivity dermatosis. It is characterized with non-scarring pruritic erythematous papules, vesicles or plaques that occur after ultraviolet exposure on light-exposed skin areas. In this study, we introduce a case with erythema multiforme-like rash whose symptoms has started in 3 years old. This case found worthy to be presented owing to the onset of the attacks at a very early age and rarity