177 research outputs found

    An analysis of higher education systems of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in Poland and China

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    Nowadays, changing trends in terms of interest in language learning are easy to witness. In Poland, more and more higher education institutions, not only public, but also private, are introducing various types of majors concerning oriental languages, such as Chinese translation programs. The aim of this paper is to compare the Chinese learning process in China at the Shanghai Normal University and in Poland at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The article introduces a comparative outline of both types of learning processes, based on the author’s four-year experience in teaching and studying in both of the countries in question. Furthermore, the paper examines and compares the results of teaching Chinese both at the University of Silesia in Katowice and at the Shanghai Normal University. In the end, the author provides suggestions on how to improve the Chinese learning system in non-Chinesespeaking countries

    Psycholinguistic aspects of acquisition of Chinese character by beginner students

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie psycholingwistycznych aspektów przyswajaniaznaków chińskich oraz problemów, jakie napotykają początkujący uczniowie. W pierwszejczęści artykułu, autorka przedstawiła specyfikę pisowni chińskiej, porównując ją z pisowniąjęzyków indoeuropejskich, aby w pełni zrozumieć kolejne części artykułu. Na potrzeby artykułuprzeprowadzone zostało roczne badanie uczniów w trzech kategoriach wiekowych (10−15 lat,16−25 lat, 26 i więcej lat), które zostało przeanalizowane przede wszystkim pod kątem aspektówpsycholingwistycznych. Autorka zwróciła szczególną uwagę na początkową motywacjęuczniów oraz jej zmiany wraz z wzrastającym tempem nauki. Ponadto został przeanalizowanyproces uczenia się znaków chińskich, w którym wyszczególnione zostały trzy etapy nauki naprzestrzeni jednego roku oraz jego skutki wpływające na prędkość oraz ilość zapamiętywanychznaków

    Youth and experience of living faith : the essential aspects of the path to Christian maturity

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    Is there any other Christianity than the authentic one? Is there another faith than the living one? Or is it rather that you have a choice to either be authentic in your Christian faith, or not being a Christian at all? This question seems very compelling for at first glance we can notice alarming, increasing regress of the interest in Christianity among European youth — especially in Western Europe. How to restore Christianity to its brilliance for the modern youth? What is the secret of authentic Christianity and how to bring young people to experience it so that the religion is not associated by them with something archaic and long outdated? The foregoing questions especially are answered by this article

    Teoria Absolutu w koncepcjach recentywizmu i filozofii Wschodu

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    The aim of the paper is to make a comparison between two concepts of the Absolute: the one presented in recentivism and the one typical of Eastern philosophy. In the framework of the former the Absolute is conceived of as the Transcendental Recens (The Eternal Present), while in the latter as the most fundamental element, which also exists “now”, but also in us (tat twam asi) and still wanders. In both recentivism and Eastern philosophy the Absolute is present in the universe just as the author in his work; is – silent, but every expression is derived from Him. In both conceptions the Absolute is freed from the burden of the word, as it is given in the concentration of silence, in a metaphysical miracle of the way towards mystery. A fear of what is covered by the mist of the distant premonition is a fear of the experience of the other side of the Absolute

    Dwie etyki prostomyślności : praktyczna "a recentiori" i egzystencjalna "a satori"

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    The aim of the paper is to discuss two kinds of simple-minded ethics taken as intention of justified understanding of the world. This intention, which is not rooted even in science, is intuitively unfailing. Both kinds of ethics include specific keywords: a recentiori (derived from “now”) expresses the opinion according to which everything we recognize is recognized for the first time, whereas a satori (Sanskrit — “from awakening”) refers to mystical transformation of personality. The comparison between them is made on the ground provided by recentivism according to which description of certain phenomenon may be taken as justified in a real-time only. In both cases the migrating element (recens), which is aimed at self-perfection and nirvana, stands out. At the same time it is a common element for both kind of ethics

    Rozwój i zastosowanie teorii psychologicznych we współczesnym doradztwie karier w kontekście integracji transkulturowej

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    Obecnie mamy do czynienia z istotnymi zmianami strukturalnymi na rynku pracy, obejmującymi takie zjawiska, jak: globalizacja, zmiany strukturalne istoty pracy, zastępowanie kwalifikacji przez kompetencje, rozwój karier „bez granic”. Zmiany te prowadzą w mniej znanych kierunkach zarówno ekonomi­kę rynków pracy, jak i samą pracę. W ostatnich latach tradycyjne kierunki działań w poradnictwie zawodowym zostały zastąpione przez nowe trendy w pomaganiu ludziom w sprawach zawodowych, rozwojowych i życiowych, które najbardziej syntetycznie oddaje koncepcja doradztwa karier (Bańka, 2003a; Herr i Crame , 1996[...

    Josepha Marechala badania nad psychologią doświadczenia mistycznego a problem empirycznego determinizmu

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    The paper deals with the issue of the studies on mystical experience led in first half of 20th century by Joseph Maréchal, Belgian philosopher and the creator of transcendental Thomism. His most important work in this area is Studies in psychology of mystics (Études sur la Psychologie des Mystiques), first volume of which was published in 1924. Maréchal’s research, apart from the attempt made to specify the nature of mystical experience on the basis of the concept of the dynamic purpose of intellect and on the problem of so-called sense of presence, concerned also some methodological issues. Making use of his background in biology and psychology, Maréchal focused on the question of the possibility of applying the methods of empirical sciences in psychology of mystical experience. This was first of all aimed at application of those methods to analysing both special phenomenon related to mystical experience and its essential hidden depth. This paper aims at showing how Maréchal, using the tools of philosophers, evaluates the possibility of using scientific methods to study phenomenological and criticises some deterministic presuppositions underlying those methods

    Désiré Mercier (1851-1926) : wokół kantyzmu i apologii wiary

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    The figure of Désiré Mercier (1851—1926) — Belgian philosopher, theologian, cardinal and later the Primate of Belgium, the founding father of the neo-scholastical Leuven School and a great restorer of Thomism — has long inscribed itself into the history of contemporary philosophy. He is remembered in particular among those representatives of classical philosophy who saw in the rebirth of scholasticism, which occurred at the turn of the 20th century, a chance to establish modern, realistically-oriented philosophy that could withstand the challenges of contemporary idealism in its varied versions — particularly those connected with broadly-understood legacy of Kant’s philosophy. What, then, are the philosophical foundations of Mercier’s polemic with Kant? What alternative does Mercier propose for the subjective, in his view, concept of synthetic a priori judgments? The present monograph constitutes an attempt at answering these questions, among others. The first chapter contains a synthetic reconstruction of the main theses of Mercier’s criteriology, while the second chapter discusses the fundamental lines of Mercier’s disagreement with Kant’s ideas. Chapter three comprises a polemic analysis of the issue of the apologetic engagement of neo-scholasticism, with particular attention being paid to the stance espoused by Mercier as well as the Polish alumni of the Higher Institute of Philosophy in Leuven. As such, the present work constitutes a complementary look at the issues discussed in Désiré Mercier’s General Theory of Certitude, published by the University of Silesia Press in 2008. The monograph is addressed to those who, on the one hand would like to familiarize themselves with a synthetic and systematized approach to Mercier’s theory of certitude as well as the main axis of his disagreement with Kantianism, and on the other hand — receive an in-depth study of the apology of faith in neo-scholasticism

    Antropologiczno-egzystencjalne podstawy Josepha Marechala studiów nad mistyką

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    The paper aims at revealing theoretical basis of studies in mysticism conducted by Belgian Jesuit Joseph Maréchal. It is focused on the key issue of unification of man and God. This problem has its precisely defined, anthropological and existential context which in Maréchal’s work comes down to the question on the nature of the substantial centre of the soul in which this unification shall take place. The paper argues that in Maréchal’s analysis the centre of the soul, or substantial ego, equates with the possible intellect and in some cases it might be taken as not only the ontic basis for acts of cognition, but also for mystical phenomena

    Sprzeczność i czas w systemie recentywizmu

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    The paper draws upon so-called disscusive logic which does not refute the principle of contradiction directly, but accepts contradicting statements of different parties of the discourse or of the same subject but in different time. On the ground of recentivism every statement contrary to the system is sifted through the axiology of the system in a recentiori mode. That is, it is rejected by the system just as it falls into contradiction in the moment of being expressed (sermo). In short: the moment of expression eliminates contradiction in the content, for according to recentivist epistemology the description of an event is not true or false in general, but in the present time only and it changes its truthfulness with the time