28 research outputs found

    Effects of different ırrigation levels on european corn borer (ostrinia nubilalis (hübner)) populations

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    In In this study, the effects of different irrigation treatments (I100, I50, I30) on the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis hübner) populations in different corn genotypes (Ada-9510, Samada-07, Ada-523, Kompozit Arifiye) were investigated. As the average, the highest yield (1582.33 kg da-1), low number of live larva + pupa per plant (2.70), tunnel length (7.73 cm) were observed in I100 x ADA-523 interaction while the lowest yield (896.00 kg da-1) was observed in I30 x Kompozit Arifiye interaction. The largest European corn borer population was observed in full irrigation (I100) and the lowest population was observed in excessive water deficit (I30) treatment. The European corn borer preferred the Kompozit Arifiye genotype. It was concluded that the genotypes should be tested under water-stressed and non-water-stressed conditions for resistance to the European corn borer and live larva and tunnel length could be used as a screening parameter

    Ergene Nehri Hayat Buluyor

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    Bu makale Trakya Bölgesinin can damarını oluşturan ve özellikle son yıllarda kirlilik boyutunun en üst düzeye ulaştığı Ergene Nehrinde yapılan rehabilitasyon çalışmalarına dikkat çekmek üzere ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada Ergene Eylem Planı kapsamında Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı öncülüğünde gerçekleştirilen ıslah çalışmalarının artarak devam ettiği ve bölgenin kalkınmasına bu tür çalışmaların son derece katkılar sağlayacağı perspektifine dayandırılarak konuyla ilgilenen tüm araştırmacıların bakış açısına katkılar sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür. Ergene Nehrinin özellikle sanayi tesislerinin atık suları ile kirletilmesi ve buna paralel olarak toprak ve su kaynakları ile birlikte nüfus ve yaşam tarzına olumsuz etkiler doğurduğu ortadadır. Ancak ilgili Bakanlığın öncülüğünde yürütülen ve bölgeyi ayağa kaldıracak bu tür çalışmanın bölgesel anlamda Trakya'ya son derece katkılara sağlayacağı aşikârdır. Özellikle Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı bölgede su kirliliğinin takibi ve sürekli izlenebilir halde tutulması konusunda ciddi adımlar atmıştır. Bu anlamda bölgede 2007-2010 yılları arasında gerçekleşen su parametreleri izleme kapsamında bazı kirlilik parametrelerinden üçte iki oranında iyileşme sağlanmıştır. Bu anlamda ileri atıksu arıtma tesisleri kurulmuş ve bir kısmının da inşaları halen devam etmektedir. Bölge için rehabilite çalışmaları hız kesmeden devam etmekte ve iki yıl içerisinde Ergene Nehrinin de yürütülen çevre kirliliği sorunlarının minimum düzeye indirgeneceği ve bu konuda somut çıktılar alınacağı Kurumlar bazında yürütülen çalışmaların neticesinde ortaya konulacaktır

    Evaluation of ph changes in trout farms: a case study of niğde region, Turkey

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    In this study, it was aimed to periodically examine the pH changes in the water resources used for fish farming in some trout facilities operating in the Niğde region. For this purpose, the pH values of the water samples taken from the stations (pool entrance and exit) determined in the trout farms in the Niğde region were investigated. In this context, four (A, B, C, D) trout farms were determined and water samples were taken periodically (Spring period; April, Summer period; July, Autumn period, October and Winter period; January). The pH values in the water samples taken were interpreted within the scope of the "Water Pollution Control Regulation" standards. According to the results, the average pH values were determined as 7.25, 7.26, 7.19 and 7.18, in the A, B, C and D trout farms, respectively. In general, the pH values of the pool’s entrances were lower than the pH values of the pool’s exits. According to the ‘’Water Pollution Control Regulation’’ and the classes of inland water resources, it has been seen that the water resources are suitable for fish farming in terms of pH value in the examined stations

    Trend Analysis of Precipitation Datas Observed for Many Years (1970-2019) in Niğde Center and Ulukisla District of Turkey

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    This research situated in Turkey's Anatolia region, Nigde center and Ulukışla district were conducted. Long annual precipitation data were subjected to statistical analysis on a monthly basis. Within the scope of the research, 50 years and 600 months long total monthly precipitation and maximum monthly precipitation values between 1970-2019 were examined. Spearman Rho test, Mann-Kendall Correlation test and Sen's slope methods were used in trend analysis. According to the total precipitation values; The highest total precipitation was observed in 2009 as 460,8 mm. The lowest total precipitation was calculated as 192,9 mm in 1973. Total rainfall average was calculated as 120,5 mm in spring and 98,4 mm in winter. The total rainfall average in the summer months was determined as 38,2 mm. In general, the average total precipitation for many years in the center of Niğde was found to be 325,9 mm. The highest total precipitation in Ulukışla district was determined as 428,2 mm in 1997. The lowest total precipitation for many years was 182,1 mm in 1989. The average total precipitation for long years was determined to be 318,5 mm. Total rainfall average was determined as 132,8 mm in spring and 80,7 mm in winter. Total rainfall average in the summer months was calculated as 42,4 mm. According to the trend analysis results; It is concluded that there is no significant trend in total precipitation values for many years in the center of Niğde and Ulukışla district. The maximum annual precipitation in the center of Niğde is calculated as 10,5 mm and in the Ulukışla district as 10,3 mm. The average maximum precipitation in spring was found to be 13,2 mm in the center of Niğde and 14 mm in the town of Ulukışla. The highest maximum precipitation was observed in 1978 in Niğde city center as 27 mm in winter. The highest maximum precipitation in Ulukışla district was found as 33,8 mm in 2003. According to the long annual maximum precipitation values; It has been determined that there is an increasing trend in Niğde center in the general average of winter, summer and all months. It is observed that there is an increasing trend in the Ulukışla district in the winter months and in general average

    The analysis of soil temperatures in different depths using spearman’s rho and mann-kendall correlation tests: the case study of Nigde center in Turkey

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    This research was conducted to determine soil temperatures in different soil depths in located Turkey’s Anatolia Region in Center of Nigde Province. In the study, the maximum, minimum and average soil temperature values of 10 cm, 50 cm and 100 cm depths observed between 1970-2019 were examined. All soil temperature data were evaluated monthly within the scope of the study. In the study, Mann-Kendall, Sperman's Rho correlation test and Sen's slope method were used. According to the research result; The average of maximum soil temperatures in 10 cm depth was calculated as 6,8 0C in winter months and 20,7 0C in spring months. The average minimum soil temperature was calculated as 0,3 0C in winter and 5,0 0C in spring Months in long periods Generally, it was observed that there was an increasingly significant trend at maximum temperatures of 10 cm depth. According to the Mann-Kendal facility, a significant increase trend was observed in minimum soil temperatures in spring, winter and Summer months except for the months of autumn. Considering the average maximum temperature values in 50 cm; It was calculated as 6,6 °C in winter and 13,6 °C in spring months. The minimum soil temperature average was calculated as 3,5 0C in winter and 8,3 0C in spring months in long period (50 year, 600 months). In general, it was observed that there was an increasingly significant trend at maximum temperatures of 50 cm soil depth. According to Mann-Kendall and Sperman Rho test, a significant increase trend was observed in minimum soil temperatures in all seasons except for autumn months. According to the average maximum temperature values in 100 cm depth; It was calculated as 9,2 0C in winter and 11,5 0C in spring. The minimum soil temperature average was calculated as 7,1 0C in winter and 8.7 0C in spring months. It has been observed that there is a significant increase trend in the increasing of maximum and minimum soil temperatures of 100 cm soil depth

    Temperature changes of Niğde province in Turkey: Trend analysis of 50 years data

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    This research was carried out in center of Niğde province and Ulukışla district in Turkey. In the study, monthly minimum, maximum and average temperature data between 1970-2019 were evaluated. In the research, Sperman’s Rho and Mann-Kendall correlation tests and Sen’s slope method were applied to temperature data. According to the results of the research, it has been observed that the average minimum temperature for many years was -1,2 °C in center of Niğde province and -2,9 °C in Ulukışla district. Average temperature values were found as 12,8 °C in Center of Niğde and 9,8 °C in Ulukışla district. The average of maximum temperature was found to be 24,5 °C in Niğde Center and 23,1 °C in Ulukışla district. A significant increase was observed in the spring, summer and autumn seasons in center of Niğde and Ulukışla district at minimum temperature values. When the average temperature trends was analyzed, it was determined that there was a significant increase in center of Niğde for every season. A significant increase in summer, autumn and winter seasons was observed in Ulukışla district. It had been determined that there was a significant increase in the maximum temperatures in each district in every season

    Spatial evaluation of land and soil properties in the example of Nevşehir province, Turkey

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    In this study, some land and soil properties were spatially evaluated with the help of 1/25.000 scaled digital soil maps belonging to Center of province in the Central Anatolia Region, Turkey. Land use capability, large soil groups, soil depths, erosion, slope and spatial distributions of current land uses were carried out in the research. Arc GIS 10.3.1 software, which is one of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, was used for spatial analysis. With a maximum of 262518 in the study area, VI. class lands. Class I cover an area of ​​247 . In terms of large soil groups, and soils are dominant and the area covered by these soils is 450187 . The least area was found to be reddish brown soils with 124 . It has been determined that the least area in the depth classes is A class (greater than 150 cm) soils. In the study area, it is the soil with the maximum C class (50-90 cm) depth. When the land was examined in terms of slope, it was determined that the land with the highest 3rd degree slope (12-20%) was formed. The research area consists of soil structure that can be exposed to the 2nd degree erosion class at most. When the current land uses are examined, it is the garden area with the least usage area in the region and the area it covers is 3400 . It has been observed that the most dry farming areas are located in the study area. It is thought that the results obtained as a result of the study will be the basis for the agricultural studies to be carried out in Center of province

    Soil Temperature changes (1970-2019) in ulukışla district in turkey by trend analysis methods

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    This research was carried out in the context of evaluating the temperatures at different soil depths observed as monthly between 1970-2019 in Ulukışla district of Nigde province in Turkey. In the study, maximum, minimum and average soil temperatures at soil depths of 10, 50 and 100 cm were investigated. Sperman’s Rho, Mann-Kendall and Sen's slope method tests on soil temperature data were applied. According to trend analysis results; The general average of maximum soil temperatures of 10 cm depth was 22.0°C, minimum soil temperature values were 6.9 °C and average soil temperatures were calculated as 14,0 °C. The general average of the maximum soil temperature values in 50 cm soil depth was calculated as 16.1 °C, minimum soil temperature values were observed as 11.5 °C. The general mean of average soil temperatures were determined as 13,8 °C. The general average of the maximum soil temperature in 100 cm soil depth was determined as 15.4 °C, minimum soil temperature values were calculated as 12.6 °C, average soil temperature values were observed as 14.0 °C. According to the changes in soil temperatures in different soil depths; It was determined that there was an increasing trend in maximum, average and minimum soil temperature values in spring, winter, autumn and summer

    Evaluation of maximum and total open surface evaporation by using trend analysis method in Nigde province of Turkey

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    This study was carried out Center of Nigde Province in Turkey. Trend analysis was performed on monthly total and maximum open surface evaporation data. In the study, a total of 42 years of data between 1978-2019 was used monthly. The data of the climate station in the center of Niğde province were used in the research. For many years, the maximum and total open surface evaporation data were applied to Mann-Kendall, Sperman’s Rho correlation tests and Sen's slope method. According to the research results; for many years, the total monthly open surface evaporation averages were 215,1 mm in June, 272,2 mm in July and 259,5 mm in August. For many years, the total evaporation in the summer months was recorded as 746,8 mm and the average evaporation as 248,9 mm. Maximum of the total open surface evaporation for many years in Niğde Center was calculated as 10,5 mm in June, 11,5 mm in July and 10,7 mm in August. The average of the total monthly open surface evaporation observed in the summer months is 10,9 mm. According to the trend analysis results made in Niğde Center, it has been observed that there is an increasingly significant trend in the monthly total and maximum open surface evaporation data for many years

    Occupational safety risk analysis of organized ındustrial enterprises in Nevsehir province of Turkey by fine-kinney method

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    This research has been carried out within the scope of the solutions proposed for the evaluation of occupational safety risk analysis in 10 selected enterprises by random sampling in Organized Industrial Zone of Nevşehir province, Turkey and elimination of risk factors towards the results obtained. In scope of the study, Fine – Kinney method were used as risk assessment methods in each of the food, metal processing, machining and plastic firms. At the end of the study, a total of 122 risk factors have been identified in the whole enterprises. Commonly risks arising from falling from heights, fire, exposure to chemicals, electrical components and ergonomic situation insufficiency have been identified. In addition, risks such as insufficient environmental hygiene, lack of ventilation, excessive noise, inadequate training for emergency situations and insufficient use of protective equipment were determined. The identified risks were put forward by different method approaches and it was concluded that the findings were similar in all methods. The regulations and principles to be applied in order to eliminate or minimize the identified risks were discussed and the dimensions of the preventive measures were exhibited. As a result, audits of organized industrial enterprises related to occupational health and safety need to be conducted more strictly. In addition, the measures should put into practice in order to define identified risks and the issue should be monitored by the experts