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    Differential diagnostic relevance of high resolution magnetic resonance in patients with possible multiple system atrophy (MSA) ā€“ a case report [Važnost uporabe magnetne rezonancije visoke rezolucije u dijagnostici moguće multiple sistemske atrofije - prikaz slučaja]

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    Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is sporadic, progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by autonomic dysfunction, Parkinsonism (MSA-P), and cerebellar ataxia (MSA-C) in any combination. Parkinsonism is present in the majority of patients (80%). Early in the course of the disease autonomic dysfunctions are present in approximately 40% of patients, while the domination of cerebellar symptoms is present in 20% of all patients1,2. According to second consensus statement on diagnosis of MSA, to make the diagnosis of possible MSA, except Parkinsonism or a cerebellar syndrome, there must be one feature involving autonomic dysfunction plus one other additional that can include findings on history, clinical examination or changes in structural or functional imaging3. We present a case of 60-year old male with Parkinsonism and cerebellar symptoms accompanied with signs of autonomic nervous system involvment. Level of autonomic dysfunction was not the level required for the diagnosis of probable MSA. On initially performed 1.5T MRI, the most prominent neurodegenerative feature of brain stem, cerebellum and basal ganglia was atrophy, however features like Ā»hot-cross bunĀ« sign, Ā»slit-likeĀ« putaminal rim and middle cerebellar peduncle hyperintensities were detected only after MR imaging on higher resolution (3T) device4. Our case points to the possibility that some typical structural changes that can help in diagnostic process may not be clearly visible on 1.5 T MRI devices. In such cases we suggest using 3T MRI device, if feasible, in order to demonstrate findings that may help in establishing the diagnosis of possible MSA


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    The purpose of this study was to identify if there is a natural tendency to deviate from a parallel-to-target line at impact, while learning the drive swing. During coaching, on a reduced-size driving range, the participants (n=10) only received augmented feedback related to knowledge of performance by combining Leadbetter Interactive and SmartSwing analysis software. To capture motion data, augmented coaching equipment included two video cameras and a SmartSwingā„¢ club (3D sampling at 1000 Hz). To overcome SmartSwingā€™s inability to export swing datasets directly into a spreadsheet file and to eliminate human error, the swing reports (s=328) were exported using independently developed software. Findings related to the natural tendency to slice, fade or pull can aid golf coaching activities, club-fitting and golf technology

    Krizno komuniciranje i odnosi s javnostima s posebnim osvrtom na preuzimanje tvrtke ā€žPlivaā€œ

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    U suvremenom svijetu, kojega karakterizira sve jača globalizacija i stalan napredak tehnologije i tržiÅ”nog gospodarstva, krize su postale uobičajeni dio svakodnevice. Ukoliko je nepripremljena, organizacija može vrlo teÅ”ko primiti nastanak krize i, kao posljedicu toga, borbu za vlastito preživljavanje. S druge strane, dobro pripremljena organizacija promatra krizu kao izazov koji može potaknuti analizu postojećih poslovnih rezultata i iznalaženje načina za njihovo poboljÅ”anje. Uprava Plive se 2006. suočila s mogućnoŔću da preuzimanja tvrtke. Za vrijeme nadmetanja konkurenata za kupnju Plive njezin je menadžment komunicirao s dionicima tvrtke nepravilno i netransparentno. Uz već postojeću poslovnu krizu nastala je i ona komunikacijska. Provedena analiza objava pet mrežnih izdanja hrvatskih novina pokazala je da su događaji povezani s preuzimanjem Plive percipirani negativno od strane javnosti, ponajviÅ”e radi upletenosti politike u proces kao i nedostatka informacija iz tvrtke. Plivina nepripremljenost za djelovanje u uvjetima krize dodatno je zakomplicirala situaciju

    Embryonic stem cells

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    Embrionalne matične stanice se od ostalih stanica u tijelu razlikuju po dvije osnovne karakteristike: sposobnost samoobnavljanja i pluripotentnost, sposobnost da se iz nedifreneciranog stanja razviju u bilo koji tip stanice u tijelu. Njihovo je podrijetlo, za razliku od odraslih matičnih stanica, vrlo dobro istraženo. One potječu iz unutarnje mase stanica razvojnog stadija embrija, blastociste. Upravo zbog toga Å”to se izoliraju iz predimplantacijskih embrija i Å”to takav postupak zahtjeva njihovo uniÅ”tavanje, izazivaju mnoÅ”tvo polemika oko njihovih istraživanja, s obzirom da embrio u bioloÅ”kim terminima ima status živog bića. Kao odgovor na ove probleme, predloženi su neki alternativni načini izolacije čije su tehnike joÅ” u razvoju. Do sada, većina istraživanja se provodi na miÅ”jim i humanim embrionalnim matičnim stanicama koje se međusobno razlikuju uglavnom po uvjetima koje zahtijevaju u kulturi in vitro za održavanje nediferenciranog stanja, te po nekim morfoloÅ”kim osobinama. Potencijalna primjena humanih ES stanica je u stvaranju populacija stanica , tkiva i organa za implantaciju koje bi revolucionizirale medicinu osiguravanjem neograničenog materijala za implantaciju potpuno kompatibilnog sa tkivom pacijenta. Također,stanice se mogu koristiti kao in vitro sustav, ne samo za proučavanje diferencijacije specifičnih staničnih tipova, već i za razmatranje učinka novih lijekova te identifikaciju gena kao potencijalnih terapeutskih meta. Međutim, joÅ” mnoge prepreke se moraju prijeći i mnoga pitanja odgovoriti prije nego bilo kakvi klinički tretmani mogu početi.Embryonic stem cells differ from the other cells in a body by two main characteristics: the ability of self-renewal and pluripotency, the ability to develope any type of the cell from an undiferentiated state. Their origin, as opposed to adult stem cells, is very well researched. They originate from the inner cell mass of the embryo stage of development- the blastocyst. Because of their isolation from preimplantation embryos, and its destruction that this procedure requires, their research causes plenty of controversy given that the embryo in biological terms has the status of a living being. In response to these concerns, there have been proposed some alternative ways of isolation techniques which are still in development. Until now, most of the research is conducted in mouse and human embryonic stem cells, which differ from each other mainly in terms required for in vitro maintenance of undifferentiated state, and in some morphological characteristics. Potential application of human ES cells is creating populations of cells, tissues and organs for implantation that will revolutionize medicine by providing unlimited material for implantation fully compatible with the patient's tissue. Also, the cells can be used as an in vitro system, not only for the study of differentiation of specific cell types, but also to consider the impact of new drugs and the identification of genes as a potential therapeutic targets. However, there are many obstacles to go over and have many questions to answer before any clinical treatments can begin
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