48 research outputs found

    Analysis and implementation of the impact of change: application to heterogeneity algorithms in enterprise architecture

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    Measurements play an important role in many scientific fields in general and intheanalysisofenterprisearchitectureinparticular.In software engineering, the measures are used to control the quality of the software product and better manage development projects to control the cost of production.In this article we proposed firstly models and measures to evaluate and analyze the complexity of the enterprise architecture and especially the heterogeneity of components and relationships, and secondely we developed a model to automatically detect the change of measures and their impact on enterprise architecture

    Cooperation and Interconnection of Enterprise Process Services

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    Doctoral Program of Computer Science Department of the Dresden University of Technology. Colloque sur invitation. internationale.International audienceAs far as business process automation development is considered, depolyment of process interoperability and interconnection mechanisms becomes inevitable. Actually, these mechanisms are indispensable to co-ordinate business processes within and beyond organisation boundaries, to strength awareness inside virtual enterprises, to facilitate multinational e-transactions, etc. Therefore, thinking and proposing solutions to insure interoperability and interconnection between organisational business processes is becoming a hot topic of research. Actually, existing work co-ordination systems (workflows, shared agenda, co-operative authoring tools, revision and configuration control systems, ...) have been mainly developed to suit the intern needs of enterprises. Thus, most of these systems are not adapted to inter-enterprise co-operation. The aim of this paper is to provide a process interconnexion model, supporting dynamics of organisational process and of their interconnection, and the implementation of this model on our co-operative work environment. This latter is build on a CORBA bus deployed on an intranet/internet network. The paper introduces our process model, our process service model, our process service interconnection model and the whole model implementation on Discobole (DIStributed CO-operation and Business prOcess on LinE)

    Formalisation et Réalisation d'un Service de Négociation en Ingénierie Concourante

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    Stage de DEA. Rapport de stage.Ce rapport présente d'une part la formalisation d'un modèle de négociation et d'autre part, sa mise en application partielle au sein d'un système de travail coopératif. La négociation a été traitée dans divers domaines : théorie des jeux, économie, psycho-sociologie et gestion, pendant des décennies. Cependant, l'explosion des applications réparties, telles le télétravail, le commerce électronique, le travail coopératif via le réseau, a donné une importance accrue à l'automatisation du processus de négociation. l'intérêt de la négociation est de permettre à chaque acteur de mieux coopérer avec un autre acteur chaque fois qu'il n'a plus les capacités ou les ressources suffisantes pour terminer sa tâche indépendamment des autres. Par conséquent, pour proposer un modèle rigoureux permettant le développement d'un service de négociation spécifique au travail coopératif, l'étude des différents modèles théoriques de la négociation et des interactions humaines dans la vie quotidienne s'avère nécessaire. En effet, aucun modèle de négociation ne peut se prévaloir d'être adaptable à chaque problème de négociation. En fait, plusieurs paramètres sont à prendre en compte : le langage et le vocabulaire de la négociation, le domaine de la négociation, la nature du conflit à résoudre et enfin les différents média de communication. Notre modèle est basé sur trois facettes : le langage de négociation (les informations échangées durant la négociation), le protocole de la négociation (la façon avec laquelle ces informations sont échangées) et la tactique de négociation (le comportement interne des agents négociateurs)

    Bio-expert : Knowledge Management Platform and Experiment for Bio-Medical e-Learning

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audiencebio-expert project has been launched to cover user needs in terms of access to high level knowledge content with a user friendly interface tool. The problematic raised here concerns not only imaging technologies, knowledge management system and interfaces but also the organisation of the content allowing an easy access of the repository to the community of biologists

    When Infodemic Meets Epidemic: a Systematic Literature Review

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    Epidemics and outbreaks present arduous challenges requiring both individual and communal efforts. Social media offer significant amounts of data that can be leveraged for bio-surveillance. They also provide a platform to quickly and efficiently reach a sizeable percentage of the population, hence their potential impact on various aspects of epidemic mitigation. The general objective of this systematic literature review is to provide a methodical overview of the integration of social media in different epidemic-related contexts. Three research questions were conceptualized for this review, resulting in over 10000 publications collected in the first PRISMA stage, 129 of which were selected for inclusion. A thematic method-oriented synthesis was undertaken and identified 5 main themes related to social media enabled epidemic surveillance, misinformation management, and mental health. Findings uncover a need for more robust applications of the lessons learned from epidemic post-mortem documentation. A vast gap exists between retrospective analysis of epidemic management and result integration in prospective studies. Harnessing the full potential of social media in epidemic related tasks requires streamlining the results of epidemic forecasting, public opinion understanding and misinformation propagation, all while keeping abreast of potential mental health implications. Pro-active prevention has thus become vital for epidemic curtailment and containment

    A Negotiation Model for CSCW

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale./http://www.springerlink.comInternational audienceThe aim of this paper is to present our model for a generic and flexible negotiation service and its implementation in Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) environments. Within a cooperative work environment, users naturally need negotiation support mechanisms to study possible alternatives in group decision making. The objective of our work is to build a negotiation model independent of any particular application field. Contrary to studied models, our model focuses on formalizing the negotiation from three points of view: exchanged information between the agents to negotiate (the language), the way this information is exchanged (the protocol), and the internal behavior of an agent (the tactics). In addition to a separation of the problems involved in each one of these three facets of the negotiation, this approach allows also a greater flexibility than traditional systems dedicated to one kind of problems. We chose to use a transactional approach based on speech acts to develop our axiom based negotiation model which has been implemented as a negotiation service in our CSCW environment DisCOO. After the tackled problem presentation, we will expose the state of the art, then the proposed negotiation formal model, and, finally, the implementation

    Un modèle d'interaction de services pour la coopération des procédés

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. nationale.National audienceLa conception ou la réalisation de tout projet un tant soit peu conséquent sous-entend l'implication d'un certain nombre de personnes, voire d'un certain nombre d'équipes ou d'entreprises. Ces entreprises interagissant et échangeant des données, de plus en plus via Internet et le "Web", on parle alors d'entreprise virtuelle. Cependant, il ne suffit pas simplement d'échanger des données pour travailler ensemble, il faut aussi contrôler et gérer ces échanges dans le cadre d'une démarche. Chaque entreprise possédant sa propre démarche et donc son propre procédé d'entreprise, la collaboration entre ces entreprises signifie l'interconnexion de ces procédés d'entreprise. Si plusieurs outils de coordination de travail existent, ils ont été développés pour les besoins internes d'une entreprise et sont mal adaptés à la collaboration inter-entreprises. L'approche qui nous a semblés la plus prometteuse pour l'interconnexion de procédés d'entreprises différentes et hétérogènes est l'approche orientée services. L'objectif de cet article est la description d'un modèle d'interaction de services pour l'interconnexion de procédés d'entreprise. Ce modèle se base sur le partage d'information entre services procédés et la coordination de services procédés. Dans cet article, après la description de l'approche orientée service, nous présenterons notre modèle d'interaction de services de manière formelle tout en nous servant d'un exemple support pour illustrer notre propos et appliquer cette formalisation à un cas concret. Nous présenterons enfin et de manière succincte comment ce modèle d'interaction de services procédés est mis en oeuvre au sein de notre prototype DISCOBLE (DIStributed CO-operation and Business prOcess on LinE) réalisé en Java au-dessus d'un bus CORBA

    Harnessing the power of data and event data for Business Process Improvement

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    International audienceFaced with a competitive and a continuous changing environment, traditional approaches that treat a company as a closed environment are no longer appropriate. To overcome this problem of isolation and non-communication, organizations tend to increasingly use Business Process Management-BPM. Recently with the rise of new technologies such as of big data, Internet of things, Cloud computing, etc, organizations are faced with many factors and challenges that generate real changes in the traditional BPM. Among these challenges, we have the huge amount of data and event data that are continuously gathered. Such data must be adequately exploited to extract high added value that can assist the organization in its decision making process. However, traditional BPM systems present different limits, as they do not facilitate the use of knowledge extracted from this data by business processes, because they do not benefit from statistical functionalities and data analysis and manipulation techniques. Several researches have been done in this area to link event data and data analysis to BPM by using, for example, process mining or machine learning algorithms. This paper shows how data and event data are the key to get a better understanding of the functioning of business processes, and to start the journey of business process improvement towards a stateful, context-aware, and proactive business process