29 research outputs found

    Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Health Consequences in Africa

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    Africa is heterogeneous in latitude, geography, climate, food availability, religious and cultural practices, and skin pigmentation. It is expected, therefore, that prevalence of vitamin D deficiency varies widely, in line with influences on skin exposure to UVB sunshine. Furthermore, low calcium intakes and heavy burden of infectious disease common in many countries may increase vitamin D utilization and turnover. Studies of plasma 25OHD concentration indicate a spectrum from clinical deficiency to values at the high end of the physiological range; however, data are limited. Representative studies of status in different countries, using comparable analytical techniques, and of relationships between vitamin D status and risk of infectious and chronic diseases relevant to the African context are needed. Public health measures to secure vitamin D adequacy cannot encompass the whole continent and need to be developed locally

    Education, Training and Capacity-Building in the Field of Biological Invasions in South Africa:

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    Our changing relationship with the biosphere is one of many anxieties that human society currently confronts. The paradox that some biodiversity that has been moved across the planet by human trade could actually be harmful is unknown to many people. They are either oblivious, or perceive nature as being under threat, rather than as threatening in itself

    Botanical pesticide production, trade and regulatory mechanisms in sub-Saharan Africa: making a case for plant-based pesticidal products

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    Pesticides are the major technology used in the management of field and postharvest losses due to pests. There is growing demand for effective alternatives that present low health risks and conserve ecosystems and biological diversity. Pesticidal plants are increasingly used as alternatives where synthetic products are unaffordable, have limited availability or are ineffective. Plant materials, however, are often used inefficiently and their effective use requires optimisation. In Africa wide-scale uptake of pesticidal plants remains limited despite the success of pyrethrum in some countries and other pesticidal plant products in China and India. This is mainly due to lack of data on efficacy and safety, inconsistent efficacy of plant products, the prohibitive cost of registration, and an inadequately developed conventional pesticides sector. Globally, the demand for botanicals is poised to grow due to an increasing shift in consumer demand for safe food, increasing organic farming, lobbying by environmentalists and the increasing pressure from new regulations on internationally traded foods in Europe. These demands can only be met by formalising production, marketing and use of pesticidal plants. This has to be supported by friendly registration procedures, sustainable forest management, propagation and cultivation of pesticidal plants. This paper presents a critical review of the enabling environment required for wide-scale adoption and commercialisation of botanical pesticides in sub-Saharan Africa. We conclude that regulations and protocols for production, marketing and trade need to be reviewed to facilitate the development of the botanicals sector in Africa