31 research outputs found

    Biocatalytic production of bicyclic β-lactams with three contiguous chiral centres using engineered crotonases

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    YesThere is a need to develop asymmetric routes to functionalised β-lactams, which remain the most important group of antibacterials. Here we describe biocatalytic and protein engineering studies concerning carbapenem biosynthesis enzymes, aiming to enable stereoselective production of functionalised carbapenams with three contiguous chiral centres. Structurallyguided substitutions of wildtype carboxymethylproline synthases enable tuning of their C-N and C-C bond forming capacity to produce 5-carboxymethylproline derivatives substituted at C-4 and C-6, from amino acid aldehyde and malonyl-CoA derivatives. Use of tandem enzyme incubations comprising an engineered carboxymethylproline synthase and an alkylmalonylCoA forming enzyme (i.e. malonyl-CoA synthetase or crotonyl-CoA carboxylase reductase) can improve stereocontrol and expand the product range. Some of the prepared 4,6-disubstituted-5-carboxymethylproline derivatives are converted to bicyclic β-lactams by carbapenam synthetase catalysis. The results illustrate the utility of tandem enzyme systems involving engineered crotonases for asymmetric bicyclic β-lactam synthesis

    Molecular genetics of carbapenem antibiotic biosynthesis

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    Carbapenems are potent beta-lactam antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. As naturally produced metabolites, they have been isolated from species of Streptomyces, Erwinia and Serratia. The latter two members of the Enterobacteriaceae have proved to be genetically amenable and a growing body of research on these organisms now exists concerning the genes responsible for carbapenem biosynthesis and the regulatory mechanisms controlling their expression. A cluster of nine carbapenem (car) genes has been identified on the chromosome of Erwinia carotovora. These genes encode the enzymes required for construction of carbapenem and the proteins responsible for a novel beta-lactam resistance mechanism, conferring carbapenem immunity in the producing host. Although sharing no homology with the well known enzymes of penicillin biosynthesis, two of the encoded proteins are apparently similar to enzymes of the clavulanic acid biosynthetic pathway implying a common mechanism for construction of the beta-lactam ring. In addition, a transcriptional activator is encoded as the first gene of the carbapenem cluster and this allows positive expression of the remaining downstream genes in response to a quorum sensing, N-acyl homoserine lactone, signalling molecule.</p

    Interaction of the lantibiotic nisin with mixed lipid bilayers: a 31P and 2H NMR study.

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    Nisin is a positively charged antibacterial peptide which binds to the negatively charged membranes of Gram-positive bacteria. The initial interaction of the peptide with model membranes of neutral (phosphatidylcholine) and negatively charged (phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylglycerol) model lipid membranes was studied using nonperturbing solid state magic angle spinning (MAS) (31)P NMR and (2)H wide-line NMR. In the presence of nisin, the coexistence of two bilayer lipid environments was observed both in charged and in neutral membranes. One lipid environment was found to be associated with lipid directly interacting with nisin and one with noninteracting lipid. Solid state (31)P MAS NMR results show that the acidic membrane lipid component partitions preferentially into the nisin-associated environment. Deuterium NMR ((2)H NMR) of the selectively headgroup-labeled acidic lipid provides further evidence of a strong interaction between the charged lipid component and the peptide. The segregation of acidic lipid into the nisin-bound environment was quantified from (2)H NMR measurements of selectively headgroup-deuterated neutral lipid. It is suggested that the observed lipid partitioning in the presence of nisin is driven, at least initially, by electrostatic interactions. (2)H NMR measurements from chain-perdeuterated neutral lipids indicate that nisin perturbs the hydrophobic region of both charged and neutral bilayers

    Cryptic carbapenem antibiotic production genes are widespread in Erwinia carotovora:facile trans activation by the carR transcriptional regulator

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    Few strains of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) make carbapenem antibiotics. Strain GS101 makes the basic carbapenem molecule, 1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid (Car). The production of this antibiotic has been shown to be cell density dependent, requiring the accumulation of the small diffusible molecule N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-L-homoserine ladone (OHHL) in the growth medium. When the concentration of this inducer rises above a threshold level, OHHL is proposed to interact with the transcriptional activator of the carbapenem cluster (CarR) and induce carbapenem biosynthesis. The introduction of the GS101 carR gene into an Ece strain (SCRI 193) which is naturally carbapenem-negative resulted in the production of Car. This suggested that strain SCRI 193 contained functional cryptic carbapenem biosynthetic genes, but lacked a functional carR homologue. The distribution of trans-activatable antibiotic genes was assayed in Erwinia strains from a culture collection and was found to be common in a large proportion of Ecc strains. Significantly, amongst the Ece strains identified, a larger proportion contained trans-activatable cryptic genes than produced antibiotics constitutively. Southern hybridization of the chromosomal DNA of cryptic Ece strains confirmed the presence of both the car biosynthetic cluster and the regulatory genes. Identification of homologues of the transcriptional activator carR suggests that the cause of the silencing of the carbapenem biosynthetic cluster in these strains is not the deletion of carR. In an attempt to identify the cause of the silencing in the Ece strain SCRI 193 the carR homologue from this strain was cloned and sequenced. The SCRI 193 CarR homologue was 94% identical to the CS101 CarR and contained 14 amino acid substitutions. Both homologues could be expressed from their native promoters and ribosome-binding sites using an in vitro prokaryotic transcription and translation assay, and when the SCRI 193 carR homologue was cloned in multicopy plasmids and reintroduced into SCRI 193, antibiotic production was observed. This suggested that the mutation causing the silencing of the biosynthetic cluster in SCRI 193 was leaky and the cryptic Car phenotype could be suppressed by multiple copies of the apparently mutant transcriptional activator.</p

    Biosynthesis of carbapenem antibiotics: new carbapenam substrates for carbapenem synthase (CarC).

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    A non-haem iron and 2-oxoglutarate oxygenase, CarC catalyses the highly unusual epimerisation and desaturation of a (3S,5S)-carbapenam 2 to give a (5R)-carbapenem 1. All stereoisomers of 2 were synthesised and analysed as CarC substrates. The results imply that the (3S,5S)-carbapenam is an intermediate in carbapenem biosynthesis and that CarC is able to accept unnatural stereoisomers of its carbapenam substrate