131 research outputs found

    Migration assay on primary culture isolated from patient's primary breast cancer tissue

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    Background: Migration is an essential component of breast cancer metastasis, which studyhas been concentrated on culture of established breast cancer cell lines that do not accuratelyrepresent the sophistication and heterogeneity of patient's breast cancer. An attempt toperform migration assay using Boyden Chamber Assay (BCA) on primary culture originatingfrom patient's breast cancer tissue was developed to accommodate upcoming study of breastcancer migration in lndonesian patients.Methods: Pathologically proven primary breast cancer tissue samples were obtained fromCiptomangunkusumo Hospital during core (n=4) and incisional (n=3) biopsies of stage llAup to stage lllA breast cancer patients. Following biopsy, the breast cancer tissue samplesunderwent processings to isolate the cancer cells. These cancer cells were -then resuspendedwithin Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) ahd cultured in 12-well plate. The growthof primary culture were observed and compared between the core biopsy and the incisionalbiopsy specimens. Optimization of BCA method was later performed to investigate themigration of the breast cancer primary culture towards different experirnental conditions, whichwere control, Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), and Stromal Derived Factor-l (SDF-1). Two differentnumber of breast cancer cells were tested for the optimization of the BCA, which were 1 x 105and3x105cells.Results: None of the culture performed on core biopsy specimens grew, while one out ofthree incisional biopsy specimens grew until confluence. The one primary culture that grewwas later assesed using BCA to assess its migration index towards different experimentalconditions. Using 1 x 10s breast cancer cells in the BCA , the result of the absorbance level ofmigrated cells showed that the migration towards SDF-1 (0.529) nearly doubled the migrationtowards controlmedium (0.239) and FBS (0.209). Meanwhile, the absorbance levelwas simiiarbetween the control medium (1.050), FBS (1 .103), and SDF-1 (1 .104) when the same test wasrun with 3 x 105 breast cancer cells.Discussion: Breast cancer tissue collected using incisional biopsies hao better chance togrow in primary culture than those collected using core biopsies, possibly due to the differencein the amount of tissue extracted. Consistent with previous research, patient's breast cancercells was shown to migrate more towards the chemokine ligand SDF-1, as compared to controlmedium and FBS. The number of breast cancer cells run in the BCA also affected the result ofthe migration assay, where 1 x 10s cells showed a superiority as compared to 3 x 105 cells inshowing the migration difference between the different experimental conditions.MKA, Volume 37, Nomor.Supl. 2, November 2014ED Yulian dkk"Migration assay on primary culture isolated from patient's primary breast cancer tissueConclusions: This study encourages and facilitates future research to study migration the intrinsic characteristic of individualized patient's breast cancer as well as to assess the change in migration characteristic of breast cancer cells after an in vivo treatment in human

    Perluasan Metode Newton dengan Pendekatan Parabolik

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    This article discusses the extension of Newton's method derived from the Taylor expansion, where the curve is approached by a tangent line of the parabola. Analytically, it is shown that the iterative method has the cubic order of convergence, so it is more effective than the Newton's method. Furthermore, computational results show that the iterative method is superior to the comparison methods in term of the number of iterations to obtain the estimated roots

    Analysis the Changes Opinion on Qualified be Disclaimer Opinion to the Financial Statements Local Government (Case Study: Government of Palopo city)

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    The purpose of the research was to analyze, why the changes Opinion report of examination by the Supreme Audit Board on Qualified Opinion be Disclaimer opinion to the Financial Statements of the Local Government Palopo city, fiscal year 2013 , using a qualitative analysis approach to interactive model (collection of data – reduction data -display and conclusion Verifying ). In the phase Display of data, through analysis of Patterns of relationship between the findings of the report examination and interviews with stakeholders, obtained, information that the Competence of Human Resources (HR) and the Internal Control System has a strong interactive relationship and the direction. In analysis conclusion and verification showed that aspects of human resources (HR) is the most influential of the changes Opinion report examination Supreme Audit Board, is an aspect of behavior (Ethics). Thus the conclusion of the study; Behavior (ethics) dishonest is a major factor Changes opinion report Supreme Audit Board of Qualified opinion be Disclaimer opinion As the application of this research in the future, it is recommended to formulation of the action plan to the Unqualified Opinion. Through Team Supervise and monitoring implementation of action plan for improvement of Internal Control System and completion finding Auditor, as well improving the competence of personal financial management, on education through training administration and Regional Financial Accounting

    Students’ Satisfaction Level on Eenglish Day Program at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Banda Aceh

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    The purpose of this study were to measure the level of students’ satisfaction on teachers’ supervision, assessment sessions, and the skills and learning experiences students’ got from English Day program at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding Banda Aceh. Besides that it also want to find out whether there is a significant different between male and female students’ satisfaction toward English Day program at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Banda Aceh. The data were gathered at Darul Ulum Islamic School Banda Aceh. The respondents of this study were the third year students of Darul Ulum who are enrolled in Dayah program. There were 114 students who involve as the respondents of this research. This study found that students’ at Darul Ulum Islamic School were satisfied toward English Day program at their schools (Mean = 3.71, SD = 1.06). Furthermore, there was no significant different between male and female students’ satisfaction toward the program (p-value = 0.09 0.05). However, this research found that students at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School felt that the grammar leaning and training in English Day program still need a lot of improvement

    Improving reading comprehension using metacognitive strategies

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    This research discusses the use of metacognitive strategies to improve students’ reading comprehension. The data was obtained from 50 students from two classes, one an Experimental Group (EG) and the other a Control Group (CG). The instruments used for collecting the data were tests (a pre-test and a post-test) and a questionnaire. The data collection was divided into four different phases of the research; the pre-test, the treatment, the post-test and the questionnaire. The results of the test were analyzed quantitatively to find any significant differences between the two groups. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference after using metacognitive strategies in the reading comprehension of the EG students compared to those in the CG, who did not use metacognitive strategies for reading comprehension. The t-value (6.03) t-table (2.01) meant that the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Further, the results from the questionnaires also showed the positive impact, viz: the positive classroom atmosphere, the improved motivation to learn, the improvements in students’ knowledge and so on.

    Pengaruh Bap Dan Kasein Hidrolisat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tunas Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Secara in Vitro

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    Melon (Cucumis melo L. ) is a horticultural crop that is quite popular in Indonesia . Good taste and nutritional content makes melon increasingly popular with the public . However , often the continuity of supply in the market is still limited. This is due partly because farmers in Indonesia are still planting using seeds imported melons which is quite expensive. Therefore, an effort that can be done to reduce dependence on imported seed is seed multiplication through tissue culture techniques . The growth in tissue culture plants is controlled by the addition of plant growth regulators . This study aims to determine the effect of BAP and casein hydrolyzate for better shoot growth in vitro melon . This research has been carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology , Faculty of Agriculture , University Tadulako , Palu . Starting from August to November 2012 . The study design using completely randomized design ( CRD ) Factorial pattern of two factors . The first factor is the concentration of BAP ( 0.25 mg / l , 0,50 mg / l and 0.75 mg / l ) , the second factor is the concentration of casein hydrolyzate ( 150 mg / l , 200 mg / l and 250 mg / l ) . significant treatment effect , Further tests using the Test Honestly Significant Difference ( HSD ) at the 5% level . The results of this study indicate that the use of media with different compositions lead to different effects on the growth of shoots melons . Treatment of 0.50 mg / l BAP + 150 mg / l casein hydrolyzate gives a better effect on plant height, number of shoots and number of leave

    Induksi Kalus Dua Klon Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Unggul Sulawesi pada Berbagai Konsentrasi 2,4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid secara In Vitro

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    Di Indonesia, Sulawesi terkenal sebagai daerah penghasil kakao terbanyak dan telah memiliki klon kakao unggul yakni Sulawesi 1 dan Sulawesi 2, termasuk sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil kakao terbanyak, namun tingkat produktivitasnya masih sangat rendah bila dibanding dengan potensi produksi kakao unggul. Adapun faktor penyebab rendahnya produktivitas kakao di Sulawesi Tengah adalah penggunaan jenis (klon) tanaman yang memiliki potensi produksi rendah. Guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satu upaya yang perlu dilakukan adalah melakukan perbanyakan dan pengembangan jenis (klon) kakao yang memiliki potensi genetik yang unggul. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terpisah (RPT). Perlakuan pada petak utama adalah klon kakao yang terdiri atas dua klon yaitu Sulawesi 1 dan Sulawesi 2, perlakuan pada anak petak adalah konsentrasi 2,4-D yang terdiri dari lima taraf yaitu 0,5 ppm 2,4-D, 1 ppm 2,4-D, 1,5 ppm 2,4-D, 2 ppm 2,4-D, dan 2,5 ppm 2,4-D. Terdapat 10 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga terdapat 30 unit percobaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan induksi kalus pada berbagai konsentrasi 2,4-D dari setiap klon kakao unggul Sulawesi yang dicobakan dan mengetahui konsentrasi 2,4-D dan klon kakao unggul Sulawesi yang lebih baik untuk induksi kalus. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kemampuan induksi kalus tidak berbeda pada berbagai konsentrasi 2,4-D untuk setiap klon kakao unggul Sulawesi yang dicobakan. Saat muncul kalus paling cepat diperoleh pada konsentrasi 1 ppm 2,4-D baik pada klon unggul Sulawesi 1 maupun pada klon unggul Sulawesi 2. Persentase pembentukan kalus tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi 1 ppm 2,4-D baik pada klon Sulawesi 1 maupun klon Sulawesi 2 dengan persentase pembentukan kalus mencapai 100%. Konsentrasi 1 ppm 2,4-D merupakan konsentrasi yang lebih baik untuk menginduksi kalus pada klon kakao unggul Sulawesi

    Inisiasi Tunas Cengkeh (Syzigium Aromaticum L.) Dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi Bap Secara in Vitro

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    Clove tree is an annual plant that can grow to a height of 10-20 m, it has oval shaped leaves and flowering emerge in its shoots . Fruit stalk at first green, and become red if it is blooming. This study aims to determine the best concentration of BAP on shoot clove growth in in vitro. This research has been carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako, Palu, from August to September 2012. The material used was sterile shoots Cloves 1 month of age as much as 9 buds, study design using a Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments, using 5 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA, 6 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA, 7 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA. Each treatment was repeated 3 times sothere were 9 experimental units. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan's test. The results showed that treatment 6 ppm BAP + 0.5 ppm NAA showed a significant effect on the shoots and leaves of clove


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    Velg aluminium mempunyai daerah yang dinamakan area kritis terletak di daerah hub, spoke, dan flange. Kegagalan pada daerah flange,spoke, dan hub dapat mengakibatkan banyakkerugian, baik kerugian dari segi materi maupun dari segi non materi. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk dapat mengetahui penyebab terjadinya kegagalan pada velg aluminium alloy dengan pengujian eksperimental dan menggunakan simulasi numerik. Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah velg mobil aluminium alloy Toyota Corolla Altis dengan diameter 17,5 inci (444,5 mm) dan lebar 7 inci (177,8 mm). Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji komposisi kimia, uji kekerasan, uji tarik, uji metalografi. Dari pengujian didapat bahwa komposisi pada material velg merupakan aluminium alloy dengan tipe A413.0. Kekerasan pada material velg di daerah flange yang normal adalah 80,9 skala BHN. Kekerasan pada daerah flange terdeformasi plastis adalah 74,7 skala BHN. Tegangan tarik maksimum adalah 232,990 MPa, elongasinya 5,48 %, tegangan mulurnya 190,334 MPa, Modulus Young 72,199 GPa. Foto mikro dengan 100 x dan 200 x pembesaran mendapatkan porositas pada daerah yang terjadi deformasi plastis. Hasil simulasi numerik velg standar menggunakan Ansys 14.0 Workbench mendapatkan Total Deformation maksimum menunjukkan angka sebesar 0,67475 mm dari bentuk semula.Simulasi Equivalent Stress menghasilkan tegangan maksimum sebesar 71,434 MPa, dan tegangan minimum yang terjadi sebesar 0,073879MPa. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang menyebabkan kegagalan pada velg aluminium alloy adalah terjadinya banyak porositas pada daerah yang terdeformasi plastis sehingga menyebabkan kekerasan material berkurang


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    Objek pengujian adalah paduan aluminium dan magnesium. Variasi persentase bahan adalah 96% aluminium dan 4% magnesium. Untuk mengetahui galat atau error perbandingan hasil uji sebenarnya dengan hasil uji simulasi. Pada proses simulasi pengujian fatik, dilakukan 3 variasi berat beban uji. Pada berat 11,94 kg menghasilkan tegangan 59,70 MPa, Pada berat 7,62 menghasilkan tegangan 53,74 MPa, Pada berat 5,97 menghasilkan tegangan 45,52 MPa. Dilakukan juga simulasi uji fatik dengan menggunakan program ansys 14.5 dan di ketahui : Pada beban 117,13 N didapatkan umur kelelahan minimum 47120 cycles, faktor keamanan 1,2949 cycles, tegangan alternating stress maksimum 8,945 MPa, Pada beban 74,7522 N didapatkan umur kelelahan minimum 82565 cycles, faktor keamanan 1,7128 cycles, tegangan alternating stress maksimum 2,074 MPa, Pada beban 58,5657 N didapatkan umur kelelahan minimum 135515 cycles, faktor keamanan 2,1106 cycles, tegangan alternating stress maksimum 0,00114 MPa
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