1,603 research outputs found

    Contemporary Prevalence of Byssinosis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review

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    We aimed to identify the contemporary prevalence of byssinosis through a systematic review. Medline, Web of Science, Embase, and Global Health databases were used to identify studies published in any language between 2000 and 2019, reporting primary data on byssinosis among adults. We used the Joanna Briggs Institute checklist to estimate the risk of bias in studies and undertook a qualitative, narrative data analysis. The review considered the prevalence of byssinosis, chest tightness, and airflow obstruction in textile workers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We found 26 relevant studies that included 6930 workers across 12 countries. Most of the studies (n = 19) were from Asia, and seven from African countries. Twenty-five studies were cross-sectional surveys while one was a cohort study. The prevalence of byssinosis was reported by 18 studies, and ranged from 8% to 38%, without any clear associations, at the group level, between the prevalence of byssinosis and durations of workers’ exposures. Prevalence of chest tightness ranged between 4% and 58% and that of airflow obstruction between 10% and 30%. A strong correlation (r = 0.72) was found between prevalence of byssinosis and cotton dust levels. Our findings indicate that byssinosis remains a significant, contemporary problem in some parts of the textile sector in LMICs

    Respiration and Heart Rate at the Surface between Dives in Northern Elephant Seals

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    All underwater activities of diving mammals are constrained by the need for surface gas exchange. Our aim was to measure respiratory rate (fb) and heart rate (fh) at the surface between dives in free-ranging northern elephant seals Mirounga angustirostris. We recorded fb and fh acoustically in six translocated juveniles, 1.8-2. 4 years old, and three migrating adult males from the rookery at Ano Nuevo, California, USA. To each seal, we attached a diving instrument to record the diving pattern, a satellite tag to track movements and location, a digital audio tape recorder or acoustic datalogger with an external hydrophone to record the sounds of respiration and fh at the surface, and a VHF transmitter to facilitate recovery. During surface intervals averaging 2.2+/−0.4 min, adult males breathed a mean of 32.7+/−5.4 times at a rate of 15. 3+/−1.8 breaths min(−)(1) (means +/− s.d., N=57). Mean fh at the surface was 84+/−3 beats min(−)(1). The fb of juveniles was 26 % faster than that of adult males, averaging 19.2+/−2.2 breaths min(−)(1) for a mean total of 41.2+/−5.0 breaths during surface intervals lasting 2.6+/−0.31 min. Mean fh at the surface was 106+/−3 beats min(−)(1). fb and fh did not change significantly over the course of surface intervals. Surface fb and fh were not clearly associated with levels of exertion, such as rapid horizontal transit or apparent foraging, or with measures of immediately previous or subsequent diving performance, such as diving duration, diving depth or swimming speed. Together, surface respiration rate and the duration of the preceding dive were significant predictors of surface interval duration. This implies that elephant seals minimize surface time spent loading oxygen depending on rates of oxygen uptake and previous depletion of stores

    Use of low-cost particle counters for cotton dust exposure assessment in textile mills in low- and middle-income countries

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    OBJECTIVE: There is a lack of consensus on methods for cotton dust measurement in the textile industry, and techniques vary between countries-relying mostly on cumbersome, traditional approaches. We undertook comparisons of standard, gravimetric methods with low-cost optical particle counters for personal and area dust measurements in textile mills in Pakistan. METHODS: We included male textile workers from the weaving sections of seven cotton mills in Karachi. We used the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) sampler with a Casella Apex 2 standard pump and the Purple Air (PA-II-SD) for measuring personal exposures to inhalable airborne particles (n = 31). We used the Dylos DC1700 particle counter, in addition to the two above, for area-level measurements (n = 29). RESULTS: There were no significant correlations between the IOM and PA for personal dust measurements using the original (r = -0.15, P = 0.4) or log-transformed data (r = -0.32, P = 0.07). Similarly, there were no significant correlations when comparing the IOM with either of the particle counters (PA and Dylos) for area dust measurements, using the original (r = -0.07, P = 0.7; r = 0.10, P = 0.6) or log-transformed data (r = -0.09, P = 0.6; r = 0.07, P = 0.7). CONCLUSION: Our findings show a lack of correlation between the gravimetric method and the use of particle counters in both personal and area measurements of cotton dust, precluding their use for measuring occupational exposures to airborne dust in textile mills. There continues to be a need to develop low-cost instruments to help textile industries in low- and middle-income countries to perform cotton dust exposure assessment

    Induction of white cell proliferation due to haematopoietic growth factors is associated with an increase in multiple forms of dihydrofolate reductase in non-neutropenic cancer patients

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    Objective: Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) are frequently used in cancer patients to overcome the granulocytopenic effects of chemotherapy, and also to mobilize the stem cells. The mobilized stem cells are collected from the peripheral blood and used for transplantation following high doses of chemotherapy. However, the molecular mechanism by which these colony stimulating factors (CSFs) bring about proliferation of myeloid precursor cells is not clearly known. Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which has an established role in DNA synthesis, could be a link between administration of CSF and stem cell proliferation. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether CSFs induce white cell proliferation by producing multiple forms of DHFR.Methods: Twelve patients with non-haematological malignancies were treated with either G-CSF or GM-CSF to mobilize stem cells. Nine healthy subjects were treated with placebo as controls. Blood samples were obtained before and after stimulation with CSFs or placebo. White blood cells were separated and concentrations of both active DHFR and immunoreactive nonfunctional form of DHFR were determined in their cytoplasm using methotrexate-binding assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. Total leucocytes count (TLC) was also monitored before and after stimulation with CSFs or placebo.Results: There was a significant (P \u3c 0.05) increase in concentration of immunoreactive nonfunctional form of DHFR and TLC following stimulation with CSFs. There was an increase in concentration of active DHFR as well, however, this did not reach statistical significance. In the placebo-treated subjects, no significant increase in active DHFR, immunoreactive nonfunctional form of enzyme or TLC was observed. However, it was noticed that the base-line values of active DHFR and immunoreactive nonfunctional form of enzyme in leucocytes of cancer patients were higher than the base-line values in leukocytes of normal healthy subjects.Conclusion: Our data suggest that colony stimulating factors induce white cell proliferation by increasing levels of multiple forms of DHFR

    Increased levels of multiple forms of dihydrofolate reductase in peripheral blood leucocytes of cancer patients receiving haematopoietic colony-stimulating factors: Interim analysis

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    The precise mechanism whereby granulocytes proliferate when haematopoietic colony stimulating factors (CSFs) are used in neutropenic cancer patients is poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether these cytokines bring about leucocyte proliferation by increasing the levels of multiple forms of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Blood samples were collected from 36 cancer patients (25 males and 11 females) with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. One sample of blood from each patient was obtained before therapy either with CSF, such as granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or with placebo, and another one at the time of resolution of neutropenia. Peripheral blood leucocytes in these blood samples were counted, separated and lysed. From lysates, cytoplasmic samples were prepared and analyzed for active DHFR by a methotrexate-binding assay and for total immunoreactive DHFR by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. The increase in total leucocyte count (TLC) was most prominent (P \u3c 0.005) in the CSF group and less so (P \u3c 0.05) in the placebo group. The mean +/- SD concentration values of active DHFR before and after stimulation with GM-CSF found were to be 0.34 +/- 0.4 ng/mg protein and 0.99 +/- 0.82 ng/mg protein, respectively, and in the group treated with G-CSF, 0.24 +/- 0.32 ng/mg protein and 1.18 +/- 2.4 ng/mg protein, respectively. This increase in active DHFR after stimulation with CSF was statistically significant (P \u3c 0.05). Similarly, concentration values of immunoreactive but nonfunctional form of DHFR (IRE) were 110 +/- 97 ng/mg protein and 605 +/- 475 ng/mg protein before and after stimulation with GM-CSF, and 115 +/- 165 ng/mg protein and 1,054 +/- 1,095 ng/ mg protein before and after stimulation with G-CSF. This increase in concentration of IRE after stimulation with GM-CSF or G-CSF was statistically significant (P \u3c 0.005). In the control group, there was an increase in the concentration of both active DHFR and IRE after treatment with placebo. However, this was not statistically significant. Resolution of neutropenia was quicker in the groups treated with CSF compared to the control group. Results of this study indicate that colony stimulating factors (G-CSF and GM-CSF) induce white cell proliferation by increasing the levels of multiple forms of DHFR

    Comparison of spirometry criteria for the diagnosis of COPD: results from the BOLD study

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldPublished guidelines recommend spirometry to accurately diagnose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, even spirometry-based COPD prevalence estimates can vary widely. We compared properties of several spirometry-based COPD definitions using data from the international Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD)study. 14 sites recruited population-based samples of adults aged > or =40 yrs. Procedures included standardised questionnaires and post-bronchodilator spirometry. 10,001 individuals provided usable data. Use of the lower limit of normal (LLN) forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV(1)) to forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio reduced the age-related increases in COPD prevalence that are seen among healthy never-smokers when using the fixed ratio criterion (FEV(1)/FVC <0.7) recommended by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. The added requirement of an FEV(1) either <80% predicted or below the LLN further reduced age-related increases and also led to the least site-to-site variability in prevalence estimates after adjusting for potential confounders. Use of the FEV(1)/FEV(6) ratio in place of the FEV(1)/FVC yielded similar prevalence estimates. Use of the FEV(1)/FV

    Development of an international scale of socio-economic position based on household assets.

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    The importance of studying associations between socio-economic position and health has often been highlighted. Previous studies have linked the prevalence and severity of lung disease with national wealth and with socio-economic position within some countries but there has been no systematic evaluation of the association between lung function and poverty at the individual level on a global scale. The BOLD study has collected data on lung function for individuals in a wide range of countries, however a barrier to relating this to personal socio-economic position is the need for a suitable measure to compare individuals within and between countries. In this paper we test a method for assessing socio-economic position based on the scalability of a set of durable assets (Mokken scaling), and compare its usefulness across countries of varying gross national income per capita.Ten out of 15 candidate asset questions included in the questionnaire were found to form a Mokken type scale closely associated with GNI per capita (Spearmans rank rs = 0.91, p = 0.002). The same set of assets conformed to a scale in 7 out of the 8 countries, the remaining country being Saudi Arabia where most respondents owned most of the assets. There was good consistency in the rank ordering of ownership of the assets in the different countries (Cronbachs alpha = 0.96). Scores on the Mokken scale were highly correlated with scores developed using principal component analysis (rs = 0.977).Mokken scaling is a potentially valuable tool for uncovering links between disease and socio-economic position within and between countries. It provides an alternative to currently used methods such as principal component analysis for combining personal asset data to give an indication of individuals relative wealth. Relative strengths of the Mokken scale method were considered to be ease of interpretation, adaptability for comparison with other datasets, and reliability of imputation for even quite large proportions of missing values
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