4,418 research outputs found

    XLI.— On the genus Mermis

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    A general variational principle for spherically symmetric perturbations in diffeomorphism covariant theories

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    We present a general method for the analysis of the stability of static, spherically symmetric solutions to spherically symmetric perturbations in an arbitrary diffeomorphism covariant Lagrangian field theory. Our method involves fixing the gauge and solving the linearized gravitational field equations to eliminate the metric perturbation variable in terms of the matter variables. In a wide class of cases--which include f(R) gravity, the Einstein-aether theory of Jacobson and Mattingly, and Bekenstein's TeVeS theory--the remaining perturbation equations for the matter fields are second order in time. We show how the symplectic current arising from the original Lagrangian gives rise to a symmetric bilinear form on the variables of the reduced theory. If this bilinear form is positive definite, it provides an inner product that puts the equations of motion of the reduced theory into a self-adjoint form. A variational principle can then be written down immediately, from which stability can be tested readily. We illustrate our method in the case of Einstein's equation with perfect fluid matter, thereby re-deriving, in a systematic manner, Chandrasekhar's variational principle for radial oscillations of spherically symmetric stars. In a subsequent paper, we will apply our analysis to f(R) gravity, the Einstein-aether theory, and Bekenstein's TeVeS theory.Comment: 13 pages; submitted to Phys. Rev. D. v2: changed formatting, added conclusion, corrected sign convention

    Stability of spherically symmetric solutions in modified theories of gravity

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    In recent years, a number of alternative theories of gravity have been proposed as possible resolutions of certain cosmological problems or as toy models for possible but heretofore unobserved effects. However, the implications of such theories for the stability of structures such as stars have not been fully investigated. We use our "generalized variational principle", described in a previous work, to analyze the stability of static spherically symmetric solutions to spherically symmetric perturbations in three such alternative theories: Carroll et al.'s f(R) gravity, Jacobson & Mattingly's "Einstein-aether theory", and Bekenstein's TeVeS. We find that in the presence of matter, f(R) gravity is highly unstable; that the stability conditions for spherically symmetric curved vacuum Einstein-aether backgrounds are the same as those for linearized stability about flat spacetime, with one exceptional case; and that the "kinetic terms" of vacuum TeVeS are indefinite in a curved background, leading to an instability.Comment: ReVTex; 20 pages, 3 figures. v2: references added, submitted to PRD; v3: expanded discussion of TeVeS; v4: minor typos corrected (version to appear in PRD

    Creation of macroscopic superposition states from arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We consider how macroscopic quantum superpositions may be created from arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates. We study a system of three condensates in Fock states, all with the same number of atoms and show that this has the form of a highly entangled superposition of different quasi-momenta. We then show how, by partially releasing these condensates and detecting an interference pattern where they overlap, it is possible to create a macroscopic superposition of different relative phases for the remaining portions of the condensates. We discuss methods for confirming these superpositions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Just how long can you live in a black hole and what can be done about it?

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    We study the problem of how long a journey within a black hole can last. Based on our observations, we make two conjectures. First, for observers that have entered a black hole from an asymptotic region, we conjecture that the length of their journey within is bounded by a multiple of the future asymptotic ``size'' of the black hole, provided the spacetime is globally hyperbolic and satisfies the dominant-energy and non-negative-pressures conditions. Second, for spacetimes with R3{\Bbb R}^3 Cauchy surfaces (or an appropriate generalization thereof) and satisfying the dominant energy and non-negative-pressures conditions, we conjecture that the length of a journey anywhere within a black hole is again bounded, although here the bound requires a knowledge of the initial data for the gravitational field on a Cauchy surface. We prove these conjectures in the spherically symmetric case. We also prove that there is an upper bound on the lifetimes of observers lying ``deep within'' a black hole, provided the spacetime satisfies the timelike-convergence condition and possesses a maximal Cauchy surface. Further, we investigate whether one can increase the lifetime of an observer that has entered a black hole, e.g., by throwing additional matter into the hole. Lastly, in an appendix, we prove that the surface area AA of the event horizon of a black hole in a spherically symmetric spacetime with ADM mass MADMM_{\text{ADM}} is always bounded by A16πMADM2A \le 16\pi M_{\text{ADM}}^2, provided that future null infinity is complete and the spacetime is globally hyperbolic and satisfies the dominant-energy condition.Comment: 20 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 6 figures included, self-unpackin

    Classical field techniques for condensates in one-dimensional rings at finite temperatures

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    For a condensate in a one-dimensional ring geometry, we compare the thermodynamic properties of three conceptually different classical field techniques: stochastic dynamics, microcanonical molecular dynamics, and the classical field method. Starting from non-equilibrium initial conditions, all three methods approach steady states whose distribution and correlation functions are in excellent agreement with an exact evaluation of the partition function in the high-temperature limit. Our study helps to establish these various classical field techniques as powerful non-perturbative tools for systems at finite temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; minor changes, one reference adde

    The Cosmic Censor Forbids Naked Topology

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    For any asymptotically flat spacetime with a suitable causal structure obeying (a weak form of) Penrose's cosmic censorship conjecture and satisfying conditions guaranteeing focusing of complete null geodesics, we prove that active topological censorship holds. We do not assume global hyperbolicity, and therefore make no use of Cauchy surfaces and their topology. Instead, we replace this with two underlying assumptions concerning the causal structure: that no compact set can signal to arbitrarily small neighbourhoods of spatial infinity (``i0i^0-avoidance''), and that no future incomplete null geodesic is visible from future null infinity. We show that these and the focusing condition together imply that the domain of outer communications is simply connected. Furthermore, we prove lemmas which have as a consequence that if a future incomplete null geodesic were visible from infinity, then given our i0i^0-avoidance assumption, it would also be visible from points of spacetime that can communicate with infinity, and so would signify a true naked singularity.Comment: To appear in CQG, this improved version contains minor revisions to incorporate referee's suggestions. Two revised references. Plain TeX, 12 page

    Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in Disordered Optical Superlattices

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    The influence of disorder on ultracold atomic Bose gases in quasiperiodic optical lattices is discussed in the framework of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. It is shown that simple periodic modulations of the well depths generate a rich phase diagram consisting of superfluid, Mott insulator, Bose-glass and Anderson localized phases. The detailed evolution of mean occupation numbers and number fluctuations as function of modulation amplitude and interaction strength is discussed. Finally, the signatures of the different phases, especially of the Bose-glass phase, in matter-wave interference experiments are investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, using REVTEX

    Greenhouse gas balance over thaw-freeze cycles in discontinuous zone permafrost

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    Peat in the discontinuous permafrost zone contains a globally significant reservoir of carbon that has undergone multiple permafrost-thaw cycles since the end of the mid-Holocene (~3700 years before present). Periods of thaw increase C decomposition rates which leads to the release of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere creating potential climate feedback. To determine the magnitude and direction of such feedback, we measured CO2 and CH4 emissions and modeled C accumulation rates and radiative fluxes from measurements of two radioactive tracers with differing lifetimes to describe the C balance of the peatland over multiple permafrost-thaw cycles since the initiation of permafrost at the site. At thaw features, the balance between increased primary production and higher CH4 emission stimulated by warmer temperatures and wetter conditions favors C sequestration and enhanced peat accumulation. Flux measurements suggest that frozen plateaus may intermittently (order of years to decades) act as CO2 sources depending on temperature and net ecosystem respiration rates, but modeling results suggest that—despite brief periods of net C loss to the atmosphere at the initiation of thaw—integrated over millennia, these sites have acted as net C sinks via peat accumulation. In greenhouse gas terms, the transition from frozen permafrost to thawed wetland is accompanied by increasing CO2 uptake that is partially offset by increasing CH4 emissions. In the short-term (decadal time scale) the net effect of this transition is likely enhanced warming via increased radiative C emissions, while in the long-term (centuries) net C deposition provides a negative feedback to climate warming

    Lifetimes of spherically symmetric closed universes

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    It is proven that any spherically symmetric spacetime that possesses a compact Cauchy surface Σ\Sigma and that satisfies the dominant-energy and non-negative-pressures conditions must have a finite lifetime in the sense that all timelike curves in such a spacetime must have a length no greater than 10maxΣ(2m)10 \max_\Sigma(2m), where mm is the mass associated with the spheres of symmetry. This result gives a complete resolution, in the spherically symmetric case, of one version of the closed-universe recollapse conjecture (though it is likely that a slightly better bound can be established). This bound has the desirable properties of being computable from the (spherically symmetric) initial data for the spacetime and having a very simple form. In fact, its form is the same as was established, using a different method, for the spherically symmetric massless scalar field spacetimes, thereby proving a conjecture offered in that work. Prospects for generalizing these results beyond the spherically symmetric case are discussed.Comment: 12 pages (uuencoded postscript; self-unpacking), NCSU-MP-940