2,456 research outputs found

    Signal and Noise in Correlation Matrix

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    Using random matrix technique we determine an exact relation between the eigenvalue spectrum of the covariance matrix and of its estimator. This relation can be used in practice to compute eigenvalue invariants of the covariance (correlation) matrix. Results can be applied in various problems where one experimentally estimates correlations in a system with many degrees of freedom, like in statistical physics, lattice measurements of field theory, genetics, quantitative finance and other applications of multivariate statistics.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, corrected typos, revtex style changed to elsar

    Commutative law for products of infinitely large isotropic random matrices

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    Ensembles of isotropic random matrices are defined by the invariance of the probability measure under the left (and right) multiplication by an arbitrary unitary matrix. We show that the multiplication of large isotropic random matrices is spectrally commutative and self-averaging in the limit of infinite matrix size N→∞N \rightarrow \infty. The notion of spectral commutativity means that the eigenvalue density of a product ABC... of such matrices is independent of the order of matrix multiplication, for example the matrix ABCD has the same eigenvalue density as ADCB. In turn, the notion of self-averaging means that the product of n independent but identically distributed random matrices, which we symbolically denote by AAA..., has the same eigenvalue density as the corresponding power A^n of a single matrix drawn from the underlying matrix ensemble. For example, the eigenvalue density of ABCCABC is the same as of A^2B^2C^3. We also discuss the singular behavior of the eigenvalue and singular value densities of isotropic matrices and their products for small eigenvalues λ→0\lambda \rightarrow 0. We show that the singularities at the origin of the eigenvalue density and of the singular value density are in one-to-one correspondence in the limit N→∞N \rightarrow \infty: the eigenvalue density of an isotropic random matrix has a power law singularity at the origin ∼∣λ∣−s\sim |\lambda|^{-s} with a power s∈(0,2)s \in (0,2) when and only when the density of its singular values has a power law singularity ∼λ−σ\sim \lambda^{-\sigma} with a power σ=s/(4−s)\sigma = s/(4-s). These results are obtained analytically in the limit N→∞N \rightarrow \infty. We supplement these results with numerical simulations for large but finite N and discuss finite size effects for the most common ensembles of isotropic random matrices.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    New spectral relations between products and powers of isotropic random matrices

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    We show that the limiting eigenvalue density of the product of n identically distributed random matrices from an isotropic unitary ensemble (IUE) is equal to the eigenvalue density of n-th power of a single matrix from this ensemble, in the limit when the size of the matrix tends to infinity. Using this observation one can derive the limiting density of the product of n independent identically distributed non-hermitian matrices with unitary invariant measures. In this paper we discuss two examples: the product of n Girko-Ginibre matrices and the product of n truncated unitary matrices. We also provide an evidence that the result holds also for isotropic orthogonal ensembles (IOE).Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures (in version 2 we added a figure and discussion on finite size effects for isotropic orthogonal ensemble

    Perturbing General Uncorrelated Networks

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    This paper is a direct continuation of an earlier work, where we studied Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs perturbed by an interaction Hamiltonian favouring the formation of short cycles. Here, we generalize these results. We keep the same interaction Hamiltonian but let it act on general graphs with uncorrelated nodes and an arbitrary given degree distribution. It is shown that the results obtained for Erd\"os-R\'enyi graphs are generic, at the qualitative level. However, scale-free graphs are an exception to this general rule and exhibit a singular behaviour, studied thoroughly in this paper, both analytically and numerically.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figures, 2-column revtex format, references adde

    Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Products of Rectangular Gaussian Random Matrices (The Extended Version)

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    We consider a product of an arbitrary number of independent rectangular Gaussian random matrices. We derive the mean densities of its eigenvalues and singular values in the thermodynamic limit, eventually verified numerically. These densities are encoded in the form of the so called M-transforms, for which polynomial equations are found. We exploit the methods of planar diagrammatics, enhanced to the non-Hermitian case, and free random variables, respectively; both are described in the appendices. As particular results of these two main equations, we find the singular behavior of the spectral densities near zero. Moreover, we propose a finite-size form of the spectral density of the product close to the border of its eigenvalues' domain. Also, led by the striking similarity between the two main equations, we put forward a conjecture about a simple relationship between the eigenvalues and singular values of any non-Hermitian random matrix whose spectrum exhibits rotational symmetry around zero.Comment: 50 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 23rd Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics: "Random Matrices, Statistical Physics and Information Theory," September 26-30, 2010, Krakow, Polan

    Phase transition and topology in 4d simplicial gravity

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    We present data indicating that the recent evidence for the phase transition being of first order does not result from a breakdown of the ergodicity of the algorithm. We also present data showing that the thermodynamical limit of the model is independent of topology.Comment: 3 latex pages + 4 ps fig. + espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at LATTICE(gravity

    Adaptive networks of trading agents

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    Multi-agent models have been used in many contexts to study generic collective behavior. Similarly, complex networks have become very popular because of the diversity of growth rules giving rise to scale-free behavior. Here we study adaptive networks where the agents trade ``wealth'' when they are linked together while links can appear and disappear according to the wealth of the corresponding agents; thus the agents influence the network dynamics and vice-versa. Our framework generalizes a multi-agent model of Bouchand and Mezard, and leads to a steady state with fluctuating connectivities. The system spontaneously self-organizes into a critical state where the wealth distribution has a fat tail and the network is scale-free; in addition, network heterogeneities lead to enhanced wealth condensation.Comment: 7 figure

    A Random Matrix Approach to VARMA Processes

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    We apply random matrix theory to derive spectral density of large sample covariance matrices generated by multivariate VMA(q), VAR(q) and VARMA(q1,q2) processes. In particular, we consider a limit where the number of random variables N and the number of consecutive time measurements T are large but the ratio N/T is fixed. In this regime the underlying random matrices are asymptotically equivalent to Free Random Variables (FRV). We apply the FRV calculus to calculate the eigenvalue density of the sample covariance for several VARMA-type processes. We explicitly solve the VARMA(1,1) case and demonstrate a perfect agreement between the analytical result and the spectra obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed method is purely algebraic and can be easily generalized to q1>1 and q2>1.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Network Transitivity and Matrix Models

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    This paper is a step towards a systematic theory of the transitivity (clustering) phenomenon in random networks. A static framework is used, with adjacency matrix playing the role of the dynamical variable. Hence, our model is a matrix model, where matrices are random, but their elements take values 0 and 1 only. Confusion present in some papers where earlier attempts to incorporate transitivity in a similar framework have been made is hopefully dissipated. Inspired by more conventional matrix models, new analytic techniques to develop a static model with non-trivial clustering are introduced. Computer simulations complete the analytic discussion.Comment: 11 pages, 7 eps figures, 2-column revtex format, print bug correcte
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