78 research outputs found

    Recessive mutations in the INS gene result in neonatal diabetes through reduced insulin biosynthesis

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    Heterozygous coding mutations in the INS gene that encodes preproinsulin were recently shown to be an important cause of permanent neonatal diabetes. These dominantly acting mutations prevent normal folding of proinsulin, which leads to beta-cell death through endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis. We now report 10 different recessive INS mutations in 15 probands with neonatal diabetes. Functional studies showed that recessive mutations resulted in diabetes because of decreased insulin biosynthesis through distinct mechanisms, including gene deletion, lack of the translation initiation signal, and altered mRNA stability because of the disruption of a polyadenylation signal. A subset of recessive mutations caused abnormal INS transcription, including the deletion of the C1 and E1 cis regulatory elements, or three different single base-pair substitutions in a CC dinucleotide sequence located between E1 and A1 elements. In keeping with an earlier and more severe beta-cell defect, patients with recessive INS mutations had a lower birth weight (-3.2 SD score vs. -2.0 SD score) and were diagnosed earlier (median 1 week vs. 10 weeks) compared to those with dominant INS mutations. Mutations in the insulin gene can therefore result in neonatal diabetes as a result of two contrasting pathogenic mechanisms. Moreover, the recessively inherited mutations provide a genetic demonstration of the essential role of multiple sequence elements that regulate the biosynthesis of insulin in man

    Metabolic control and educational status in children with type 1 diabetes: effects of a summer camp and intensive insulin treatment

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    Our aim was to evaluate prospectively, in our diabetic patients, the impacts of a summer camp and intensive insulin treatment (IIT) on both metabolic control and disease-related educational level. Twenty-five patients participated in a 7-day-long summer camp. Before the camp, all patients were on therapy with short-acting human insulin (SAI) and intermediate-acting insulin (IAI) twice daily. On arrival, their insulin therapy regimen was changed by IIT including either SAI or rapid-acting insulin analogue (RAI) three times before meals supplemented by IAI at bedtime. Following the camp, all participants were given IIT with RAI plus IAI. Frequency of hypoglycaemia, insulin dose, body mass index (BMI) and glycohaemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were assessed at pre-camp and post-camp controls. To evaluate the effectiveness of camp-assisted education, all participants were regularly tested. We observed significant elevations in total daily dose of insulin and BMI at months 3 and 6 when compared with the pre-camp values but, by month 12, they were not significantly different from precamp values. The mean HbA(1c) level decreased significantly at months 6 and 12. Severe hypoglycaemic episodes and ketoacidosis were not detected during the camp and the following year. Significant improvements in knowledge about diabetes and self-management were determined at the end of the camp, after 6 and 12 months. Camp-assisted IIT with RAI improved metabolic control of diabetic children. Additionally, camp-assisted education has a positive effect on disease-related educational level and self-management

    Summer camps for diabetic children: an experience in Antalya, Turkey

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    To evaluate the effectiveness of diabetic summer camps with objective parameters, we examined the data relative to summer camps organized by our department in Antalya in the last two years. The duration of the camps was 10 days. Twenty-eight diabetic children with an average age of 13.6 +/- 2.9 years (range 8-20) participated in the first camp, fourteen of whom participated in both camps. The medical personnel consisted of three pediatric endocrinologists, one psychologist, two diabetes nurses and two dietitians. Despite a mean 10% reduction in insulin dosage and 10% increment in daily calorie intake at the beginning of the camp, hypoglycemia was common (mean, 2.4 hypoglycemic episodes per subject). Ketoacidosis was not encountered in any of the subjects during and after camps. An increment in weight in children whose weights, with respect to heights, were under the ideal weight and a decrement in weight of overweight children were observed at the end of the first camp. A significant improvement in knowledge and self-management of the disease was noted at the end of the camps. Improvement in nutrition and diabetic knowledge level of the children who participated in these consecutive camps was more obvious in the second compared with that in the first camp. No significant change in HbA1c level was observed at follow-up. In conclusion, summer camps are an invaluable way for diabetic children to gain skills in managing their disease

    A comparison of the use of premixed insulins in pen-injectors with conventional patient-mixed insulin treatment in children and adolescents with IDDM. Is there a decreased risk of night hypoglycemia?

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    Insulin injection is a problem in pediatric and adolescent age, and premixed insulin therapy given in pen-injectors (Novopen II(R)) is expected to increase compliance. Compliance with treatment and safety of this kind of insulin substitution was investigated in 20 IDDM patients (8.2-19.6 years old). The study was of randomized cross-over design and its duration was 6 (2x3) months. Metabolic parameters were compared between premixed insulin therapy via pen-injector and patient-mixed insulin therapy via conventional syringe, and no differences were observed except for the postponing of night hypoglycemic attacks to 07.00 a.m. during premixed insulin therapy. No technical or medical problems occurred. Patients were more satisfied with the new therapy regimen as determined by questionnaire. We concluded that this kind of insulin substitution is safe in pediatric and adolescent IDDM patients

    adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Objective: To assess early atherosclerosis using B-mode imaging of the carotid artery in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and to evaluate the relationship between various risk factors and intimal plus medial thickness (IMT) in this population.Methods: Fifty-two children and adolescents (aged 3-18 years) with uncomplicated T1DM and 43 age- and gender-matched healthy controls were examined. B-mode imaging was used to determine the intimal plus medial thickness (IMT) of the carotid artery in all subjects. Patients with T1DM and control subjects were divided into two groups according to age and gender. Furthermore, duration of DM was considered for comparison.Results: Patients and control subjects showed no association between IMT and sex, systolic blood pressure (sBP), diastolic blood pressure (dBP), serum lipid levels or left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). However, statistical Analysis indicated a good correlation between age and carotid arterial wall thickness in both diabetic and control groups. These findings were consistent with those in the literature. No correlation was found between IMT and the duration of DM.Conclusions: This study indicates that there is no association between T1DM and IMT in children and adolescents with T1DM