357 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Cambodian bagnet ("dai") fishery data

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    This report summarises general and detailed features of catches from the bagnet ("dai") fishery in Cambodia between 1995 and 1999, as monitored by the MRC/DoF/DANIDA Management of the Freshwater Capture Fisheries Project (MFCFP) in Phnom Penh.Fishery data, Cambodia,

    Instanton Approach to Large NN Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber Integrals

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    We reconsider the large NN asymptotics of Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber integrals. We provide, using Dyson's Brownian motion and the method of instantons, an alternative, transparent derivation of the Matytsin formalism for the unitary case. Our method is easily generalized to the orthogonal and symplectic ensembles. We obtain an explicit solution of Matytsin's equations in the case of Wigner matrices, as well as a general expansion method in the dilute limit, when the spectrum of eigenvalues spreads over very wide regions.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The value of observations for reduction of earthquake-induced loss of life on a global scale

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    Earthquakes on global scale cause considerable losses both in terms of economic impact and human lives. A proper coordination of disaster response activities requires observation of affected areas for evaluation of spatial distribution of damage. We use several freely available datasets including global seismic hazard assessment, data on population, gross domestic product, and urban areas to calculate expected loss of life based on rescue efficiency derived from an optimal rescue resource distribution model, which by design includes the observation capacity as a parameter. Despite of the high practical importance, the quantification of the "observation quality -- reduction of loss of life" relationship has not yet been performed for earthquakes on a global scale. Our validated quantitative results show that better Earth observations may potentially contribute to a global reduction of earthquake induced loss of life within the range 20%-90% from the "business as usual" level

    Uncertainty analysis of GHG spatial inventory from the industrial activity. A case study for Poland

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    Taking into account the global climate change problem, an urgent task is greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, and associated with this problem the uncertainty analysis of input data and results of GHG inventory. The main purpose of this investigation is the assessment of inventory uncertainty at the level of separate company, region and even country in the industrial sector (including emission processes caused by chemical and physical transformation of materials, as well as by burning of fuels). We discuss the obtained results of spatial GHG inventory in the Industry sector in Poland, by usage of the bottom-up approach, based on IPCC guidelines, official statistics and digital maps of territories investigated. Monte-Carlo method was applied for estimation of inventory uncertainty in main categories of analyzed sector, taking into account the small and large variation of parameters in cases of symmetric and asymmetric distributions. We determined emission sources that have the greatest impact on overall uncertainty in the industrial sector, and evaluated the relative uncertainty depending on uncertainty in activity data and emission factors. The additional knowledge on spatial distribution of emissions and their structure, supports the processes of decisions making on emission reduction

    High-resolution spatial distribution of greenhouse gas emissions in the residential sector

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    The development of high-resolution greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories is an important step towards emission reduction in different sectors. However, most of the spatially explicit approaches that have been developed to date produce outputs at a coarse resolution or do not disaggregate the data by sector. In this study, we present a methodology for assessing GHG emissions from the residential sector by settlements at a fine spatial resolution. In many countries, statistical data about fossil fuel consumption is only available at the regional or country levels. For this reason, we assess energy demand for cooking and water and space heating for each settlement, which we use as a proxy to disaggregate regional fossil fuel consumption data. As energy demand for space heating depends heavily on climatic conditions, we use the heating degree day method to account for this phenomenon. We also take the availability of energy sources and differences in consumption patterns between urban and rural areas into account. Based on the disaggregated data, we assess GHG emissions at the settlement level using country and regional specific coefficients for Poland and Ukraine, two neighboring countries with different energy usage patterns. In addition, we estimate uncertainties in the results using a Monte Carlo method, which takes uncertainties in the statistical data, calorific values, and emission factors into account. We use detailed data on natural gas consumption in Poland and biomass consumption for several regions in Ukraine to validate our approach. We also compare our results to data from the EDGAR (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research), which shows high agreement in places but also demonstrates the advantage of a higher resolution GHG inventory. Overall, the results show that the approach developed here is universal and can be applied to other countries using their statistical information

    Imaging Gold Nanoparticles in Living Cells Environments using Heterodyne Digital Holographic Microscopy

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    This paper describes an imaging microscopic technique based on heterodyne digital holography where subwavelength-sized gold colloids can be imaged in cell environment. Surface cellular receptors of 3T3 mouse fibroblasts are labeled with 40 nm gold nanoparticles, and the biological specimen is imaged in a total internal reflection configuration with holographic microscopy. Due to a higher scattering efficiency of the gold nanoparticles versus that of cellular structures, accurate localization of a gold marker is obtained within a 3D mapping of the entire sample's scattered field, with a lateral precision of 5 nm and 100 nm in the x,y and in the z directions respectively, demonstrating the ability of holographic microscopy to locate nanoparticles in living cells environments

    通过直接教学法解决丹大中文系2013级的大学生使用 “比/不比”和“有/没有”比较句的困难

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    摘要 :比较句是日常交际中常用的句式之一,在汉语中常用的比较句有 “比”字比较句和“有”比较字句。此外,比较句也是对外汉语语法的教学重点,因为对于汉语作为第二语言的学生来说,学习比较句的时候受到了 母语的影响,导致学生在使用比较句之时出现了不同的偏误。笔者采用直接教学法对丹大中文系2013级A班的学生进行“比/不比”与“有/没有”比较句的教学,并且采用测试法了解该班学生学习前与学习后的情况,以进行对比。对比结果显示,学习后的成绩明显提高了,这说明直接教学法适合用于进行“比/不比”与“有/没有”比较句的教学,因为直接教学法具有直观的特点。 关键词:“比”字比较句;“有”字比较句;直接教学法 Abstract: Comparative sentence is one of the sentences that is often used in daily life. In Mandarin, the comparative sentence that is often used is the comparative sentence “Bi” and the comparative sentence “You”. Moreover, in the teaching of Mandarin, comparative sentence is also an important point, because for students whose native language is non-Mandarin, they are learning comparative sentence under the influence of their mother tongue, that in the USAge of the comparative sentence errors will occur more or less.The author uses the direct teaching method to teach comparative sentence “Bi” and the comparative sentence “You” to the Tanjungpura University students majoring Mandarin class A in batch 2013, as well as using research test method to determine differences in students before and after the study. In this study, the authors know how to teach comparative sentence “Bi” and comparative sentence “You” well, and also know that the use of direct teaching method to teach comparative sentence “bi” and comparative sentence “you” to the students has great results


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    The main greenhouse gas emission sources in the Animal subsector in Poland, in particular enteric fermentation of animals, and decomposition, collection, storage and usage of animal manure are analyzed. Mathematical models of emission processes from these sources at the level of elementary objects of fixed size are presented. Using geoinformation system tools, the georeferenced database of statistical information about the number of livestock in Polish regions is formed. In the results of numerical experiments, the estimates of methane and nitrous oxide emissions by type of animals at the level of elementary areas 2 x 2 km in size are obtained. The spatial cadastre of emission are build and presented in the form of digital maps.Проаналізовано основні категорії джерел емісії парникових газів у тваринництві Польщі –кишкова ферментація тварин і розкладення, збір, зберігання та використання гною. Представлено розроблені математичні моделі емісійних процесів від цих джерел на рівні елементарних ділянок заданого розміру. Засобами геоінформаційної системи сформовано георозподілену базу вхідних даних на основі статистичних даних про поголів’я сільськогосподарських тварин у регіонахПольщі. В результаті числових експериментів отримано оцінки емісій метану та закису азоту за видами сільськогосподарських тварин на рівні елементарних ділянок 2 x 2 км. Побудовано просторові кадастри емісій та представлено їх у вигляді цифрових карт