46 research outputs found

    Determination of midwives' attitudes towards technology and factors affecting them: Ebelerin teknolojiye ilişkin tutumları ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi

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    Aim: This study was conducted out to determine the attitudes of midwives working in a public hospital towards technology and the factors affecting it. Materials and Methods: The sample of the study, which was conducted in a descriptive design, consisted of 112 midwives actively working in a public hospital (Participation Rate: 82%). The data were collected with the "Personal Information Form" and the "Attitudes Towards Technology Scale (ATTS)". Results: It was determined that the average age of the midwives participating in the study was 27.14±4.95 (min: 21, max: 48) and 76.8% of the participants were undergraduate graduates. It was determined that 58% of the midwives worked between 1-5 years. It was determined that 60.7% of the participants partially benefited from technological devices while working in the clinic, while 83% had difficulty using technological devices. In the clinic, most monitors (91.1%), blood pressure and glucometer (91.1%) are mostly used for purposes such as following laboratory information (83%), entering or exiting materials (77.7%), drug tracking (68.8%) and midwifery care registration (63.4%). It was determined that 95.5%, digital thermometer (82.1%), computer (95.5%) and similar technological devices were used. It was found that problems such as connection/power supply interruption (69.6%) and slow system operation (89.3%) were frequently encountered while using these devices. The total score of midwives in ATTS was determined as 136.04±24.64. When the attitudes of midwives towards technology are evaluated in terms of different variables; It was determined that variables such as education level, clinic worked, years of work and benefiting from technological devices in the institution significantly differed the total score of ATTS. Conclusion: It was identified that the attitudes of midwives towards technology were positive and affected by many variables. It is recommended to organize in-service trainings and certificate programs to ensure the integration of current technologies in midwifery care. (Extended English summary is at the end of this document) Özet Amaç: Bu çalışma bir kamu hastanesinde çalışan ebelerin teknolojiye ilişkin tutumları ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütüldü. Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı desende yürütülen araştırmanın örneklemini bir kamu hastanesinde aktif olarak görev yapan 112 ebe oluşturdu (Katılım Oranı: %82). Veriler “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve “Teknolojiye Karşı Tutum Ölçeği (TKTÖ)” ile toplandı. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan ebelerin yaş ortalamasının 27.14±4.95 (min: 21, max:48) olduğu ve katılımcıların %76.8’inin lisans mezunu olduğu saptandı. Ebelerin, %58’inin çalışma sürelerinin 1-5 yıl arasında değiştiği belirlendi. Katılımcıların, %60.7’sinin klinikte çalışırken teknolojik cihazlardan kısmen faydalandığı tespit edilirken, %83’ünün ise teknolojik aletlerden yararlanırken zorluk yaşadığı saptandı. Klinikte, çoğunlukla laboratuvar bilgilerini takip etme (%83), malzeme giriş veya çıkışı yapma (%77.7), ilaç takibi (%68.8) ve ebelik bakım kaydı (%63.4) gibi amaçlarla en çok monitör (%91.1), tansiyon ve glukometre (%95.5), dijital termometre (%82.1), bilgisayar (%95.5) ve benzeri teknolojik cihazların kullanıldığı saptandı.  Bu cihazları kullanırken sıklıkla bağlantı/güç kaynağı kesintisi (%69.6) ve sistemin yavaş çalışması (%89.3) gibi problemler yaşandığı saptandı. Ebelerin TKTÖ toplam puanı 136,04±24.64 olarak belirlendi. Ebelerin teknolojiye olan tutumları farklı değişkenler açısından değerlendirildiğinde; eğitim durumu, çalışılan klinik, çalışma yılı ve kurumdaki teknolojik cihazlardan faydalanma durumu gibi değişkenlerin TKTÖ toplam puan ortalamasını anlamlı olarak farklılaştırdığı tespit edildi.  Sonuç: Ebelerin teknolojiye karşı tutumlarının olumlu olduğu ve birçok değişkenden etkilendiği belirlendi. Güncel teknolojilerin ebelik bakımında entegrasyonun sağlanması için hizmet içi eğitimlerin ve sertifika programlarının düzenlenmesi önerilmektedir

    Evaluation of paediatric head trauma patients with computed tomography; The requirement of computed tomography in children with head injury: a cross-sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION: In this study, we aimed to reveal the cranial computed tomography (CT) results of paediatric head trauma cases taken in our hospital and what clinical variables might be related to pathology in cranial CT.   MATERIAL AND METHODS: Age, gender, glasgow coma scale (GCS), open or suspicious skull fracture, vomiting≥ 2, retrograde amnesia ≥ 30 minutes, the detailed mechanism of injury and CT findings (if CT is available)were evaluated.   RESULTS: 66 of the cases were female (35.7%) and 119 were male (64.7%). The ages of the patients vary between 0 and 16 and the average age is 6.76. 108 (58.4%) of the patients had admitted to the hospital with traumas resulted from falling. 33 (17.8%) of them were passengers of a four-wheeled vehicle and 15 (8.1%) were had been crashed with a four-wheeled vehicle.   CONCLUSIONS: In paediatric head traumas, falls and traffic accidents are in the first place and the measures taken in this regard should be increased

    Evaluation of Vascular Involvement in Children with Celiac Disease

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    Aim:Celiac disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to inflammation and autoimmunity involved in its pathophysiology. We aimed to evaluate vascular involvement in children with celiac disease based on their augmentation index, carotid pulse wave velocity, carotid intima-media thickness, echocardiographic findings, and blood pressure.Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional and controlled study was performed at a single center between 2018 and 2019. The study population consisted of 44 patients with celiac disease who had been on a gluten-free diet for at least one year.Results:We compared celiac patients with a healthy group. While the celiac patients had significantly higher carotid intima media thickness and carotid pulse wave velocity values, there was no difference in the augmentation index values. There was no significant difference in carotid artery intimal medial thickness, augmentation index and carotid pulse wave velocity values between the diet-compliant and non-compliant groups.Conclusion:Although hypertension was not detected, arterial stiffness and carotid intima media thickness measurements were higher in the celiac disease patients compared to the healthy controls. This showed that these parameters can be used in early vascular damage assessment. These measurements, which are non-invasive and repeatable, can be a guide for the monitoring of the development of preclinical atherosclerosis in the follow-up of the pediatric patients diagnosed with celiac disease

    Nephrotic syndrome in a patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Type IXb.

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    Introduction: Glycogen storage disorder (GSD) IXb is characterized by liver and muscle involvement. We present a GSD IXb patient with an incidental union of nephrotic syndrome. Case Report: A 4 year-old-patient was diagnosed with GSD IXb at 13 months of age with mildly elevated transaminases and hepatomegaly. During the follow-up period, there was no hypoglycemia. Development and growth were normal. In the last month, the onset of generalized edema was reported. Urinalysis showed a high protein level. He had low serum albumin, high serum triglycerides cholesterol. Complement levels were normal. The patient was diagnosed as minimal change disease with a renal biopsy. He was treated with oral prednisone. Discussion: Minimal Change Disease is the most common cause of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome cases in children and the first step for therapy is the usage of corticosteroids. This is the first report of nephrotic syndrome associated with GSD IXb disease

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