31 research outputs found

    A more fine-grained measure towards animal welfare: a study with regards to gender differences in Spanish students

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    The environmental issue is nowadays taking more importance in the environmental awareness all around the world, and in this field, animal consideration is more and more spread. A highlighted part in globalisation is the animal welfare awareness. This article presents a study comparing attitudes towards animals among secondary and university students in reference to gender. It was carried out on 1394 Spanish participants from 11 to 26 years. The instrument used in the study is the reviewed version of the Animal Welfare Attitude Scale which was renamed as “Animal Welfare Attitude-Revised Scale” (AWA-R Scale), with a Cronbach a reliability value of 0.85. It is subdivided into four components namely C1: animal abuse for pleasure or due to ignorance; C2: leisure with animals; C3: farm animals; and C4: animal abandonment. These components have been deeply detailed by a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which highly contributes to define the position of participants for the different dimensions of animal welfare. It is concluded that significant differences exist between males’ and females’ attitudes in all components of the AWA-R Scale. It is also suggested that two social characteristics—people’s attitudes towards animals and towards environmental protection—are, at the very least, coexistent and may indeed be interdependent. These differences between gender in matters of socialisation could thus be reflected in environmental attitudes, and also in others related to them, i.e. animal welfare attitudes

    Equivalência semântica e avaliação da consistência interna da versão em português do Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) Semantic equivalence and internal consistency of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3)

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    O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural do Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) para a língua portuguesa. A metodologia foi baseada nas etapas de (1) tradução do questionário para o português; (2) retrotradução para o inglês; (3) comitê de peritos para construção da primeira versão; (4) avaliação da compreensão verbal por especialistas e por uma amostra da população-alvo; (5) análise da consistência interna do instrumento a partir do alfa de Cronbach. O instrumento foi traduzido para o português e a versão final contou com os 30 itens do instrumento original. Todos os itens foram interpretados como de fácil compreensão, tanto por especialistas quanto pela população-alvo. Os valores de consistência interna foram satisfatórios, sendo de 0,91 para toda a escala. O instrumento encontra-se traduzido e adaptado para o português, com evidências de boa compreensão e consistência interna, sendo ainda necessária a avaliação de sua equivalência de mensuração, validade externa e reprodutibilidade.<br>This study aimed to describe the cross-cultural adaptation of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) into Brazilian Portuguese. The methodology involved the following stages: (1) translation of the questionnaire into Portuguese; (2) back-translation into English; (3) meeting with experts to prepare a draft version; (4) assessment of verbal understanding of the draft by experts and by a sample of the target population; and (5) analysis of the tool's internal consistency, using Cronbach's alpha. The questionnaire was translated into Portuguese, and the scale's final version included 30 items, as in the original. Both the experts and target population members assessed all the items as easy to understand. Internal consistency was satisfactory, reaching 0.91 for the scale as a whole. The questionnaire has now been translated and adapted into Portuguese, with evidence of clear understanding and internal consistency. However, it is still necessary to assess its measurement equivalence, external validity, and reproducibility